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 Jun 2013 Nicole Fraser
daddy's little girl
yeah right.
daddy can barely call his
little girl back.
she's desperate for him too.
guess he has better things to do.
or even better,
another family with
more important kids than

god, I have daddy issues
don't I?
 Jun 2013 Nicole Fraser
 Jun 2013 Nicole Fraser
I saw him today.
Yes, him.
The man of my dreams.
Now, listen closely,
because its vital:
I needed to go get something
and out of luck,
he was there.
He was riding in a
golf cart,
curly brown hair
flying in the wind and
his eyes ever so
green in the
shining sun.

What will it take for him to
feel the same for me
one day?
I put on my cute little dress
And my cute little shoes
And I stole all their hearts
And I broke them apart.
Debating for indifference**
Only for the world to see,
The bats they know best,
All the details in the world.
Seep in all the light,
Shine with all your might.
Publish all your thoughts,
Copyright your words.
The population knows your name,
As you're debating for indifference.
© Roxanne Pepin 2010
 Jun 2013 Nicole Fraser
makes me wish

I were someone else.
Little do we know what life is really all about?
We stumble here and we stumble there
We learn a little and think we finally got it,
Then as we grow older -
Something happens we start to be aware.
Tis like a breath of fresh air,
We are happy for
We finally have let go!!!
You like me,
I like you,
But there seems to be,
A reason to not take our cue.

Why, you ask.
The answer is simple.
A man in a mask,
With a single dimple.

He is our block.
He is our hurdle.
Once over his shock,
We'll get to cuddle.

However I know,
You are a true friend.
I know you can't show,
I have to mend.
Take a look in the mirror.
Is it everything it ought to be?
Or is it lacking?
Can you see through your own facade?
Enough to see that I still care?
Can you see that what you assume I’m doing,
Is your own creation?
So tell me,
Do you see past the murky,
To the truth within?
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