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 Nov 2013 Nothing
Jimmy King
I lied to my mom the other night
About what I had for dinner
With my dad
Because I didn't want her to ask
Why it took so long
To just eat a pizza
And I didn't want her to be sad
About my half-shrug of response
 Nov 2013 Nothing
Sub Rosa
We rust and crumble
inside our
Passions and fires,
Our bodies grow older,
Our hearts grow colder,
Whipped by a world
of scorn
and sin.
old poem,
I felt like reviving it.
 Nov 2013 Nothing
 Nov 2013 Nothing
Everyone could love you
But you wouldn't care
You don't love yourself

They could think you were beautiful
But it doesn't matter
To you, the scars say something else

They could think you were happy
But they'd be wrong
They can't see past your practiced smile

They can't see inside you
Where everything is dark
*And the disease controls your every move
 Nov 2013 Nothing
When you tell me
You don't want help
I get scared

I don't know how much longer
You have
Before it's too late

I want so desperately
For you to get the help
You truly need

Because the less you say you need help
The more you really need it

Trust me
I know
And I will do what it takes to keep you safe

Even if that means losing you as a friend

Because not being your friend to keep you alive
Is better than wishing I could have helped
From beside your grave
Babes, please.
 Nov 2013 Nothing
I can't seem to figure out
What's holding me back
From buying more blades
 Nov 2013 Nothing
Broken girl.
Is it poetic?
Is there any way you could
Idealize it,
Or put it in words
That could maybe
Just maybe
Make it sound more aesthetic?

Because plainly stated,
There's nothing pretty about cuts defacing her skin
It's not tragically beautiful, the way she
Has lost her ability to feel happiness.
The tears she doesn't know how to stop
Are in no way elegant.

But wouldn't it be nice to think they were?
Because maybe, then they'd feel a little less real.
Maybe they would be just a little                       easier to deal with.

Wouldn't that be nice?

— The End —