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 Jan 2013 Noah Luke Kreider
more than money,
more than intellect,
more than power,
more than knowledge,

it is the conscience,
that makes one a human being,

it is the conscience,
that makes one Love.

Conscience is Love.
Love is Conscience.

Love overcomes ego,
Love overcomes lust,
Love overcomes attachment,
Love overcomes greed,
Love overcomes anger,
Love overcomes fear,
Love overcomes death.

In the end,
Love hurts, Love is painful, Love is revolution,
this is when we get God.
When saved is not what is sought
bathing in and relishing the ignorance
blinded to words, numbed to compassion
it would seem every man for himself
none for all and all for none
they will eat me alive whislt cackling
while I lie drowning in tears
sinking deeper than the roots of the oldest tree of life
kneel down and lose the will to fight
pondering why it is I would cry
what would be the point of bounding through the fires of Hell
when they themselves do not seem to care
then a stranger smiles at me for no reason
and I remember
I Wasn't Good Enough For Him,                                    
Wasn't Good Enough For Her,                                        
Wasn't Good Enough For Them,
Inside I Stir,
Black On The Walls,
White On The Door,
I Feel All That's Good,
Has Fell Through The Floor,
I Do Not Miss It,
Nope--Not A Bit,
I Could Cry And Yell,
And Even Throw A Fit,
I Flunked The System,
I Failed A Dream,
My Skin Is Bruised,
But I Swam That Stream,
You Say Hello As You Pass,
You Think My Week Was Good?
You Think I Had A Blast?
When You Said Goodbye I Ran Away,
 Jan 2013 Noah Luke Kreider
 Jan 2013 Noah Luke Kreider
I have nowhere to go
So I go back to the start
Back to the headlights
Collide just as I remeber
The sea of sparks they make
I will swim in them to understand
A crowned king now lies headless
A creaking sparrow eyes him hungrily
I will have to go soon
But a heart stopped beating
I don't mind compressing it
Until it start again
Never would I
Feel as I feel right now
Like I don't even belong here
I belong with the mountains
I belong beneath sun
In the center of forests
Forgotten and dark
Play Science
Using spells that glow
Like Roman Candles
and torches made of old cloth
to push back the dark until we forget what it felt like
To be alive
I signed my life away
A week ago today
I took a pledge to be a warrior
To serve my country with pride
I am proud of this
I need not your approval to be the man I wish to be
For I will be my own
Traveling my own path
Finding my own me
I have finished the part of my life to try to impress you
To try and make you proud
I am done expecting you to be there for me
The cracks are too easy to fall through
I hope one day you will wake up from this slumber
We will talk about our lives while we fish for lost time
The bobbers on our lines dancing on the water like ballerinas
The man I am becoming
Ignoring the child inside
Screaming and pounding
For my daddy
Dad, I love you.
You are my father, and there is not changing that.
There is, however, no excuses for how little you try to be a part of our lives.
I will not hold this against you, but I am done trying to do everything in my power to get your attention, even if it is only for a short phone call.
I am here.
You know how to reach me.
I know you will see this.
Just know, that I will always love you.

— The End —