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Sep 2011 · 462
Searching(Desire love)
I desire one thing in life,
Not wealth,
Though it'd be helpful,
Not fame,
Though it may be fun,
Not eternal happiness,
Though I do want it,
All I desire in life,
Is Love,
To Love and Be Loved,
I wouldn't mind a few bumps along the way,
As long as I end up with someone that makes me happy,
But for a girl like me,
In a world like this,
It may never come,
But I will spend my life searching,
Searching for someone that makes me smile by just being in the same room,
Searching for someone to make history with,
I just want happiness with the one I love,
I don't need anything,
Nothing but the necessities,
But I desire one thing,
I Desire Love.
Sep 2011 · 363
Walk out
I'm scared to see you again,
But I'm sure I will,
Not necessarily bad,
But not necessarily good,
My heart is still weakened by your presence,
My hands grow shaky,
And now I'm scared to let you in my life again,
Because If I do,
You'll walk out,
You always walk out.
Sep 2011 · 4.0k
It's Like A Knife,
A Physical Knife Stabbing You In Your Weakest Areas,
Surely The Pain Will Fade,
But There Will Always Be A Scar,
After Heartbreak,
You Trust Less,
You're Careful About Who You Let In,
You're Afraid Their All Going To Hurt You,
It Leads To More Heartbreak.
Heartbreak Shatters Once Good Lives
Sep 2011 · 539
Listen,Can You Hear It.
Listen Closely,
Can You Hear It,
The Tears That My Heart Shed,
Can You Hear It Break A Little More,
Can You Hear My Hand Swiping The Blade Across My Skin,
Can You Hear My Life Being Destroyed,
All Because I Fell For You,
All Because I Cared Too Much,
Listen Closely,
If Your Lucky You'll Hear Me Die
Inside Out.
Sep 2011 · 873
To My love(Letter)
To My First Love,
Do you know that I still love you?
Do you know why?
Let me explain,
The first day we met,
you wanted to be my friend,
I said no,I'd fall for you,
And you being so stubborn,didn't care,
We weren't just friends though,
We were best friends,
We would wave every time we saw each other in the hall,
If we didn't sit together we'd stare at each other,
Which always made me laugh,
We'd walk together,
Talk about the most random things,
Laughed about nothing,
We went through rough times,
But our friendship always came first,
The first time you hugged me I screamed,
I loved your hug though,
It was perfect,
Light and still tight enough for me to feel your warmth,
You would make me play silly games,
And made me hug you,
It took forever to hold in my scream when we hugged,
But eventually I learned,
Then we shared a perfect hug,
More than one,
Two I remember perfectly,
One where I laid my head on your shoulder and looked up,
I looked into your eyes and saw you suddenly look at me,
Awkwardly beautiful,
The second,
I was sad,
You put out your arms knowing I needed a hug,
And I ran into your open arms,
Feeling better immediately,
You asked me out on a Monday,
That was year and a half ago now,
We shared our first kiss on a Wednesday,
Not only our first,
But my favorite,
The last day I saw you was on a Monday,
Only a week since you asked me out,
you walked out of my life,
And then I had no life,
I fell apart,
Without you.
So this is to my love,who I saw the other day after a year and a half of not seeing you,After loving you nearly 3 years,I walked away,Too scared,But it's okay Because I will see you again I'm not gonna give up until I do.
Sep 2011 · 539
Up Above(My Truth)
I believe this is hell,
The life some live so well,
When we die,
Some cry,
Some only let out a sigh,
But it's okay,
It's only life being taken away,
After death,
After our final breathe,
A new start,
A new heart,
Life all once more,
I feel this truth in my core,
To reach the angels above,
We first must love,
We must live with not one regret,
Because in the heaven we dream of we can never forget,
The memories will both bless and depress us,
Helping us remember the good,
Making us smile like it should,
But helping us remember the bad,
Making us sad,
Because we're remembering all we had,
I rather be stuck in hell,
Maybe one of my lives will end well,
I just hope I can cope with the truth I know.

When the air stops blowing,
And the sky stops snowing,
I'll be going,
Up to the sky,
And no questions as to why.
Hell yes
I'm scared,
Why do you think I walked away,
I was scared,
I was furious with myself for walking away,
Do you know how ******* long I waited to see you,
And I ******* walked away?!
I was scared,
Scared you really did stop loving me,
Scared maybe I stopped loving you,
I ached each step I took,
Walking away,
I hope if I am lucky enough to see you again,
That I have the strength to pretend,
Pretend I'm fine,
Pretend I am strong,
Pretend that I don't want you.
If I'm lucky I'll be able to lie about being in love with you.
Sep 2011 · 651
The 5 Stages
I denied it for as long as I could,
I of course was in stage one,
If I couldn't have you in my life,
I would just be alone,
Alone forever.

I stood there broken inside and out,
Screaming at you and your memories,
I must've been in the rage stage,
Because I would've loved to smack your smug face,
I would've loved to rip out your heart and stomp on it like you did to mine.

I must be in the bargaining stage,
Because I started praying for your return,
I started wishing on every star,
I just hopped,
I would've done anything to have you back.

Gosh stage four was the worst,
Anything to make the ache in my heart fade,
It lasted what felt like ages,
I cried so much I thought I'd drown in my own tears,
I was truly alone at that point.

Final stage,
I was always close to it,
But I'm still somewhere between stage 4 and 5,
Depression and Acceptance,
Every time I come close to accepting,
You show up,
Only for a short time,
But long enough to keep me in the middle,
Keep me in limbo,
Feeling somewhere between life and death,
I hope one day stage five will be completed,
I hope you let me,
But apart of me hopes you don't.
Sep 2011 · 504
Walk away
You got to walk away,
Each time wordless,
Each time leaving me confused,
Leaving me so unsure,
And this time,
I got to walk away,
Confusing you why I was there,
Hopefully leaving you unsure,
Hopefully leaving you to realize how perfect
We were and Can be together.
Sep 2011 · 576
Confused Hearts
My Shaking hands running through my hair at the sight of you,
Stress and pain,
My heart stops dead,
My eyes widen,
I walk away,
More like pace,
But I turn around each second,Just to catch another glimpse,
The one I waited forever to see,
That face,
Exactly the same,
Too bad your heart no longer says my name,
My heart?
It has yours written all over it,
But it's crossed out,
From all the times I tried to let go,
I still don't know If I succeeded,
I'm doubtful,
But still hopeful.
Here I am,
The Ones who see me,
They see me for all the wrong reasons,
The others they just don't see me at all,
They've made me nothing,
They've made me worthless,
He was the only one to see me,
He saw me before I bothered trying,
He was the one who made me feel worthy,
Worthy of life,
When he walked away,
That love that he and I made,
The one that to this day rests in my heart,
It Stayed,
At least in my heart,
But I feel his love for me dying,
I feel myself become nothing again,
So Alone,
So Worthless,
This feeling grows each day,
Now it's near capacity,
and I feel at any moment,
I'll be that girl I was,
The one I hate,
Hate more and more each day.
Sep 2011 · 648
Runaway Emotions(Memories)
It's like they smell my emotions,
And they all runaway scared,
Scared of the reality I see,
The reality they ignore,
The darkness lives in us,
waiting for our breaking point,
My breaking point,
It was loosing you,
It was loosing the only thing that brightened my days,
The lose of you brought the lose of my sanity,
My mind forgot everything new it was taught,
It only remembered you and me,
And Our Memories,
The story of how we met,
how we became best friends,
How I fell in love with you,
The hugs we shared,
The stares we enjoyed,
The kisses spent in the rain,
Our first and my best,
Our memories never died,
they haunted me,
and they all grew sick of me,
sick of our stories,
they still run,
run from my heart,
but while they're running from me,
my heart is trying to chase them,
and in the process breaking bit by bit.
Sep 2011 · 619
Hidden Hope
Without you,
I've grown weak,
They don't see,
They don't understand,
how unbearable life is without you,
without the one I love,
The one that kept me safe,
And kissed me in the rain,
the one who hugged me to make me scream,
you kept the pin away,
without you the pin,
and the cat like scratches,
they turned into a blade,
and deeper cuts,
blood ridden ones,
They didn't stop me,
They watched,
Watch as I wanted my life to end,
I prayed for it,
But it never came,
then out of my weakness came hope,
I hopped I could see you again,
and slowly the urges fade,
But still evil lurks,
it roams my mind,
But still I believe it's slowly dying,
I believe happiness,
May be coming back to me,
Just maybe,
I hope.
Sep 2011 · 599
My saviors
You missed it,
missed the monster you created,
The cuts they lead me to hell,
living in constant surveillance,
A never ending jail,
Each knife,Each pin,
they seemed to be my saviors,
yet I could not go near them,
they were my weaknesses,
When you walked out of my life,
future scars were marked,
I tried to stop on my own,
But I needed a higher power to stop me,
I still think about it,
I still think about you,
The pain comes flushing back,
And I become weak,
I want my saviors,
I want just a pin,
Please just one,
But I think of you,
and how you tried to end it before,
So I grip onto the little will power I have and slowly those evil thoughts,
the evil thought that were created the day you walked away,
They fade,
and light shines in,
and I only hope this time it stays.
Sep 2011 · 2.2k
Unfulfilled desires
Fulfill these desires,
Take advantage of my lust,
I need you,
Need you here and need you now,
My body,
It Aches for you,
These lips upon my face they desire yours to rhythmically move against them,
I will beg on my knees if I must,
But I need you,
Need you close to me,
I need your body close warming mine,
The darkness lived in our hearts but once we're reunited,
The light will shine through once more,
So please let my dreams,
Let my desires,
All become reality,
Just Be,
Be Mine.
Sep 2011 · 644
I Am From
I am from a land where darkness is the ruler,
where evil thoughts roam,
I am from cuts that have become scars,
I am from a place where broken hearts are a must,
where broken hearts never heal,
I am from open coffins,
Filled with purple lifeless bodies,
I am from tears that are always being shed,
I am from abandoned memories,
With love to spare and no one to claim it,
I am from warm hugs that fade away,
I am from perfect kisses,that end in you walking away,
I am from hope that seems so pointless,
I am from trying that constantly fails,
I am from an imaginary valley where you are mine,
Where smiles are always real and light always shines,
I am from imperfections where nothing is right,
I am from my own planet,
I've claimed Venus as mine,
I am from Aphrodite,
Her daughter at heart,
I am from my own dreamland,
where memories are always reflected,
the memories of how I became,
Became Me.
Sep 2011 · 606
Dark And Light
The Darkness once enveloped me,
The memories of my hardships haunted me,
Oh the memories,
How they made me wince and ache in pain,
Slowly the pain has faded,
Slowly the happy girl I was comes back to life,
The light begins to peak through the dark that had trapped me,
And finally I can see,
True hope,
It exists,
And it's growing in me prospering each second,
One day I believe and I hope,
The darkness will fade completely,
And hopefully the light will shine bright once more.
Sep 2011 · 778
Some Guys
Some guys are players,
Some guys have girl after girl all at their disposal,
Some guys only want ***,
Some guys are heart-breakers,
Some guys are only talented at using girls,
Some guys only look at girls if they are *****,
Some guys are jerks,
But still I have hope because I've meant some guys,
Some guys that are artistic,
Some guys that are funny,
That only want friendship at first,
I've meant some guys that make you laugh at nothing,
That make you smile with just a look,
That makes your heart ache each time there away,
Guys that don't want to use you,
I've meant guys that you can fall for in an instance,
There out there,
As long as you don't give up on them,
They will still exist.
Sep 2011 · 471
The Roar Of Love
You were,
Were the one to make me smile,
To make me laugh,
To hug me through the bad days,
And make sure I was okay,
You made me stronger,
I fell in love with you,
With the friendship and support you gave me,
It's because of you I know what love feels like,
I know how it feels to be kissed in the rain,
I loved you then and I love you now,
***** it if the world thinks We're crazy,
because ******* it,
If we're not meant to be than we were suppose to die alone,
Because I know without a doubt your the one for me!
The one I wanna wake up to every morning
and fall asleep next to every night,
Your the only person I wanna kiss,
The only person that can hug me and make the tears become smiles,
I don't want you in my life,no I don't,Because I NEED you in my life
Please I went insane without you,
And every time I had you my sanity returned,
I can't take life without you,
And I will never give up hope on "us"
Because I love you,
Then,Now And Always.
Sep 2011 · 464
They see
Every time I look into a mirror,
I stand there,
Silently staring at my reflection,
Making funny faces at first,
But the smiles fade,
I look past them and see what others sometimes see,
The chubby,rosy red cheeked girl,
The one that isn't skinny,
And isn't the pretty or popular one,
The girl who reads and writes for fun,
The one who struggles with life each day,
They don't see it,
They don't want to,
They see the bad in me,Always,
They never see,
See my smile or laughter,
My eyes that glow when I write,
My scars and understand that none are fresh,
They never see how hard I try,
They only see how often I fail,
They only see my dullness,
Never my randomness,
They see my tears and hate me for them,
They see my scars and think it's all I do,
But it's my past,
They can't see how hard living is for me,
And most of all they don't see how hard they make it for me.
Sep 2011 · 489
In the name of love
Her whole life all she wanted was love,
That day she met him,
Her wildest dreams came true,
Little did she know that her worst nightmares would soon too,
They had been together a while,
They had a fight like any other couple,
Over something stupid and petty,
he screams at her threatening to hit her
She thinks he's kidding and screams"DO IT I DARE YOU"
In that instance her world came crumbling down,
The smack was like a ripple effect leading to her heart and breaking into millions of pieces,
She should have left him that day,
But he groveled and she gave in,
Eventually forgiving him each time,
But each time it broke her a little more,
Killed a little part of her soul,
She had to become a hermit,
Hiding from her once friends and family,
It went on for so long,
Then one day he lost control,
She ended up in the hospital,
And finally he went to prison for some time,
But she will never be the same,
Never be the same bright and hopeful person,
He broke a part of her she will never get back.
I hate this love that grows for you,
It grows every time we speak,
Every time I see your photograph
My heart aches,
The tears begin to fall,
And I'm remembering all we were,
This love I've grown to hate merely because your so far away,
This love is still there even through the distance,
Our memories were made,
And Never Forgotten.
Sep 2011 · 493
Reoccurring thoughts.
I always go back to that thought,
Those pins are in my bag,
"Out of sight,out of mind"
What Lies,
I think about them,
Think about how it hurts to see them rigidly run across my skin,
Occasionally making me bleed,
But the release,
It's the only thing that makes me feel less alone,
Because right now,
I have no one to depend on,
I'm on my own,
Yet not at all,
Still trapped at home,
Still thinking about that past,
Thinking about all the good that leads me to the bad,
and just wanting those pins across my skin,
But just wanting with everything I am to hold on and stay strong,
But I'm scared I don't have it in me.
Sep 2011 · 423
All that stands between
All that stands between us is only a street,
Only words left unspoken,
All that stands between you and I,
Are the experiences we have yet to enjoy together,
All that stands between us,Is our denial,
The denial that all true feelings we've shared have come and past,
Because every time I look into those eyes I still see a part of my heart,
I think it's taking refuge there because until we admit how we feel,
How we've always felt,I think that part of me feels safer with you,
With what it wants most,
You and your heart.
Sep 2011 · 555
I guess I should continue with my lies,
I've been lying to you so long,
but this time I know the truth,
I tell you I stopped loving you,
I tell you I'm fine,
Can't you see it,
Look into my eyes,
Don't you see my make-up smeared from my cries,
Can't you see all my lies,
Sep 2011 · 429
Across that street(Scared)
There you are across that street,
Somewhere in that building,
You will never cross that street to look for me,
And I can't cross that street and find you,
I'm too scared,
Scared of what you'll think of me,
In some ways we've changed and in some ways were exactly the same,
But I'm scared to see you because I'm scared you'll ignore me,
I'm afraid that if you see me all the love you used to have for me will be completely gone,
My heart it races at just the thought of seeing you,
Because I know simple words from your mouth to my ears can make me or break me.
Sep 2011 · 352
Invisible man
Your everywhere I look,
The essence you give off it's been with me since the day you left,
And now It's like your the invisible man,
I hear you calling my name,
But I turn to look and your nowhere in site,
I think my heart is making me go insane,
Life without you how can it be real,
How have I possibly survived this cruel world without you,
I need you,
Need you in my life,
So my sanity may return,
So I can feel whole again.
Sep 2011 · 530
I've been waiting,
Waiting for you to walk back into my life,
Even when your so close,
I have yet to see you,
I have yet to see the eyes that I adored,
I continue my waiting until I have you,
Until your staring me in the eyes again,
My waiting will go on forever,
It breaks my heart knowing how we've changed,
But a part of us will always be the same,
I will wait until the end of this life if I must,
And if I cannot see you in life I will meet you in the next one,
I will find you,
And If I cannot then I will keep waiting.
Sep 2011 · 500
A Growing Desire
I stare out into the distance,
Hoping it's you I see,
The lust has been growing,
And it's you I need,
Please I beg of you,
Satisfy my wants and desires,
I yearn for the love you give,
Any others would be sub-par,
Looking at you,
I see everything I want,
It's right there,
Looking me in the face,
Teasing me,
But still,
I cannot touch,
I cannot have you,
Though every part of my body aches for you,
I cannot have you even if it aches for you and only you.
Aug 2011 · 638
You Never Said Good-bye
You left me,
Never even said good-bye,
So many of my tears were cried for you,
I loved you,
And after everything,
I lost you,
You left me there,
Left me behind,
And moved on your way,
I don't care if it was your choice or not,
You could have said good-bye,
You could have told me you loved me,
Instead you left me in a daze,
Believing everything was fine,
You left me there not even knowing that you loved me all along.
Aug 2011 · 767
I'll be right there...
I'll be right there for you when your life is falling apart,
Just like you were there when my world was,
I'll be right there for you to make you smile after you've cried,
Just like you did for me,
I will be right there loving you when you think you are unlovable,
Just like you loved me when I thought that too,
I be right there for you to hug you and make the darkness fade for a few moments,
Just like when you hugged me and made my dark days fade,
I will be right there for you to kiss you and make your confidence soar,
Just like when you kissed me and made me feel confident for one of the first times in my life,
I will be right there for you through it all,
Just like you've been there for me.
Aug 2011 · 800
Your hugs(All of you)
How can I describe your hugs?
So tight,
Your body pressed so close to mine,
It's intoxicating,
So exhilarating,
Each moment leaving my body more tantalized,
I dream of the possibilities
In the seconds when your hugging me tight,
I want one thing more than anything,
Your Kiss,
My heart begs for you to bestow those lips upon mine,
I'm needy,
And all I need is you,
I feel like there is so much more to you,
Your eyes tell me so many stories my ears have yet to hear,
So many untold stories between you and I,
Still My lips quiver for you,
And my body grows limp at your every touch,
But still I want you more,
And I want all of you
Aug 2011 · 704
Signs I'm falling...
There are so many signs that I'm falling for you,
Each one scares me to the depth of my soul,
I know you couldn't love me,
Look at you,
And look at me,
No matter how I want us to be,we simply will not,
The first sign appeared that moment you walked up to me,
Then when we started to talk,
I smile at each word,
My heart would flutter,
Your smile and eyes,
Oh what a pair,
So hypnotic,
You started touching me,
So flirtatious yet so meaningless,
I know what you want,
It's what all guys around me seem to want,
To use me,
I don't care,
Because your touch leaves me yearning for more,
And your hug it always leaves me shell-shocked,
Every moment I feel uneasy I just say your name and begin to smile,
I'm falling for you and it scares me to my core,
My heart's just now healing,
And now at any moment you can break it,
With just a few words,
You can break my heart just like those before you.
I'm just some girl,
A girl that might pass by and not even cross your mind,
I'm just some girl,
A girl that might not be perfect but wishes she was,
I'm just some girl,
You may never know me but my whole life something has been missing,
I use to think it was happiness,
But I have it for now,
But what I want more than anything,
What I've always wanted,
Is just love,
To love and be loved.
Aug 2011 · 484
Past pain,was their joy.
When people smiled I cried,
When people laughed I cut,
When people loved I hated,
When I smiled they frowned,
When I laughed they cried,
When I loved they hated.
Aug 2011 · 509
As children (Grown-up)
As children the nights are filled with dreams filled to capacity,
As children we play with our toys,
As children we fall and scrap our knees,
As children we have no responsibilities,
As children we feel free,
As we grow dreams fade,
Our toys turn into work,
Our scrapped knees become broken hearts
Our lives piled high with responsibilities,
Our freedom is lost,
And that's when we become a grown-up
Aug 2011 · 1.7k
I dream bigger dreams
As children,
Some Girls Dream of being a princess,
I would dream of being a Vet,
Some girls would dream of living in a castle,
I would dream of living in a House,
Some girls dream of being a mommy,
I would dream of being a wife,
As children some boys would dream of saving people from fires,
As a child I would dream of saving animals from illness,
As children some boys played video games,
I would dream of making the video games,
As children some boys dream of a care-free life,
I would dream of a carefully planned,happy life,with every detailed just how I wanted,
As a child,I was unlike any other,
I fit in better with adults than the other kids,
I was a dreamer an my hopes were always high,
I'm glad to see that hasn't changed.
Aug 2011 · 764
I'm that girl
I'm the girl that loves reading,
Reading science fiction romance novels,
Just so she can dream of it being her,

I'm the girl who loves with everything she is,
But is so scared of love because she has not just been broken,
But Absolutely destroyed.

I'm the girl who always looks at her scars to remind herself
That times have been worse,
And to just stay strong.

I'm the girl who won't speak unless spoken to,
The shy one,
The girl in dark colors and black eye-liner.

I'm the girl that guys are ashamed to be seen with,
I'm the girl they don't want their friends to know they like,
The ugly duckling everywhere she goes.

I'm the girl with a past,
A past she can't let go of,
I'm the girl who wants happiness,
But every time she has it,Loses it.

I'm that girl not worth wasting your time on,
That girl that is unlovable
By anyone except her family,
and that I know is forced,
I'm that girl who no one see's for the right reasons,
Only the bad ones.
Aug 2011 · 549
Someone like me
I am just a girl,
Not average,
But definitely not above average,
I've made up my own category,
They Label me,
I hate it,
They don't know me,
They just know what they see,
And I know it's not the prettiest view in the world,
But why do they have to put in their say,
I'm sick of it,
But I know them,
And their cruel words,
They Will never die,
There will always be someone,
Who has to judge someone they don't know,
Someone like me.
Aug 2011 · 498
A Hated Love Is Still Love.
I love you,
My heart is rejecting it,
I hate this love,
All you've done is lead me on,
Then you pretend we never said anything meaningful,
But Those words are still there,
I saved them,
I will never erase them,
Because it shows me,
Your love was once pure,
Your love once actually existed,
My heart hates what you've done,
For so long
You've pulled it along
Partially Being honest,
Telling me all we were,was friends,
Then hugging me and saying you care,
You fooled me,
Now I see,
You were more confused than me,
But it does not give you the right to ignore me,
Love still exist between us,
I feel it,
I know you do too,
But our hearts,
They've blocked us from allowing the truth in,
And the truth is,
Even after all the crap we've not only been through but put each other through,
We're still in love,
In some way,
We still love one another,
Our hearts might fight it,
But we know it's there.
Aug 2011 · 486
Still in love with you
I love you still,
Can't you see it,
I know your hearts gone cold,
But my heart is full of warmth,
Let my heart unfreeze yours,
Let me in,
Let me love you,
I want you to love me like you use to,
You didn't tell me until it was too late,
I wish you told me sooner,
So many things would be different,
But One thing is always constantly true,
I'm still in love with you.
Do you know I still cry over you?
No,I thought you understood,My hearts cold,I simply don't wanna care
Do you realize no matter how far you push me away,I will always love you
Well I have no idea why
It's simple,You met me when I was dull and unhappy,You made me happy,I fell for you a little more each time you made me laugh and smile,Every time you looked at me I felt like the luckiest girl in the world,even if you were just my friend,I loved you your dark sadistic ways intrigued me,They brought out my own sadistic ways,You made me who I am
I made a monster
That monster died,you know that girl that cut,that cried,that hated the world?She died,and the true me now exist,and it's because of you she does
I stuck with you through it all,and I never did give up on you
Then don't now,Please I need you,I've always needed you
You were the one who said I broke your heart
You did,But not because you did something wrong,but because I had to live life without you,and life without you broke me
I don't want to hurt you
Then please,Just stay
I don't know
Please,you have to know that without you that monster will return.I know you don't want that and neither do I
I'll stay,If you promise me something
When You stop loving me,Find someone who appreciates you the way I always have
IF I stop loving you,I promise I will...
Aug 2011 · 665
Unwanted love
I can't help it,
Every time I think about you I smile,
I love it,
Yet I hate it,
I could so easily fall for you
But all you want is a little fun
All I want is love,
I should run from you,
But whenever you hug me or whenever you touch me,
My body feels so exhilarated,
It wants you,
My heart is starting to ache for you,
For your lips,
To snuggle with you,
to bury my head in your chest and whisper
how I'm falling for you,
My hearts re-building itself,
Only to be broken,
Broken by you,
Because a guy like you could never love me,
Never love me like I'm starting to love you.
Aug 2011 · 931
The Dark abyss dream
There you are,
Standing in the Darkness,
You have no clue where you are,
It's just black,
Silence envelops you,
Traps you,
And for a moment fear comes over you,
Then,by some force,
Maybe a jump or maybe you've been pushed,
It's like your falling,
Falling deeper and deeper,
Into that dark abyss and It never ends,
Your body Is asleep but your mind is a play,
The interpretation for this dream is unsure,
But know while dreaming of the abyss,
Your body may squirm,
Wishing to end this frightful dream,
I for one wake up,
More like jump up and on occasion,
I wake up screaming or in tears,
Because I fear it is real,
I fear I am falling,
And that the abyss never ends,
And I will forever be trapped in the darkness and silence.
Aug 2011 · 479
True love cuts deep
She Loved Him,
Loved him with everything she was,
They were only friends at the time but they had once been more,
They never shared a kiss or hug,
Still just his essence was good enough for her,
He left,
She never knew how he felt,
Never knew if he even cared about her,
She lost the one thing in her life that mattered,
She had no one else,
Nothing else,
The days passed so slowly after he left,
She would sit on her couch and stare out into the sky,
Dreaming of him,
And wiping away her tears,
For 3 months she cried,
Almost daily,
The nights she cried herself to sleep were the worst,
Then one night,
When the house was silent,
And all you could hear were her cries,
She found her first blade,
And made three cuts on her shoulder,
And for the first time in 3 months,
She didn't want to cry.
Aug 2011 · 424
Beautiful Death My Savior.
Death I savored the thought,
It would pass my mind constantly,
Death had consumed my life,
I wished for it,
I wanted to die as I slept,
But I knew this was a wish not likely to become reality,
So I contemplated how I would die,
At my age
It would have to be forced,
So my mind wandered
Eventually I came across the simplest answer,
Wouldn't that be painless?
Death was my savior,
I thought it would bring me peace,
But what if it brought me more hell than Life did?
So I sat there,
On my bed,
The bottle in my hand,
Knowing I'd have to stick this life out,
Just wishing there was something to make it easier,
To make it fade,
And it was that day,
I picked up my first blade
Aug 2011 · 427
Some people go looking for death,
Some wish death upon themselves,
For what I believe to be incoherent reasons,
I know what it is like in that dark place,
But The light shines through eventually,
You just need patience,
Death will come for you,
One day it will find you
When your hair is gray
and you've gone senile,
Death will find it's way to you one day,
Some way.
Until death creeps up to get you,
Live life,
Don't worry about the bad,
One day,
If you try hard enough,
It'll get better.
My favorite place is on that street,right above the Highway,
Where the cars pass,
I might have no clue where they are going,
But in that instance As I watch those cars racing by,
I smile and let out a silent chuckle,
My mind is at peace,
Maybe it's the wind blowing in my face,
But I think it's the uncertainty of where life will take me,
I think it is the uncertainty that makes me so happy,
Because in that instance,
the bad is gone and all I think of,
Are The Possibilities,
The moments in the future that I hope leads me to happiness,
Those cars hold people,
I have no Idea where they are going,
In life or in that car,
And I guarantee they have their own little adventure to embark on,
As Do I,
And There On That Street Above The Highway There Are So Many Possibilities,
Just Waiting for me or anybody to just take action
Aug 2011 · 437
It's time
It's time,
Time for this heart to be set free,
It's time for me to stop loving you,
Maybe I'll find love again one day,
But know you'll always be my first and truest,
Know That the memories we created made me smile for eons,
But It's time to pick up the pieces of this broken heart,
and try to be happy again,
No matter how hard it'll be,
It's Time.
Aug 2011 · 721
I want you
Oh and since that day we met,
I have this feeling,
This feeling leads me to believe there's gonna be more,
We laugh,
We talk,
Yet never a deep conversation is shared,
You hugged me tight,
I loved the feeling of your arms wrapped around me,
I like how you start poking my thigh,
Leading your hand higher and higher each passing second,
And for the moment your hand lays upon my thigh,
I smile,
But the feeling exhilarates every inch of my body,
I hold on,
Trying to let you continue,
But the feeling of your hand on my skin,
It shakes me to my very core,
I can't help but want your kiss,
I've wanted it for weeks now,
But you don't want anything real,
Not from a girl like me,
Maybe not from anybody,
But I'm starting to want you in a way I can't explain,
And I can't believe that since the day I met you this feeling won't fade,
I want you,
Even if I know barely anything about you,
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