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Thump, tha-thump thump. thump, thump
you just walked past me

Thud, thud-thud-thud, thud, thud
hello just left your lips

Thump, thump, poundpoundpound, thump, thump
your skin met mine for a moment

Beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep---
What would I do if you kissed me?
I flow like a pasture in a gale
I smell like the wild and the free
I inhale the ice of a breeze
I glide over a sea of land
I possess the spirit of nature
And I run, at my best, like the wind
Flowers are simplistic

Like Dragons are deadly
According to...?

We have much to realize

And much to see

Flowers are complex
Like Dragons are intelligent
I miss you
I can't help it

Just when I think
I can go even one day
Without your memory
You pop up


And I remember
How you used to hold me
Close to you

And I cry
Because I long for your touch
Once again

So I hope you think of me
When your thinking
Because I think of you
All the time

I can't help
That I miss you
Golden rays melt
into vast amounts of white
Not a drop of loss was felt
Unfortuneatly that was then
Unfortuneatly this is now

Sparkles used to be the only
Product of the light
When beauty was
just a silent grace
not a silent threat

Ice ruled humbly
A creature at its side
Magnificent and mighty
Paws like frosty boulders
Spirit intertwined with cold

Together they seemed
unbreakable   inseperable
They were unbeatable
So solid

As the gas fills the air
It allies with golden rays
And as the ice shrinks back
weakened, beaten, damaged
The icebear follows suit
Gems of the North are disappearing
When your gaze scours my curves,
I feel naked, yet cloth pulls tightly.
You go beyond ******* me with your eyes.
Tequila has nothing on the way you look--
at me.

When you speak to me, only me,
The lead of words is turned into
The gold of excitement.
Every syllabe tickles my sensitive stimuli,
Every word seduces my thought,
Until all I can utter is--

Hot breath on my neck drenches
My senses, leaves me breathless.
And when I ask, "can I borrow yours?"
Your kiss rivals that of the french.
So hot, our lips are not our own.
Then your tongue turns into Columbus,
and explores.
Your touch is my master,
Your movement my release.

And when finally,
Liquid love makes my clothing
There is only one word on my lips--
Violence destroys more
Spreads faster
Lives longer
Burns hotter
Than wildfire

Violence tunnels into our hearts
Embeds itself deep within our souls
Turns us inside out, upside down
Corrupts our minds, taints our thoughts

Violence will not control us
Will not shape us
Will not mold our being

We will fight it
Destroy it
Combat it
Annihilate it
Prevail against it.
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