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Nicole Potter Oct 2013
In many instances my actions have been exactly
    as I've wished to receive.
             How could you expect more than what you are willing to give?
I cannot 'become' this.
                              I Am This.
This unconscious drive for all to be equal.
        What is wonderful is that is not where these actions or thoughts stem from.
Not the original purpose.
             That is just what would happen.
Almost chain reaction.
            Split second transferal of consciousness
  "Put yourself in their shoes"
             Sometimes they don't have shoes.
All this is meant to evoke is an emotional response...
           "What does this person need from me that is within my full power to give, to aid success, to ease the burden on their shoulders".
     It doesn't have to be much.
These actions rarely noticed.
                Though powerfully held,
   Radically Helpful.
Bound to ruin a day.
                                     Had you not acted.
                                        Had I not acted.
                  You do have Agency.
Though rarely immediately for Self.
    When they are noticed it is extremely encouraging.
When reciprocated, mind stunningly shocked. -why?-

I want to become someone even more
    Aware of this awesome power,
                                                       To use it more forcibly,
Find a larger forum.
                                 Promote positivity,
                                 Promote life,
           Finally treating others as you.
Not based on outward appearances
             But what my mind
and ever lofty
Have to offer,
                       Are here to give.
Want nothing more than to share this
                       Simple way of living
Where it is impossible to be alone,
                             For someone to be forgotten.
To understand that friendship,
                             and family,
                             and Life
Are reciprocal.
           Sometimes you must offer before you receive.

I want to become someone who knows the difference.
      Never intentionally seeking harm.
Unavoidable when trying to attain
                     Everything in a made up world where
People in pictures are not real
               Digitally altered.
                                             No one looks like that.
Surgery the only way.
            So to get there,
                                       one must be as altered as the photo.
Acting in ways outside themselves to have
                 This. Fake. World.
   Stomping on others,
                                      Wildly avoiding most.
Crushing people everywhere to
                                    Build that sight
To have what is 'offered'.
         Has it progressed so far that the
idea of 'perfection'
                             is only gained under a knife,
                                                         through strife,
                                           Taking more than one life.

So without knowing,
                   This person has been becoming
an amazingly self-less, caring, empathetic
                            Human Being
with this forgotten knowledge that
       small actions, something that took minutes to complete,
may not have been so tiny.
                    You never know what you could inspire
   Or what would inspire you.
All you have to do is kindly offer
               The goodness of your soul,
Every skill you've honed.

Become someone that allows this to happen
      That brings memory back.
                                                   That Returns Happiness.

**Oct 14, 2013
Nicole Potter Oct 2013
The* wonderful innocence of a child will lead her outside during early Spring. When the snow is still melting, lingering on the ground, hoping to give nourishment.
     Now, instead of laughing, making mean quips, or doing something deconstructive. Why not reply in kind...
               "It is nice you want to feed the birds my dear, but sadly they are not quite near. So sweetie, why don't you start saving scraps of bread and we'll go down to the lake in a few weeks instead".
     Why not take that rare, careful awareness of others, no matter how small and mold it. Allow it to grow. Nourish what you gave life too.
      Feed her more than the food on the table, give her more than comfortable place to sleep at night. Yes, these are necessary and hard work. But a child needs more than a safe haven that isn't so welcoming, not all safe.
     She needs to know her thoughts have merit, weight, can become tangible.
Not laughable, impossible,
                                           Or just not worth it.

*Oct 14, 2013
Nicole Potter Oct 2013
Maybe I'm just too childish to be Blind.
             Perhaps it is that simple,
This easy
                If only you would allow.
Just be Honest.

Maybe I'm just too Childish to be Blind.
            Innocence reigns through each and every vision
Not enough wisdom;
                                    Cannot make differences coincide.
Cannot take more;
                                Comfort in so many options.
While others have less than none.

Maybe I'm just too Childish to be Blind
           This weakness of over Simplification.
Most say it's Utopian.
                                      This perfect world that can
                                                Never Exist.
Causing this insane world view
               That is actually the most sane.

Maybe I'm just too Childish to be Blind.
            Something happens as we age...
Added complications, useless reasons,
                                                             Just the bully on the playground.
            Something changes as we age...
Pain of others easy to avoid,
                                              Just close your eyes.

Maybe I'm just too Childish to be Blind.
                     Maybe I'm just one of few still able to

**Oct 9, 2013
Nicole Potter Oct 2013
Heed you Seekers of Solitude.
          Why do you long for distance?
                   Why do you feel you must return?
Each time you lock that door
Things get just a little bit worse,
                     A little bit louder.
There calls a time for action,
            Where things must be Done.
Instead of
                  Constantly Thinking,
Then festering in the toxic pool of
Nicole Potter Oct 2013
Do not want to assume
       But it consumes our daily lives.
How can we act or
                       Not act
Without some assumptions?
                Maybe we call them something else
To put our ill seeking minds at ease.
              Want to just do it
                                     Go for it.
                                          Conquer it
But paralyzingly fear the consequences
            Ultimately we are all just individuals
Through this Chaos we have created
                 How are we supposed to know what is Best?
Let yourself be you,
                            be in the situation,
                                                               do not analyze.
Because the thing is,
                       When are we not learning
                                     Who we are?
Simply just choose.
                                 Make an action.

**Oct 5, 2013
Nicole Potter Oct 2013
Flow freely into the minds that hate
        Some things go wrong
How long must we wait?
        Until we all get along

Flow freely into the minds that hate
        Cannot make change without comprehension.
All this misfortune we still create,
        Causing harm, taking lives and misdirecting tension.

Flow freely into the minds that hate
         These false institutions keep the system 'balanced'
Using us all as free pawns and bait,
         Somehow ensuring each breath is silenced.

Flow freely into the minds that hate
        Take a step forward and scream for losses
Too many to count, all preventable, just the selfish human gait.
        Look around, open eyes wide shut, who are the real bosses?

Flow freely into the minds that hate.
        All this time spent reading, analyzing, just wasted away
Just a creative excuse, all it's done is placate
        Talk about humanity, pleading for 'other', yet in the system they fade today.

Flow freely into the minds that hate
        We're not playing with plastic, metal, or things intangible
Each person has life, agency and a Heart Beat to relate.
       Must halt before time runs out, before humanity becomes a true cannibal.

Flow freely into the minds that hate
        Cannot understand without delving within
Must step up, do anything to motivate
       Do not step back, embrace what is foreign

Flow freely into the minds that hate
        Must acknowledge; accept it has existence.
Ignorance is not Fate.
      Just hold on, one more push, all that is needed is constant persistence.

Flow freely into the minds that hate
        Flow freely into the minds that hate
                Flow freely into the minds that hate.

**Oct 2, 2013
Nicole Potter Oct 2013
   How Brilliantly Blind.
How could you see so clearly?
                 Yet be walking,
 ­                      acting
    With no vision.
                               No direction.
Selfishly stumbling
                               No where.

You got it,
                  head on,
                                  one nail drive.
Except not the right words.
              But the cry was evidently heard.
The point made,
                              Message Found Home.

So where the reaction?
                                       Where the care?
As if it matters...
                     Do you even still read?
Am I attempting to communicate with a
Either way
                    I'd like to say
Thank You

Though which the stronger sentiment?
                  Don't Care.
Whichever makes you feel better.
       I could list all the reasons to
Shake your hand,
                               express gratitude.
Those uplifting,
Soul searching, and
Rise to Self
That which you do not know you
       Is Not Deserved.
Would not be
           Just shrugged off.
                                        Not taken to
So those words exist
                                    as Wind
Whistling through your life,
                                                   waiting for you to pay attention.
Make sense of that noise,
                                        Take comfort in the frigid air.
But you won't.
                                        I won't.

**Oct 1, 2013
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