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The Noose Jan 2022
I want to spill my head all
over a busy street corner
and violently expose my
actual self as what I am
and what I chose to
Written in july 2013 under the alias "ride the spiral"
The Noose Jan 2022
mama forgive me
I am late
my way
I am embroiled
in the widening bruise
time creeps by
my blood, anxious
the will to be is.
The Noose May 2021
In waning threads of light
The shadow of
Our lily burgeons
That howling wind
takes everything
She's easy on the eyes
When the time comes
She'll have the heart.
The Noose Nov 2020
I am in the city you hated
In the guts of the very land
which made you tremble
I am in the center of the bruise,
by and by
It is bursting, heavy
My eyes are falling.
The Noose Jun 2020
there was pain
in your bones
that which gnawed at you
in the
belly of the night
the lord
had to take you away.
The Noose May 2020
I said I wanted to remember you
Well then
if I remember you
Just as you were
in photographs
Your face like so
So clear and vivid
I want to remember you
I want to forget the pain
You are not there
I know of the heavy
That which
sits inside my being
I will break
Written atop the gulf of Eden
The Noose Mar 2020
That night
he held me
like a promise
he poured his guts
on the bed of the hotel room
his breath on my shoulder
this human
this beast of a man reduced to a coil
in my caring embrace
i understood
the molecules
of his nature

his revelations filled
the room with a heavy
stench of sadness
he told me, he loved me
in all his conviction
i know you don't love me
I said
i would later find out
he did, love me
in his own

when we held hands
later that night
the artificial affection
i looked at him in awe still
i was so ever gladdened to bask in his glory
i watched him drive into the night
he is not the answer my faculties screeched
they all never were
this was madness
the pinnacle of circling
on the edge of the never-ending.
17 December 2017
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