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To the sweet songbird of the forests
Your song will never end
To the cries of the wolves that ring out true
The melody will always flow sweet
To the dance of water and the shore
You will forever be together
To the human with intentions dark
You will never ruin what is true
To mother nature, tortured and forgotten
*In our hearts, you will always be free
There is something funny happening in my chest
            That area under my ribs
                       Inside the place that pumps blood through my veins
                                    I think it might be pumping faster
                                                But it only happens when you're near me
                                                         I can't understand why it wants to beat faster
                                                          ­          When you put your hand on my leg
                                                             ­                  Or why
                                                             ­        It seems to want to leave my body
                                                         When your lips touch mine
                                                 I think it may be because it likes you
                                      I wouldn't blame it at all, you're sweet, funny, smart, kind
                         And good looking. I think it really, REALLY likes you.
             I might not have a heart by the time you're done. It feels like it wants you. Not me.
I know exactly what's happening in my chest.
Lying in bed at night
Eyes wide open
Seeing nothing
Or so we think.

The amazing thing about the dark
Is that there is an abscence of light
And so light cannot tell you what you do
Or do not see.

Reach your hand out into the blackness
Imagine you can go on forever
There could be a pixie flying past you
Or a meadow just a stroll away

Without light, we are more free to see
See the things we want, our fantasies
The dark is a wonderful thing
Because it is nothing, and everything

Lying in bed at night
Eyes wide shut
Seeing everything
Now we believe
With eyes like fire
and breath to match
Fear swoops in on us
Wings ablaze
Tail like a whip
Hate wells up
Legs scream power
Talons ooze poison
Terror cries in our hearts

And with Fear, Hate and Terror
Comes, distrust, misunderstanding
A mighty Dragon is slain
An emblem of Earth destroyed
All because we didn't wait
We judged, misjudged
Now we have lost a great creature
Its in the way you look at me
The way you touch my thigh
Trail your finger up my leg
Over my hips, along my abs
I know not how you've sinned
Though you said you've been  bad boy
The way that you make me feel
Can only be described as heavenly

So how is it
that when you move with me
when you rock my body
kiss my tenderness
love with no boundries
I feel as though
I've sinned?

Nothing that feels this good
Can be anything but bad
The heat that's longed for in the summer months,
Is now a slow assasin.
Carefully growing hotter,
Cautiously building power.

The bitter cold that's near unbearable,
Is now in need of saving.
Slowly receding,
Quietly waving goodbye.

For many summers we
Have experienced the change.
Tales of brave, strong bears
Swimming endlessly in search of ice.

Our Ice is disappearing
And with it, our secret.
There is spirit in the North
Unlike any other.

Together we must make a change.
Appeal to the better nature of man,
If ever there was one.
We need to fight,
And love,
Or we will be no more.
And** then the world breaks
Light is moved by shadows
Never will it be the same
Gave to us by misunderstanding
The upheavel we experience
Darkness rises from its hiding place
A new Earth begins to shape
Chance is given to those left behind
To regain their lost dignity
Shine like the new stars created by those lost
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