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I am not living.
You tried everything you knew
The cracks I still slipped through
Makes me realize I was human

Lost in sorrowful wisps of smoke
Carried in the wind and forgotten
An imagination fruitful, rotten
Reminding me I was not human

The things I have not discovered
Plague, irritate, mock with great joy
The things I have, like children's toys
I realize I don't care which I was.
I've known you but a minute,
Though it seems to be forever.
You're an all important person,
Someone I'll remember.

Though time and ocean have seperated us,
The illusion of distance seems to much.
Yet I know well enough,
That soon I'll be able to feel your touch.

If distance was to great a feat,
I would give up, go home, stay away.
But I know better, only a matter of time.
And I sit here counting the days
I would be more spontaneous. Think irrationally more often. Dance like there's no one watching.

                         I would listen to my mother and talk back less often.
I would have been there for every yes, no, maybe, and I do.

   I would have stopped
   Every bully
   I ever saw. Instead of being a bystander.

I would bleed more often.           Heal more often.                     See more.

                  I would pay attention to the little things, ignore the big.
                                      See the future, remember the past ... not repeat it.

I'd say what's on my mind. Nothing would be bottled inside. I'd pour my heart into everything.

                                  I'd take steps to be the poet I've always wanted to be.

           The Writer I know I can be.
I am strong inside, though inside never shows, and that wouldn't be.

I would believe in the power of magick, for it's everywhere, though oppressed.

                                               I would sing with Birds.
                                               I would smell the Roses.
I need to forget; the fun we've had
I need to progress; leave behind the past
I need to believe; I am worth everything she is
I need to remember; you're only one person
I need to look back; not repeat the past
Anger Rages Throughout
Not One To Back Down
Won't Be Defeated

You Call Me A Liar
You Say I'm Delusional
You Don't Know The Half Of It

I'll Take You On
I Cannot Lose
I'm Stronger Than You Think

Try And Break Me
Do Your Worst
Bring It On

No Chance Of Winning
I Know Your Game To Well
Quit While You Can
**Save Yourself The Effort
Real life battles rage through poetry aswell.
Love is forbidden
To those who fight
Who fight for love
For love is not.

Love is given
To those who need
Who need love
For love is fickle.

Love is lost
To those who try
Who try for love
For love is cruel.

Love is none
None of these for me
For I have you
And love is mine
Serpants slide over the Earth,
and consider it but a task.
I hope my poetry will glide over paper,
like a little snake through grass.
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