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 Sep 2018 NuBlaccSoul
Still feel

your angry


buried in


in my back.

they are

just hole

in the wall


that I will

never be


to broken

down love

love affairs.

or ever go

riding off into

the sunset

on the painted

ponies of

your dreams.

or what do

the poets call it

when only

one of you

is in love?

and one

of the ponies

had to

be shot


along the


maybe it is

an illusion

that two

people are

truly made

for each other.

I know your

not Barbie

did you ever

see me

as Ken?

or were you

just a left over

thought today

that passed

through my

head on

the way to

somewhere else.

like looking down

and suddenly

realizing that

my shoes

are untied.
 Sep 2018 NuBlaccSoul
In this
one moment
I see

The old
man with
the cardboard
sign sitting
on the dirt
corner in
front of me,

looks like
a fat black
pool turtle
waiting for
good to
fly by.

perched in
a pose of
but nobody
else sees him
that way
I am sure.

he stares
out into open
space like
an predator
for prey.

and it
is not
money he
wants or

they died
long ago
in his

he just wants
this dam heat
wave to
calm down,

and his
belley to be
half full
after supper.

and his
kids where ever
they are
to grow up
to be anything
better than

and he
just wants
death to
come and
not wake
him up
when it

it's 4:30 in LA
on a Tuesday

"welcome to
paradise "
I no longer hope for anyone's approval but my own.
I no longer let opinions of others define who I am.
I will follow the dreams I have jotted down on my bucket list.
I will follow my heart.
I will live the way I am meant to live.
I will no longer be trapped in this cage of conformity. I am too much a Bohemian Soul for that.
I will fall in love with different places, art, poems, music, people, tastes. And I will no longer apologize for my mistakes.
I am who I am - a straightforward, loyal, compassionate Bohemian that lives for Indie tunes and tarot cards and daisies, sunflowers, clouds and sculptures. A reader and a deep thinker and a lover and a dreamer and a free spirit.
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