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Is a forbidden word
Unless you mean it

                                  Is so untouchable
                                  Unless you grasp it
Is an emotion
Unless you feel it
shouldn't be used
unless it is felt from
the heart
                                   We have a short life to live
                                   why waste it
Love is yours
Love is there
Love is life
Take it
I am Deadly
        For I tempt the soul
I am Bewitching
        For I believe the ******
I am Corruption
        For I sway the mind
I am Loneliness
        For I leave you broken
I am Dangerous
        For I tear the heart
I am Sinful
        For it seems to good to be true
I am a Sword
        And I am double edged
There is a certain lure
About a forbidden fruit
A mentallity with no cure

We want what we are denied
yearning for
that which we are deprived

The desire becomes a lust
Hunger becomes insistant
Sate it we must

A lure with no cure
Being denied and deprived
Sweet lust, which tend we must

The picking of forbidden fruit
the inability to resist
Continue on down this path
To find your problems root
My heart is hazy
I'm feeling dizzy
yet walking a straight line
couldn't hope to faze me
Skippin' beats
my heart is lazy
I have a feeling
It feels like crazy

I don't think you see
The maze in which you've trapped me
Why'd you set it ablaze?
Are you hoping to daze?
I'm entrapped in a snare
And you were the one to raise me

This hazy, dizzy entrapment
Makes me lazy, my mind crazy
I said it wouldn't faze me
But this maze has me in a daze
I was wrong.
I have an awesome friend.
He is rather cool,
or so he thinks....

But I love him anyvays.
Because he loves me.
We're buds.

Whatever life happens to feel
like throwing in our face,
I know he'll always be there,
he's kinda fixed in place.

Actually, I find him cool
despite what others may think.
He's so cool in fact,
he's one of the reasons I go to school.

So here's to my friend Dustin,
without him I'd be lost/
I know i'll always keep him
no matter what the cost.
Thank heavens for abnormality,
thank heavens no one is true,
without it i'd be just as insufferable as you.

I'm glad we are all different,
glad i'm not like you,
otherwise, my life would be rather blue.

Praise the air of uniqueness,
praise our inconsistancies,
if I was you, i'd blow out my knees.

I hate you,
They way you are.
I'm glad i'm not like you.
I'm glad we're dissimiliar.

Let's put it this way,
Thanks heavens to abnormailty,
Without it, i'd be just as insufferable as you.
There is a cut on my chest.
You put it there

There is a tear in my heart.
It is you

There is a scar left behind.
It was you

Then you walked away
You broke me

My heart
My mind
My soul
My will

You cut a hole in my chest and tore the scar tissue away
You left and swore to me
That you would mend
The cut and the scar
That you would heal
The torn strings of my heart.

You lied.
But thats ok.
Because you tried.
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