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696 · Nov 2018
I'm Trying
Melancholic Nov 2018
                                                            ­                                                I
                                                                ­                      C
                                         ­                A
621 · Oct 2018
Melancholic Oct 2018
Last night I dreamed that you were mine
And I was happy at that moment
I was at peace

But then I woke up
And I realized that you will never be mine
And then I started to cry
608 · Nov 2018
Melancholic Nov 2018
I'm happy
I'm depressed

I belong in this world
I feel worthless

You take the pain away
You're the reason I have this pain
440 · Nov 2018
Melancholic Nov 2018
I knew it was true
That you didn't feel the same way
But I dreamed that you did
And now I shall face the truth
When life hits you hard
437 · Nov 2018
Melancholic Nov 2018
I'm so broken
That even poetry can't soothe my shattered heart
422 · Nov 2018
Melancholic Nov 2018
I keep fighting my fate
And I always
This is reality, I'm not going to sugarcoat it
390 · Nov 2018
The Pain of Love
Melancholic Nov 2018
It doesn't get better
You just learn to live with it
And accept that it has become a part of you
174 · Oct 2018
Melancholic Oct 2018
There is so much under my smile
And pain

But I put on a smile for you
Because I want you to think I’m happy
And I want you to be happy

But I can only pretend for so long
I have to somehow pacify these thoughts in my head
But no one’s listening to me  
I have no one to talk to
And it’s killing me
166 · Dec 2019
Falling to Reality
Melancholic Dec 2019
Today I am down
The weather is cold
And depression fills my soul
The raindrops patter
On the void in my heart

Thoughts float past
But they do not remain
For when one is in this state
Nothing matters

Your memory floats above my soul
Haunting my grieving being
The good times seem out of reach

I wish I could go back
These are my last thoughts

As I plunge into the darkness
Today I really am feeling down
138 · Oct 2018
Melancholic Oct 2018
Unrequited love
Will be the death of me
Why is it always unrequited?
How come the feelings are never returned?

I gave my Soul to you
But you choose not to see it
I broke my heart and gave you the pieces
But you flick them away like pieces of glass

Why don’t you see
How much I’m suffering?
Nobody sees my pain
I’m silently suffering

I chase after you
In hopes of you noticing me
But you never do
You never see it

Why is everyone so blind?
I’m standing here with my heart in my hand
Why can’t you see it?

— The End —