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i'm still alive
and it has almost
                       passed a month
            of my living
without you living
           i don't know
how i'm going to be
                                                 will i be asleep
                                                 when the time ticks over?
                                                 will i be dreaming of you?
                               or maybe
                               i'll be awake
helping your kin
the twin you left
               he's struggling too
                           and i worry
for us.
rippled water
  sunlit stones
                         your figure outlined
                         reflected in the hues
like a memory
     you stand here
edging my sanity
                                                    please, someone distract me tomorrow
                                                    i'm scared
               someone hold me to sleep
                          wipe away the tears
                                                                   voices haunt
                                                    i'm scared
          someone hold insanity away
                      distract me from tears
                                                    i'm sorry
*hold me safe?
Trying to forget you make me remember you more
Idk what to say so I can make the wrong right
Id like to start over the times when you came over
If you stayed over it made my night feeling alright
Id like forgiveness let's not fight
We use to be close and tight
I can still recall the scent of my three loves.

Every night, sleeping is torture for my restless, substandard emotions.

I don’t want to keep living a life like this.

I can’t stand being away from you for so long.

Come to me and live with me, love me so.

I need comfort. Comfort from your soft lips and voice.

Concerts and friends and parties, none of it satisfies me.

Escape into my fantasy worlds forever with a bullet’s help.

But I couldn’t leave you behind to cry over me.

Marshall left this building months ago. Call me his corpse.

Revive me. Cry for me. Crave me. Lie for me.
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
when people ask me 'what type of poetry do you like?'
i tell them that i like real poetry
not fake meaningless poetry with technical words that i don't even know.
i tell them poetry has to have EMOTION
and it doesn't have to make sense.
it doesn't have to rhyme, either.
poetry should be raw. it should be written when you don't think you have anything to write about
like that time you were lying in bed and thought of a single word planted onto paper to create a whole stanza, and then five stanzas.
find poetry in music. in the low guitar riffs and the drum beat. find it in the lyrics and the vocals. find words in trees. in lights. in a bottle of nail polish. in your first love and your last laugh.
find poetry when you fall and a stranger helps you up. find it in a busker at the train station. find it when you give that busker some money and find it when you see that the busker appreciates you. find poetry in poetry.
clumsy unedited rambling blahblahblah silly words formed to make something at least a bit legible
I adore
I adore your laugh
Even though I've heard it twice
I adore your smile
Even though I've seen it only a few
I adore your body
Because what I have seen and felt was perfection
I adore your hands
Because they made me feel like never before
I adore your touch
It is magical
I adore your voice
Because it is like no other
I adore your scent
Because it was contradicting-sweet and bitter

But really, truly
I just adore you.
One drunken night
You stole my youth
You took it without thinking how it would change me forever
You didn't realize that-you ****** the life right out of me
That one drunken night

That one drunken night
You stole my love
You told me what I wanted to hear
You said I was your all
That I was beautiful
That I meant something
You stole my love
That one drunken night

That one drunken night
Changed me for good
For now I am bitter and refuse to let another in
I wish I could go back in time
But I cannot,
All I can do is tell you.
You sir, are a thief.
Because that one drunken night
You stole everything from me.
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