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Frankie Castro Jan 2018
I’m here alone
With nothing shown
For my decision
Lacking the vision
Yet I’m insightful
When the chaos
And I cross
These games played
Every move displayed
Falling deeper still
Embracing the chill
Draping my heart
Tears me apart
Those around me
Will never see
The nightmares hovering
I’m constantly covering
Hiding behind smiles
Jokingly I beguile
Wearily I wake
Contentment I fake
Must push forward
Slowly moving towards
Some peaceful release
Will rage cease
Frankie Castro Jan 2018
I have intentions
I shouldn’t mention
A simple goal
Experience you whole
Where to start
Tear everything apart
Break you down
From now on
You will change
Might feel strange
Losing all control
Of your soul
You might feel
I’m not real
But I’m fire
Your sole desire
Simply I’m weilding
The tools shielding
You from pain
May seem insane
As I begin
Rebuilding you from within
Relax release your anxiety
Ignore the hate from society
Breathe open your mind
Release what makes you blind
Frankie Castro Jan 2018
If you stay or go who will know what you can be only grasping at negativity amongst every opportunity and evolution that can encompass your very being, after every challenge and obstacle you have endured don’t let the shortcomings of others dictate your direction, embrace the chaos and peace intertwine both of their most precious gifts and excel pass the hate, the envy, pettiness, and misery that others wish to ensnare you with, don’t allow their prison to hold you hostage, be that vibrant, savage, beautiful, strong, and intelligent force that has made you the woman you are today, never let someone else’s weakness shackle you
Frankie Castro Jan 2018
I won’t lie
I would fly
If I wasn’t anchored by this chain
Created by guilt and pain
Every moment I’ve spent
In this torment
Plotting my next move
Wondering what I have to prove
To everyone around
Have I done enough
Am I that tough
Do I deserve peace
Will my sorrow ever cease
Shall I still burn
Will my rage still spurn
**** these questions pathetic
**** acting so empathetic
The irony binds me
Others hostility blinds me
Resist the vicious instinct
Please violence become extinct
I have promises to keep
Yet I’m losing sleep
My anxiety suffocates me
Causes me to act senselessly
Control is so sporadic
As emotions become erratic
Frankie Castro Jan 2018
I’ve been called
A savage
A ****
heartless and cold
Empty inside
A *****
A *****
A punk
A loser
Good for nothing
By those who
Don’t know **** about me
Because I choose to
Think for myself
Having the *****
To question
The hypocrisy
And double standards
That the same individuals
Live by
I never ****** anyone over
Who didn’t do that to me
These pretty eyes
I’ve been told I have
Seen too much ugliness
This world can contain
I’m alone in this nightmare
Still dreaming about peace
Breathing trying to control
The suffocating moments
That pursues my emotional
And mental imprisonment
I’m just a simple man
Doing what I can
Rewriting the role that was assigned to me
One day hoping to be Free
Frankie Castro Nov 2017
Just let it go
Yes I know
Every word stings
******* always brings
My darker side
From deep inside
I won’t tolerate
Yet I’ll demonstrate
My disdain accordingly
I express simply
How I feel
Keep it real
I’m not perfect
The complete opposite
Flawed and broken
If I’ve spoken
In a way
To cause dismay
Take a moment
This time spent
Showing this hostility
Ends in futility
Frankie Castro Nov 2017
If I dream
It may seem
I chase impossibilities
Searching for sensibilities
In this life
Crazed by stryfe
Asking wrong questions
Following worse suggestions
Yet I persevere
Isn’t always clear
Where to go
Most seldom know
Their own identity
Or their destiny
Some will follow
Leadership that’s hollow
Some spark revolution
To embrace evolution
Over the despair
Just to care
Show some kindness
Amongst the blindness
Is it weak
Just to seek
Some simple empathy
Demonstrate some sympathy
To others suffering
Or do nothing
As others burn
Let hatred spurn
Bullying others senselessly
Into fear relentlessly
Is this righteousness
To control consciousness
With manipulative desires
Greedily it inspires
The selfish advancement
Or wealth enhancement
Who will resist
Or even insist
Freedom and peace
If this mentality won’t cease
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