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Your walls
Half collapsed
To rebuild
Or let them fall.

My walls
I don't know
Do they exist?

Perhaps in my fear
Of your absence
They remain
Because leaving
Is always a worry.

Perhaps in my tears
My walls exist
Afraid that
Will rein supreme.

But I have no doubt
Any longer
Of your love for me
You've proven it
And If anything
I can rest
Your love
Is as real
As mine for you.
Jan 2013 · 391
I love him
Want to marry him
Live with him
Make love with him
Have a child
Get a cat
Raise that little kid
The kitty too
I want to show him
A good time
In this ****** up world
I want to fall asleep
Each night
With him
And wake up to his smile
I want to grow old with him
We must change
Change comes with age
But at least this time
If we're lucky
We'll change together.
Jan 2013 · 627
They try
To lure me
Like I
Was so overjoyed
The first time around
I know they saw
How broken
My face looked
And I just repeat myself
Over and over
I can't
Because there's too much
At stake
There is no reason
Good enough
To ever go back
I just want to be with him
Cuddle close
Fearless and strong
Growing to be better
With him by my side.
Jan 2013 · 263
I Don't Care
My time
With you
Is precious
And no
Matter how
We spend it
I'll always
Be happy
And content
Because no matter
What we're doing
I'm with the one I love.
Jan 2013 · 541
Insomnia For You And I
I can't
So I
You were
You never
Seem to
And it'd
Be nice
To try
To sleep
With you.
Might be too hot ....he'd gladly freeze me with the ac if that were the case.
Jan 2013 · 776
Cheered Tongues
Maybe I'm being
Overly zealous
But sometimes
When you kiss
Me in the street
We're cheered on
Faces of disbelief
For our sudden
Battle of tongues
Been told it's okay
Rock on
As though
This its normal
Sure some people
What the ****
Or get a room
But we're always
Cheered by another
And maybe they know
How good we are together
Perhaps they see
That you and I
Aren't just young lovers
But eternal ones as well.
People always comment on how he kisses me. On how we kiss everywhere.  Always.
Seems like
The longer
We're together
The harder
It gets
To be apart.
Jan 2013 · 390
I hate
Our time
And I
Can't wait
For the day
When you
And I
Can come home
And find the other.
Jan 2013 · 535
That's How You Know.
I love** that
With you
It's not ***
It's making love.
I know God exists
Each and every time
I look at you.

My prayer come true.
Jan 2013 · 702
Sleepy Soul
I fell asleep
Last night
With a smile
Because your
Voice soothed me
Into a peacful sleep.
Though I had a dream and you were there ....
It was strange. Still loved talking to you before i fall asleep.
Jan 2013 · 211
To Be A Mrs.
I'll smile
And feel my heart
Be freed
As I sign
My name
My new name
For that first time.
Jan 2013 · 484
Accidents Happen
Your shirtless today
All day
Your Kiss
Always Breathless
Even From That First Day
When You Kissed Me
And It Was Raining
And We Were So Nervous
I Loved It
Loved How You
Made Me Feel Like Yours
Now I Await
For The Next
So Maybe
You'll Kiss Me Again
And I Can Pretend
I Didn't Have To Wait
Three Years To Feel It Again.
Even In Intimate Moments
You Read Me Like A Book.
Jan 2013 · 2.5k
You look at me
When no one else sees
But when your
Are around
You make
Those annoying
***** noises
Like nothing exsisted
Like we never
Or laughed together
Like we didn't flirt
Or have something
Your ashamed
Everything got ******* up
And that's okay
Because I know you
Almost asked me out once
I know
You use to want me
It's okay
I found someone
Not ashamed.
Joshua Blackmire
Whose child I'll one day sire
Whose soul I love and admire
Whose words inspire
Whom I cannot call a liar
Who makes my heart fly higher and higher
Whose hand never seems to tire
And whose touch that lights my soul afire.
Amatuer hour
As close as I
Am never feels
As close as I can get
I want to cuddle
Into you
And pour out
My soul
Like I always do
I want to cry
So happily
As I think about
Our marriage
Our child
Our life
Our eternity.
Jan 2013 · 647
Even a friend
Can use you
Someone well known
Corrupted and destroyed
Coming for you
Even a friend can
Break promises
And have ill conceived
Points of reason
A friend
Can become a
Under cover enemy.
Jan 2013 · 330
Be My Happily Ever After
My sorrow
And apology
Rings true
My tears
Heavy but
My love
More real
More honest
Than anything
I've ever known
Or have ever felt
Believe me
When I say
I want nothing
More than
To spend
The rest of my life
With you
Growing old
Creating an
Amazing story.
Jan 2013 · 686
Sympathy Or Empathy?
It's his pain
That makes
Me want
To end it
Or go back
To my blade
So I can find
Some comfort
Some release
If any at all.
Jan 2013 · 435
Make It Better
Whenever I cry
Whenever we fight
I get so scared
That I'm losing you
But you hold on tight
And prove you'll stay
You kiss me and
I find that
We need each other
More than ever
Because when
Things hurt
Or fall apart
Even if only
For a moment
Lust takes over
Pure desire
And I think
We just need
Each other
To touch
To kiss
To hold

But never miss.
No good blame geometry
Jan 2013 · 306
Strange Enjoyments
I loved how
Your hand
Ran through
My hair
As you
Kissed me
With such
Jan 2013 · 311
Lovers Quarrel
Have ***
With me
Oh please
To me
Love me
Make love
To me
For the
Rest of my life.
Let me admit
I felt
And twisted
It'd been a year
Even longer actually
And yet I did it
At your request
I did
And again
A thousand times more
Only for you.
Jan 2013 · 185
Mornings (10w)
Your touch
Like Drops of heaven
Pouring upon my body.
I want
To explain
As much as I can
About everything
But there resides
An ache
Knowing it'll
Break more of me
As well as set me free
As for him
I fear he and I
Will never be the same
For how can a man
Look at his bride
And know her past
Was full
Of whorish
That still
Make her life seem
Jan 2013 · 488
Kiddie Thoughts
My love for you
Is infinite
I could not
Bare it
If you left
I could
Not bare it
If you left
My heart
Is so
For the future we've created.
Jan 2013 · 511
A Toys World
Used up
And again
So I push away
From the only kiss
To make me weak
Because I fear
The love has dissipated
And all that remains
Is carnal lust.
Jan 2013 · 246
New Formation Same Story
I'm just afraid
One day
You won't
Be there
When I
And nothing
Will hold me together
And I
Will just

My life without
You is so
So please
Don't let me
Don't let me
Jan 2013 · 271
Feeling Desperate
Let me cry into you
With no questions
Just hold me
Kiss me
Let me stay yours
I need you
More than ever before.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Thank You God Thank You.
Eternally grateful
Am I to God
For not only
Putting him
Into my life
But for keeping
Him here
Because when
Death comes
He swats him
Away for the reaper
Is weak for those
Who defy him.
Jan 2013 · 210
Finally I lost you
I knew it'd happen
Because in my life
Nothing good ever stays
Nothing ever lasts
I wish you'd love me
But I knew all day
It would end this way
And a blade would find my skin
Because without you I'm fin.
Jan 2013 · 181
Still Waiting...
I cried all day
So many parts
Of my life to a dream
But the more I cried
The more I knew
I can't erase it
Just hope
There is ONE
Just one
Who would understand.
Jan 2013 · 430
My Afterlife
I'll be sent
Straight to hell
Riding the red wagon
Of death
The devil will come for me
Torment me personally
Just as he's done in life
But that's the price you pay for sin
That's the debt you owe
When your someone like me.
Jan 2013 · 255
Cut Me Open,Pour Me Out
If you won't let
Me die
Can I at least
Grab a knife
Pick up a blade
Use my pin
Metal music isn't
Loud enough
It can only release
Some pain
A cut
Might release more.
Jan 2013 · 794
Today I decided
I want to commit suicide
Today I realized
I need to die.
Jan 2013 · 1.8k
Cuddles Please
Just hold me
Hold me tight
And please
Don't let go.
Jan 2013 · 175
What Did I Do?
I passed you
In the hall
And you didn't
Even look at me.
No longer
Will the moon
Bare my name
Only Victory.
Jan 2013 · 263
Need You Always
I need you
Because I love you
But I need you because
Your touch is the one
Of a lovers
Your love is that of one too
I need you because
The future I see
Is only made up of you and me
And of course baby spencer
Or serenity
I need you
Jan 2013 · 495
I really need you
But she
Needs you more
And say goodbye
For me too.
Jan 2013 · 267
Ache (10w)
I feel
Jan 2013 · 716
A part of the old me
And this newer me
Jan 2013 · 497
Would you like he does?
Would you hug me in front of everyone
Tongue kiss me like no ones watching
When everyone is
Would you wipe away the tears
Would you care if I cut
Would you pleasure me
And expect nothing in return
Would you understand me
When I'm sad
And emotionally gone
Would you comfort me when I'm stressed
Or try to make it all better
Would you accept me
My beliefs and morals
Would you write for me
Would you cry for me
Would you tell me your story
Even if it hurts
Would you be there to take away the pain
Would you care for me
Would love me at all
Would you love me enough
To plan our future together
Like he does
Or will you turn and run like you always do
Whatever you decide
I'm lucky he's still by my side.
Jan 2013 · 411
Venom Eyes
**** it hushboy
Your eyes that sting
Like venom
**** your dimples
Because they're
So apparent from afar
**** you and
You devilish hate
In a past life it would've
Worked out
But in this world
You and I are enemies
With history
Where I used to care
And you
Who the hell knows
But all is over
And now all I receive
Is your
Venomous stare.
Jan 2013 · 235
For The Best
I can't help
But think
If only
You had
Come back sooner
I would be innocent
I wouldn't have fallen again
I wouldn't be looking back
I wouldn't have cried
Or cut
I would still be obssesively in love
And maybe you and I
Wouldn't be here now
So maybe all happened
For the best
Even if it hurt
It helped us grow
Helped us see
How we're
Perfectly meant to be.
Jan 2013 · 1.6k
Inside The Proposal
Asked me
To be yours
And with
A flutter
In my heart
And a smile
On my face

I said yes.
Jan 2013 · 253
Unprepared Beginnings
You asked me
To be yours
After we talk
Caught up
Made out
And I said yes
With such
Limited emotion
Because I
Couldn't say no
Not to you
Not to that kiss
No one has ever
Kissed me like that
It had been so long
Since I felt its sweetness
For I never had a kiss
Like that except the days before
You left me.
Jan 2013 · 1.5k
Don't Blame Adventure Time
You loved adventure time
I hated it
I guess it wasn't meant to be.
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