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Feb 2013 · 311
The Things People Say
"The thing that caught me
Were her beautiful hazel brown eyes,
But I would never tell her that."
Feel bad
Feb 2013 · 371
New Perspective
Am I beautiful?

There's so must controversy

I say no

My lover says *Yes

My childhood tormentors say NEVER

My admirer says Of course

The question continues to go unanswered

But who could ever see

Beauty in such a girl

With such a past

Could I have finally

Amended or Atoned for my sin

Have I become beautiful

Or are my hopes

Just to high.
Soo This was written because my fiance always calls me beautiful and I deny
And now a friend has called me the same and I started wondering
If perhaps my image has changed or maybe I always was or maybe I never have been and this is
All lies. I know people are gonna say everyone is beautiful but we all know the world
Has a specific idea of what beautiful looks like.
Feb 2013 · 597
Love Bug/Love Triangle
Oh my sweet
Whatever shall I do
For I am lost
Once again
And I need your help
To throw
That pesky love bug
Off the scent.
Feb 2013 · 759
My Gentle Giant
Maybe I should
Run from
His friendship
But he's a great
And so
And frail
And so
I'm afraid to
Hurt my friend
But I need him to know
It's not going to happen
He knows it's not
Yet his words still
Linger in the air.
Feb 2013 · 222
Lovely Memories.
I love you
More with
Each day
For I love you
More with every
New memory
That we share
Feb 2013 · 217
No Markings.
I hope I didn't
Scratch you
All that hard,
I'm sorry If I did.
Always waiting
For yet
Luxourious kiss
For you see
My heart
With you is
And your lips
They press on mine
And send my mind
All this joy
A jolt awakens my sleepy soul
For you brighten each moment
And with you even I
Dread sleep
You kiss me sometimes
With this fierce passion
Like I'm all that matters
Almost as though
Your kiss
Tells me you love me
And when you cup my face
Or run your hand through my hair
My soul brightens up
And suddenly
The clouds part
For I can finally reach
As long as you
Are by my side.
I love you always my King.
Feb 2013 · 475
I think
I've finally
Found the guy
I wanna spend
Forever with
I finally
Found this
Amazing guy
Who isn't
That I'm his
And that he's mine.
Feb 2013 · 271
Pictures And Videos <3
Go Ahead
Do It,

I want you to
Feb 2013 · 643
Romeo And Juliet
Where oh where
Art thou
My sweet
Feb 2013 · 386
Evil Beneath
If this
Is a test
I quit,
You won,
I'm weak.
Feb 2013 · 202
Something's Up
A lot of stuff
Is going through
My head
And I wish
He was here
To make it better.
Feb 2013 · 231
Random Thought 1.
I need something
To grasp
So will you
And tuck me into
My bed tonight?
Feb 2013 · 333
I'm going
To trust him
Even if
I didn't know
I'm not
Gonna care
About that
I trust him.

I'm not that type of girl.

I don't get jealous.

I don't get angry over those type of things.

Nope,Not at all...
I want you
With a passion
That is yet to be known,
You see
I want you
Now and forever
For you
Are the light
That brightens each day
And if you are ever down
I'd like to make you smile
Or try my best to
Because that's what you do for me
You make me
So amazingly
And completely
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
If you foolishly think

You love me

Do what no one else has

Prove it

Scream it to the world

Make a complete idiot out of yourself

If You Love Me

Be Fearless.
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
Clingy Enough Yet?
Let me be
That's hard
For me,
That you call
And message
And write poems
For or about me
I love that your
There because
When your not
I'm always thinking
Of you
Always missing you
Craving everything
That you are
My flesh misses yours
My beating heart
Searching for yours
And at the slightest
Glimpse my chest beats
So hard and rapidly
I Miss You
When your gone
So no
You don't seem obsessive
Maybe I do for saying this
But I wanted you to know
I love how close we are
I love that we depend
On each other
Because we support each other
You wanted me
To be clingier
And I hope
That you see
I try
Not because
You asked
But because
Being Close To You.
Feb 2013 · 197
Lost and Found.
He goes missing
When I'm finally
Feb 2013 · 304
Escape The Want
I want
To solve
All the
All the
That are
I want
To erase
Every ounce
Of hate
I may purify
I want
To cling
To the good
And if I cannot
Change the bad
I'd like
To flee from it.
Feb 2013 · 353
I don't want
To be
Feb 2013 · 852
I simply
Do not
The complexities
Of myself
So no
I do not
But I try
I try to
Solve this puzzle
Of me
And hopefully
While I piece
Together the images
And hidden meanings
Maybe I can start to
Understand the puzzle
That is you
Or the
Hardest puzzle of all,
Wanted to write something and somehow got this
Oh well
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Crazy Love
I don't know what I'd do
If I didn't wake up
And discover you
Waiting for me
Don't know what I'd do
If I didn't have you
To hold me
You see it might be sad
But my love
Makes my world revolve around you.
Ahh idk I use to be crazy in love
Feb 2013 · 360
I have lived without you
If living is what you'd call it
My anguish was found
In the endless nights
That I knew
I'd be waking up
With you not there
Tears stung
The cut burned
My addiction was
My sorrow,
My sorrow
A life without you
Forever would be
One huge misery
And now
With you
Don't expect me to go back
I cannot survive
For you see
I've learned
What happiness is
I've learned what it's like
To be loved
And I will fight all who
Dare try to take you away
Because you mean everything to me
And I will not dare return to darkness.
Feb 2013 · 318
Singy Songy Mercy (10w)
Now get down
On your knees
And beg for mercy.
Feb 2013 · 357
Problematic Until Alone
I wish
I could
Meet you
In a empty
But not
For anything
But for
A little chat
Because I
Have a feeling
If the world
Left you and me
Talk to me
Not about me
And maybe
We can figure out
Your **** problem!
I can see it
In your eyes
The way you love me
Sometimes I can feel it
The way you touch my face
Or just kiss me
So lightly yet full of passion
Sometimes our love
Needs no words
Because with us
It's all about what's in our hearts.
Feb 2013 · 597
Tender Touch (10w)
My skin
Only reacts
To your
No one else's.
Not even mine.
Feb 2013 · 920
Blinded Imbecile Am I
Blinded I fight
To get
Just one slice
Blinded am I
Blind and foolish
My naive ways
Tricking me
Into a unknown
And untrustworthy trust
For I believe
Blatant lies
My battle
Though tough
Shall be won
For the mask
Covering these
Dark eyes of mine
Will soon be unveil.
Feb 2013 · 245
I need you
It hurts
And the
Tears sting.
Feb 2013 · 316
Love viciously
Love violently
Love deeply
And never
Think about
What can go wrong
Just focus on
What's finally going right.
Feb 2013 · 372
Ammo /A secret favorite
I absolutely
Love it
When he cups
My face in
His palms
And kisses me
I never feel
More loved by him
Than in that moment
It's as though
The world has slowed
As though his heart
Is whispering to my soul
I want you forever
And I can't help
But smile as my heart
Flutters for the first time
In ages.
Feb 2013 · 246
Questions For E
I have questions for you

What do you gain
  When you talk about me
  What makes all the lies
  Worth it for you
  Why do you
Make up vicious lies
  When it's been so long
  Since you meant something
  Or since
I *wanted to mean
  Something, anything
  Tell me why?
Feb 2013 · 333
Talk The Talk (10w)
Betrayal barrels
Down the halls
I fall,
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Whisk me away
Leave behind
The twisted thoughts
Of fear
We'll escape
To the land
Of sweet redemption
Be freed from the chains
That viciously hold us down
Nightmares impossible
For we're anywhere
But in the depths of evil
We will prevail
Hope is not yet lost.
Feb 2013 · 300
Moments of Weak Crimson
Momentarily pain slips in
And a strength that grew in me
Crumbled and I wondered
*Why do these things always happen?
Feb 2013 · 557
I just
For once
Things could
Solve themselves
But life isn't that easy
No matter how we wish.
Feb 2013 · 665
Tease (10w)
You are
I have ever known.

Aggravating :)
Feb 2013 · 263
Question The Spark
He was my first kiss

Maybe that's why

Only his kiss feels right

He has lips almost my size

Maybe that's why

It feels so right to have them against mine

He's my first love

And maybe that's why

I think his kiss is best

But maybe it's because

We're actually meant to be.
Others feel normal kissing people who aren't their first love or their first kiss but I am not it feels mutant like and disastrous.
Feb 2013 · 672
Winter King
My king of winter
Not for cool exterior
But for endurance
In the cold
So warm
From head to toe
Except your hands
Which always
freeze for me
My king
If I am your queen
I cannot promise
To enjoy the cold
But I will endure through it
As long as your throne is beside mine
For all I need to survive
The snow and wind
Is your hand in mine
We'll make it
For spring is almost here
And I will guide you through.
No Freaking Idea ...he was freezing today but he wore a short sleeve shirt!!
Feb 2013 · 230
Prove 'Em Wrong
I feel like
We've finally
Fallen into place
There isn't a single part
Of us I hate
Yes, Us
We're doing just fine.

Who said young love doesn't last?
I love the irony

You  hating


Yet still

My name

It spews from your mouth

Full of mad lies

As though you've even said a word to me

I laugh as you try

Not to look at me

Yet our eyes briefly meet

I love

How you hate me

Because I know

It wasn't always that way.
Feb 2013 · 285
Even Beyond The Summer.
The love
Only grows
With each day
And I can
Only hope
It is Never

*Not when
Summer comes
Not when it ends
Let it Sever.
Wasn't sure about adding the italizied part.
Nothing makes me happier
Than to lie there
Content and complete
In your arms
Tired and restless
Wanting to sleep
Or at the very least
Never let you go.
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
As passions
We lose
A flame
Our bodies
Only Fufilled
By this
Amazing act
So Tender
And So Close.
Feb 2013 · 597
Tender And Close
Wrapped tight
As though
It would help
Me feel
Everything a little
But it was all
It truly was
One of the
Most amazing
I could ever
Feel in my life.
Feb 2013 · 335
(10w) Blinded By Bliss
I love how my eyes
Simply did not  see you.
I love how you never loved me
I love how you pretended to

I hate how my heart broke
When I saw shirts that said Daddy's little girl
Because I knew I never would be

I get confused when I think about
How you acted like you cared
How I cried and you hugged me
A real fatherly hug for the first time
And how weeks later when I left
You didn't even say a word
Didn't fight to keep me
Because you didn't want me

I guess I can say
I lived just fine without you
But everyone wants two parents
I was left with one
And she did amazing
But whenever I go and visit my brothers
I envy them
I want to scream
Because they have their mom
And the person who was suppose to my dad

I call you Carlos because that's who you are
Not dad or daddy
And when I refer to you I say my father Carlos
And try not to sound emotionally involved
You and I have never been close
But I still have made similar mistakes
And look undeniably like yours
And each day I curse my genes

I wish I could say I love you
But I know so little
And you've made life harder on me
So all I can say is
Your chromosomes make up half of me
And I think you gave me all the crazy genes
And I cant hate you for that
But certainly can't love you for that either.
More I could have said but I don't like talking about him and this is already so long.
Feb 2013 · 356
Marriage Awaits
Does not
Scare me
It's everything
Before it
The fact
That while
We wait
We can part
Is terrifying
For I want
To be married
And I want
To be married
To you
So please
Work with me
So we can be
Together always.
Feb 2013 · 2.9k
Iffy Cuddles
I wish you
Were here
To cuddle
Close to
So I can
As I
Into your
Amazing eyes.
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