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Hungry eyes
And those
Find their
To satisfaction.
I'm lost


I'm lost

In this cold

Winter wonderland

I'm lost

With this family of mine

I'm so lost

Without you.
Dec 2012 · 580
Just As I Promised
My knight in black armor
But I am no princess
I'm the snake your the charmer
I'm so wrapped in your sound
For eternity we'll be bound
I am your love slave
It's always me you save
With your love and affection
You shelter me with your tender protection
In my eyes I see no flaws only perfection
You rescue me
And I just wish you could see
How badly I want you
Forever and eternity.
Haven't rhymed in sooo long sorry its bad.
Dec 2012 · 206
Far From You
With every
Step I take
With every
Four hour
Drive I
Feel a
Ache for
We're further
And further
My body
Begs me
To crawl
Back to
I feel
So far
From you
My love
I miss you
Our future
Is just
A dream
Don't let
Please let
Them come true
You were my first kiss
And I hope you'll be
My last.
Dec 2012 · 180
Enough My Dearest (10w)
I show

Enough weakness

For the

Both of

Us dear.
Dec 2012 · 374
If The Fates Will Allow It
I am
In love
So ridiculously
That I want
With so much of myself
That it aches
At the slightest sign of failure
It swells
Each time
I see a child now
Because years from now
I want to have his
I feel like his love slave
The only whipping
Is that from his thrashing tongue
I'm intoxicated
By his body
His heart mind and soul
The grand perfection he is to me
I'm treated like a queen
Whenever I feel down
There he is
To fix all my ailments
I am so passionately
In love
And I hope to be for the rest of my life.
Dec 2012 · 213
Love Always
Never doubt

Because my


For you

Will always

Be true.
I get scared
When your sad
I fear like you sometimes do
I think
You wanna take your ring back
Or that your leaving me again
I think maybe
This is the end to our story
And this anxiety
Fills me
And aches inside
Cross my heart
And aim my gun shaped hand
Right at it and shoot
Hoping it'll end the pain but
With you it stays
And tears fill my eyes and I hope
I hope
I pray
I need this
Not to be goodbye.
There's this
Or perhaps desire
That swells in me
As everything falls apart
I'd love to figure it out
Why as my world
Crumbles from its base
That its not
Tenderness or affection
That I want
But your touch
Because it magically
Makes the aching fade
And when that sensually sinful act
I feel better
As we walk away
With devious smiles
Hinting at what happened
As we laugh because were
Almost caught
I feel so much love
For you
The things you do
And how you take me away
Into a little world we created.
Your the best thing in my life.
Dec 2012 · 488
Playdoh Heart Goodbye
I broke your
Heart today
Smashed it
Hard onto
The cement
And watched
As it broke
Into pieces
My relief
Was grand
And that was it
That was goodbye.

For good this time.
It was a playdoh heart I broke today with my fiancee.
Dec 2012 · 326
You'll Never Guess
Sometimes I
Kinda wish he'd
Push it just a
Little farther
Test me
Let it happen
Without immediate
So I have no choice
But to take it
Because maybe
Then I won't
Be reminded of the past
That still haunts me
It nearly breaks
My heart because
I can't do to him
What I should be able to
I can't please him
And we can't please
Each other simultaneously
And I wish I could
At least try
Sometimes he
Tempts me
Brings a passion
Out of me
That I feel in the pit of me
I wish I could
Make it okay
Attempt it
Have a try with him
But there's a hesitant
Fear controlling me
There's to much
Too much nightmarish memories.

I'm sorry
Its something I didn't wanna say
Dec 2012 · 417
Please Please Me. (10w)
I want
You to
Make love
To me
Dec 2012 · 384
Sing To My Soul
Every time
Those words are
There's a tingle
In the pit of me
Those words so
That my
Dec 2012 · 541
Feeling Like A Happy Kid.
I feel like
A kid
Who just got
Everything they
Wanted for
I feel like
A child who lost
A tooth
And awoke to find
A simple dollar under its pillow
I didn't loose anything though
I gained
I have
For forever
Dec 2012 · 343
The Great Beginning
He proposed

I said yes

And now

We're engaged.
Dec 2012 · 1.9k
Tarot Evil Or Just Fun
Tarot cards
Predict the
Things you subconsciously
And yet
You remain intact
Darkness dare not enter
If you don't allow.
Please comment opinion on tarot cards.
Dec 2012 · 388
Love Must Be Blind
I get scared
Because your so
Attractive and I
Am just a girl
Guys have only
Taken interest
To use me
And I'm scared sometimes
That you'll want
To leave me
But I guess we both
Have some fears
Mine more realistic
Because your
Unique perfection
And I'm a mess
I ramble
And I rant
Losing myself
In life
And you seem
Like your tethered
And torn soul
Can handle so much more
Than my worn one
I love you
And I want to forever
To be yours
But I get scared
Because I don't know
What you see
In a girl like me.
Dec 2012 · 451
Run As Fast As You Can
I wanna go
Run away with you
Escape these
Miserable yet
Minuscule stressors
I want
To with you
Because you
Make it all better
Dec 2012 · 389
Sweet Dreams (10w)
If I'm lucky
I'll see you
In my
Dec 2012 · 406
So Called Friendships
All my best friends
And most
Of my friends
Have faded away
They no longer
Entwine their
Life with mine
And suddenly
In this crowded room
I feel all alone.
For so many
And birthdays
And star filled nights
I asked for you
Blew out my candles
Wishing for you
Wished on stars
And even prayed
For you
To come back
To be mine
And always.
Dec 2012 · 210
Past Hate
I don't
Put you
Or myself
At least
I can
Prove them
Dec 2012 · 380
I Guess That Was Goodbye
I'm still trying
To forget
All those days
Without you
Where I waited
All that time
I spent broken
Drowning in tears
Because I lost
The one
I knew was the one
I remember those
Restless nights
Where I fell into
A painful sleep
Invaded by memories
It all used to ache
Because I couldn't help but
That the day you left
We looked back
And looked at each other
And now it seems
That was the goodbye
I always wanted
It just took me a long time to realize
You did say goodbye
You said it when you turned back
To look at me
Before you left
Into this dark world.
Dec 2012 · 276
Have Faith In Me
Trust that I

Have been faithful

Believe that I

Want this love to last

Have hope

That our future

Will be as amazing as we imagine it to be.
Dec 2012 · 365
Imagining You In My Bed.
I lie in bed
And imagine
That your
Lying beside me
And I seem
To drift off into
Blissful sleep.
Dec 2012 · 596
I want
to provoke him
To the point
Where his
only option
For control
To once again
Be his
Is to take me
And ravish me
once more.
Dec 2012 · 343
J And S Wounds.(10w)
I wonder
If they'll
I almost
Want them
It's harder
To write
About the dark
When your in love
And finally
Living in the light.
Dec 2012 · 283
Wonder If Anyone Noticed.
I wonder
If anyone
Besides myself
Has ever
Thought about
How amazing
We are
When together
I'm curious
If they
Have noticed
How much
Happier I
Am with
You or
Whenever I
Get the
Chance to
Speak of
You that
My smile
Becomes so
Much brighter
I'm Interested
In knowing
If anyone
Sees that
Because of
You I
Am more
Alive and
Slightly more
Every time
I hear
Or see his last name
The one he decided on
I want for it to be mine
I'm afraid
I sound presumptuous
Or obsessively in love again
But It's not so
I have always just
Wanted to be his
To bare his child
To marry
This amazing
Is all I've ever
Wanted out of life
If he'll have me
I'm here
Dec 2012 · 260
Somewhere In Between
In me
That not
Even I can
Beneath all
Of my flaws
And impurities
You see good
And you've fallen
For it
For me
All I know
Is that the
Best part
Of loving you
Is how you
Accept me
Is how your here
And hopefully
Dec 2012 · 285
Our Journey,Our Love
Every time
I look back
Its hard
To believe
We made it here
We made it this far
And now were
Now we know
Our love
Was always
Meant to be.
Dec 2012 · 583
Please Do
I'm afarid
To run
I'm afraid
You won't
Chase me.
Dec 2012 · 228
It Was Always You
I think
The best part
Of seeing you
And now
Come back
To me
Is that I
Got to fall
In love
All over again.
Dec 2012 · 818
Pit Of Perfection
Your kiss
Heals all wounds
It swallows my tears
And captures my attention

In your arms
I'm desperate
To have you as close I can
Because each moment wrapped in you I feel safe

A touch
Your touch
Like sweet hummingbirds
In slow motion and with each flutter
Of their wings your amazed
Breathless from its pure beauty
Shocked by how much joy can
Come from something like this

And surrounded
By the love and attention
You give and that I should be grateful for
The love
The sweetness of your hugs
And kisses and even your touch
That I am grateful for
It all takes me
and in there
In that pit of perfection
I find my love for you.
Don't think the end makes sense
Open your
Eyes when you
Kiss me sometimes
And I sometimes
Think its strange
Or maybe even rude
But I catch myself
Taking a peek
Just to know
If your gonna
looking back at me
So we can have
The most awkward
Staring contest.
Dec 2012 · 324
Gone When I Need You (10W)
Asked me
What I want
For my birthday
And I say nothing
But what I really
Want desperately
Is for you
To propose
I know we
Can't get
Married now
But I want proof
Your dedicated
I want evidence
That you love me
And that you believe
You always will
Dec 2012 · 276
I think about
Having a child
Someday but
I've only thought
About having a child
With you
Dec 2012 · 201
United And Broken
Maybe its
The fact
That you've
Broken my
And I've
Broken yours
That keeps us
Forever linked
Dec 2012 · 2.7k
Fridays Worries
We need to talk

But I need answers

That I don't want to hear
Dec 2012 · 187
Hopefully True
Maybe true love
Is when two
People can break
Each others hearts
And still want
To just be with the other.
Dec 2012 · 467
Prove It
Prove you love me
Without words
Convince me
That you wanna spend
Forever with me
With a kiss
Or a smile
Or a look
If o am yours
Prove it
Not just to me
But to everyone
Who ever doubted
What we could be
Dec 2012 · 433
Now or Never
Leave me now
Leave me never
For the aching will
Only grow
And agony
Only multiply
Dec 2012 · 439
Curiosity Aches
I'm curious
Do you love me
Or who I use to be

I'm curious is it me you wanna marry
Or the shadow of the old me

I'm curious
Are you ashamed
To claim me as yours

I'm curious
Are you here
Just to hurt me

I'm curious
Do I even matter to you
Or am I just dreaming.
Dec 2012 · 367
One Day I Wanna Be A Mother
My womb aches tonight
Because your child isn't there
And that just doesn't feel right
Dec 2012 · 250
Sweet Dream Baby
Last night
I dreamt that
Our child
Was in my belly
A month or two old
But growing
And I had never
Felt so complete
Never have I felt so whole
With the beating of that
Little heart in me
Never have I taken
Such comfort
In what should have been
Or absurd
But I did
That child is not just
But yours as well
And I know you'll be
An amazing father
I loved that child
I would love any child of mine
But it'd make me happier
If that child can be yours.
Dreamt about being pregnant with his child and felt amazing but too young for it now. It gave me hope for us and our survival and future.
Dec 2012 · 956
Slimmer Of Hope
Through the clouds
I see a ray of light
Our moments
Of sorrow and pain
And then you
Shine a light
And warm my heart.

You talk to me about
Wedding bands
And I once again
Take comfort
In the fact that you
Want me
Not just now
Dec 2012 · 663
Willingly Captured
I hear your cruel words
As you try to explain
You mean no harm
Yet with each
Excruciating line
I feel my heart
Crack and shatter
Your telling me here
And now
You don't love me
You love her
The girl I was
But your the one who killed her
You shattered her heart too
Left her so broken
She became different
But inside
This person I am
Feels too complex
And now even I am having
An identity crisis
As for you
You stay
And so do I
Because there is a love
A passion
A complete disaster
Yet so undeniably meant to be
We've been through hell
To get here
To be together
So we will stay because
Our love is trapped.

I'm sometimes afraid
That the best choice
Is to let you go
But I need you
My love keeps me
Trapped here.

Sometimes I like this cage
Because your there.
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