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I love talking to you,
Standing close to your heart,
Hearing you breathing, and the sound of your voice.
          Not needing a piece of technology
          To express my feelings for you

A phone could never do that anyway.
Once upon a time
There was a hole
In my heart
It was rather deep
Undeniably vast
It hurts
It was dug by human hands
And also filled by them
I know you're leaving
When you stand in it
You fill it
And it doesn't hurt
But I know you can't
Can't fill it forever
But I can wait
Wait for you to come back
Back to the hole
And fill it again
*Don't be long
We were a bubble
So calm, so peaceful
Gently bobbing in the breeze
Like life bobs on the endless wind

Then we popped
It was so sudden
So surprising
Yet so undeniably inevitable
It makes my heart bleed

When I take a look around
It isn't just our bubble of perfection
That has been so mercilessly exploded
We are not alone.

I guess it shouldn't
But it makes me feel better
Knowing I'm not the only one
That has had a dream go bang
And blow up
Splattering wet, sticky bubble slime
All over your face

If every relationship was like a bubble
Where would we be?
Eventually, just forgotten memories
Drifting on a wind long gone
Waiting for another song

I'm going to pick my self up
Move on, move up
Continue with my hopes
Remember I had dreams

I hope you do too
All the best
With your next bubble
Of course you're not a poet
-I'm not?
No, you can't Rhyme
You can't get a beat
You can't even take time
Who do you think you are?
-A poet
No, you're wrong
-Why is that?
Did you hear what I just told you?
-No, because I didn't need to
What do you mean?
-Poetry can be all of those things
-And none of those things
-Who do you think you are?
I wrote a Poem for you
                                           And hoped that you would like it
                                                                                                      I kind of want to impress you
                                           Because I like it when you smile
Smile at me
                                           You make me light up
                                                                                                     Like a lonely christmas tree
                                           Trying to attract attention
So that it may shine
                                           And make someone
                                                                                                     beam like a lighthouse
                                           I want to make you beam
With this poem I wrote
Swim in the sea of knowledge
Walk through the desert of wisdom
I would trek across this world of upheaval
Just to stroll next to you for a moment

And when you're no where near me
All I have is precious memories
They float through my mind and drill me
Linger and ***** my senses

When I'm able to feel your prescence
When I can hear your heart racing underneath breaths
When your curves are molded by my body
We are so much like one moment, all our own
Inside my body there is a thing,
Possibly the most important thing
A body could ever have.

It beat-beat-beats,
Pulses, throbs,
Extends, contracts,
Reaches out, touches lives.

The soul.
The Life Force of humans.
The riveting complexity.
The unending depth.

We all have one
We all need one
Do we all appreciate one?
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