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 May 2013 Nicole
Plaid slacks
Feather cap
Argyle socks
Flip phone
Mullet hair
Greasy hands
Crusted fingernails
White belt
Sketchy beard
Members only
Casio watch
Deck shoes
Muscle shirt
Tribal tattoo
Chest hair
Plumbers crack

You look great, Mom!
Just joking. My mom is gorgeous. I started out picking out fashion flaws then I realized I know nothing about fashion, so I made it a joke poem. I hope you like it better than my mom would. Please don't tell her! Haha
 May 2013 Nicole
Lily Karter
I watch you rip out my heart
And hold it in your hand
Taunting me.

I wait for you to make the choice
Let it gush out and die
Or simply stop the bleeding.
 Mar 2013 Nicole
Ides of March
 Mar 2013 Nicole
Julius died
"Et tu Brute"
He cried
Made them
Both more
"Beware the Ides of March."
The quotes are from my memory of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.  Forgive me if they are not exact.
 Mar 2013 Nicole
I beleaguer myself as I brood
my inconsequential
narcissistic fantasies
 Mar 2013 Nicole
 Mar 2013 Nicole
Dances askew
Friends like you
Are few

Nations abound
Yet we march
To the same

Dances askew
People like you
Are few

Lives and skies
Yet we view
The world
Through like

Dances askew
A friendship
Like ours
Is true
Corny but tribute to my friend.
 Mar 2013 Nicole
 Mar 2013 Nicole
There was a poet who was lost
His world was covered in grey frost
He poured out his heart
Suffered for his art
He is now found, but at what cost
 Mar 2013 Nicole
We can have fun if you lettuce.
Just tossing salad puns.
I'll try not to wilt.
For I'll try dressing these
Puns to your appetite.
If I promise to pepper my puns,
Maybe you won't throw salt.
I should leaf this alone
Because I'm no chef.
I am Caesar of salad puns!
You'd toss tomatoes at me if you could.
Are salad poems rotten yet?
I should compost these puns.
Is this like watching grass grow?
Salad puns can be cheesy.
How much green would you
Pay me to stop regurgitating
Food puns?
If you read this,
I owe you the rest of the meal,
Now that I wet your appetite.
I felt like writing a poem that is just silly. I feel I should apologies if you were expecting one of my serious poems. Sorry..... Dinner's on me. Haha
 Mar 2013 Nicole
Lily Karter
are we in blackest of
night. Is it because our souls are
attracted to the darkness? Maybe it's because the
dim lighting helps us be ourselves, but not totally be seen.
Whatever it may be, it's the most alluring time of the day.
I look forward to the sun setting, Because
**I know of what comfort
is to come.
 Mar 2013 Nicole
Lily Karter
 Mar 2013 Nicole
Lily Karter
I am the devil in the night.
I scourge, and haunt, and terrorize.
All those who see me stop with fear in their tracks.
All do their best to avoid such a horror like me.
Those whom provoke me regret their actions,
for I rip them limb from limb.
I will show them the worst pain they have ever seen.
 Mar 2013 Nicole
Lily Karter
I've always been able to feel how people are.
As strange as it sounds,
my sixth sense is stranger.

I've known you for years.
Your almost jet black hair,
chiseled jaw with a scruffy beard,
and those beautiful eyes to die for.

You have two personalities,
but you aren't insane.
The one people see every day,
So charismatic
and brilliant.
So illuminous you make
my eyes burn.
Talkative, fun,
always the life of the party.
You know,

I see through it.
Through those glassy eyes,
they tell it all.

I see your kind heart,
the generosity you give.
Yet you are sill afraid
they will take advantage.
You have this hard, happy shell...
but this scared, secretive inside.

I commend how clever you are.
I really do.

Some how you convince everyone
that they know the real you,
but they have no idea.

And I,
I saw it in an instant.*
It's crazy how I feel how you are.
It's crazy how I can't explain it.
But I know you,
and I can
read your heart.

I know your fears,
But I will
never tell.
Hardly am I ever wrong when I read someone.
This poem is about someone I've grown close to, and what I read every time I'm with them.
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