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Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Paint me as you see me.
Because on the canvas, you also capture yourself.
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
Warm chime sing beat
Love me tender to my feet
See the children play in the street
Smile & laugh cuz so were we
Nicole M Grubbs Aug 2012
The saddest song I ever did hear made the tune resound as it shed a tear.
"Why are you so sad?" I asked the song.
And she sings to me her reply so soft and she sings to me so sweet,
But still sounds so sadly, I now could hear a rain shower the green beneath my bare feet.
"I had a love once and I first saw him by the sea and he sang the most beautiful song that matched the same one as me. But the tide came in and swept him away and my love was hidden where underwater I could not stay." I felt her pain as this siren song sang to me, sullen melody to meet my own lost love in this lullaby's dreams as the saddest song I ever heard continued to weep.
Nicole M Grubbs May 2012
I Used to be an artist,
a painter that could only portray beauty.
I hung my paintings from the walls of my dreams,
for it was the only place I could find inspiration.
Canvases covered in the finest of oils,
depicted scenes of love at its best.
I once created a man and a woman,
overlooking the ocean from the top of a cliff.
From there they could see the rest of their lives,
and every wave outward was promising.
But in the way of their future,
was a wall of brown, jagged rock.
These waves that held their goals and ambitions,
were reaching their peaks and crashing upon the wall.
Although the risk was evident,
the man held the woman by the waist,
as she was around his neck.
I was enfatuated with my own creation.
Lost in the skin where my colorful thoughts lay.
When I broke free of the lucidity of my dream,
my attention was brought to the floor.
Here laid scattered sketches of the false beauty.
I reached down for one that caught my eye,
but was immediatly induced with fear.
The sketch was in black and white,
and it appeared to duplicate my painting.
It was of a man and a woman,
the same as the oil on the canvas.
But the woman had fallen off the cliff,
with what seemed to be a hole where her heart should be.
And the man was walking in the opposite,
with a still beating heart in his back pocket.
The paper slipped from my lifeless grip as I stood from my seat,
only to realize I had been sitting in blood.
I fled towards the door in search of light.
Little did I know that it was nowhere in sight.
The door flung ajar and my senses captured the salty sea breeze,
and my eyes were transfixed on the ocean.
*This was the first and last poem written to me by the love of my life, even after we broke up and made amend after amend after amend. He has a new life again in Florida now. I wish he didn't forget me. I wish he would come home. I love you Mathew.
Nicole M Grubbs Mar 2012
She always sighed looked to the clouds and said,
"I can no longer pretend. Cuz its times like these that drive me to envy the dead."
A little lighter but still in remorse, she continued,
"And I don't mean to pry but those hues in your face, the colors of your eyes.
Well I wanted to take them and mix em with my every day visions.
Cuz its one shade I never want to forget and cease to exist silly revisions."
She always continued.
" & In the late years mist and molding leaves melting back to the earth again.
It reminded us of a simpler time we'd said.
The kind when we were able to feel alive even if we were still stuck in the womb of the town from where we came
and faulty attempts to look a little less dead."
Her eyes laughed. "Atleast on the inside anyway. I saw it in a few passing glimpses before."
But silly girls always question: "Shall I wonder to ever view those soul windows once more?"
A tattered chapter. A rememberance of melancholic place.
A word never spoke too soon so it has no mouth to try and escape.
A heart to sew on her sleeve but no instead to rip the seam apart,
string it along telephone wires signaling the urgent call
while all the neighbors nostrals flare in disgust at what some gossiped as only an electrical fire after all.
And laying in gently crippled memories of all the moments you clench your jaw and grit your teeth
and hold your breath, whether its out of anger and an upset or a loves ***** pleasure in bed.
Timeless is of the essence and I lived in the moment now.
Where tick tocks pay no wake to my sleepyhead
and my earthbound vessel can finally seek rest once the sunset decides to ***** something sweet all over the sky.
"And there." She pointed to the moon, smiling shyly, slitting from the up above beyond and wide.
"Thats where I find the colors. The ones lost from your eyes.
That crafted, ensnared and mystified all who became into existence; past, present and future combined."
And with that she disinegrated, disappeared into the space above.
A myth. A legend. It has been done.
Never to return again and visit the earthly plane she so dearly loved.
Nicole M Grubbs Jan 2012
And if you could've only took to me just right
we could've lived happily,
melting into One,
for the rest of our whole life.
Nicole M Grubbs Jan 2012
If you woulda asked me back then if I thought we would last forever
I would have said, "Without a doubt."
But I guess it's just human nature now
Cuz ever since you left me up high
I haven't been able to come down
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