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Apr 2014 · 1.0k
NyQuil Apr 2014
On this night I drown my sorrows, so cliche
But whiskey is a great friend
But I drink to an occasion this night
The occasion being, me.
Thanking all the socially unaccepted kids people frown upon
The ones the popular ones despise
The outcast
Whatever you may call Us
Maybe it's friends
Maybe it's enemies
Although we'll never be the ones that control the world
We will try our best to save it from itself
Society itself has eroded earth more than all the water and wind in the universe
The ones who destroy it complain about the society they've created
While Us
The outcast
We try to save it
But are frowned upon for doing so
Maybe our world is doomed
But we'll never give up.
I toast to all of you tonight
The outcast
Apr 2014 · 884
Noble friends.
NyQuil Apr 2014
I'll come to an end soon, maybe even by the time this is read.
I'm not afraid of death I just want you all to hope I go somewhere better than the world now.
I've done much wrong in my life and people will never forgive me and I'm sorry.
just please for the love of God forgive me for all I've done.
I will always love my dear bestfriend till the end of time.
Until heaven comes falling through the sky.
Until the flames of hell burn out.
Until the universe is no longer.
I was never very religious but at good time I'd look to the sky and thank someone, God, Jesus. Whoever could hear I'd thank them for you.
For what you've all done for me
I'd thank whoever heard me for great times in life.
In times of trouble I'd pray for help, for light. Sometimes it really would come. So I pray now that the universe stays infinite and growing. I hope heaven never comes crashing down.
I don't ever want to stop loving you all.
The first time I realized praying works is with Laurel Gallamore.
I prayed and sobbed for another chance.
I was blessed with more.
I've never treated you the best, and I've never actually told you but I truly love you and will always care about you.
Jordan, **** I can't remember when I met you but I'm really very thankful for you.
You're there for me when I felt different, you were there when I needed you.
I love you for taking me as a friend and for being such a great friend.
I'm still sorry for the candy bar, please forgive me.
Kalie, I remember I didn't even know you for a while and I saw you. Upstairs 500, Mowglis tee. I told you I liked your shirt and later that day you were part of the group forever. I love you a lot for being such a great friend and talking to me while I type this, you're amazing and I'm sorry for being so rude at times but you're an amazing girl and one of my bestfriends and I'll always care about you and will always love you and don't ever forget that.
Austin, you're my oldest friend. I'm 99.9% sure since third grade I've known you and you've been nothing but great. I'll never forget summer of 2013. **** we talked from dusk till dawn about girls we thought would be the end of us. You've always been a great guy and I still ain't gay but I love you man.
Maybe this isn't the end but even when time slows more and more until earth is completely still, until we fade from one another. I pray that we don't, I hope and hope earth never stands still.
All the seas in the world couldn't hold my tears if I was forced to stop loving you all.
You're all true best friends
Amazing people
Years from now I hope we all know one another and are just as close as we are now.
I hope when we are old and gone
When we're gray and forgotten.
I just really hope I can be with you all in every other life there is.
I only wish I could show how I feel but my love for you all will never fade.
Not even if
Heaven comes falling through the sky.
If the flames of hell burn out.
Not even if the universe is no longer.
You will all, always be more than anyone could ever ask for.

p.s. that last line rhymed
This is an honest.. I guess you could say spill of thoughts about my real life, real best friends. Which I really love more than anything. I'll never forget them. Ever. Promise.
Apr 2014 · 617
Scenic Route
NyQuil Apr 2014
It's not us, it was never us
It was and always will be, Them
The destroyers
The heart breakers
The dream killers.
You begin to get so overwhelmed in anxiety you fall into comatose.
You can only save yourself from problems like this
The pain is not your fault
It was and always will be, Them
One day you will win
Against the power
The greed.
You will win
Total superiority
The difference between us and Them is we know not power
Not greed
All we know is Love
They'll try their best to ruin us for it
But it's all we know
We need no more
We know love is for all
No matter how impure
No matter how flawed
No matter how imperfect
We know we're doing right
We stay loving
Never to fade from our ways.
We know life is full of bullies
No matter who, or what
They're there
We just stay ourselves
Bursting with passion
We are where we belong
Though we are scattered throughout the world and the universe
We're all here
We're all here for each other and anyone that needs us.
Though it is always us
Frowned upon
Just because we accept any in need no matter the impurity
They have a mission
They have come to be one of us
To convert from their old ways.
Yet some do not convert and continue their ways
They may be adored by what seems to be all
They may be smiled upon more than us
They look upon us as phony
but it was and always will be, them.
We don't live dull lives
We take the scenic route
Apr 2014 · 494
#000000& #FFFFFF
NyQuil Apr 2014
Life will always be black and white
Find someone with color
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
12th Month
NyQuil Apr 2014
Pale skin, bright eyes. Awfully gorgeous, no surprise.
She's looks stunning without even trying
The type that wears perfume to bed
A girl that wakes up with a truly flawless head.
You're unknown to me, but I feel you have an unknown beauty.
I'm gonna have to stop admiring from a distance
And swallow my pride
I just hope you don't antagonize.
Pale skin, bright eyes. Awfully gorgeous no surprise.

— The End —