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Oh how I differ from
The youthful beauty of
A pale new flower

Velvet petals of orange,
A stem of vibrant green
leaves as young as I once was

As autumn brings harsh cold
A reining beauty shall fall
Join me and pass away

Your time has ended
As time takes its tithe
your life is now not
Our hearts were filled with fierce compassion
The touch of your skin was pure satisfaction
Your kiss, so lush, was once so pleasurable
The sense of excitement was immeasurable

We prepare to draw, in this deadly game
Oh woe to the sheriff that attempts to tame
Felt to extremes are pleasure and pain
For one will lose and one will gain

But while we fight to apprehend our feelings
and curse upon one another with words sent reeling
Our kin sit sobbing, dying, reaching
For a hand that promises words so healing
- From My art
Poetry can save a life
It can introduce new life
And honor a  life past.

Poetry can be the air you breathe
Your sustenance
Your water and shelter.

Poetry is the gift of creativity
The savior of many
And the light in your path

Poetry is what I thrive on
Poetry is what I believe in
Poetry is my life.
- From My art
These butterflies in my stomach will roam far and near
for my once trusted net has holes true, through and clear

My tongue has been tied so impossibly taught
by the black taints of secrets no force can un-knot

My mind will stay un-made so torn and confused
so now I may fall and join the abused

My soul has been shattered, the pieces are strewn
no one dare retrieve them for sharp edges are doomed

My heart, blessed be, the worst of them all has been broken and un-mended
no one cares to heal a heart so long forgotten and un-tended
- From My art
The fresh aroma of the ocean drifted around me
mixing with the luxurious smell of the forest.
The gentle touch of grass and moss,
made me feel as if I were weightless.
The sound of the morning breeze in the trees,
made my heart flutter and my heart dance.

Everything around me seemed to be in tune,
with this subtle spring song,
that nature seemed to be playing.
Everything moved, danced and whispered,
in one fluid movement.

I wanted to be part of it to.
I danced around the dimmed beach meadow,
and lost myself in the song.
When I left, the night was approaching.
Gentle song had quieted,
ready to inspire the next wounded soul.
- From My art
Can love ever confess as much as
kind Natures careful, caring caress can?
His gentle caress drives my senses mad.
There is no denying someone that melts your heart,
And drives away all that seems bad.
I've been hit with cupids ever seeking dart.

His eyes are beacons of light saving me from the storm.
His soft voice calling to me from a distance
Its him I want, for my soul is now warm.
I don't understand why he insists on persistence.
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