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Aug 2011 · 531
Kiss (Unfinished)
There we were,
Standing outside,
While raindrops drizzled all around us,
You asked if I wanted to kiss,
And before I knew it,
Your lips were pressed against mine,
Instant Intoxication,
The taste of your mouth on mine,
It had settled months worth of my desires.
Aug 2011 · 2.2k
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry I'm not perfect,
I'm sorry my waist is wide,
I'm sorry My hair is naturally curly and messy,
I'm sorry That my eyes are brown as mud,
I'm sorry I don't like the same styles as everyone else,
I'm sorry that my favorite Color is black,not pink,
I'm sorry I am taller than most my age,
I'm sorry my cheeks are chubby and rosy,
I'm sorry my laugh isn't as beautiful as some,
I'm sorry my smile doesn't spread like an infectious disease,going from person to person,
I'm sorry I'm not perfect and I could never be,
If you can't accept that please walk away before you scar what's left of my dignity.
Aug 2011 · 3.5k
Just as we become so strong,
I feel it fading away,
I feel the laughter fading,
The jokes and smiles lessen each day,
I feel the hug fading,
They've become so emotionless compared to before,
I feel our kisses fading,
The passion has it all faded too?
I feel your love for me dying,
But is my love fading as well?
I can't seem to understand,
This feeling is so strong,
Every time we are "we"
The love fades away,
But every time it's just you and I,
The love is so strong,
How could our love be fading?
Will it return from the darkness?
I need this love,
I need you,
Please stop the fading
If there is anything you can do...
Aug 2011 · 544
I was looking for someone
I was looking for someone to love,
My heart gave me the shove,
I was looking for someone sweet,
Who would make my heart erratically beat,
I was looking for someone that would make me smile,
Someone who would walk with me for miles,
I was looking for someone who gives my heart a little tug,
Someone I could always hug,
I was looking for someone who wouldn't give in,
Even when time grew thin,
I was looking for someone who'd kiss me in the rain,
And promise to never cause me pain,
I was looking for someone who thought my heart was anything but plain,
Someone who wouldn't leave my heart slain,
I was looking for someone who could bring me joy,
Not someone with an evil ploy,
I was looking for someone to complete me,
Someone that wouldn't mistreat me,
Someone that would only be sweet to me,
I was looking for someone to be happy with,
This person can't be completely myth.

(I found all this in you,
The second my heart flew,
I knew it was you,
there was some kind of spell no one could undo,
It's true,I love you.)
Aug 2011 · 926
Evil Urges
I still fight it everyday,
The urge for the blade,
I see one and think how easy it would be to take it,
Take it and swipe it across my flesh,
The urge it never fades,
I've been trying to quit since day one,
But my heart has grown weak and heavy,
It fills with pain with each inhale,
And is trapped with each exhale,
The urge can hide itself,
It fools not just me but everyone around me,
Then It comes back,
Stronger than ever,
Then I'm desperate,
Desperate for that blade,
For anything,
Anything willing to pierce my skin,
I need it,
Need it to comfort me,
To make the pain let out just a little,
To Help me,
Help me feel anything,
Maybe I'll be seen,
But then the world turns on me again,
Again I'll be alone,
Stuck In the Darkness,
With only my Evil Urges.
Aug 2011 · 665
It was like he threw her away,
Like all she was,was a worthless piece of trash,
Did he forget?
Forget all the glorious memories they shared,
They began as friends,
Then somewhere between all their laughs,
All their smiles,
Their jokes,
Their happiness,
They fell,
Fell for one another,
Until his love faded,
And for him It didn't matter,
Matter that her love never died,
To him,
She became nothing,
That's exactly how she spent life feeling,
Like the Nothing that everyone thought of her to be,
Now she must pretend,
Pretend her heart is still intact,
Pretend his words didn't make her cry herself to sleep each night.
Pretend She's better and that her love too has faded and died.
Aug 2011 · 595
Those doors
Those doors,
They didn't realize how special they were,
To have you push through them,
To Have you walk by them,
Those doors,
They held a small part in my happiness,
Either they let you come through or,
They wouldn't,
They knew just as well as I did,
If you were not walking through them,
I would be distraught,
I would become nothing,
Those doors thought they were nothing,
So they wanted me to suffer,
They never let you in,
And Those doors and I,
We felt the same,
We felt like Nothings
Aug 2011 · 394
I would sit there and watch the door,
Waiting for you to come through,
Wishing you would,
Sometimes even Praying,
I needed you to just walk through those doors,
I needed you to be there,
The thought of you being gone again,
It killed me,
It broke not only my heart,
But my spirit as well,
It tore at me,
I spent so many tears crying over you,
But It didn't bring you back,
Slowly I felt my soul deteriorate,
Until I knew my words Meant Nothing.
Until I finally became nothing.
I'm not sure what repulsed her most,
The fact that she went back to him makes her hate herself,
The stranger roaming her body,
It makes her clench at the memory,
Letting him control her,
Thinking of him sickens her,
The one who took a part of her innocence,
The Monster,
That she let destroy her life,
A momentary lack of judgement,
It brought her  whole life crumbling down,
For the few nights she let him touch her,
She spent hundreds crying,
Crawled up in the fetal position,
Wishing it was only a bad dream,
Wishing it was anyone but her,
One mistake ruined her,
She will never forget,
It haunts her soul,
It scares her to even speak of it,
She is Forever Scarred
No one can change that,No one.
I was the Prey and you were the Predator,
You could catch me in an instance,
But you sat patiently coaxing me,
Tricking me into your trap,
You pounced and instantly trapped me,
I had nowhere to go,
I couldn't escape,
A part of me wanted to stay,
But then I was scared and only wished for death,
You took your first taste of me,
Instant intoxication,
You seemed to love the taste of me,
So you continue to devour me whole,
Ripping my heart out was your favorite part,
You did it so pleasurably,
You did not care for the cries I let out,
You just went on,
Wounding me,
And tearing me into shreds.
Until there was nothing left of me,
Until I didn't even exist.
Aug 2011 · 540
Wound me once more
I walked away,
A smile spread wide across my face,
Still I was unaware,
That,that day would be the last day I saw your face,
When my heart finally allowed the truth in,
It broke in an instance,
because back then I was loosing the one thing that mattered,
The one thing that I finally had,
I lost,
My heart drowned itself in tears,
Until it went numb,
It took so long to feel again,
and when I did,
There you were,
To wound me once more.
Aug 2011 · 459
Anything more
His words,
They scorned her,
The tears she withheld burned her eyes,
He broke her once again,
Still she goes back to him,
Even with her heart that has just been smashed,
She still loves him,
She pretends she's unharmed,
She knows a part of him cares,
But his heart simply does not love her,
Not the way she has always loved him.
Still she can't let go,
She will wait forever,
Just for him,
Just for him to call her anything more than a friend.
Aug 2011 · 409
Was this truly our fate?
To much time has past,
I know if we start it could never last,
You wouldn't let it,
You simply can't commit,
I've loved you to long,
But now I sense somethings wrong,
Your heart went cold,
Just as I was told,
I warned you
My love would always be true,
I tried to stop,
And all my heart did was drop,
You've left my heart slain,
You just called it to plain,
So now I'm filled with pain,
My heart has mixed feelings of disdain,
But this heart will not die in vein,
Hear me complain that it's you that made me insane.
Don't even try and explain,
I see now,
What your heart does not allow,
It is everything I was willing to give.
The love has turned into a hate,
Was this truly our fate?
There were so many words,
She never got a chance to say,
He walked away,
Before she even got to say a thing,
Little did she know,
He would never return,
So there she was,
After the best day of her life,
Walking away with a smile that could be seen a mile away.

It took two days,
For her to realize,
He was gone,
And never coming back,
And this time,
She only felt numb,
She wouldn't believe it,
And when she admitted it to herself,
She poured out in tears,
Everything good she felt,
Now was evil,
It didn't take long,
For that blade to swipe across her arms,
In a instance,
She wanted nothing more than death,
She ruined her life,
All for him,
And he never told her how he felt.

It took 9 months to hear his voice,
She wept with shock and joy,
He told her he loved her,
And she replied the same,
But then,
He faded,
Again she was nothing.

9 more months to see his words,
Now his heart is cold,
Just as hers becomes slightly whole,
He has just enough time to wound her,
He does,
But still she loves him,
Still she dreams of him,
Still she hears his voice ringing in her ears,
Whispering of how he loves her,
But now it's no longer truth,
And now,
She must find a way,
A way to live without him,
Even if it takes all her life,
Because It just May.
Aug 2011 · 475
Two Words
His words were like a slap to her face,
Two words,
That broke her heart in an instance,
Two words that rang in her ears,
Day after day,
They never went away,
"Just Friends",
How could two words.
Tear her whole world apart,
The second she heard them,
She fought to hold back her tears,
Her heart was beating so rapidly,
Yet it felt like it had been torn from her chest,
Two words made her weak,
Two words,
Made her,
Made her NOTHING.
Aug 2011 · 343
She would wonder
Every time she cried,
She would wonder,
Can he hear it?,
Every time her heart ached,
She would wonder,
Does his heart ever even beat?
Every time the blade struck her skin,
She would wonder,
Will he ever know these are for him?
Every time she wanted to die,
She would wonder,
Does he know he's the reason why?
Aug 2011 · 473
Three Words.
What had it been,Near a year?
Still those words never came,
She could only dream of them,
In the one voice she trembled at,

Why did it take a separation,
To say what his eyes always spoke,
If he only kissed her sooner would have known then?

Her tears were not useless,
nor were her scars,
after all her pain came joy,
those three words emitted from his lips one day,
But they rang in her ears daily,
Three little words,
but sweet,
she waited two more years,
then her heart knew,
It was true,
He loved her,
and she loved him,
Three words she waited for,
for three years,
and not once has she regretted waiting,
Because now,
she is his,
and he is hers.
Aug 2011 · 388
Those words
Those words,
She needed them,
To comfort her,
To make her heart whole again,
There were so many signs he loved her,
Yet so many signs that all they could be was friends,
She never gave up hope,
She loved him,
Too much,
Too long,
To just stop then and there.

Three years have past and she got those words,
Though she once believed,
Her heart no longer allows her to.

Everyday she wonders,
Was it worth the tears?
Was it worth the scars?
then her heart whispers,
Of course it was,
The tears have dried,
And the scars have faded,
But you know the love still lives in you,
The memories you and he created,
Always live,
Live on,
Deep in your souls,
And that is worth all the pain in the world.
Aug 2011 · 593
If Only...
She takes the blade and strikes her skin,
He tries to stop her,
She thinks"How pointless,why try if you don't care."
But why couldn't she see,
He didn't care,
He did more than that he loved her,
That was her dream,
but how could that be,
To hear those words come from his lips,
It seemed like a fairy-tale's  fable,
If he had just told her,
It would have stopped then and there,
Instead her scars only grew in quantity,
Especially when the one she had loved,
Left Her,
And emptier than ever.
Aug 2011 · 425
Your eyes
Your eyes told so many stories,
Your eyes spoke so many words,
Yet your lips never moved an inch,
That's how in synch we were,
Your eyes once said give this a chance,just friends and just hope,
Your eyes once made me laugh and smile,
Your eyes once whispered It was never her I wanted,
Your eyes once trembled please stop this madness I care for you,
Your eyes once seduced me into your arms,
Your eyes once told me you loved me,
Your eyes once made me realize,realize that life without those eyes would be no life at all...
Aug 2011 · 1.3k
Before I met you.
Before I met you,
The life I lived was dull to a T,
Before I met you,
I did not laugh and I did not smile,
Before I met you,
I had never had a friend so close,
Before I met you,
I had never experienced what love was,
Before I met you,
I was never hugged,
Before I met you,
I was never loved,
Before I met you,
I never got kissed,
Before I met you,
I was not happy nor was I sad,
Before I met you,
I did not have these scars,
Before I met you,
I did not cry so often,
Before I met you,
My heart was intact.
After I met you,
My life wasn't as dull,I laughed and I smiled all too often,I know what's it like to have a friend so close,I have loved more deeply than I ever imagined,I was hugged everyday we saw one another,I was happy and I was sad,Scars appeared and tears were cried,and my heart felt as though it died...
Aug 2011 · 310
Sometimes when I wanna cry,
all I can do is let out a sigh,
Sometimes when I wanna scream,
all I can I do is dream,
Sometimes when I wanna die,
all I can do is go on and try,
Sometimes when I wanna quit
all I can do is push myself further bit by bit.
Aug 2011 · 607
The days pass and I remain,
Remain now only slightly insane,
The strain starts to fade but my heart always feels the pain,
You were like Novocain,
You took it all away,
if only you would stay,
I'd be grateful if it were only a day,
But I guess that day isn't today.
Aug 2011 · 908
Sometimes it's easier to lie and pretend you don't wanna cry if they see it in your eyes,and ask why just let out a sigh and deny what they ask,just put on your mask and pretend it's okay,eventually they'll go away.Though the pain has a tendency to stay and perhaps your mind will betray itself and let out a tear,don't let them see you in fear,hurry before your make-up smears,before the darkness never disappears,and before your end nears.
Aug 2011 · 787
Your hug my scream
You would hug me and I would scream,Your arms wrapped around me felt like a dream with a romantic theme,but my heart began to gleam,was it all a scheme that's how it seems.Still as a part of me let's go,I need you to know,although I fell for you long ago,A part of my heart still is yours you know how it soars when your near,it was always that,that kept me in fear but the ending was clear,You wouldn't be mine forever,no matter if I wished forever and ever...
Aug 2011 · 1.8k
I'll try to act strong
I'll try to act strong when you look my way,
I'll try to act strong when I know nothing is okay,
I'll try to act strong so you won't see me cry,
I'll try to act strong so The days quickly pass by,
I'll try to act strong when you fall for another,
I'll try to act strong and say there is some other,
I'll try act strong when you talk to me,
I'll try to act strong and only dream of what could be,
I'll try to act strong and try to forget loving you,
I'll try to act strong and maybe try shoving you,
I'll try to act strong to make the pain fade away,
But still the dark days seem to stay.
Aug 2011 · 410
They call it fate
They Call it fate,we were each others mate,Now You must be everything I hate.You may wait but nothing will change,Don't begin to act strange ,We will continue to exchange our glances,This Is what I get for taking chances,only broken romances.A love story gone wrong,I guess this is so-long.I'll try my best to act strong.</3
Aug 2011 · 448
Through my life I found that love is unexplainable,it can survive the depths of hell and high of heaven and still simply be only one thing,Love.How can one emotion,one word live so strongly within us without fading....
Jul 2011 · 3.3k
If life were a fairy tale
If life were a fairy tale you'd be my prince charming and I'd be your damsel in distress.
If life were a fairy tale you'd rescue me and we'd fall madly in love.
If life were a fairy tale there would be birds singing and animals cleaning.
If life were a fairy tale our wedding would accustom a whole village.
If life were a fairy tale my heart would never be broken.
If life were a fairy tale our love would never die.
If life were a fairy tale we'd have a happily ever after.
But...your not prince charming,you have not fallen madly in love with me birds do not sing and animals do not clean,we won't have a wedding or invite the village,my heart will be broken,our love can't die because it never began and we won't have a happily ever after.....
Jul 2011 · 523
Thank you
Thank you for making me stronger.
I know it took longer than expected.
But I was so disconnected.
My heart was so protective.
At the time it was very selective.
But your methods were always so affective.
I never understood your objective.
I hope some things never change.
But I have a strange feeling.
I hate dealing with the past.
I just wanted it to last.
But that bridge has been long passed.
I wish things could stay the same.
But what we became is part shame and part tame.the flame in  our heart died soon after start,still it's tearing me apart.
I wanna restart but I am no longer smart.
my heart chart went from 10 to 1.Then I was done but the sun shun in my eyes and The next thing I heard were my cries and I remember all of my tries.How I'd fail.My heart was always frail and coated in a dark veil.My heart felt me wail with each inhale.If only life were a fairy tale.
Jul 2011 · 524
At war....
My mind is at war with my heart I listen to both sides...Both make valid points but which do I listen to...Their voices are too loud to know who is saying what...
My mind is at war with my heart...I wonder the outcome...I wonder who will be victorious...Maybe no one...Maybe someone...But in the end...something is going to change....Something will be altered and all I can do Is let it happen...
Jul 2011 · 701
The darkness of night......
My heart is not a toy,Oh please you silly boy.
Do not come back to break me again,
you make my heart ache,and made my whole world quake.
Speaking with you makes me shake,these feelings I have always been unable to fake.
My biggest mistake was letting you make me weak,but to me you were just so unique,
I never knew anyone quite like you,you threw my heart aside,didn't you see how I cried even through the pain I tried,but I was too late your soul had died,But my love was still implied,from my insides to my outsides.
I had to let go you know it hurt to remember what could never again be,you had to see what I saw,how my heart would always withdraw.
After you it could never love no matter how often I gave it a shove,It already chose.then I suppose it must have froze,so nothing would impose.Everyone would oppose the choices I made when it came to him,but it wasn't his fault my world went dim,
I couldn't let go,though so much time had passed, my love for him still seemed to last,
I would ask why,scream it in-fact.He made my heart crack.I did not overreact,he extracted all my light and replaced it with the dark of night,I could never again be all right,He stole anything bright I contained,since then I always felt so drained,My heart always strained in pain.I never would complain,
I could sustain,though a part of me was slain.Even though I was momentarily insane.
Out of the insanity came a new version of my humanity.
Though part of me died,another part of me began to stride.The hollow abyss forced me to reminisce,sometimes those are the days I miss,but now I must climb my way back to the light and away from the darkness of night
Jul 2011 · 691
I'm scared to fall in love again...Because after he broke my heart I don't think I can handle anymore pain.So let me silently admire you.never let me get to near.Never let me fall In love.Never let me feel so much pain.Honestly a part of me is still partially broken...And I can't handle my heart breaking anymore.So when we laugh together take a step back then turn away.Before your smile makes me weak like his did..
Jul 2011 · 708
I'm lying to myself...
I'm lying to myself saying My heart doesn't ache at seeing your name...
I'm lying to myself saying I don't need you anymore...
I'm lying to myself saying I don't want you...
I'm lying to myself saying I don't miss you...
I'm lying to myself saying I'm glad we won't see each other again...
I'm lying to myself saying I don't dream of you...
I'm lying to myself saying I don't cry over you...
I'm lying to myself saying I don't still love you...
Because Inside I know the truth...My heart does ache every time I see your name,I do need you,I do want you,I do miss you,I'm sad we won't see each other again,I do dream of you,I do cry over you,I do still love you...I always have and I think I always will
Jul 2011 · 489
Seemed today his dark brown eyes were the only thing on my mind...They told me so many things...So many stories...Now I sit and think of our glories...The moments when I knew...The moment my heart flew...What else could I do?
I stared into those eyes and suddenly I felt unwise...I tried to break free but he already captured me...♥
Jul 2011 · 428
What is it
What is it about you that makes me smile...
What is it about you that makes my heart skip a beat....
What is it about you that makes everything better...
I'll never know...But I do know I love you...
Even though you broke my heart....
Even though you made me cry....
Even though you left me....
Even though your not here...
Because somewhere inside me....There lies a piece of your heart that you gave me long ago...
Jul 2011 · 703
I'm scared to love you
I'm scared to love you.Those words they surround me.Its all I can think of.
I'm scared to love you.Because I'm scared of the pain.Scared you'll break me like I've been broken before.I'm scared our memories will never fade.
I'm scared of loving because I'm scared that you'll never love me back.
Being scared seems easier than being hurt.So for now I'm gonna put up a wall surrounding my heart and hope you never break in...Or maybe I hope you do...And I hope you'll stay...
Jul 2011 · 842
The pelting rain
I love when The rain pelts me hard it makes me laugh the harder it rains.Doesn't it sound insane well I liked that pain it wiped away the memories I wish could fade even though there was still a strain It all felt okay In the Glorious rain.I could feel no Pain Yes Maybe I was insane.But It's okay now because I no longer feel my old pain.Yet I still miss my friend the pelting rain.
Jul 2011 · 802
It isn't that you make me stronger.How could you your so far away.It is the memories of you that keep me strong.I tried putting my heart back together and the only thing that held it together was our memories.Even if some of our memories broke me others made me stronger.So with the memories of our kiss,of our hugs and our laughter with the memories of how our friendship became love I put my heart back together again.
Jul 2011 · 523
Your somewhere out there in the abyss even in the darkness I can tell by your kiss...I can't help but reminisce,of our memories so sweet,how quickly you once made my heart beat...With you I was complete...with you there was no deceit...Now without you I'm incomplete...Hidden in my own discreet ways...You left me in a haze...Leaving me alone for more than just mere days...</3
Jul 2011 · 426
My only demand
I can no longer withstand this pain.How could you say my heart was plain?Still you've slain it.You must admit,I was your game.Now All I feel is pain and your the one I blame.My heart will never be the same.Do you even know what I became?Slightly more insane.what is this strain?Don't you understand this is my only demand...Love me...Is that hope I see?
Jul 2011 · 1.5k
Let me live in my own little Dreamland.I've Recreated it.I love dreamland because when darkness looms around me I can imagine a better world.Just like I always wanted.Your always there.But I think I'm starting to come to the realization you don't belong in dreamland any longer.But then what joy will I have?That's why I hold on because the memories keep me smiling even if its only a Dream.A Dream of You...</3
Jul 2011 · 348
I think...
I think of you each moment I breath, I think of you every time you leave,
I think of you when I cry, I think of you when I lie, I think of you
when I'm alone, I try to postpone the tears, Because I know it leads to
fears, I think of you each night, Despite the pain you ignite, I see you
in my dreams, It's you in which my heart screams for, Your someone I
can never ignore...Your all I live for...♥
Jul 2011 · 733
A memory to find
I had to clear my mind,there was a memory I had to find.
His love made me blind,he was once so kind,
The snow gently fell upon his face,
In our special place,he always did make my heart race,
He had this untouchable grace,
Even as he'd pace.
Our laughter grew,It was then I knew,
As the air blew,
My heart Flew,
And it was that moment I fell in love with you.
Jul 2011 · 1.1k
I started Believing
If I dream of him tonight the slight bright light that grew in my heart may fade,
but isn't it the light he made?
I can no longer put on this facade,
Dreaming of him gave me hope,still I can't cope
I feel like such a dope I still mope over him,
Though he loves me no more,I still love him to my very core.
I still crave everything he was,his kiss gave me such a buzz.
I knew,fireworks flew each time we kissed,then he left and that's what I missed.
I still miss him to this day,In each and every way
To bad he's not here with me today,even if he was who'd know how long he'd stay,
Knowing him only a day,That's how he'd play,Play a game
With any other it never did feel the same,he's to blame.
For leaving after I started believing
Jul 2011 · 723
Insanity in the making
My heads spinning and this is only the beginning
My hearts breaking and my hands are shaking
My insanity in the making...The monster within waking
My world is quaking...Life is falling around,I feel like I was drowned,
Smothered in my own tears,It started with simple fears,so as my make-up smears My hope disappears...and again I'm singled out,With a desire to shout all about my doubt...
Jun 2011 · 834
You broke..
I hear only my own cries...
As I remember your lies...
My heart slowly dies...
My eyes red with pain,
My heart that was just slain,
The one you claimed was plain,
I will not restrain myself,
I will put my heart away on a shelf,
I will let it get dusty and old,
until it can be re-sold,
It's your fault,
You refused to halt,
You broke open the vault,That happened to hold my heart,
I tried to stop it from the start,
But you started to take my heart part by part,
Now I have to restart,my life,
and keep away from that tempting knife,
You broke me,
and I awoke,with a heart soaked in blood,
You joked,and it provoked me...And now look where I am,
Remembering not just you but all of them.
Now my heart can't pretend,It can't face the end.
My heart has nothing left to defend.
So as I lie here,yes I'll cry,eventually I will die,You can't console me don't try,
Your the one who stole my heart whole and lead my soul straight into a deep dark hole...
Jun 2011 · 561
It's so clear...
If only words came easy when I'm sitting beside you.
Then maybe I'd be less blue.
Let's review our past.
Come on let's guess how long we'll last.
Maybe not forever,
But whenever that day comes I'll know we've come to an end.
So don't bother to pretend.
So now if I begin to tear know it's because I start to fear,
I fear that,that day is near.
Because to me it's so clear.
We are just a mere part of each others history,the rest of our life is still a mystery.
Yet to be discovered,One day it'll all be uncovered.
But Until then Know That I love you now,
No matter what you allow.
Through and through I'll always remember you.
You saved me from my haunted past,
I never even asked you to,But that's simply what you do.
You rescued me from the dark abyss and gave me an amazing kiss.
One that I'm sure to miss and that will make me reminisce.
But all bliss must die.
And if I begin to cry don't bother to lie,It's a pointless try.
Leave me be if you never wish to see me.
Just look at the pain I foresee,how can it be?
You seem so right for me,But I know I'll eventually have to let you go...
Just because you can't see it from your view doesn't mean it's not true because I do,I do love you....
Jun 2011 · 522
Let's see
Comfort Is what I find in being with you...
Because being blue with you,is near impossible...
With you if I dare begin to tear...
It is only because I start to fear...
Fear the day when you'll leave me forever...
Whenever that may be I never want it to come...
I know I'll be glum,once more...
I look at you and see what I fell for,
Everything you are I adore...
Now we can never go back to before...
You know,before you tore a part of me...
Now with you I feel complete...
Lying next to you hearing your heart rhythmically beat...
Why must you be so ****** sweet?
You helped me forget the past...
So please let us last...
I never even asked,But you still said you loved me...
So let's see what we could be...
Your my only nominee...
So let's go crazy on a love spree...
Come on it'll just be you and me...
Forever right baby?
Apr 2011 · 441
In your eyes...What am I
In your eyes what am I...
In your eyes am I a monster?
In your eyes am I a beautiful woman?
In your eyes am I a nuisance?
In your eyes what am I...
Am I smart?
Am I funny?
In your eyes do see the woman you could love forever?
In your eyes do you see someone to love or someone to hate?
In your eyes what am I?
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