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Apr 2013 · 467
The Machine
My mind whirs and my heart beats
My bones creak
My stomach lurches
My organs motor on.
Yet, for all of this,
I am calm.
I am serene.
I sit quietly,
despite my machine.
Apr 2013 · 2.3k
no time to think, just work, progress, complete.
No room for thought.

So stop,
just think about what you're doing
not what you're doing
but what you're REALLY doing.
Don't you realize?

Wonder a moment,
how you work, how you speak, how you eat.
How does it work? DNA, it codes for proteins
it makes enzymes, that aid in reactions
that make you move, speak, think
You didn't even realize.

that's what we are. The potential in us is
we are powered by tiny cells, with tinier things going on
but it's so small, we often forget how big it really is.
Cool eh?

so stop, and just wonder a moment.
Isn't it amazing when you think about it?
The way you work, the way you move?

Now get busy.
Apr 2013 · 427
Long breaths and long thoughts
we start our conversation

Short breaths and long thoughts
you tell me things I don't want to hear

Short breaths and short thoughts
I panic after every word you say

Long breaths and short thoughts
I try to calm my nerves

Long breaths and Long thoughts
*I realize we'll be fine in the end
Apr 2013 · 844
Untold Stories Itch
My mind has once again
Taken up residence in the gutter.
Even my pen won't work;
It coughs and hacks and sputters.

My body aches with untold stories
Even now, my fingers twitch.
I feel so compressed,
All my thoughts, they've begun to itch

My hiatus of the mind
Has gone on far too long.
I need to feel the flow again,
Because without poetry, I feel wrong.
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Who is He to Me?
I've never seen it.
Maybe long ago, when a shy smile
sent us down the longest mile.

So he calls me.
Maybe I was at a time.
I said "I love you..." and suddenly we climbed.

I just know it.
His trustworthiness knows no bounds.
I stubbornly doubt, but he pulls me out,
He always makes sure we avoid the drought.

He likes to say.
The sun in his eyes, he assumes beauty
Lies underneath the blinding brilliance.
I fear my fun exterior has him in a trance.

Beyond belief.
My brutal honesty could never maim
His clever wit, nor put it to shame.

So who is he?
He lives in the future, restless and unsettled.
He lives in my mind, alive and real.
He is all that I need,
I just have to wish and hope and plead.
Feb 2013 · 526
Pretty Poems
Lately I have found,
that pretty love
makes for prolific poems.

I'm finding that
a tender feeling
makes for tenacious terms
******* in rhyme.

I found that
a shared heart
makes for shy shrines
made up of secretive words.

As the people around me find someone,
I can't help but notice
the pretty poems,
and the prolific love.
Dec 2012 · 482
You Can't Hide From Me
I know you feel it.
Something is happening
in you.
I can see it.

Your Dam of Desire
has broken,
the floodgates are open
               but you draw on a blank,
do your best to think fast
               before you tank.

You cannot use the Broom stick of Beauty
to sweep away the ugliness of passion.
               You cannot simply sit under the rug
and hide from me.
You know it cannot be.

But now you feel as though
you've been put on the bench,
and your heart feels wrenched,
and your feelings clench,
                 but you wait.

Just wait,
you'll see.
Dec 2012 · 646
The Boughs are Bowing...
Oh, the frosted trees
the North Wind blows
like delicate skeletons
at home in the snow

Sway and shed
your frosty attire
down warm necks
like icy spires

There is fun to be had
in the frost bitten forest
dropping wint'ry surprises
all over the tourists

It is sad to think all fun
must come to an end
as the warm sun smiles
to melt malicious pretend
It seems to be
that the Lily is exactly what I want.
Its sweet whisperings were too much,
its songs a playful taunt.

It seems I've caved.
I dug out my *****
and dug up my Lily,
I made a quick trade.

Such innocent pedals,
the Lily once did possess,
now lie in shambles
by my urgent caress.

It seems I enjoy lillies,
though I never thought it.
We seem to just click,
and never think to quit.

What of the Rose?
The Rose weeps silently,
its last pedals blackening,
its life fading quietly.
I'm so afraid
of what you can do,
when even the slightest touch
seems like too much.

I'm full of fear
of the way you look at me.
Gaze full of intensity,
me crying for its brevity.

I'm terrified
of the things you say.
They send me spinning,
reeling, swimming, wishing.

You don't know it,
but you frighten me.

You, who could so easily
reduce me to a trembling mess
at your feet.

It just takes a touch
and you could ensnare, enslave
I would be hopeless to resist,
but my face would stay brave,
even through your sweet persist.
Nov 2012 · 768
I snap and lunge
       big dog on a long leash
I show my teeth
        wolf warning
I claw and paw the ground
         leopard to pounce

I cannot be responsible for my actions
when you back me into a corner
with all of your aggressive reactions.
Nov 2012 · 773
So The Lily Sings
I think my rose is wilting.
The vase chipping,
the thorns softening.

And the Lily calls,
a song on the wind,
a melody in harmony
with pedals and a euphony
of sounds so sweet.

My rose struggles to lift it's weary head
above the edge of the vase,
to look at me,
but I'm looking away.

And the Lily sings
sweet whisperings meant for my ears,
coalesceing me to where it grows
as pedals dry my tears.

I promised I would leave it,
protect it's sweet innocence,
but what does it want?
Can I really deny something that calls
to my very soul, my heart?

Oh, what could we start?
Nov 2012 · 748
A Lonely Subway Station
Even if I were to study Kinesiology,
it couldn't give me the slightest hint
as to why you move, the way you do.

I could listen to a sub woofer's bass,
and it still couldn't give me a trace
of the things that make you
feel alive.

And even with scissors,
I could never cut out
from a cloth
just why you are the way you are.

The patch cord that you play with
amps up the sounds I hear,
and yet I could not ever
hear a single tear.

To me you are a subway station,
busying about, seeing me there
but not seeing me clear
A small blur, in the corner of your eye

To you, I am there then gone again
But to ignore you? I couldn't even pretend.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
The Rose And The Lily
My rose is not just any rose,
It is very special, one-of-a-kind.
The keeper of the vase on my window sill

The lily that I found,
So beautiful, so delicate, so pure,
So unbelievably uncorrupt,
I couldn't pick it.
My fingers I fear,
Wouldn't fail to wither it.

See, my rose has thorns,
a tough outer layer.
The lily is so soft,
So delicate,
I couldn't risk the chance.
So I offer just one last glance.

I will leave the lily where it grows,
To dodge my trowel, and those of others.
Until it finds the tenderness of real love
to pick it from its lonely plot of soil.
Where it will sit on someone's window sill,
in a vase, thriving in all the spoils.
A kind of "Part II" to my previous poem, "The Flower, In The Vase, On My Window Sill"
I have a flower, in a vase, sitting on my window sill
There are no other flowers on my window sill
        Just a rose.
This rose is special,
It hasn't died since I picked it.

The life of this rose depends on me.
No other flowers can exist on my window sill,
No other flowers can fit in the vase.
Just that flower, in that vase, on my window sill.

Walking through a garden, I see another flower.
Better than the rose in some ways,
but not in others.
      This flower is a lily.
My heart immediatly begins to tear in two.

So now I face a dilema.
Pick the lily, or let it die.
Keep the rose, or let it die.
Either way, one must die.
And I am stuck between two beauties.
I need a flower, in a vase, on my window sill.

So I delve deep.
I think broadly.
I remember something.
My favorite flower is an orchid.
I have a feeling my orchid is in a distant garden,
waiting to be picked --
       by me.
This orchid will be
My flower, in my vase, on my window sill.

And so I can live with the outcome of the lily
      or the rose
And I just hope they don't die
that someone else's favorite flower
     is a lily
     or a rose.
Because I know that something is going to happen
that will bring me closer to my favorite flower.
So I must be patient.
And just wait for
My perfect flower, in my perfect vase, on my window sill
Oct 2012 · 346
The Sun Will Never Set
You are my dream; you are my wish, my sun –
You shine like hope, and I need that today—
You are my only, it’s to you I run,
When skies are grey, illuminate my way.
I don’t think you know, you are very rare,
Dear, my love grows with every breath I take,
You are unaware of how much I care,
A reason to live is what you will make.
So please don’t close your eyes, I’m always here,
Don’t take my sun away, just keep shining –
Now that you’re here, there is nothing to fear,
So now I must ask something defining.
Why don’t you spend forever just with me?
The sun shall never set upon our tree.
Second sonnet :) I really like this one. There is a hidden song in it, a classic.
Oct 2012 · 888
Her tail flicks with irritation,
Her bed is under occupation.
She lets out a quiet meow,
and begins the prowl.

Her cat bed has been conquered,
her feline smell obscured.
She advances on silent paws,
and stirs up a cloud of claws.

Perhaps the name 'Fluffy'
does not fit her.
Oct 2012 · 798
Sunnily Cut Off
Sun fought on to keep the onslaught back,
Night smiled and sent his wispy minion,
who then cascaded down from the heavens,
covering all the land.

Weak beams tried to pry open the sky,
and take back Sun's rightful place.
Grey fog creeped into the scene,
and thwarted all hopes of escape.

Not all stories end happily.
Sun's rays were beaten and retired.
Fog thickened in triumph.
Night paraded in early.

The fog welcomed in the Night,
and the Night laughed at the Sun.
Oct 2012 · 710
A New Phoenix
Oceans try to swallow our new phoenix,
Drown the fire we have created anew.
The waves now become our biggest critics,
So we bide our time, await our debut.
The people talk, as they are wont to do.
We hide our fire inside a secret place.
We keep our feelings purposely askew.
We are not ripe, the world we cannot face.
Time takes a stab at stabbing what we have,
Fate encourages us to wonder. Seek.
We get caught in the middle, half and half,
Yet I know we are beautif’ly unique.
Some things you just leave to Time and to Fate,
But some things are too special to dictate
My first Sonnet attempt ... ever. Hope it isn't too bad, tell me what you think!
Oct 2012 · 701
The Haunting
The eerie and the creepy,
come out to play in the early,
hours of the night.
If you are afraid of the dark,
stay out of the park

Soon the goblins and the ghosts,
will be your spooky hosts,
waiting on your fears,
serving up your tears

They'll bask in your fright,
for it fuels their night,
taking advantage of you,
then the taunting turns cruel

Stay behind locked doors,
for the graveyards, battlefields, and moors,
are coming back to life,
and looking for your strife
Oct 2012 · 587
To Beam Or Not To Beam
Driving me crazy...
A nasty, unwelcome longing,
pulling on me, dragging me lower,
down to a very lonely place.

Only your smile...
I never got to see it for real, just a pixelated version.
I wish I could have touched it as it spread leisurely
across your face.
Only your smile can make me lighten up
after cold, dark thoughts,
A little ray of sunshine on a gloomy day!

Maybe one day...
I can stand next to the sun,
and watch as it smiles at me with such warmth.
A beautiful glow looking at me lovingly.
I should be so lucky...

Or should I?
Perhaps I'm blinded by the sun.
Perhaps I should look away...
Sep 2012 · 767
Stream of Conscience
We fight and it is so heated
we say things that hurt and sting
we pang with pain and malvolence
And then we say goodbye.
Not, "Good bye hunny! Love you lots!! <3"
Our good bye is brief and harshly punctuated.
And then we huff and puff and stew
Then we ask questions
At first they are angry questions, ones with no answers
"Why is he/she such a ******* *******?" "Why is he/she so stupid?"
And we stew some more...
Then we ask the right questions.
"I wonder why he/she feels that way.." "Why did I say that?"
And we stew, but in a different way now.
We think with our brains instead of our emotions.
And we begin to realize something important
We do not fight because we want to antogonize.
We fight because we are afraid of losing one another. Afraid of saying the last goodbye.
We mull that thought over and I don't know about you
but tears begin to escapre from my eyes and fall gently to my pillow.
Not racking sobs, just small, meaningful tears
I'm sad because I hurt you
I cry because I really hope I didn't make you cry.
I am sorry and I guess what I really want
is to say that to you.

*I'm so sorry...
Sep 2012 · 438
Heavy Duty Cycle
with lonliness
until confused
until my heart was dry

Yeah, you left me high and dry
Abandoned like the search for your lost sock
and whats worse
Sep 2012 · 632
Best Friend Forever
I remember when you wagged your tail
How could I not? It seemed like you never stopped.

I remember when you pushed me into a snow bank
How could I not? I went to school frozen solid.

I remember when you let me use you as a pillow.
How could I not? You gave me fleas.

I remember when we used to go for walks.
How could I not? We discovered so much together.

I remember when you were always my best friend.
How could I not? You were the one that I could count on.

I remember when you died.
How could I not? I have never been the same since.

When your tail stopped wagging
is when my heart stopped beating as strong
as it used to beat when you were my best friend.
Sep 2012 · 1.6k
Gift Wrap the Idea
I will give you a present.
Not bought
Not pretty and gift wrapped in silvery paper
Not shoved in a box with a card on top

I will give you an idea.
Gift wrapped in words
Only thought of, not thought through
You can make it your own

Take my gift and make it something special.
take that idea and make it something magical.

Then wrap it in words and re-gift it.
I won't mind
Spread the ideas and watch as they blossom.

A gift can be more than a material object.
It can be creativity that changes the world... idea at a time
Aug 2012 · 938
Your Memory Taunts
I cry in the face of the moonlight
and watch as the firelight
dances in spite of the porchlight
I know that this is just right

Your memory taunts
haunts and flaunts
while my breath
is caught

I laugh in the face of distance
and giggle as resistance
is ironic in this instance
and I know this is a good trance

Your memory taunts
haunts and flaunts
while my breath
is caught

I am in need of no other
these miles won't bother
all because I would rather
have you than another

*Your memory taunts
haunts and flaunts
while my breath
is caught
Aug 2012 · 436
Not Yet
I see the way you look at me
your eyes longing for the face they cannot touch

I know the way you think
your mind imagining the possibilties they cannot have

I feel the way you move
your body trying to remember what is has not ever had

I see you, I know you, I feel you
I cannot have you
not right now
not now

You see me watching you
imagine me thinking about you
knowing that I see you

It is almost to much

But not yet.
These words you said
fall down my face
even after they have dried
their route I still trace

We love from afar
and take no part in the fear
but sometimes we break
and we let out a tear

From where we both stand
our hearts far apart
we know what we've planned
to bring them to start

Yet there are moments
when life is too much
and a double edged comment
makes both of us lurch

Love is doubted
loyalties challenged
tears break the glass
and all that we've managed

Do not fear
what we can be free of
just remember that no matter what
It will always be you I love

These tears you make me shed...
we can still be rid of.
Jul 2012 · 855
Drag Me Out Of The Mud
Life was the worst kind of painful
the pain that stabs the heart
Living was dragging my *** through the mud
not willing to go ahead and start

A chance encounter was a blessing
given to a lonely soul
A total fluke sent reeling
a new idea, a new role

His love flowed through me swift
the current swept me up
The passion had me set adrift
seeing a sea of future possiblilities

I love like no other would believe possible
what he has done to save me
Thank my lucky stars it's probable
*this love he's got me stuck in
Jul 2012 · 415
Be Right Back
Be right back
...most painful statement ever
It's supposed to mean
that you'll be right back
*it never turns out that way
Jul 2012 · 567
He Holds A Special Ticket
I said a plane ticket from me to you
wouldn't cost too much.
You asked me about another ticket,
"how much would one cost to your heart?"

I knew immediatly right then and there
you didn't just have a ticket,
you had the deed,
unlimited access to my love.

Now I have to be honest with myself,
do you actually have such a hold?
I'm thinking about this long and hard.
Of course! To you, my heart is sold.

So now I sit here waiting
for the time he can claim what is his.
My heart will forever be waiting
for that one, life changing kiss.
Jun 2012 · 542
Locked in a Box
Do you keep my heart in a locked box?
collecting dust on your window pane

Do you open it sometimes?
remember what you still claim

Do you hear it beating
atop it's lonely perch

Does it keep you up at night?
making your heart lurch

One day, I pray, you'll bring it back to me
And finally I'll get to see

Don't get me wrong, I stole from you as well
It sits on a dusty shelf, taunting me

If you bring me mine, I'll give you yours
preferably undamaged, mind a scar

We can go our separate ways at last
finally be on par
Jun 2012 · 716
Shoulda Said Something
They told me not to get involved
                 it wasn't for me to be meddle
Don't say anything
                 it will blow over
I didn't say a thing

She giggled and laughed
                he smiled and flirted
I was told not to say anything
                this can be skirted
I didn't say a thing

I was told to keep quite
                "you don't want to lose him
because he thinks you're clingy"
                 I shouldn't have listened
I didn't say a thing

I lost what was mine
                 to a girl with no morals
she took off with his heart
                 and left me regretful
*I wish I said something
May 2012 · 589
I Lie Beside You
I lie beside you

I try to remember

I want to give

I can't help you

And still I lie beside you
the world in my head
still revolving, turning
as it grinds away my brain

You lie beside me
blissfully unaware
of the insanity that approaches me

If only you would tell me to breathe
and stop thinking
because you have a funny feeling
and you think it is me you love

All this inside me
while I lie beside you
and feeling
and thinking
and loving
someone who may not love me.
May 2012 · 459
Restless Slumber
He won't go
He won't go
I whisper to the dark
lying on my back, arms crossed
of course he is going

He'll visit me
He'll visit me
I mumble to the shadows
trembling, trying to stay composed
I'll never see him again

He will call everyday
He will call everyday
I cry out to the moon
tears cascading down my face
I'll never hear his voice again

My nose plugs
My throat swells
My body quivers
and breathless sobs escape me

*That night I dreamed of all that could have been
May 2012 · 949
The moon falls lower, the night almost at an end.
It does not cry for fear of shaking the water's surface.
It does not shine its light upon the grass, in fear of seeing its face.
It does not breathe, in fear of scaring the wind.
It hides. It runs.
In fear of the sun it can not be.
My friend Dustin wrote this. He doesn't think he can write so I challenged him with the words Sun, Moon, Grass, Wind and Water. He created the word gold.
May 2012 · 1.2k
Feather in the Rain
I have a book.
            In this book I keep my heart.
    My heart was inked with a quill.
A quill made of a peacock feather.
                    This feather I found in the rain.
In the rain is also where I found you.
                                            found love.
I bet you didn't know it...
*but you are the author of that book
Thank you Dustin Jamieson for giving me the words Book, Quill, Feather, Rain and Love! I love it when you help me :)
May 2012 · 2.7k
Euphony VS. Cacophony
The warbling calls
of the peace and the calm
seem pacified and subdued
far from the ears of man

The shattered cries
of the cacophony and the chaos
too loud and incessant
close to the thoughts of youth

With blood spilled,
splashed over years
of adversity and trial,
we stand tired and stained
waiting for everyone
to change

To see the world through
a peaceful gaze
is to see the world in beauty

A beauty that is not often attained.
May 2012 · 1.2k
Lying in your Lap
What would you do if I were to lay in your lap?

Would you stroke my face?
Run your fingers through my hair?
Cross your arms over your chest?
like you don't care

Would you whisper things softly to me?
Tell me a story?
Pretend I'm not even there?
like I am not your worry

Would you tell me to sleep, I am safe.
Just tell me to sleep?
Suggest I sleep on the window?
like you wish to fore-go

Tell me, what would you do if I laid in your lap?
May 2012 · 377
If Not Blue, Then You.
What a lovely feeling, to be tangled up in you.
When my world was nothing, if not blue.
You doubt your any help
But every time you do, I melt
Stop thinking you are nothing
Come over here and be my everything
The song bird sings the song
of your voice

The leaves rustle sounding
like the rustle of sheets

The wind's cries mimic
cries of simple pleasures

The memories remembered by time
remind me of your memory

The peaceful calm of nature
lies heavily on the calming peace
of love
Apr 2012 · 572
How Much I Meant
***** socks
     cast aside like
Lizard hide
     you hide behind
Little meant
     the words you said
Ended life
     *with a blow like death
Apr 2012 · 862
Everyday is a Day
Every day is a day closer to
the day that I lose
half of who I am

A day closer to the day
I watch my better half
just stride away

A day closer to the day
my soul tears in two
half for me, half for you

A day closer to the day
my whole world falls apart
when you walk away
with my stolen heart

And a day closer to the day
when I will be forced to forget
what my body remembers,
and my mind will regret
Apr 2012 · 1.0k
Black Widow In My Bed
I lash out
so you say
and you take it
day by day

I am hard to impress
so you say
but you continue to mess
one day at a time

I bite, I claw, I poison
Poison your thoughts
with feelings of love
and distress
what a test

Patiently you wait for the moment
when you will get what you came for
then you will leave in a flash of
uncut threads
and webs

Who really wears the hourglass?
Apr 2012 · 433
What is in My Power
Drive me to the end
the end of days
of light
of faith

Hold the key
the key to life
to love
to happiness

Remember your promises
promises of longevity
of fulfillment
of hope

These things
they wound
they hurt
they pain
You have wronged me
and for that
I shall do what's in my power
to be free
Apr 2012 · 612
Please Tell Me
Oh Higher Power please!
-Please tell me what I need to know.
Why does my love for him not grow?

Is it stoppered with a blackened promise?
A hateful word, an unfaithful kiss?
Is there something to which I am amiss?

I do not wish to linger here,
drowning in what seems unclear
while suspicion does provoke a tear.
Oh, tell me what I need to hear...

I shall take whatever you care to tell
in the hope that my tears such knowledge will quell,
for not knowing shall inevitably drive me to my hell
Oh Higher Power please...

~Please tell~
Mar 2012 · 914
Bee's Knees
The birds and the bees?
How did they even get associated?
Maybe it should be the dog and the fleas...
but why sit back while one does the work?

No that won't work

What about the bear and the bees?
but its not good to be at war
oh, such a tease

This is a tease

I know why it's called the birds
and the bees
Maybe because it isn't suppose to make sense
because in love, things rarely go with ease
but hey...

...*Love is the bee's knees.
Mar 2012 · 775
Wars that Spoil
You're safe, no fear, no death
yet you fear death in safety
The poppy stills your thoughts
so you wear one

Glory's voice fell silent
to shouts of fired shells
bowls of water swallowed adventure
offering death in wells

You're safe, no fear, no death
yet you fear death in safety

Spoils of war now meaningless
but every drop seemed precious
when efforts went reward less
naive thoughts seemed luscious

The poppy stills your thoughts
so you wear one

Bullets missed your life,
shells fell to shame,
the anger of the battleground,
your life they did not claim

You wear one daily.
Adapted from another poem of mine called *Remembering*
Mar 2012 · 694
Oiled Tongue
Hear the words roll off
            his oiled tongue
Sweet song spills from
            his cunning mouth
Promises ooze from
            his chattering teeth

Be aware.
Not everything you hear
is a melody.
You can live
or you can die trying

You can love
or you can hate after it

You can forgive
or you can brood forever

You can see
or you can be blinded by the truth

You can live with honor
or be consumed by it

You can laugh
or you can cry.

For all these things,
I hope you smile.

Whatever lines you choose to live by
or even those between...
you can be at peace
or at war with yourself.
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