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Feb 2012 · 706
"Unrequited Love"
I find myself in love again,
It sends me spinning,
Spiraling out of control.

My one and only past love destroyed me,
He destroyed the girl I could've been,
He made a weakling of me,
I cannot exact revenge but I shall allow love in my heart again.

Unrequited love may be the end of this,
But my will keeps me going,
And I will fight for a surviving love story.

They tell me it's easier to give up than to keep dreaming an empty dream,
But love makes you do crazy things,
Love has made me different,
And because of it I know better than to quit.

Especially on love.
Dedicated to the Heartbreaker and Dimples...<3
Feb 2012 · 455
"All I Need"
All I need are simple things,
Just to have you look my way,
Just to see your smile,
To hear your laughter.

But things get complicated and I find myelf needing more,
I need to be in your embrace,
Need your kiss,
Your touch,
All I need is you.

I need you.
Friends start off simple,
A hello can make all the difference in the world.

A friend listens,
They talk,
They help wipe away any tears or marks of pain,
Friends want to keep you safe,
Want to keep you in their lives.

It is not the friend that changes but the emotions going through them,
And because of that a friend says good-bye,
They ignore your words,
Become distant and no longer whisper secrets in your ears,
The help they supplied is gone and instead of fixing the pain their causing it,
It's then friends become enemies and when nothing is truly fair or right in the world.
Feb 2012 · 4.8k
"Never Stop Fighting."
I will fight for you,
For me you are worth all the stars in the sky plus some,
Your smile reminds me of the sun,
Because for me it lights up not just the room but the day.

I would be lying if I said it was easy,
You are not mine unless you believe in dreams,
But I'd do anything to be in your arms,
Just to feel your warmth next to me.

I won't give up because my heart wills me to love you,
Your laughter fills me with joy,
I want nothing more than your love,
You keep me far but I want to be close,
Just know that I'll never stop fighting.
Feb 2012 · 4.7k
There Is Failure all around us.

      Failure to hope.

Failure to dream.

      Failure to believe.

There is failure in education.

       Failure in love.

And there is failing with yourself.
You just have to try for sucession.
It crumbles from beneath you,
You watch in both silence and fear for your world has collapsed,
Your sins are unforgiven,
The pain only surges through you.

Alone in the darkness and nothing seems right,
You watched life be taken and death be given,
You must realize that this is now your everyday life,
Breaking down and letting the world fall to infinite pieces.

It all crumbles and all your left with are the memories you've buried,
Your poor soul burned by the schorching memories,
The one person who can help is acting as the devil
And truly you are alone.

Now you cannot ignore your arrogance,
Your face to face with the worst of you because it's all you've ever seen,
Escape is unreachable for the darkness in you outweighs the light,
And still you watch as it all crumbles beneath you,
Feeling the pain and suffering,
Feeling the terror you cannot control.

You let it crumble but you don't look away for a moment in fear of any good you may miss.
Jan 2012 · 645
A Hellish Reality
A touch that has become poisonous,
A voice blurred by the agony of it's presence,
A feeling that makes you numb,
One long intrustion
A forcful emotion cowering.
It is evil lurking behind the penatrators eyes,
Perhaps he did not feel the squirming,
But maybe he just didn't care,
You hear of things like this but you don't it to come true,
You expect never to run your path by one of Satans dearest friends,
But he is there caressing you
Making your body shiver,
You may not think,
You may not feel,
Your soul is released for the short moments that endtrap you in Hell,
But truly all it is is a hellish reality,
You may not escape unless you are set free,
You cannot leave until the Devils dear friend is done,
You take the brutal and traumatizing moments
And you let them suffocate you,
The memories may always haunt you
But ***** it and the hellish reality that surrounds you.

He's finished and you're free to go.
Jan 2012 · 694
To Love My Savior
To be rescued was only a mere dream,
An Infatuation of the dreamscape.

Dreams do not come true so how was I to believe I could be saved?

My savior was sent and the moment he and I met I knew,
The first time our eyes met my whole mind began to whirl with desiring thoughts,
Since then I've questioned it all.

Do I love my savior or is this just another trick of the heart?

Our friendship had grown and my savior often rescued me,
But as time went on my love had grown and my fear as well,
The feeling that I got when we talked or laughed deepened the love and desire I had for him,
But fear rode in when I realized he is just a friend,
Just my savior and he and I can never truly be,
His love for me is not returned.

Love hurts but I can dream can't I?

I dream of the love that I have being returned,
I dream of us embraced in each others warmth,
Of us kissing and maybe he finally won't have to rescue me
Not because I don't want him to but because I'm happy right where I am,
With him.
Jan 2012 · 1.9k
The suffocation
A lifetime worth of suffocation,
Emotions that are never ending
They flow out of me without and option to stop,
Sorrow,love,anger,frustration and even joy filling up in me.

Darkness harbored in my life for so long,
They say it's just a phase but it's been forever,
The emotion in me ten times stronger than average.

This can be both a gift and a torcherous burden,
Love can become pain,
And that pain is rooted in the assalt of rejection,
But then there is joy and it flows through my body and soul.

This has taken over me not just now but always,
When lonliness hits it's as though i'm sitting in blackness,
Nothing is in sight,
It's pitch black and I am alone,
The weight of my world seemingly upon my shoulders.

I fight but I've grown weak,
I pull myself out of the lonley abyss and there I am,
Once again surrounded by the world passing me by,
Apparently I am invisible,
Transparent in so many eyes,
Still with the emotions overriding me,
Forever will these suffocation of emotions haunt me,
Because they have now become me.
Jan 2012 · 356
Has there ever been a time when love didn't turn to hate,
When joy hasn't become pain?
Has there ever been a time where smiles didn't become tears?

Life is surrounded by good things become bad,
Nothing is forever so as the good fades the bad grows,
The darkness overweighing the light,
So many positive thoughts followed by negative ones,
Darkness flows through everyone and is waiting to emerge,
It is there waiting for the light to die so that it may live,
So it may stay strong and live on forever,
Darkness conquers all,
In the end when our bodies die and our souls too that's all we'll be,
Darkness to everyone,
And in that's all we'll see or know complete and utter darkness.
Jan 2012 · 609
My Time Of Death
The toxic fills me and I ravish in the moment,
I watch as the blood slowly stops,
Lessening with each passing moment,
I take one long sigh of relief but something is awry,
Tears well up in my eyes as I watch my arms,
The blood a beautiful crimson red still seeping out of me,
What have I done but add another scar,
I just added another reminder to all of my exsisting pain,
We all have our reasons and mine are hidden.
I refuse to let out the monsterous stories that created me,
I tried so hard to lock up the devil in me it's already free,
Constant fear of being caught washes through my mind,
Still who would see and who would bother to care,
My demise is inevitable,
It's all dependent on time
And soon enough my time will come,
My Time Of Death.
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
A Uncomprehendable Death
Death caught her young,
While a tumor grew in her head it felt as though one was growing in my heart,
A mere child let in eternal peril!
Her inevitable end brought my never ending damnation,
How dare the supposed god end a life before it began,
At only seven barely knowing the true horrors,
I watched as the life perished in her eyes,
As she became incapable of self-care I became incapable of tears,
Even in her demise I could not cry,
I was as cold as her purple lifeless body,
Her casket open while people in black shed tears,
As only a child I could not comprehend the hurt
But now I carry it with me everywhere,
A I watched her body put into the ground that pain the one I was uncapable of then now fills me,
Each visitation a constant reminder of the dear child lost,
I lost a friend,A mother lost her daughter and some just lost hope,
There became pain in my world once death entered
And though I could not shed tears for my beloved friend then I do now,
Because now I see all that I lost and all that could've been oh so different.
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
My Limbo Love
Honestly I don't know,
My heart says I love you,
My mind says it's just a crush
so here I am in between the two,
In my limbo,
Now I declare you my limbo love,
My heart can swell at the sight of you but then it depletes,
Words not spoken leaves a heart broken,
Your holding back and words are ready to pour from my untouched lips.

This is no longer a want or a desire it has grown into a neeed,
I need thopse lips,
Need that voice and laughter,
I need you,
Your my limbo love and I forever want to be yours,
My limbo love please save me from my fears,
Rescue me one last time,
This last time just take me in your arms,
Hold me close and whisper sweet lullibies of the love story yet to come,
Tell me you love me,
And know you will always be my limbo love,
Just believe in all we can be,
I just want our love to always be clear to see.
Jan 2012 · 493
Loving you to no end.
When you look my way my heart skips an beat,
Talking to you makes my cheeks blush,
I feel the heat,
It's rising and I'm falling,
Still I fear the day you'll leave me bawling,
I trust you but you'll break me,
So all I can do is dream of what we could be.

I want you more than you know
But I fear the day you will go,
I'm just sick of being a tool,
I try my hardest not to come off a foll,
But you see the truth you see reality
Do you see us do you see our unity?

I'm scared you'll break my heart,
But I can't ignore the facts,
I've loved you fromn the start.
Dec 2011 · 781
Loving Once Again.
I Vowed Never Again To Love,
Love had broken me down far too much and I could no longer bare the consiquences of it all,
But then one day I saw you and everything began to change,
Our eyes met and it was from that moment I knew something would come from us,
There was a rumbling in my heart and I couldn't control it another moment,
You rescued me from tears and from cuts,
You gave me comfort and I ravished in every moment with you,
My smiles were worn proudly and all because of you,
My joy was endless as long as I was in your pressence,
I slowly found myself thinking about you every moment I could,
As time passed you were even in my dreams,
It seemed I had fallen in love and to this very moment I curse myself for it,
I'm in love with you and what we are  merely consists of laughter and jokes and a bare minimum friendship,
Your have me under your spell,
My heart is trapped,
My heart is yours and you may do with it what wish,
Your my love,Your my everything and without you I would fall to endless pieces,
Please darling love stay close and don't go,
Please darling you know I love you so.
Dec 2011 · 933
Love Is Evil.
Slowly the air stops blowing,
My tears are they showing?
Do you see my pain
It's my heart that was slain,
My smile has now died,
At least I can say I tried.

Our love quickly faded,
Your love for me was no longer stated,
Memories of us are burned into my mind,
That happiness I'm determined to once again find,
But when we kissed sparks didn't just fly they soared,
With you I never did feel bored.

So as I try and move on you have to know my heart always loved you,
And now in my lonliness I don't know what to do,
While a part of me wants to forget
A part of me know that with you I made no regret.

I'm sorry you want this to end,
But don't expect me to go on and pretend,
You broke me and made me weak,
Now my future seems bleak,
I will not act as though I'm okay,
Because I'll break down and cry as I watch you walk away
For the last time.
Dec 2011 · 550
Love Always,Change.
How can you be the boy I fell for?
You've grown angrier,
You've grown grizzly and cruel,
Your heart seems to be buried deep,
Your smile has become non-exsistent,
Your laughter has become complete silence,
You don't even glance my way,
Sorrow fills me when I go over how you've changed,
You were once a kind,caring and gentle boy,
Once you were heartfelt and your smile was worn playfully and proudly,
Your laughter once filled the air to no end,
You once stared for minutes at a time,
It's hard to believe it's still you,
But still I can tell by the gleam in your eyes,
Your dark brown hair similar to my own,
Your lips silently waiting,
I can tell it's still you,
But only because my heart still cares enough to realize it,
No matter how you change
Old feelings may always stay the same.
Dec 2011 · 403
Darling Love Your Mine.
Years all spent in vain,
Your feelings were all lies,
You never did feel the same,
I hope you realize how my heart was slain,
Your broke my heart,
You've caused me pain,
You tore my world apart,
My tears now blend with the rain
With memories of how I loved you from the start,
Now my heart cannot breathe,
It cannot feel,
I was once my smiles you loved to steal,
Now you leave me cold
Similar to your heart as I was told,
All I did was love you,
And all you did washurt me,
One day I hope you see
All that we could've been is all that we still be,
If you'd just take a chance,
Take a chance on our romance.
Dec 2011 · 408
That Boy I'm Falling For.
Simple feelings,
They overload me,
Override my barely functioning system,
Why do you do this to me?
Make me smile by just walking into a room,
Make my heart jump when you catch me look your way,
Why do you make me happy when I see your smiling face?
Oh,I almost forgot your everything I want,
Almost forgot that every time we talk I feel my cheeks blush with pure excitement,
Everything about you keeps me both happy and sad,
So happy because your so amazing but so sad because you'll never want me,
Not like I want you.
Clouds cover the sky,
Rain pours down harder than I've ever seen,
I laugh,
Then I realize your not there,
You left me here,
I break a little more,
My heart has grown sore,
You don't care,
My love gave you a scare,
So you ran off and never looked back,
And eventually my whole world turned black,
I hid and I ran,
Life was one thing I couldn't stand,
My life was everything I hated,
I missed the days our love was clearly stated,
So until then I stayed alone,
Until I could go home,
Home to your heart the one I loved from the start.
The girl who never cried broke out in tears,
How can this be?
She tries to say this isn't real,it's not reality
But she doesn't wake and her heart continues to ache,
He wasn't just some boy
To her he was everything she'd ever need,
She feared without him she wouldn't suceed,
She fell to pieces,
She hurt inside and out,
She neded to shout
Even moew she needed to know if he always had doubts.

How could she have been such a fool,
She believed his lies,
To him she was just another tool,
He used her and made her feel like nothing,
Her heart no longer feels anything but pain,
Her world was shattered and her heart was slain,
This may be her end,
She can no longer go on and pretend,
No it's not alright,
No it's not okay,
She can't bare to stay
Her life must be taken away,
One more day like this
Just to make sure there's nothing she'd miss,
Then she'll be dead
Remembering how he loved her instead.
Dec 2011 · 398
You left me in hell
Just stab me in the heart,
Take away the pain that's all to real,
Alone is how I feel,
Saying you love her instead,
You leaving me for dead,
What did I do to turn you away?
How can I make you stay?
I'm sick of being empty and alone,
If only you had a loving clone,
But since you don't I'm left in tears,
I remember when this reality was only fears,
Now look how how it had to end,
I guess even for me you couldn't play pretend,
So you went and broke me,
Still in my dreamland I think of what we could be,
I still love you and it's clear to see,
But maybe this wasn't our happily ever after,
I should've known by the lack of your laughter,
I just had so much hope,
Now me and my broken heart will have to learn how to cope,
Now it's over and I'm the one left in this hell,
The one you'll soon know well.
Dec 2011 · 1.1k
Stuck On My Mind.
In love the feeling I get in the depth of my heart when I see you,
Your smile send chills in every direction,
I can't seem to get you off my mind,
Your dimples make my heart swell with happiness.
I have a tendency now to bring you to Dreamland,
All I've been dreaming of is you and I,
Us with our fingers entwined and sweet and lushious kisses,
I scold myself for this feeling that's gorwing deep inside of me,
Could this be what I most fear?
Could love once again be growing in me?
I try to stop looking your way,
I try to stop smiling when I see you,
But it makes my heart ache and now I have to face the facts.

I'm crazy for you but I don't want to be because our feelings are not mutual,
I try to let go but my heart still holds on and when someone says your name my heart jumps a little,
I don't know what to do because no matter how hard I've tried your still stuck on my mind.
Dec 2011 · 666
My Little Heart Shaped Home
I board up the windows and I lock the doors,
I build wall after wall all in protection of my little heart shaped home,
It does not need anymore intruders,
My little heart shaped home does not need anyone to see it at it's worst,
My little heart shaped hime will try to stand alone,
it doesn't want to be broken,
It doesn't want to be bothered,
nor does it even want to be loved,
All it wants is to guard itself so that it stays safe and worth value,
So it is not harmed,
Not cracked or broken,
Not hurt or ignored it just wants to be slightly invisible.
So Please Leave My Little Heart Shaped Home Alone.
Dec 2011 · 470
November 25,2009
Two years ago you and I shared our first kiss,
We were young,
we were shy and even fumbled a bit,
Laughter burned the air
followed by the aroma of flowers,
Though none existed I smelled them,
Not even your kiss could block out the smell,
but maybe it was you that smelled to good,
It could be why I never wanted the kiss to end,
I had loved you a long time then and even longer now,
Your kiss trapped,
It grabbed me and I grabbed back,
I never wanted to let go,
The rain slowed into a drizzle but I did not care,
I was too focused on those lips that for moments entertained mine,
I had never before that day experinced a feeling so sincere,
The love could be read in the way you kissed,
You cannot say otherwise because that day when we kissed sparks didn't just fly they SOARED.
Dec 2011 · 921
Destroyed by the heartless
I'm sure you'll enjoy watching me fall to pieces ,
to see my tears, You'll gladly indulge in my pain,
you tore my apart my heart,
You left me a carcus with only emotions left in me,
only tears to be cried and blood to be shed,
Your so happy with yourself,
Your stupid smirk that grows on your face once you see me at my weakest,
your a heartless being and you destroyed me!
You Walk By Me,
I try to get you to say a simple hello
but you ignore me,
but every once in a while I see you smile,
I see a smile spread wide across your face as I tug on your sweater,
Or as I poke you,
The ignorance has become your game,
you give me hope only to only turn away,
your spiteful,
and your stubborn,
But I must admit your kind of cute,
the dimples make it hard to look away and I often find myself staring,
I know your being mean and being tender-headed
but there's this part of me that loves it,
I guess I like a ****,
but only because that **** was once my friend.
Nov 2011 · 337
Your Return.
Walking In Hopes Low And Head High,
You won't be there,
You told me months ago you were leaving and never coming back,
That tore my world apart,
I hurt everyday since,
But Still I try to stay strong,
I tried to hide my agony with a smile,
But what was the point no one would notice anyway.

I Sit And Wait For Former Friends To Join Me,
Then I see you,
My heart felt as though it just exploded from joy,
Your smile,
Your essence,
It made my tears all worth while.

You Sat Across From Me,
I covered my mouth to hide the smile,
But it was so obvious,
And before I knew it I was crying again,
Only this time I was crying because I was happy,
I cried because I got back what I thought I had lost,
I got you,
My heart was full ,
My world felt complete once more,
And happiness seemed worldwide,
Even If For Only A Day.
The Girl Who Had Fears,
Ended In Tears,
Her Heart Was Torn Apart
By The Boy That She Loved From The Start,
The Pain Made Her Weak,
It Made Her Future Bleak,
She Tried To Pretend It Didn't End,
She Put On A Smile And Tried To Act Strong,
But Eventually Her Face Grew Long,
She Couldn't Hold Back Her Cries,
She's Constantly Reminded Of All Their Tries,
The Love That Died,
After She Discovered He Had Lied,
He Never Loved Her,
The Memories All Blur,
She Is So Unsure,
After All The Pain She's Endured,
She Wonders If She'll Ever Again Feel Secure,
Will She Ever Love,Will She Ever Trust,
Her Heart May Combust,
She Can't Take The Pain From Her Heart That Was Just Slain,
Love Made Her Go Insane,
She May Never Be The Same,
All Because She Played Into His Game.
I Don't Regret He And I Kissing,
I don't regret falling for him,
It just happened and I couldn't help it,
His smile sent chills up my spine.

Those Lips,
When they touched mine my world froze,
Everything ceased to exist,
I was in my own little heaven.

In His Embrace The World Didn't Matter,
All that mattered was the joy I felt,
After all the darkness I got back some light,
I got him,
I got the one I loved,
If only it lasted,
If only...
Nov 2011 · 485
I Wanna Be His Everything
So Many Moments Spent With Tears Rolling Down My Face.
Time stops and I'm alone,
Knowing I'm nothing,
Knowing I want to be his everything,
I can't help my hopes,
I can't help my dreams,
All I know is what I want to be,
I want to be his,
I want to be loved,
I want to be in his arms,
I want forever to be his everything,
To just be his girl,
But I'm not his,
Not anymore,
I'm not pretty enough,
Funny enough
Or worth his time,
He hates me now,
All I did was curse,
I had no choice he hurt me,
He told the world,
He told the world he never loved me.
Nov 2011 · 430
All Must Fade.
I put myself out there,
Only to be broken,
I'm treated like the nothing I've learned to be.

I Loved Once,
And even that faded away,
Any good must die,
Any smile must fade,
All laughter will slowly go,
And Once Again,
I will remain alone,
I will remain only slightly whole.
You Once Made My Heart Soar,
Now the pieces are spread across the floor,
My hearts been slain,
You've caused me so much pain,
I hate what you've done,
Made me feel like number one,
Built me up to tear me down,
I feel like such a clown,
A clown with a everlasting frown,
I suppose I'll see you around,
Forever will I miss the sound of your pounding heart,
But wait isn't that the heart that tore my world apart?
Yes,But none the less it's the heart I've loved from the start.
I Try To Make It Better,
Try to clear my mind,
Say It's okay,
Try not to worry,
But thoughts creep in,
They suffocate me.

I'm So Alone,
Friends begin to hate me,
I've been selfish and immature,
Or maybe they've been uncaring and inattentive.

My Love Life Is Terrible,
My first love hates me,
The ones I want don't want me,
I guess I'm not good enough.

Home And School,
Basically my life,
So time consuming.

My Scars Mock Me,
They want to be refreshed,
I barely hold on,
I want to just cut here and there,
But I'm trying to be strong.

I Want To Let Go,
I don't wanna care,
I don't wanna care about a thing,
I just wanna breathe.

I Don't Wanna To Think,
I Don't Wanna The Stress To Bother Me,
I Don't Wanna Care How They Feel,
I Don't Wanna Love,
Because I Know Love Leads To Heart Break,
I Don't Wanna Live,
But I Don't Wanna Die,
Just Sent Me To Limbo,
Just Send Me To A Place Where I Don't Have To Give A ****,
Send Me To A Place Where I'm Not Prone To Give A ****.
Nov 2011 · 702
Danger In All(Not So Sure)
Friendship Turned Into A Crush.

The Crush Caused Flirting.

The Flirting Lead To Love.

The Love Became A Relationship.

The Relationship Ended.

The Ending Caused Hearts To Break.
Nov 2011 · 425
She Wants Nothing More.
She was at the ledge,
Ready to fall,
So near the edge,
She can't handle it all,
Her eyes fill,
She begins to bawl,
She wants her life to end,
She tried to be happy,
But she couldn't stand playing pretend,
Her heart was smashed,
Torn to pieces,
She was so obviously trashed,
Friends abandoned the weak,
She was invisible,
Her future seemed bleak,
Still She hides the pain,
No matter the hurt,
No matter how her heart was slain,
She masks her life,
Wanting just the knife,
Just one more time,
It gave off adrenaline,
It made her feel sublime,
She gave up hope
And decided there was only one way to cope,
Just to die,
And and not let another see her cry,
Just so they wouldn't see her weak,
So they couldn't see that little streak,
That light,
The one that flew away that night,
The night she died,
The last night she cried.
Sense Made=None.
****** Rhyming.
Hey,I Tried.
Passionate Kisses,
To Spiteful Ignorance.

Tender Hugs,
To Evil Glares.

Sweet Laughter,
To Painful Silence.

Eternal Love,
To Everlasting Hate.
Pitter Patter*
Raindrop Perhaps,
More like the falling of tears,
Failing friendships,
No relationship,
Feels hated,
Feels alone,
Nothing she can do,
Only watch as her heaven becomes hell,
They think she's fine,
But it's only a mask,
The real her is slowly dying,
If they just looked her in the eyes they could see,
How much she was really loosing it,
She felt like she was floating away,
Her Oasis Became A Trap And She Couldn't Escape,
She Couldn't Escape Life.
The rain struck harder than ever before,
It pelted her delicate skin but she wasn't focused on it much,
Though it was perfect to hide her tears,
It was perfect to mask her pain,
The tears trickled down her face blending with the raindrops,
She clenched her jaw,
For the pain she felt was too much,
She balled up her fists and walked away,
Anger and agony filling her completely,
Feeling more alone than ever before,
Knowing nothing could hurt more than the words she just heard,
The words that would forever be engraved in her now broken and distraught heart,
*"I Never Loved You"
Nov 2011 · 423
A Moment In Time.
Within An Instance I Was No Longer Me,
I Was One With Him.
Two forms became one,
Our lips met and suddenly the world began to slow,
The clock seemed to stop dead,
The only thing that existed was he and I,
And We Had Become One.
The feeling of his lips on mine sent chills everywhere,
I swore in that moment nothing could get any better,
I knew nothing could surpass the wonderful taste of he and I passionately kissing in the rain,
I had craved the moment so long,
And then when hope was nearly lost,Miracles occurred,
He was mine,
And I was his,
Nothing else in the world mattered,
Everyone else ceased to exist as long as I was with him,
In His Arms The Only Thing That Mattered Was Him,
And How Much I Loved Him.
If Your My Wish On A Star Coming True May Your Light Never Fade,
If Your Just In My Dreams May I Never Wake,
If God Exists And Heard My Prayer It Must've Come True,
If This Is My Birthday Wish Becoming Reality Then I Know What To Wish For Forever.

Just those eyes are worth all the stars in the sky,
Your smile gleaming bright like the sun,
Life wouldn't matter if I could just dream of you and those lips forever,
God may be almighty but compared to you he's only some guy in the sky,
And If each year I wish for you,
For you in my arms,
and in my heart I'd do it,
Even if it didn't always come true,
Because no matter what I want to know that I'm truly dedicated to you.
Oct 2011 · 761
This Is Life Not TV
The Perfect Family.
A Working Father,
The Daughter His Little Girl,
"Daddy's Girl"
A Stay At Home Mom,
A Grandmother That Gives Money Or Junk Food,
A Aunt That Pinches Your Cheeks And Gives Warm Uncomfortable Hugs,
A Cousin You See On Rare Occasion,
Seems Normal...
But In The World I Know,
A Distant Father,
His Only Daughter Barely Speaks To Him(Not By Her Choice)
A Working Mom That Can Barely Afford Life,
A Alcoholic Grandmother That We're Obligated To Visit,
A Aunt That Has Sold Drugs,Had Two Kids ,Hasn't Finished School And Is Only 18,
A Cousin Young And Mother-less That Must Be Watched Constantly,
Not So Normal.
Well That's Reality,
This Isn't A Television Show It's LIFE.
Stuck in this place,
Friends roam the halls,
But what do they know?
They think they know me,
But they only know the me I pretend to be ,
I tell them I'm fine,
In-fact my smile is spread so wide they finally stopped asking how I am.
But don't they see me,
Don't they look me in the eys and see how I'm dying inside,
Losing grip,
One day soon maybe even losing my life,
I'm on edge
And soon I won't be able to pretend,
But before my eyes shut,
And before My heart stops beating,
See me,
The real human being.
(Lifeless and dull,
the one who needs rescue,
Please my darling will you save me,
Just keep me from the edge of the world,
Don't let me fall off,
Just make me happy,
Just save my life,
All you have to do is know the real me,
And Still Care.)
Thinking about what we were,
Our memories,
Now all a blur,
I wish you meant your sweet lies,
All your "I love you's"
Once my life now the reason for my cries,
Was it really all pretend,
I don't want this to end,
I knew,
Since the moment I met you,
That I'd be madly in love with you,
And I can't believe I have to let go,
This is a love I may never outgrow,
I'm sorry if that makes me insane,
But my heart can't refrain,
I know you think it's plain,
But my heart,
It loved you even when you tore it apart.
I Don't like it :I
Waking up and instantly you enter my thoughts,
I can't even think about the day ahead,
Your image flutters by,
Your stuck on my mind,
Waking up filled with memories,
Memories of the dreams I previously dreamed of,
You were there too,
God your everywhere,
They say this is love,
When you can't get someone outta your head
But what if the one you love said everything you ever shared was just pretend?
Oct 2011 · 515
I can't help it,
My eyes don't shine bright,
I don't scream happy,
Yes I like the color black,
I think of a negative outcome for everything,
I say "I quit" before I try,
I think life is hard,
and love is harder.

But when the sun hits my eyes just right they shimmer,
I laugh daily about the silliest of things,
I own some color,
I hope for the best,
I try even when I think I'm doomed,
I live life no matter how tedious,
And I love more than any other.
I am full of contradictions,But maybe they aren't all bad.
Oct 2011 · 504
This Is What Love Does...
Tears dropping,
Heart clenching,
Mind Boggled,
This is what love does,
Rips you to shreds,
Makes you feel worthless,
The love that I have always known will **** it's once pure intentions,
Around others I put on this smile,
But can't they see how dead I am inside?
Love broke the bright and illuminating girl I was or could have been,
Now I am at constant war with myself,
Love is made up of so many good moments,
But so often does it end in terrible ones.
Surrounded by better things,
Unable to touch,
Their happiness sitting there,
Mocking me,
I try to brighten my own world,
But the darkness always comes,
How can I make it fade?
My future seems bleak,
My heart is broken,
And I am alone,
No one loves me,
No one loves a complicated girl,
Especially one that likes black,
And actually has a brain,
Or at least that's how it seems,
I'm caving in,
I have my friends,
But they seem so distant even when their near,
I'm weak,
And I'm scared,
Thoughts flow in,
Bad ones mainly,
Ones about blood,
I miss it,
I miss the feeling of the cut healing,
But I've been strong for a while,
Am I ready to ruin it again?
Darkness constantly envelops me,
And I'm just trying to break free.
Oct 2011 · 473
Love cuts deep...
The moment she walked away,
Her smile turned to a frown,
She had to go no matter how her heart wanted to stay,
He hurt her,
Left her broken,
She'll always remember what they were,
Darkness fills her mind,
She wants to feel nothing,
She can't believe she thought he was kind,
She was blind,
Love broke her,
Made her weak,
Now she believes her future is plain and bleak,
She loved a heart breaker,
She loved who he was,
"This Is what love does"
"Love cuts deep",
So much you have no choice but to break out and weep,
She tried her best
But I guess he just wasn't impressed.
Not my best but I tried <3
Look what you've done,

You broke her,

After making her feel like she was the one,

It's not right,

It's not fair,

You took away her light,

You don't even care.
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