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Nicole Potter Jun 2013
Time is not a

                                                         ­                 All this time,
                                                           ­        have we always had
                                                             ­         it, or are we just
                                                            ­           conscious of it?
                                                             ­         days and nights,
                                                                ­      moons and suns,
                                                                ­       always passing,
                                                        ­            have always passed.
                                                         ­      What did those people do?
                                                            B­efore things were so calculated,
                                                    y­ear, month, day, hour, minute, second.
                                                         ­     Form of communication...
                                                ­                         Necessary?
                                                      ­          Mother of invention.
                                                      ­               Time is living,
                                                         ­  Nothing can exist without it
                                                        Becaus­e then nothing would pass,
                                                        you­r heart could not beat because
                                                        T­hat would be a measure of time.
                                                           ­ Transport to higher being?
                                                   Become something other than human?
                                                          ­       Higher Intelligence?
                                                   So how do we become outside of this?
                                                    Outside­ of this incessant counting...
                                                     ­         Where one can Truly
                                                           ­                  Be.

*June, 25, 2013
Nicole Potter Jun 2013
Sometimes when you think it's not enough,
                                             It's more.

These shallow waters run deep
                                           away from eternity.
I cannot hold that long...
            Oh please won't you try?
We don't have to go far.
                                       Just till you get scared.
And maybe a few steps more.
                             I'll be by your side
                             To hold if fear there.
Don't worry
                     I won't tell...
This moment
                    Of weakness
                                          Doesn't count
Never seen
Never heard.
                     But I'm still here
                                         A secret garden...

        If not tended,
 ­                  Eye will over grow
Become too much
                            For both
                                           Just try.
                            For sanity.
                                             Say you've been there
                             For Real.

                                                         ­                                                                                               .                 **June 19, 2013
Nicole Potter Jun 2013
No matter how many times you plan it out,
Think it over in your head
               Analyze everything.
Try to see every logical
                                      and illogical
                Point of view.
Tell yourself you know who you are.
                                       What you are doing.
You've got morals set
                                   or beginning
Every situation will call into question those
                Things once though
                           Never concrete
Nothing is solid until confirmed
                                                   How to fulfill?
And let things happen.
                                      Don't try
                                      But try
Like waiting for a fish...
                     Let out that hook
             Without expecting,
                                               To catch that gem.

How to be so patient,
                                    so willing,
                                     So.             Controlled.
To allow such pondering,
                                           as many moons pass...
Is this faith?
                     To just disallow?
Is there not
A Choice?
                     Because actions affect All
My choice to change,
                                   to act,
                                   to say,
                                   to be,
                                   to love,
                                   to create,
                                   to wonder,
To Exist.
                To act without thinking ahead,
                          the logical illogical.
To stare in that mirror...

In the moment morals?
                               Be logical,
Without thinking
                              too much.
                                                Maybe Happiness
                             Will Follow.

                                                                                                                         **June 15/19 2013
Nicole Potter Jun 2013
The moon flies high,
The sun dips low
       The stars come out.
Dredging up this thing called Hope
                And spirits fall to empty
                                                        no where left to go.
When found to be within the state of Hope
                     Get Out.
A timid,
                               ­  joyful,
place                    to                  be.
Cannot stop
Cannot control it.
                              Everything can be controlled
Because those words...
                      I know there were not meant for me
            Last                                     someone else gets to make you happy... everyday.
                          ­        Words.
     The message
      The Hope
The you want to be there
         Not here
         Not my arms.
                Hope is an empty void
Both uplifting and demolishing
                                                   At the same time.
Must be controlled.
                                 Is being controlled.
         You do not want me.
My heart has skipped many a beat for you.
               Time to get that steady rhythm back.
These will have no more titles
                          no more thoughts
                          Just Release.
I apologize for being that naive
                                  That much of a Joke
                                  For holding that much Hope.
You'll put that easy smile there
               with one extra just for you.
Put there oh so easily.
                                                                ­                        Love to see you shine.
               Sorry for being ignorant
               Sorry for playing the fool.
My heart holds onto much
Including the memory of you...
                                                   Someone will be lucky to just have You.
As more moments pass,
                                       this will likely be easier
As long as that smile...
                                       never parts from your face.

                                                         ­                                                 **June 12, 2013
Nicole Potter Jun 2013
What is on my mind?
Well take a look at what I write.
               These are what I choose to say.
What I understand.
                                Or think I understand
                                          For now.
For thoughts are always forming,
       ­                                 evolving,

­Things need to change.
              Become different.
And not just with me.
           With you.
           With Others.
                                 With the World.
            With the way our souls connect.

You have no idea what is going on in a strangers life.
The least you can do is put
                                           a Smile on
                                      For them regardless
                                        of how you feel.

It does not matter what you say,
                            what you do.
As long as you make a kind gesture
To acknowledge an "Others" existence.

We do not need analysis,
Theories made up and 'proven'
Words over drawn and meanings miscarried.
Thoughts over done and
Spoken words misleading.

All we need is that reconnection
Reclaim what we once had.
               The Beauty of Everything
                    At our fingertips,
                     In our full grasp.
                           But not gone.

While I say this,
I understand that I cannot know how
Things actually were way back when.

But look at the people right now,
Living in similar situations as those before us.

                               They still exist.

They are Happy.
Though they have little.
Often none.

So where I am.
Where we are.
Is not where I'm supposed to be.
    Not where I can exist.
    Not where We can exist.

Where personal destruction found
Worldly disaster will soon follow

As we destroy ourselves,
Help each other dig those graves...
We are also destroying earth.

So how can we live,
     How can I stay alive

How to get there?
        This abysmal place where all is well.
These material things cannot follow
                They weigh down,
                Provide measurement.

There should be no scale.
Each moment should be one to share,
                                        one to learn,
                                        one to grow,
                                        one to offer.

The greatest gift you can give to others is to let them Experience You.

The greatest gift others can give to you is to let You Experience Them.

                                                               ­                                                   **June 7, 2013
Nicole Potter May 2013
My soul feels full.
                             So much waiting to burst forth,
My mind the only block,
                                        Simply not allowing to write.
So now I sit here with these charged thoughts
This Chaos of words waiting to be
Most of them revolve around the same thing
              Those I have been trying to suppress.
But before my soul can properly divulge into the rest of the
Those words must be filled.
The empty potential on the page given life.
                 Because my heart remains with that 10%.
So give me reason to shed it
                                          to move my heart forwards.
Tell me you felt nothing.
                                       Tell me you're not intrigued.
Tell me you're not interested.
                             Then my heart can move forward with sorrow...
                   But Forward and On it shall

**May 28, 2013
Nicole Potter May 2013
I Trust these words will present themselves
            Nervous though I may be
So many Political,
­                          Problems.
Let Me Talk.
                      It will be eye opening.
      Presented in a new way.
Because what is prattled on about
                                            pretty useless
                       in the grand scheme of things.
My words will present a Reality.
                                                    If only you would listen.

My soul is unique,
             I will help you become what is necessary
                                    For You.
Whether I know it or not.
                 That is my soul.
Because the little things are what people care about
                  Even if they don't consciously notice.
                               They smile.
                              Soul at ease.
I am a True Treasure
                                  that could do more than already managed.
Maybe I'm being conceded,
                                           Maybe I think more people should keep me around.

I want to make a change
               More direct than others.
So be somewhere with influence
         But start with the masses
Change comes from  people
                                            From those being effected.
We outnumber our suppressors
                        If only we could rally up.
If all goes well,
                        become the force that binds together
                                    unnoticed, yet

**May 28, 2013
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