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Apr 2013 · 1.3k
I have so much to say
But the words blur
With the memories
And I am left with
Pent up

This is unfair.
Apr 2013 · 605
Fighting The Evil With You
I love our story

It hurt sometimes

But we've collided again and again

Reached bliss

And we still fight off evil

For evil cannot be destroyed

Only change it's form

But our love

It prospers

It is stronger than anyones


We are meant to be

Some are just to blind by evil and hate to see.
Apr 2013 · 475
For Those Who Need
Come now
Lie in my arms
I'll stay here
With you
I just want
You to be okay.
I whispered
Everything would be alright
You shrugged your shoulders

I tried to tell you calm down
It's okay this will pass
You looked right past me
Your eyes glazed with your
Rage and frustration

I tried to distract you
Make you smile
Make you laugh
Send relief into your soul
And you frowned
And apologized

You went searching
Because I wasn't there
I had vanished
And you needed me
I left
As I was helping you
I was losing another bit of strength
I sacrificed for you
And you hardly noticed
So I left
I left
Breaking myself
So that I could try to save us both.
Just a random poem that came to me :T
Apr 2013 · 717
Pride Babble
I've always been best at rebellion
Secret rebellion my most acomplished
I've always been best at standing out
And never blending in
Somehow fading into the background
While sticking out like a nail
I've learned to be original
There isn't a copy of me anywhere
I'm unique
And while I don't always love
My strange or weird tendencies
They make me feel stronger
As though I finally have somthing worth fighting for
And I'm not doing it for attention
I'm doing it all because it is who I am
Strange as it seems
I like being me
And even though it gets lonely sometimes
Every once in a while I come across someone that
Has pride and originality
Someone that doesn't care
And who's weirdness
Matches mine
And then I laugh
Because I know not everyone
Has become a follower.
Apr 2013 · 3.4k
I smiled
I won
A **** away
And keeping
My true love near
I've finally won
And I know
It's because I love you.
I've been thinking about him

"My father "

And I hate it
I hate how much
I was like him
How we both lived
Our double lives
Our kleptomania
Our sins
Nearly the same
I never once had a
Meaningful conversation with that man
And yet I had unknowingly become him
I had become the enemy
My father
The one person
I wanted nothing to do with
He'd never show interest
In his girl
my brothers
they don't even know how lucky they are
To be blind
To have him their whole childhood
I always wanted a father
But it took at least ten years
To realize that the father I wanted wasn't him
The father I wanted did not exist
He still remains a dream
I was in my biological fathers footsteps
Following him blindly
and it took his suffering
his true identity to be revealed for me to understand
that we're not right and this part of me
No matter how little
Says we both have the same genetics that
make us uncontrollable
Its not our faults
it something in our Dna
the blood we share
I, despite my dislike and lack of love for him
Still want him
Want us to have a legitimate reason for our wrongs
He's not my dad and he never will be
But we share blood
I cannot deny that fact
No matter how little I like it.
Mar 2013 · 796
Old Code Name
I used to call you
My heart breaker
And my heart healer
Because you were always
So good at breaking my heart
And sewing it back together.
Mar 2013 · 417
Don't Wanna Bleed.
I'm too happy with you
To bleed
To ruin it all
For a blade
I miss the sting
Miss the relief desperatly
And though it's been months
I fight it each day
But I'm too happy
Too in love to bleed.
Mar 2013 · 593
Change In The Mirror
When I was younger
I'd look in the mirror
And just stare
See myself
My awful reflection
And tears would form
I always tried to look away
Just in time
But sometimes
There simply isn't enough time
I remember my mind would race
Race with all it's might to insult me
And yet I do not quite remember the day
That it all changed
But I do know why
Without my knowledge you
Changed it
Maybe it was the fact that each day
You'd call me beautiful
Maybe it was because I finally felt loved
Or maybe
It was because I finally had happiness
Back in my life
I looked into that same mirror
And I stared
But instead of crying
I laughed
Made funny faces
Played with my hair
I thought of you
Saw your eyes gleaming back at me
And somehow
It was as though the mirror had become you
You were watching me
And I smiled
And I felt free
Everything changed with you
And for once in my life
It was  change that helped me
Rather than hurt me.
Mar 2013 · 416
Accept Me
Your so well trained
At seeing me
Accepting me
It's been years
And though
Your shame was once
Obvious it has now vanished
And the only shame I feel
Is from myself
Each time I look in the mirror
And how it breaks the happiness
That you've molded
I will never change
And I fear
I shall never accept who I am
But I survive now
Knowing you do.
Mar 2013 · 358
Smiling At You
It's your face
Your eyes
That scar
Lose lips
That look
Just any look
That keeps me
Floating on air.
I blocked myself
From viewing your face
Because I knew
The heartache of
Looking into eyes
That no longer cared
No longer mattered
I already knew
What it was like
To look into the past.
Mar 2013 · 294
Randomness Is My Game
Hear me as I Roar
See me as I Soar
Feel me as I hit the Floor.
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
My intense desire
Was the thing
That once broke me
And now
It keeps
Safely with you.
Mar 2013 · 385
Seperate Lives Unite
I want you here
I want you now
And that makes me feel
Mar 2013 · 613
Tired (Useless Babble)
I'm just tired*
Tired of
I'm tired
Of my reflection
I'm tired of my shadow
And most of all I'm tired
Of not sleeping
I miss my room
My bed
My home
I'm so tired now.
If I could
I'd spend every moment
With you
In your arms or
In silence
But sometimes
I have to remind myself
I have you forever
They only have you now.
Mar 2013 · 264
Or So They Say
Sometimes I wish
But then I remember
Is for fools.
Sometimes I get the urge
To grab your hand and run
To go back and fix it all
To somehow heal all our wounds
Together so that we never
Lose each other
But reality breaks
Me the harsh truth
If we lived different lives
We wouldn't be here together
We may have never met
We may not even be soul mates
As we proudly are now
So despite the urge to run
Waist deep in the past I stay
Beside you until the day I die
Where I'm safe
Where I know I truly belong.
Your smile
Is so lovely
And oh so very
Mar 2013 · 515
Bright Eyes
When I'm lying awake at night
I think about your eyes
And I find It's no longer hard to sleep
I find that suddenly my soul
It brightens just a little more.
Mar 2013 · 649
Love is a Conquerer
I was always unafraid
To show my love
To admit it to the world
But I was always afraid of love
Of getting hurt
Not being loved in return
Afraid I'd always be searching
But I've settled now
And while I'm still fearless
About showing my love
I'm also unafraid to love
For I've found the one
And now I know
That love, while it may be scary
Is worth all that life
May try to harm me with
For love always conquers.
Mar 2013 · 235
Always You
I hate when your away
It scares me too
At night
I wonder
If I'll ever get to see you again
Look into your eyes
Kiss those lips
I just get scared
That one day you won't be there
Because the truth is
*I want you forever.
Mar 2013 · 315
Joyously Loving You
To know him
Is to know love
And that, is the greatest joy of life.
Mar 2013 · 275
Smile Wider
I realize that

At every new


Or experience

I smile

Just a little wider

And I know

It's because

He's  experiencing

It all

**With me.
Mar 2013 · 303
A Metaphor


Like a leaf

Floating from

A colored tree in autumn

Straight into his arms
Mar 2013 · 323
Valid Idea
If we cannot find acceptance nor love
In this world
Than both
And Society
Has truly failed.
Forgot it but wrote something like this A few days ago
Mar 2013 · 222
Asked Me (10w)
He asked
For forever
And that's
what I'll
give him
Mar 2013 · 433
Dreamed A Dream 10w
Like a dream
Come true
You came back to me.
Mar 2013 · 624
Evil Around The Corner(10W)
I can sense you
Your presence,
It reeks of evil.
Our love
It began years ago
In a middle school
Either a classroom
Or cafeteria

Our love
It began when eyes met
And hearts skipped

Our love
It began when lips met
And worlds collided
When the rain
Blessed us

Our love
It began when
You walked up to me
Also the moment I realized
I couldn't refuse your offer

Our love began
When we fell apart
Distant to far for comfort

Our love
It began
With an idea
At a second chance

Our love
It began when our lips
Reunited and we remembered
What is was like to really be kissed

Our love
It begins
With every new adventure
And we get to laugh
Because we know
Our love will never die
We'll just start some new twisted adventure.
Mar 2013 · 381
Fairy-Tale Desires
I used to
Dream of kissing you
Hugging you
Holding your hand
Making love
Hearing you say
You loved me
The way I loved you
I begged to God
To the stars above
And I tried so hard
To explain
That I knew
You and me
We were meant to be
I cried so many tears
I shed so much blood
Felt so much pain
And somehow
Lucky old me
Finally passed the beginning
Of that fairy-tale
And now after
After my praying
My wishing
My hoping
And my dreaming
I have you
To Hug
To Kiss
To love
My dearest King
You surely did
Rescue me
Even if it was from myself.
Crap... Reminds me of my older middle school stuff.
Mar 2013 · 2.2k
Our Togetherness
To just be near you
Kiss the lips
That I always dreamed of
To appreciate
How far we've come
To see
That I went from the
Girl who wanted
To the girl
Who finally recieved
And all because of you
I am happy
Because you
Are in my life.
The truth is
Without you
I feel so alone
So I cling to anyone
Who's willing
To be a leech
Until you return
Is my life all day
I just hope you see
I love you so much
That I miss you most
When your away
My body heart and soul
Try to replace you
but I just need to look into your eyes
To be close
With them
I hug
And poke
And tug
And laugh strangely
They're not you
They do not complete me
Like you do.
Mar 2013 · 246
Number 1 Love
It's you
And only you
That I feel
To be me
Weaknesses shown
And healed in your eyes
So with you
I can finally find strength
And that is only one
Of the million reasons
Why I love you.
Mar 2013 · 785
Young Love Experimentation
My turn
To grab the reigns
And take control
My turn
To show a sense
Of dominance
My turn to straddle
Your body
Until you agree.
Mar 2013 · 308
Question For Me
Is he insane

Or have I betrayed myself?
Mar 2013 · 320
I get lost

Lost in you
The desperaity

Begging me
To stay close

I get lost
In myself

It's truest desires
It's sanity

Which loves to slip away
While I sit here

Wondering why

I got so lost

At least I know one place
You can find me

Happy and sane
Safely in his arms.
Mar 2013 · 529
Spanish Speakers
Memories vague

A kiss on the cheek

A young girl

With a crush

Could it have been more


You still don't know

English and I

Still do not know Spanish

So there's no need

To hit on me.
Frustrated is all
Mar 2013 · 974
Beautiful Liars
Yet another
Beautiful liar
Spewing their
Lies about
My nonexistent
Mar 2013 · 468
Alone I Know
It's when
Your away
That I know
Without a doubt
That my love
For you is so true
For when your
Body is away
The memories
The dreams
The thoughts of you
Overflow my mind
And I smile
Knowing your the one
I will spend forever with.
Mar 2013 · 496
Sleepy Eyes
To simply


In your arms

Could make




L i v i n g.
Mar 2013 · 322
Blind But Now I See
I'm more sure
Than ever
You are
The one
I've always
The one I'll
Always need
And the one
I will forever
Mar 2013 · 469
Fire In Me
Control of
A part of
Me is
It makes me
Make you
And I know now
Your stronger
Than I ever could be
I wonder if
It matters to you
If you felt the jolt
Of fire
Run through your body
In the most breathtakingly
Amazing way.
Mar 2013 · 199
Me And You Or Us?
It's doesn't feel
Like it's just me
Falling apart
It feels like it's
Us too.
Mar 2013 · 398
Friends In Love
I need you too
When your away
I crave you most
The undeniable urge
To lie my head
On your chest like
I once did on
That bus ride home
I miss you even now
I wish you were here
So I could fold my body
Into yours
Or lace our fingers
So that we are just a
Little closer
I wish I could fall
Asleep beside your
Beating heart warming mine
I Want you
To let me just be yours
Happily and forever.
Mar 2013 · 498
Gone With The Wind
I've caused you
So much pain
Because of me
They laugh
Bother you
Insult us
Tears stream
Down our faces
And the ache
I wonder some times
If your life
Would've been better
Without me in it.
Mar 2013 · 380
Smile (Depressed One)
You use to stare
And give puppy eyes
You use to smile as bright
As the sun could shine
I loved that boy
Who's heart
Has heavy as it
Must have been
Seemed lighter
Than air.

Now you'fe grown up
And your a man
I get to hug you
Be in your arms
Kiss you
Watch your eyes
Glimmer when
You whisper you love me
And now I can believe it
I get to finally feel your
Hair running through my fingers
And hear your troubles
Wishing with every inch of me
That I could take it all away
I love you
I love you
I just wish
We smiled more.
Mar 2013 · 228
Friends Forever
Our love grew
On friendship
So let's be sure
To never stop
Being friends.
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