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Feb 2013 · 287
Headaches (10w)
My poor head
With all it's endless
Pain and aching.
Feb 2013 · 324
(10w) on Ingrowth
That **** razor
Which I adored has
******* me over.
Hurts don't ask
Feb 2013 · 519
I guess
I just haven't
Made it clear yet
I'm completely
And absolutely
Hideous in my own eyes
It doesn't change
It never has
It never will
No matter
What you
Or anyone else says
The truth is
I'm just
Happy with
Feb 2013 · 237
Month 5 (10w)
I Have
Only One Question
Will You
Be My
Feb 2013 · 666
I'm fat

And I must spend my life with that

Don't tell me I can change

A skinny life would be strange

I know it's not easy

Being made fun of and gone after by guys that are ******

I'm fat

And it gets hard to deal with that

I've tried to change and better my life

But the food makes me sick and the junk replaces my knife

I can't help the way I am

But at least my life isn't a sham

So I struggle with security and will power

It doesn't mean I cower

I get by

Without a regretful sigh

Because even though I'm fat

Even though it's tough

I face that fact.
Feb 2013 · 322
Our Home (Violent Love)
Wrapped in you
Light kisses
The tv
Playing rock
In the back
You smile
I laugh
My heart
And inside
I cry
Because this
Only makes me
Want you more
Not just now
Not just
For a few years
But Forever
Because I love you
Too much to Ever
Let you go.
I like to
With my head
I like to ask
What if
brought us together
What if it was God
Could it both
Was it?
I get so lost
In this mind
Asking unanswerable
I love that
On your face
The way
Your eyes
Look desperate
For more
The way
You need me
Not just because you love me
But because you
Lust for me too.
Feb 2013 · 475
Tease me
Because that's
How I've
Making love
Would be,
A long
Just a little
More Amazing.
Every time
It's like getting
To know
A part of my soul
Laying with him
Bare and more
Than ever before
It's as though
I've finally
My piece of heaven
And I find it
Each and every time
He does that with me.
Jan 2013 · 480
Whit Is Not My Game
I'm not one for labels
There's one I won't mind
Jan 2013 · 500
Undying Love
Hello my love
I have been searching
For you
For a long time
Are you the
Can my journey end now?
I loved you
Even before this
I loved you the moment
My heart
As tiny as it was
Knew what feelings
Actually were
And once I found you
I just knew
The love of my life
Yes, You
I hope your always happy
Happy in life with me
For I promise to always be happy with you
I promise
To try my hardest
To make this work
I promise
My love will never die
Because no matter
How hard
People try to **** it
It will always live on
For my love for you is undying and true.
Jan 2013 · 368
When his
Sweet words
Are known
My heart
Not because
A pain is
But simply
Due to
My heart swelling
From utter joy.
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Your warmth
Cascades around me
Burying in
The sweetness of you.
Jan 2013 · 241
Eye Of The Storm
The storm
And brutal
Has finally
And now
All I have
To do
Is dry
And hope
The sun
Jan 2013 · 357
Timing Is Everything
We are in-fact
Meant to be
God has surely
Whispered that to me
But behind our
Ignorance and fear
I believe
He may be saying
It's not time yet.
Jan 2013 · 200
Tonight (10w)
I'll pray to God tonight
I just hope
He listens.
I'm sick of this
Sick of not being good enough
Sick of being changed
Sick of you telling me to change
To pretend
Sick of arguing
Sick of fighting
Of the tears
Sick and tired
Of being knocked down
I'm not who you want me to be
And if I'm not
Good enough for you as I am
Then maybe you should go
And if you don't
Maybe I'll have to.
Wrote this while crying at school... Problems in Paradise.
Jan 2013 · 301
I Will Always
I will always
Fight to keep you
Because I know
What its like
To lose you.

I will always
Love you
Because I know
The ache
Of pretending I don't.  

I will always
Need you
Because I know
The agony of feeling
Weak without you.

I will always
Choose you
Because I know
That you
Chose me to.

I will always
Be here for you
Because I know
How lonely life can be.
Jan 2013 · 182
To Be Or Not To Be
I understand
Your happy
Because I
Said I'd
Play pretend
But what if
I wasn't
So happy?
Jan 2013 · 407
Outlook On Love
Love makes you do
Crazy things
****** up things
Love makes you lie
Love keeps you in fear
Love can break you
Chew you up and spit you out
Love can destroy lives
But love can also create them
Love can make you feel vulnerable
Which isn't always bad
Love makes you more honest
At least with yourself
Love keeps you safe
Love can heal your wounds
And help the scars fade
Love is something
Love is all a person needs
To get by.
Jan 2013 · 375
Cloud Nine Ending
The feeling
Like your floating
On cloud nine
But it's filling
With raindrops
The ache of
The rain
Will blend
With someone's
And their
Misery and agony
Will come and
Reach you
Trying to
Make that
Safety on
Cloud nine
Jan 2013 · 184
Broke And Done
A heart

Is never


To be broken.
Jan 2013 · 329
Save Me By Deciding
I wish
but you and me
Are torn
And the ache
Grows with
every threat
That you'll leave
And every
False idea
That maybe I can
I wish
But too much
has been destroyed
Can we salvage this?
Jan 2013 · 586
I Want You To Be Happy
Your fear
Shaking me
To my core
It derails me
I'm afraid
Not that
You want
To leave
But due to
Anxiety you
And I
Will part
For my frail
Heart cannot
To be away from you
You are
The support
I've always needed
And I'll fight
Always for you.
He's freaking out about the 5 month mark.  I just can't wait for things to go back to normal.
Jan 2013 · 452
Darn Spanish Class
You're a ****
And I'm so
******* sick
Of backing
Down and
Turning away
I don't care
What you say
I'll say something
Back to you
I'm standing my
**** ground
And I'm not
Backing down
You are a monster
And I'm finally
To fight back.
Jan 2013 · 583
Nothing makes
Me happier
Than to hear
Your voice saying
*I Love You.
Jan 2013 · 228
I Love You
And I Wish
Oh How I Wish
That It Was Enough.
I have this
Never ending feeling
Not even You
Want this
To Last.
Jan 2013 · 433
I'm A Failure
I get so
When I
Talk about
Marrying him
And the life we could
Live together
But then we fight
And A fear arises
Perhaps he and I won't suceed
For young love dies fast
But still I want it to last
I've been praying on my knees
Since day one
And hope has yet
To die.
Jan 2013 · 413
Something in
The pit of me
As fear whispered
*It's not time yet
Jan 2013 · 299
Ashes Of Me
Break me into pieces
And pour me over you
As if you've won
And your showing me
How victorious you truly are.
Jan 2013 · 1.9k
I don't
Feel like
Doing this
I simply
Can't handle
It all
Not anymore.
Jan 2013 · 958
Imagination Overrides
As sleep
Takes me
Into its depth
I'll dream of you
Hoping everything
Will be alright.
Jan 2013 · 518
Questions For Our Life
Will you love me
Years from now
When conversation
Runs low
And there's
Just the daily us
Mocking your attention
Will you love me
If our child is grown and gone
And we're once again left
To twiddle our thumbs
Will you love me in old age
When its unlikely we're able to move
Nonetheless make love
Will you love unto your grave
Even if I should pass first
And your left alone for some time
Will you love me
As I swear
To always love you.
Jan 2013 · 758
I cannot wait until
You and I
Can wake up
With bed head.

Can't wait until we
Can have dinner

Can't wait to
Argue about chores
And who does what.

I can't wait to
Fall asleep in our bed
The one we make love in
And call you my husband.
Jan 2013 · 417
After Effects
My body
Bloated with passion
Is not easy without you
For I writhe
Back arched
Soft frustration
Uttered from my lips
Hand desperate to touch
To feel
But it's nothing
Compared to
How every
Every caress feels with you.
Jan 2013 · 832
Senseless Analogy
To be
For the first time
Is like
Off a swing
When your so
High up
Your scared
But you know
It'll be worth it
And so
You jump
And feel
And butterflies
And you just want
To keep feeling this way
And as long
As the love goes on
You can
You **Do.
Jan 2013 · 247
Old Passion(10w)
I Just Hope
That Our
Never Dies

Not Ever.
Jan 2013 · 400
Always My Love (10w)
Never let me go
For I'll
Hold onto
You forever.
Jan 2013 · 319
Winter Is Cold And Angry
Every single
Solitary moment
Standing in
The cold
0 below
Is worth it
As long
As I have you
To Hug
To Kiss
For your love
Will keep me warm.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Sweet Revenge
You came out
Walked into my arms
And kissed me
The sun shining bright
Joy in my heart
Something unkown to me in yours
And laughter filling me
For this was completion
And the sweet taste of
Revenge filled me
As across the street
Stood someone
I had once cared for
And he looked
And looked
With hate in his heart
Or a confused sense of jealousy
For here I am
Happier than ever
In your arms.
Jan 2013 · 441
Morning Convo
They're telling me
I still care
About him
But what do they know
For my heart
Already belongs
To someone
And it sure as hell
Isn't him.
Jan 2013 · 743
Achieved ?
It's hard to believe
All we've
Been through
To get
Jan 2013 · 646
Horrible Imagination
Let me
Slither away
In shame
For I do not
Deserve such
For though
I never knew
I destroyed
Both me and you.
Jan 2013 · 326
Cornball/ Our Love Goes On
Looking back
I just
Always knew
From that moment
Our eyes met
My heart learned
Love is real
It discovered
Our love is the truest of the true.
Jan 2013 · 676
Blah Blah Blah, I love you.
I stayed
I love you
And I wanted
To prove
I could be
A good wife
Sticking with you
Through any stupidity
Or nonsense
I wanted to prove
That I'm strong enough
To leave
But crazy enough to stay
The truth is
My life
Without you is predetermined
And I fight that destiny
Telling me
It's not time yet
And that another time will be
Because I want you now
Could make me want to leave you
No matter how much my heart hurts
Or how broken it becomes
It will always belong to you.
Jan 2013 · 386
Bk Tales (10w)
Kissing me
I melt
With joy
All around.
The water
Over flowing the shore
Crashing over
The castle
We made
And no matter
How strong
We made it
Or how long
It took to make it
It crumbles
And our home
Our stability is gone
And like the shore
We will retreat
Losing each other
The ocean
Has become sabtoge.
Jan 2013 · 245
Make it Through
Looking into your eyes
I know that this is
Suppose to be
Yet there's
Our battles
But no couple
Is perfect
And we're still young
We'll figure it out
And ignore that feeling
I use to have
Because your it
The stop sign
For love has found me
And I no longer need to search.
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