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I see the way you look at me
your eyes longing for the face they cannot touch

I know the way you think
your mind imagining the possibilties they cannot have

I feel the way you move
your body trying to remember what is has not ever had

I see you, I know you, I feel you
I cannot have you
not right now
not now

You see me watching you
imagine me thinking about you
knowing that I see you

It is almost to much

But not yet.
These words you said
fall down my face
even after they have dried
their route I still trace

We love from afar
and take no part in the fear
but sometimes we break
and we let out a tear

From where we both stand
our hearts far apart
we know what we've planned
to bring them to start

Yet there are moments
when life is too much
and a double edged comment
makes both of us lurch

Love is doubted
loyalties challenged
tears break the glass
and all that we've managed

Do not fear
what we can be free of
just remember that no matter what
It will always be you I love

These tears you make me shed...
we can still be rid of.
Life was the worst kind of painful
the pain that stabs the heart
Living was dragging my *** through the mud
not willing to go ahead and start

A chance encounter was a blessing
given to a lonely soul
A total fluke sent reeling
a new idea, a new role

His love flowed through me swift
the current swept me up
The passion had me set adrift
seeing a sea of future possiblilities

I love like no other would believe possible
what he has done to save me
Thank my lucky stars it's probable
*this love he's got me stuck in
Be right back
...most painful statement ever
It's supposed to mean
that you'll be right back
*it never turns out that way
I said a plane ticket from me to you
wouldn't cost too much.
You asked me about another ticket,
"how much would one cost to your heart?"

I knew immediatly right then and there
you didn't just have a ticket,
you had the deed,
unlimited access to my love.

Now I have to be honest with myself,
do you actually have such a hold?
I'm thinking about this long and hard.
Of course! To you, my heart is sold.

So now I sit here waiting
for the time he can claim what is his.
My heart will forever be waiting
for that one, life changing kiss.
Do you keep my heart in a locked box?
collecting dust on your window pane

Do you open it sometimes?
remember what you still claim

Do you hear it beating
atop it's lonely perch

Does it keep you up at night?
making your heart lurch

One day, I pray, you'll bring it back to me
And finally I'll get to see

Don't get me wrong, I stole from you as well
It sits on a dusty shelf, taunting me

If you bring me mine, I'll give you yours
preferably undamaged, mind a scar

We can go our separate ways at last
finally be on par
They told me not to get involved
                 it wasn't for me to be meddle
Don't say anything
                 it will blow over
I didn't say a thing

She giggled and laughed
                he smiled and flirted
I was told not to say anything
                this can be skirted
I didn't say a thing

I was told to keep quite
                "you don't want to lose him
because he thinks you're clingy"
                 I shouldn't have listened
I didn't say a thing

I lost what was mine
                 to a girl with no morals
she took off with his heart
                 and left me regretful
*I wish I said something
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