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Apr 2014 · 152
I still have the urge
To write our numbers
To write the last name
We chose under mine
And to say
That your mine
The pain fills me
As I realize
That no matter
How much I want you
You're not mine
Apr 2014 · 124
Life isn't easy
But without you
Its even harder.
Apr 2014 · 729
I read the word of God each night
And when I pray
My tears flow
With painful honesty
With a ache of my wants
And for all that I'm thankful for
Hoping that something
Anything will bring back
All that I had
I have to rely solely on God
For I'm on the down *****
Of a rollercoaster
And He's the only one
Who can save me
And bring me back to you.
Apr 2014 · 146
Prayer Tears
On the outside
I seem okay
But inside I'm
Just a broken disaster
The only comfort I find
Are the ache of the memories
The hope you gift me
And when I read the Bible
And when I pray
And break into tears.
Apr 2014 · 185
Today reminded me
Of you
In the way that the
Air blew through my hair
And the way the sun
Shun on me
Today reminded me
Of your tenderness
That has now faded
And how I tire
Of the loneliness.
Sweetie pie, I miss you.
Apr 2014 · 165
Come Listen
I sang a song last night
A song for you
A song for us
A song you may
Never hear.
Made up and recorded a song. I can't sing well but I like the words I used about our love and God's protection.
Apr 2014 · 257
Cradle 'n' Care
When I was
Cradled in your arms
I felt peace for
You always
Seemed to
Care sweetie
And I hope
That you never stop.
Apr 2014 · 458
No Competition
Baby there's no competition
My priorities are simple
God is the first
And then there's you
And anything else
Just falls behind.
Apr 2014 · 898
I stared into the mirror last night
And I cried
But this time I cried not because
I disliked what I saw
But instead because of what you
Always saw in me
Because no matter how I looked
You found beauty in me
Even when I
Was simply a crumpled mess
You'd hold my hand with pride
And tell me I was beautiful
So thats why I cried
Because your words
Made me feel loved
Even if everything's changed
Those words
Meant everything
You mean everything.
Apr 2014 · 201
Alone Here
I'm so alone baby
And I miss you
I miss
Your words
That swirled around me
Wrapping me
Up in a sweet cacoon
Of love and tenderness
I miss you more
Each passing day
And never have I
Missed someone so much.
Apr 2014 · 222
The Senses
I found an ache
When I heard
The word engaged
And realized it's what
I no longer am

I found an ache
When I saw
Someone's cheek being kissed
And the sound muah
Reverberated through me
And I realized you no longer
Kiss my freckled cheek
And the air hits it
Hard and forceful
Reminding me of what
I no longer have

I found an ache
When I smelled
The trees
Because you once said
I smell of roses and wood
And I realized
No one else has
Taken the time to
So nicely analyze my smell
And now I feel as though
My smell is fake
And completely unpleasant
And it reminds me of
A part of me I no longer am

I found an ache
Whenever I taste ham
Because I do each day
Thinking of you
Thinking of your odd food
Indulgences and how they
Made me smile
And now I realize
The smile I no longer
Bare and it reminds me
Of what I no longer have

I found an ache
When my glasses
Touched my face
Because it reminded me
Of all the times
You tried convincing me
That I looked beautiful
With and without them
And I realized that
Without you
I no longer have confidence
In who I am.
I know a lot but without him some things are just...missing.
Apr 2014 · 148
Go On
Our love will go on
For our love is undying
For our love is true.
Apr 2014 · 334
More Fireworks
I cried
Because I missed you
I cried because
My heart knew
Without even thinking
I cried because
Once analyzed
I remembered
Every part of you
That I've seen
And inspected
That I touched
I remembered
You and me
I remembered
Being in those arms
And I remembered
That this love
Will never fade
Because you will always
Set fireworks off inside of me.
Apr 2014 · 204
Mixed Up
I sit here
And I cry
And I smile
And I frown
And I laugh
And that's
What I think love is
All those emotions
All of the emotions
Wrapped up
So that when you see
The one you love
You feel so many things
And the hard truth that
Anything less than love
Can't make you feel the same
So baby yes
You make me cry
And yes you make me laugh
But its all for loves sake.
Apr 2014 · 319
I found you*
Brown eyes,
A sweet soul
And my
Dream man.
Apr 2014 · 295
Glad I let you in.
Seeing you
Feeling any
Inch of your presence
Has always moved me
So here I am
Feeling you around me
Our history
Floating memories
That never dissipate
And I cry
As I always do
When I feel you this close
I cry and I smile
For all the wonderfulness
You gave me
Thank you
For every moment.
Apr 2014 · 383
I saw a picture of you
On the school directory
That I read
Just to find things like this
To find you
And I finally did
And I was pushed to tears
As my heart flipped
As my heart bursted
From my chest with joy
In just the side of your face
And I smiled darling
Because I'd know those ears
Those side burns
That nose
Those hands
Oh baby
In an instance I knew
That the picture was you
And never had I been so happy
Looking at a picture
Apr 2014 · 235
A Name
I saw your name
Not to long ago
And my eyes
Swelled with
My unshed tears
Oh how I love you
Oh how I miss you.
Apr 2014 · 653
I imagine
Us close
And in
Between us
Our love
A smoke
Of red
Orange and blue
Forming a
Blossoming flower.
Apr 2014 · 206
Those words
Lit a fire in my soul
And I have never
Missed you more.
Apr 2014 · 154
Most Wise I've Been
There will always be hardships in life. I decided to let you in that day. I saw something amazing in your eyes and I knew no matter what came you'd be worth it and I was right because despite everything my love came through and that's special. God doesn't always bless people with love and definitely not a love like ours and I'm thankful for all the moments we've had because God was blessing us in each moment.
I had to post this because it was something I meant. It was something that was meaningful. And I think it broke through a little.
Apr 2014 · 181
Seasonal Love
My love
Whisks me away
Like a summers breeze

And buries me beneath
The death of leaves
In autumn

And covers me
With the snowflakes
That winter brings

And my love
Blossoms like the flowers
In spring.
I thought about how I'm never subtle and how I should try it and this popped in my head.
Apr 2014 · 531
Home Sweet Home
Your arms
Will always be
My truest
And most comfy
Apr 2014 · 229
Your the only person
In my entire life
That I've been
Completely comfortable with.
Apr 2014 · 191
Deep Desire 11w
I want so badly
To be envoloped
In your comforting arms.
Apr 2014 · 189
Marry Nope
I've wanted to ask you
To marry me
More times than
I can count
But I know
*You'd say no.
Apr 2014 · 192
There's no point
In asking you
To be mine
Because as much
As you want to
You can't risk it
As much as I want
To beg you
I know you can't say
Okay to the idea
That we need to be
I know as much as
I beg and I plead
And I hope and I pray
I need patience and faith
But the pain is just so strong
And I just want you
But I'm just a dreamer
Whose dreams are
Currently unavailable.
Apr 2014 · 181
I'm crying
Harder than
I have in days
And they ask me
If I'm okay
And when I say
No they just
Turn around
Back into their
Lives and leave me
As I am
Heavy tears
A gripping pain
And lungs that
Feel as though
They are collapsing
They don't understand
That without you
It's hard to ever be okay.
Apr 2014 · 230
So Much Heartache
I have every urge
To crawl into a ball
And stay there forever.
I want to tell you
How I feel
Even if your upset
So here it goes

I love you
And I crack
Under all of your
The truth is
I cried myself
To sleep again
And that I cry
Almost once a day
The truth is that
I'm bettering myself
With hope one day
I'll be good enough
The truth is
That I cringe
At every moment
I spend being
With someone
Who isn't you
And I don't know
How to get him
To be just a friend
When he wants more
And I want less
The truth is
I ache every moment
Because I miss you
I miss your love
I miss your caring words
I miss being your
Your wife
Your lover
I miss being a part
Of your life
My heart is only
Filled with you
And my love of God
I miss you being in my life
I miss talking to you
Hearing your voice
I miss those brown eyes
And I wish
And I pray
To be saved
From my ache
From any darkness
Around me
I pray for your happiness
I pray you could be with me
I pray you understand
That your the man I will love
Forever and that
I don't want anyone else
I want you
To laugh with
Watch a movie with
To play with
To love
To kiss
I worry so often
That at any moment
You'll move on
And leave me for good
If you do
All my nightmares
Would've come true
You see I love you
And that's never going to change
You can do and say anything
And I will love you
Because I know the man you are
Is gentle and fragile
I know the man I love
Will always be in those eyes
In the way you see me
The way you see the world
Baby dearest you
Complete every missing part
Of who I am
You make me feel
Comfortable with who I am
You make me confident
And feel beautiful
You inspire me to live
You make me feel
Like I have a purpose
I need you
Because I love you
You will always be
My love
And baby
I'll never take another lover
Baby I'll never sleep beside
Another man
I promise that
Because your the only one
I want to wake up to
Your the only one I want
To see my Medusa hair
Your the only one
Who I want to share my life with
And I'd do anything to prove that to you
Please sweetie stop looking for the problem
And listen to me
Listen to the facts
I love you
Craziness and all
My tears and aching heart beg you to see
That whenever you can
Whenever you want
I'll be here waiting for you
Because you
Are my true love
First and only
Your forbidden. But I'm fighting and I'll never stop. Maybe when your settled in a year or so you'll see that my love is one flame that will forever go undying.
Apr 2014 · 378
Problem Is
The problem with him is
He's not you

The problem is
I don't love him
The way I love you,
Or at all for that matter

The problem is
I don't want to
Hug him or kiss him
The way I want to
Hug and kiss you

The problem is
He knows
I'm in love with you
That no matter what
I can't erase how I feel

The problem is
That he doesn't
Match me
Or move me to tears
With his presence
And he doesn't inspire me

The problem with him
And with every man
I will ever meet
Is that *They're not you
Apr 2014 · 313
It all aches
So much
I just
Want a
Better soul
I just want you
I hope God
One of my
Because if I
Have one
The other
Will surely follow.
I don't dream anymore
I've lost all inspiration
And it all started with
How badly I miss you.

I know how bad
I miss you, I miss
You body, mind
And soul and I
Miss so much
And the aching
Never leaves me.
Apr 2014 · 131
Happy (10w)
You have to know
My happiness,
It's always been you.
Apr 2014 · 210
Last Day Moment
Your love
Was so
That you
Even kissed me
With the taste
Of Ritz on my lips
He hates Ritz
Apr 2014 · 218
Sleeping Patterns
I would never
Lose sleep
Over someone
The way
I have for you
Apr 2014 · 115
Bible And Still Hands
I read
To prove
That I love God
And that I
Fight for
My soul
But sometimes
I read
To prove
To myself
I'm strong.
Apr 2014 · 150
More That I Miss
I miss
The way we
The way
We were
The same
With the same
Size hands
And lips
That mashed
Perfectly together
I miss
How I climbed on
Top of you
In bed
And my legs
Wrapped around
Your body
I miss you
And how
Well we
Fit together.
Apr 2014 · 427
Never Give Up
I was just never
The type of girl
That could give up
On love
Especially since
I love **you
Apr 2014 · 191
Missing You
I miss your kiss
No others
Will ever compare
I miss your hug
No others
Is as comforting
I miss your skin
No others
Lights mine with such passion
I miss your hands
No others
Matched mine so perfectly
Baby, sweetie, my love
I miss you.
Apr 2014 · 599
Nap time
I'm so sleepy
But I only
*With you
Apr 2014 · 97
For You
I want you
I miss you
Those feelings
Are so strong
And covering up
My wounded love
I'd be mean
If I had a chance
With you.
I'm too nice to people. Its not always good.
Apr 2014 · 473
How can he want me
When I'm so
In love with you
Apr 2014 · 335
This isn't easy
But life simply isn't
But I fight
And I try
And I wish
That it counted
More than it does
But still
I venture on
Being as
Happy as I can
Even if
Often i'm not
And dreaming
Because who
Am I without
Apr 2014 · 126
Is just
So much
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
Loneliness and Chatrooms
I tried
Chat rooms
To find friends
And all
I found
Were perverts
And *** addicts
All I was looking for
Was a gosh ****
Friendly talk.
Apr 2014 · 257
What's on my Mind
I love you
And I miss you
And it hurt so bad
To be dropped
Like that
But I understand
Because I almost
Always understand you
It aches so much
Not to be yours
To be alone
In my fight,
But I suppose
You can't help
Or shouldn't
But every moment
We have spent
Or could've spent
Passes through my mind
And reminds me
Of all the sweet
And tender words
That I'm missing
Right now
And I thought
About using
The word sweetie again
And all I could do
Was cringe
Because thats you,
My baby
My sweetie pie
My best friend
My lover
So I stopped crying
But I'm not happy
And I miss you
And your hugs
And your comfort
But I wait until
You deem me
And I will
Be waiting.
Apr 2014 · 142
Tears and Smiles
The armor
That I put up
For everyone
At the
Touch of hope
From you.
Apr 2014 · 193
I miss you
The ache
Of not being
Not being
Fills my
With sorrow
I miss you sweetie
You were always there
To talk to when
I felt lonely.
Apr 2014 · 327
He wants
To be with me
But what
I really want
Is you
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