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May 2013 · 229
With you
Each time we make love
I feel like we're getting closer
To our future
And farther away from
Our haunted past.
May 2013 · 2.1k
Like a wildfire burning in my chest
My trust for you has grown.
This year marks the fifth year that I've known you. I've loved you for four and a half years now. We met out of instinct and pure luck. You walked up to me that day and just randomly asked me to be your friend. I instantly felt my heart jump when you spoke. I tried to tell you what I already knew. That I'd love you and I'd never stop but you already made up both our minds. We became best friends. I can't even remember how it happened, it all went down so fast. The next thing I knew we walked together. I remember that I did it on purpose. I walked the longest way home so that I could spend more time with you. We were so young and all these emotions erupted. I fell. I was denying my feelings for days and on New Years when I looked outside the window and saw those fireworks I had my first daydream of kissing someone. Of kissing you. It was then I knew that I was so madly in love with you. I couldn't keep it hidden. Everyone knew. You knew. You teased me. Two or three times you asked me out and just passed it off as a joke. I didn't give up. You asked for real though. But you changed your mind. Not too long after you dated my friend. Courtesy of me. I wanted you to be happy. I thought she would do that for you. I loved you so much that I let you have what I thought you wanted. Her. It lasted under a month. It's my fault it ended. Or that's how it's always felt. Then we dated for a month. Without a hug, without a kiss and then one day it ended. You ended it. I remember being angry and absolutely devastated. You watched as I tore all the love poems I had written. I'm sorry I did that. I'm sorry I always tried to erase everything.  We never did stop being friends though. You told me you were going away that summer. I thought you meant forever. That summer was absolute hell. I remember sitting on my couch staring at the sky just crying. Just hurting. Wishing you'd come back for me. I cut for the first time. I don't know how it came to mind but I know I picked up that blade and I scratched and scratched at my shoulder until it stung. When we got back I thought I would survive. Move on with my life and put all my love away. Then you walked into the room. I cried. It was the first time I cried because I was happy. I had you and that's what I needed. We stayed friends but it didn't matter as long as you were there. I ached for you. Ached to say you were mine and that you loved me but it was too soon. We were too young. I was so nervous that first time you hugged me, I screamed. It use to tickle my heart. It made me smile though. Ear to ear. I did that every time until that day that you asked me out again. I ran to hug you screaming that I loved you. I couldn't stop giggling. I was so happy. I was yours again. I had a chance. Two days after that we kissed. I jumped back when I felt your tongue. It was our first kiss, ever. It was drizzling and when I jumped back you moved in and just kissed me and it was perfect. It was a dream come true. We kissed again once again a few days after. When we left you looked back at me and I looked back at you and I smiled. You didn't. I didn't see you again for a year. I heard from you once. You told me you loved me for the first time ever. You had forgiven my mistakes. You wanted me still and I still needed you. That call it came again and again and one day you just stopped. You had faded from my life again. I was in so much pain. I cut so much when you were away. When I saw you again. I couldn't do it anymore. I buried my feelings and tried to hate you. Your eyes still pierced me. I missed you but I wasn't be hurt anymore. You dated my friend. It hurt so bad. I just pretended. I threw out all the stuff from the years that I had known you. The outfit from our kiss. The hundreds and hundreds of poems. I threw away everything. I wanted to go. To run. I felt so alone. Nothing could make it go away. Then you and her ended and my soul felt such relief. I talked to a few months later. You kept apologizing.  We talked again. I laughed and I smiled. We talked about our miserable relationships. Then one day we were just both single and you told me your feelings were coming back. I got scared. I tried to change the subject. We met though. One day. It had been the first I had seen you without hate, without pain, with hope. With happy memories flooding back I met you. We talked awkwardly and then I kissed you. You were so confused and surprised. Then you kissed me. You asked me out. Here are. You proposing three months later. Us making love. Me, falling in love all over again and letting it happen. Letting myself become vulnerable for you because I always knew. It was always you. If we changed we changed together no matter the distance. If we broke we broke together. Our differences make things fun and controversial. It gives us a future to look towards. You and I want the same things. Each other. Marriage. Maybe a child. Happiness together. We have been through so much in our time together. Everything happened the way it did so we'd end up together the way we were suppose to be. I love you. I always will.
I didn't add the bad stuff that happened because there was no need for that.
Our love story isn't gonna be destroyed with that gibberish.
May 2013 · 317
Cat Has My Tongue
I have so much to say
The emotions overwhelm me
But once again
They seem
May 2013 · 298
I love you though.
The scariest part about loving you used to be
That you wouldn't love me
Now it's that I'll lose you
Because sometimes
I think you do deserve
May 2013 · 274
The Water
I loved the water
Because it helped me forget
Forget the ache
Forget the pain that
Never faded
It rusted and broke the chains
That held me down.
All I have to do
Is hug you
And everything is okay.
May 2013 · 355
First Kiss
I went there everyday after you left
Hoping you'd be there

You never were

I ran my hands down the pipe
Every time it rained

It never did rain the same

I tried to sit the same way
That we did that day

It just never felt right

I tried to imagine you
Sitting there

But it's not the same talking to the air.
May 2013 · 218
No Thanks I'm Fine
You looked at me again
I quickly turned away
I didn't want anymore of this.
May 2013 · 318
Sleeping Habits
Sometimes at night
I move to one side of the bed
Leaving the other completely unoccupied
Hoping that one day you'll be able to join me.
May 2013 · 253
Stolen DSi
They stole you
Stole that picture
I had kept
That kept me whole
That kept me from tears
They stole that smile
And that scar
They took
The little piece of sanity
That I still possessed
They stole from me
My whole world.
May 2013 · 432
I'm sorry I had to say it
Your wrong
Seeing your on and off again
Boyfriend once a week
Is nothing compared
To what it'll feel like for me
And it doesn't matter
That I've lived without him before
Those two years were the most
Excruciating years of my life
I cried myself to sleep endlessly
And I was drenched in my own blood
I was weak then
And my love was beyond the human capacity
So seeing him once in a while now
It won't be easy
But it's better than having a gaping hole
Where your heart once was
And I know you haven't been without
But I have
And let me say
Two months is so much better
Than two years
At least your heart won't be left
At least now
Each day will be a step closer until you meet again
At least this time
There will be a return.
May 2013 · 219
The Sun AFTER A Storm(10W)
Soul mates
Always find a
Way back to each other.
May 2013 · 713
Supernatural Love
I was new in this world
Freshly arisen
And when I thought
I could not bare to
Walk nor breathe
You grasped my hand
And you help me
You helped me move
To inhale and exhale
And with such a calm demanor
Your mind was racking up with
So many unanswered questions
And all I could do
Was whisper my first words
Since being reborn
*I love you.
May 2013 · 368
Dark To Light
I used to be *****
Life use to be so empty and hopeless
I fought a battle with myself each day
I wanted the blade and at times
I would give in
And let another one
Pierce my skin
I was so numb
Darkness surrounded me
I fought my demons
For they followed my every footstep
I wondered if light
If happiness or love would ever enter my life again
And when I had given up hope
Given up on anything good coming into my life
I let you back in
And suddenly
My whole wide world lit up
And my angel
My love
My rescuer had found me again
And I felt complete with him by my side.
May 2013 · 298
Lasting Love
My dear it's that smile
That brightens my day
It gives me hope
It gives me such faith
That you and I really will
Last Forever.
May 2013 · 816
Little kids fight
Grown people talk
No matter how angry
May 2013 · 467
Your right
I haven't changed
A old part of me will
Always remain
Because we can't change
All at once
But all that remains
Is a bit of sorrow
And it now washes over me
As I notice how badly I believe
You need to change
I can't handle life
Not with you around
I need an escape
With this invasion
It's as though I'm grasping for air
And the atmosphere has none left for me to breathe
I am not the girl who fell each time her heart broke
I survive even if it's just barely
I haven't changed in the sense
That even when I say I give up
I never actually do
I'm the same in the sense that
I love him like I always have
And I will always be prepared to fight for him  in my life
I'm different not unchanged
Not someone else completely
Just different.
May 2013 · 428
I don't like you.

There I said it

To be civil you'd have to be

Something a little more humane

But your like a demon on the hunt

And I'm feeling like a slayer

I can't stand you

You cause damage

Create lies

Tear apart and try to destory others happiness

You shall no longer invade me

I am now hunting you

I am rising above the status of prey

Get ready to be slayed!
May 2013 · 261
Wondering If
I know this is all real
It has to be
You wrap your arms around me
Holding me so close and tight
You tell me you love me
You proposed
Your here
So it must be real
Because every time we made love
It felt that way
And when I cried
You hurt
And if I shed enough tears
You'd cry too
Because we felt the pain emanating from each other
We know what the other is eating because we crave it
We are in love
We are soul-mates
I know that
Do you
May 2013 · 191
Should I Go
Should I go
Seems like you want me
To fade
The scars have gone
So does that mean
Your obligations to me have too
I'm falling apart
And I need you
But this time
Like so many others
I'm left here
Wondering if you ever
Wanted me at all.
May 2013 · 7.8k
I'm wearing a skirt on purpose
I lift my legs to rest on a pole
So that it rides up
And you touch me
You do that so well
The switch was turned on
And for me there is no off
Only completion
You rub me
Your turned on too
I can tell
My hand slips back and grazes
The graze becomes a rub
And before we know it we are bare
Our souls shown in the vulnerablity of this nudeness
Our bodies collide
I'm louder than I have been
The pounding is what I needed after all the riding I've done
I just can't help but moan
You say you love me
I love you too
I try to scratch because you like it
And I can't help myself
We're done
And I feel closer to my soul mate than ever.
May 2013 · 873
I'm twisted
My mind a disaster
I'm so vulnerable these days
So easy to set off
I cry like a fool
And you watch
Because my foolish tears sting
I wipe them away
And I need you
I need you
I'd like to attack you
So that your once again
Deep within me
But the time has passed for that fun
I've shed tears and it's turned you away from
Pleasurable thoughts
And back to the sweet ones
But I like it when your like that
I like when you want me so badly
That you simply can't keep your hands off
I'm twisted
Because I want it
I want you
And the odd part of it is
I want you even more once I've had you
I simply cannot stop this desire
My love drives me to the incessant need
To be so close that your pelvis and mine stay
Connected,together in sweet sweet ecstacy.
May 2013 · 351
Never Had Wine Ironicly
My love for you
Ages like fine wine
Only getting better as time
Slowly passes by.
May 2013 · 350
I love you
And it still seems
So fresh
So new
No matter how
Well it
Has aged
I will always
Have fears
Because with us
There will
Be a first
Our first kiss
Our first time together
Our first misery apart
We've embarked upon so many
Adventures together
And sometimes
A new one comes along and scares me
But I know it's okay
Because no matter what
You'll be there
Right beside me
In whatever first may come.
He made me sit in his lap
Like completely on him
It was weird...I'm not exactly little
So I felt awkward and demanded I got off.
Apr 2013 · 885
Revived Neediness
I never want you to go
And if I could
I would keep you
Near me always
I get so needy
And I fight it off
So I don't seem weak
But It's true
I need you
I can't help my ache
But It wants you so close
For now and always.
Apr 2013 · 452
Holy Matrimony
Soon my love
We'll show those who doubt
Soon they'll see
Our love is not temporary
Our battle was fought
And we won
Soon we'll be more
Together forever
United and unbreakable
We are forever
We belong together
We are soul mates
I will never stop
For my love is undying
Until the day I die
My heart is yours.
Apr 2013 · 357
My body
Oh dear!


And out
Oh yes!

I beg!
Apr 2013 · 410
Just Saying

Your arms

Sweet bliss

Your kiss


Our bodies collding


The love that binds us
Apr 2013 · 949
A Ramble Of Love For Him
Your heart is the warmest I've ever known
And I figured out
Why I get jealous of your female friends
I don't want them to see the amazingness that I do
Because then they'll want you.

Your so perfect for me
Your nice and funny and interesting and *****
And you have an amazing smile
And I love that scar and all your freckles
And I love that you let me call them freckles.

You are better than any ideal man I could dream up.
I feel so useless
Feel like life has evaporated because
Someone left me out to long
I feel as though the shadows move
They watch me
Follow my steps in wait
I may be collapsing but
There resides a last bit of strength
And I don't give up
Not easily.
Apr 2013 · 464
Winter King
I have known you
For a long time
And I now realize
That knowing you
Is like knowing happiness
Knowing peace and kindess
It's like having a warm cup of hot chocolate
In the midst of winter
It warms you just perfectly.
Idk about this one
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Cloudy Days
My love
Are the sun
To every cloudy day
You clear my soul
Wash my heart and
You dry it alongside yours.
Apr 2013 · 509
Enemy (#3&4)
I play it off
Because I don't wanna seem
But you
And your little boy toy
Are horrible people
To trick me
To stick a knife in my
Barely healing wound
That deary can end the little friendship we had
And it did
I try to stay away
I cringe when you and him are near
I hate what he's made you
Hate what you've become
I live my life though
Knowing I told someone
Knowing I finally
Told the truth
And I smile knowing
You'll both burn in hell.
Apr 2013 · 530
Enemy (#2)
You and your **** smirk
Your aloofness
I was in search of a friend
And came across you
An evil
Fake, lying entity
Your eyes
Your look is that of
Satan's spawn
Your too complex
Your not bright
Your not kind
Your heart is colder than the artic
I want you to go
Leave for good
Don't come here now
You've already thrown yourself away
Now leave
No one cares
You wouldn't let them
So now your all alone
And I hate you
For fooling me
I hate that I once thought you were better
Than the absolute monster that you are.
Apr 2013 · 807
Enemy (#1)
I know shes "fragile"
But she doesn't know
How to be honest
How to be real
I hate her in silence
And I don't care
The lies will be her end
Her demise
She needs to get away
I see her and she's smiling
Claiming to be broken
And if that *****
Knew better she'd cut it out
Because I know what it's like
To hurt
To ache
To be broken inside and out
And I think she needs to learn
Because this girl
Is a player of the worst kind.
Apr 2013 · 335
It's easier to sleep
With your words
Floating in my mind

It's easier to smile
Thinking of you
Your face
Your scar

It's easier to feel worthy
With you
With your love
And compliments

It's easier to live life
Knowing I'm yours

It's easier with every breath I take
Because I know
You'll be with me for most of them

My darling you and I
Have found a love
That will last a lifetime.
Apr 2013 · 420
My Forever
You look beautiful*

And you my darling look like my forever

In your brown eyes I see happiness

A marriage,a child or two,

I see age but the age of life will bring us wisdom

And together it brings us more love

You and I were not meant to be temporary

You and I were suppose to last

Now,Forever and the rest of Eternity.
Apr 2013 · 383
To Be Some Type Of Forever
They think its only been a few months
Its been years
I've waited
And waited
For you
And I know
Everyday that
I am alive
Is better now
Knowing that after
I got you
Now and forever.
Apr 2013 · 514
Lay with me dear
Hold me
Not for mere comfort
But to show you love me
Let me sleep in your arms
Let me remember us
The pure sweetness of our shared laughter
I just want you
Let me be close
And try to ignore my tossing and turning
For it brightens my soul
And with you near
I feel good
I love you
And I hope you never again doubt it
I love you dear
I love you
For you have always held the key to my heart.
Apr 2013 · 378
S.o.u.l- M.a.t.e.s

Let me go
The chains
You've placed
Are heavy
And I'm tired

Leave me be
No more
Please no more
I'll let the
Chains stay
If you just go
My past
My pain

Leave me alone
I don't need you
I don't want you
Please go
Your no longer safe
And all I'm searching for is safety

So leave me be
You aren't being fair to me.
About someone who won't leave my life alone.
Apr 2013 · 262
Life is What it is
The problem with life

Is that you hardly ever

Get what you want most.
Apr 2013 · 326
10 w on Pasts
Sometimes its the past

That won't let go of you.
Apr 2013 · 448
Dreamy One
The only dream
That ever came
Was you.
Apr 2013 · 205
Broken Stuff
Broken leg
Let it heal
Broken heart
It may never
Be whole again.
Apr 2013 · 199
For The Broken Ones
When the past comes knocking
Make sure your heart is locking.
I just hope you know
It was always you.

*And it always will be.
Apr 2013 · 3.6k
Words For A Writer
They're all I know
They've kept me from
Kept me from
Emotionally exploding
They helped me
Understand me

I feel sorry for the illiterate people
Because our capability
To write
Helps make us human
To see our flaws
And correct them
To tell our story
Our fantasies
Our dreams and
Our imagination is
Clearly expressed through words
Spoken and written

I love words
Love the big ones
And the small
I love compund words
Or words with prefixes and suffixes
I love words
Because I feel as though
They will never leave me
They are here until my sanity is gone,if ever
And I can smile each day knowing
That even if life isn't going great
There is a story
About a girl
Who's life is finally starting to get better.
Apr 2013 · 448
When Soul-Mates Meet
Eyes appearing on the horizon
Coming towards me
Greeting me with sweet simplicity
A heart skipping a beat
Within my very chest
Words directed at me
By wonderful lips
All thought momentarily impaired
A response
Whisperedwith fright but certainity
My heart will be captured by you
And so it was fated
Those eyes would forever see me
See all of me
And those lips would forever
Spark a flame withing my soul.

You would now be mine for all of eternity
And I shall be yours.

*May the world learn from our undying love.
Apr 2013 · 693
Meeting You (Intro)
I met you
On a day I cannot
But I do
Know that
Each day after
Was brighter
When I was with you.
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