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Jan 2013 · 375
Love Is Our Conquerer.
It was raw
And I knew it
Had to be true
You said you loved me
And I believed
The pain
The agony
Our battle
The victory is always
Rewarded to Love.
Jan 2013 · 299
I Wish I Felt It
Is it wrong
That this death
Makes no impact
Is it wrong
That the only pain
I feel
Is that of my
Guiltless conscience.
Grandmother dying of bone cancer I feel...this way and my poor mother is broken in pieces about it.
Do me a favor
Think of our child
Don't you want 'em
To be strong
And stick up
For what they believe
Don't you want them
To have a choice
In what they believe in
Because they might
Just hate you if you pressure them
Like you are me
Don't you want them
To be happy
To love you
To exist?
Jan 2013 · 207
Tomorrow? 10w
Just let my body
Melt into yours
I need this.
Jan 2013 · 247
I must sound problematic
Because I keep missing you when your here
Yet I keep wanting you when your not.
Jan 2013 · 405
Apollo the Cat
My kitty
Is here for me
If no one else will be
She'll share this bed with me.
Jan 2013 · 369
I'm Sorry I Can't Believe
I know
Your hurting
And your all messed up
Your thoughts scattered
Only knowing
The kind of person
You want me to be
Avoiding who I am
Not seeing
How clearly your hurting me
And blinded
To how hard I'm fighting
To stay
Because my heart begs
Pleading that I've fought to hard
And far too long to quit now
But I know this will become
Our undoing
For you
Despite what you say
Only accept me
But if you really loved me
You'd accept who I'm not.
Might make no sense. I cannot commit to Christianity and it's causing problems. I wish he understood I believe in God, just not the Bible.
Jan 2013 · 683
Trusting No One But You
That's all you are
And This
Is my territory
And the law says
I have every
Right to
Shoot you down
Where you stand.
Jan 2013 · 344
Feel Better Soon
I wish
I could
Save you
You deserve
To be
Jan 2013 · 277
With Hope For Forgiveness
Of course
I'd like to
Be freed
From the curse
Of memories
That bombard me
I'd like to be honest
About my pain
And my mistakes
That ultimately created
This outcasts soul
But I cannot tell
For my life would
Quickly become ruins before it gets well
But I've asked for His forgivness
And that is all I can do.
Jan 2013 · 661
Comfort Is No Complexity
I feel safest
When craddled
In the warmth
Of your arms.
Jan 2013 · 341
When You Know You Know
It wasn't  because
I found you attractive
It wasn't  because I found
You mentally desirable
Or because I found you
Sexually Wonderous
Its not due to the fact
That your kind and funny
I didn't know any of that at first
I loved you
Because the first time
You looked me in the eyes
My heart skipped a beat
And I just knew
You were the one
I'd spend the rest of my life with.
You stole my heart at first glance then everything else fell into place
Jan 2013 · 402
Mission Rainbow
I want
To prove
That bright
Colors and I
Simply don't
Go well together.
Jan 2013 · 483
Journey Of My Life
I began
My unruly desire
For love at three
Already lost
And hopeless
Searching for love
Each and every day
Always sensing it
Was close
And at
Eleven I met you
And our journey began
Just as ******* up
As it is beautiful
Because here we are
Four years later
Dreaming of our future
Knowing now
That young love
Does exist
And can survive
I've been looking for love
Since I was three years old
And I found it eight years later
With someone whom I love
And you may doubt it
Our love
Our story
My search
But it's all true
I swear that to you.
In preschool I began my journey.
Jan 2013 · 473
Respectably Mine
I love that your
So polite and
Old fashioned
Always asking
Before you
From the start
Having respect
For my body
And even when
Its obvious I want you
You ask
The first time comicality
Surrounded by the beginning
Of true passion
Can I touch those?
As though
They were mutants
But that's how the
First touch goes
I love it when you ask
Because each time you do
I know I was suppose to be with you.
Jan 2013 · 266
The Things Learned
I've made so
Many mistakes
In life
And with you
But The things that
Life has taught me
Will keep me safe
The things
I've learned
By ******* up
With you
Taught me
To fight
Harder to be what you want
Because your worth change
Your worth fighting for.
Can we
Just agree
To make up
And let things be.

I need you.
Jan 2013 · 272
The Image Never Changes
I looked in the
And saw
How hideous
I am
and I
How he bares
To look at me
Each day.
Jan 2013 · 244
Hope For The Best
I Really
We Can
Get Through
This Mess.
Jan 2013 · 253
I Sure Hope You Do
Don't stay
If its because
You pity me
Or because
I'm partially
Your creation
Don't stay
Because you
Feel like
You wanna fix me
Or because
You feel bad
How my life changed
Because of you
Stay with me
Only if you love me.
Jan 2013 · 232
If You Loved Me
Will you
Accept me
As I am
Or let
The future
We dream of
Fall apart.
Jan 2013 · 942
I'm sorry
Will you stay?
Or will
You break
My heart
The choice
Has always been yours.
Jan 2013 · 288
War Love And Complications
The worst
Part about
With you
Is that
I have no one
To hug me
And tell me
It'll be okay
Because you're
The only one
Who can
Comfort me.
Jan 2013 · 234
For four years
I have loved you
Doubt that.
Jan 2013 · 278
Will You Let Me?
All I want
Is to forever
Be yours.
Jan 2013 · 401
On A One Way Street To You
Jan 2013 · 335
Not Quite A Christian
Has yet to
Teach me
His words
Or whether they be true
God as a child was
Not real
But I grew to need him
While alone in this cruel life
Yet he has not spoken to me
Only answered
Prayer after prayer
And for that I am thankful
But how am I to know
The kind of life he wants me to lead
If he does not allow
My soul to believe
The possible lies of his disciples
How am I suppose to make sure
I'm on the right track
When I already feel as though
I'm falling off before it begins.
Jan 2013 · 292
Freedom Is Mine
I'm cutting
The chains
And setting
Myself free
I'm sick
Of being
A caged
Jan 2013 · 235
Forgive Forget And Move On
Of me.
We'll pretend
We never argued
Like I never cried
Like it didn't hurt
And we didn't fall from our pedestal
We'll bury it
For another month
Until the storm once again stirs
Awakening the truth
If we don't fix it
We never will
And this
Will never
Truly be okay.
Jan 2013 · 233
Crumbling Pieces
Your asking me
To change
My base
Your asking me
To believe in
Something I don't
And it breaks my
Scarred heart
To think this
Can destroy us.
Jan 2013 · 333
Metal Releases The Ache
I could
Really use
Your music
Screaming voices
Into my ears
To take away
The pain
Its a release of its own.
Jan 2013 · 256
Go If You Please
I told you


It's okay

I understand

This problem

Has no solution

You said it yourself

I'm ****** up

So its okay


But **** me on your way out

For my heart will surely break

And I'll lose my will to fight


But know I will always

Love you.
Had another fight.....
Now more than ever
I'm scared
That being me
Just won't be
To make him
Jan 2013 · 293
Insanely In Love
                     I've found
                     Crazy enough
To love me
                               The way I love them.
For the day
When we don't
Have to
Work around
And holidays
We can come home
And find the other
Lying in bed
Our cat arriving at our door
To comfort us
And then our child running down the hall

Once everyone is bed
It'll just be us
Our wedding bands
And our comfy bed
Calling our names
For we will
Live our lives
Jan 2013 · 227
Ringing Thoughts
Laced in fear
Lightly coated
With general
So desperate
For you to stay
Yet even more
So for you
To be with me
Jan 2013 · 384
Red Finger Tips
I felt
It would've been easier
To eat in front of you
Than that
But there's no
Taking it back
No time machine
To change the past
It's okay
I guess
Things happen
And we just have to move forward.
Jan 2013 · 217
Happily Ever
Surely we'll move in
Get a cat
Have a kid or two
Raise them
And live happily
Until death does us part.
Jan 2013 · 941
Finishing Touch
I suceeded
In achieving
Somethings new.
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Trick Candle
My love like
A trrick candle
With no cure
It'll never stop
Had no time to write something better
I love it
When you
Kiss me
And everyone
Is watching
Because your
Not afraid
To be seen
With me.

                                                            ­                                                                 ­                                                   I love it when you hug me
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                                                 Like it's beeen years
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                                    Since you've seen me
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                                                 So warm and wrapped tight.

I love it
When you
Tell me you love me
I feel the vulnerbility in you
As well as myself
And when I reply
You almost always
Hug me
And then kiss me.

                                                                ­                                   I simply cannot determine
                                                       ­                                            What it is that I love more
                                                            ­                                         The way you hold me
                                                              ­                                        The way you kiss me
                                                              ­                                        The way you love me
                                                              ­                                         But it's okay because
                                                         ­                                              At the end of the day
                                                             ­                                               I love it all.
Jan 2013 · 489
Innocent Touch
When your hand
Goes up and down
My back
Every touch
Every instant
Is A release
Tension and stress
And all I can
Feel is you
And all I wanna do
Is give you a hug
So you know
The effect you have on me.
Jan 2013 · 894
Butterfly Fly Away
My heart

                         Once a caterpillar

Not yet grown

                             But once it knew


                           It grew

To be

                             A beautful butterfly


                           And fluttering

On it's way

                            Straight to you.
Jan 2013 · 265
Child O Mine
My child
So vivid
Our child
So precious
We'll watch
As you grow
And ensure
Your safety
And happiness.
Jan 2013 · 299
Eh, Purpose.
Needing you
Waiting for you
The distance
Only temporary
No matter how agonizing
We'll reach the day
When time together
Is endless
Or at least
More available
We'll get there
One day
We will
Because that's
How it's suppose to be.
****** poem I wrote in a rush
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Lovey Dovey (11w)
The truth
Honest and bare
Is that
I've always loved you.
Jan 2013 · 432
Moral Conduct Broken
I promise
It's normal
For to
Young people
To have
An Uncontrollable Passion.
It doesn't mean we love each other any less.
Jan 2013 · 317
Promise Kept
I wanted to cut today
I had an anxiety attack
It's been so long since that
But I held on tight
And tried to be strong
Because I promised you I would'nt
And I refuse to do you wrong.
Jan 2013 · 307
Accpeted (11w)
I feel like
You've finallly
Accepted me
Accepted my
Boyfriend gave me colorful bracelet after long debates about my bisexuality and me having to take the flag off my wall to prepare for renovations.
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