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SIlence is often louder than words
For words are cheap and influenced
But we can shout louder
We can be heard
Without a word

Silence is power
and often
Silence has its very own voice
Dog eared pages
betray my thoughts
or rather the lack there of

I think
then blink
But i'm thinking faster
or is it blinking?
It doesn't matter
Nothing is working

Inspiration dances
like a cornish pixie

My muse has gone
his return I await
with bated breath
I wait like fate
Favorite things are fickle
the thoughts trickle
from your mind
and you step in a pool
of what once was divine

I wonder how long I
will stay upon your mind
how long shall I grace your thoughts
before you hit rewind?
Or maybe you'll press fast forward
...just forget about our time

Time will be our test
To outlast the rest
I want to be your best

So will you get your feet wet?
What will you regret?
Whatever you may think
I'll hold your heart
don't fret
I wonder what it sounded like
To hear a bullet whizz by your head?

I wonder what it felt like
When you realized you still had another day.

I wonder why you did it
why you put your life at risk.

I wonder what you were thinking
as your bullet swallowed a life.

And I wonder what you thought
when you realized you were going home.

The glory of war all but evaporated
With every round you shot
The spoils faded slowly
With every drop you spilt

The events that haunt you daily
Will try to make you fall
Your past will try to tag you
And so you build a wall

Your safe, no fear, no death
But you still fear death in safety
The poppy stills your thoughts
So you wear one
I wait for your kiss.
A soldier standing on duty.
A touch putting me at ease.
Silently I guard what is left
of my heart.

And I wait
For a sign.
A small child at the crosswalk,
watching for the red hand
to fade away,
So I can go.

I wait for a sound.
A sprinter on the track,
the snap of a bullet,
a race for the ages.

I wait for the thing
that I want the most.
And I wait for the day,
when I know what I want.

I wait,
For you.
Forever is a big word
Forever has a lot of letters
Many people can spell it
Few can spell it right

It is promised
It is lost
It belongs in our vocabulary
But is rarely understood

Forever is used with good intentions
Until good intentions
Stab us through the heart

Use carefully
Use wisely
Mean what you say
Say what you mean
I want to be a tangle
Of limbs
Of sweat
Of lust

I want it to be so hot
Cold will
Never touch me

I want us to be a knot

I don't want to stop rolling around
Not to catch my breath
Not to think
Not to speak

The sheets don't even matter
They're on the floor
with the pillows
and the blankets

Our tangle takes up the bed
No room for hate
No room for jealousy
No room for anything
But you and me
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