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If the sun and moon are two different bodies, then why do they occupy the same space? If they share a different meaning and choose a different path, why do they end up intersecting at one point? Is there an unspoken love between the two? Or is that a chance they seek just to see each other again? Either way, I figured that the earth is the medium of that love. It stays in the middle, egging each of them on; simply trying to keep them together. If I occupy the same space as you, why do we walk totally different paths? How are we going to cross in the end and fall in love? We become that space between. We stop going our paths, and go toward each other's, just to talk for one day. I love you, sun. I love you too, moon. Now take me home, earth.
*latin for "three"
For my love.
Strangely enough, I've been wondering about nothing at all. The mind I own is as empty as the sky it usually runs to. The clouds are as light as my thoughts. The color of the atmosphere is as bright as my love for it. If only people could fly; then, and only then, would i truly be happy. I sigh, and cry. I cry in my heart because if the world saw the sky I love so much, then the planes cruising would be of war. No longer would I be free to wonder and marvel at all of the works my mind creates. I would be free to cower and flit across the battlefield. Only trying to find sanctuary, I would bulrush all those in my path like I've always done. I hate to say it but, it would all depend if my words got to you first. Either way, the pain you would feel can only be mirrored by the eyes brave enough to gaze and try to grasp onto this tired wonder. I really do want nothing more than to fly, but until then, I'll keep these tears locked away so the clouds will stay light and not flood what's left of this world.
*Latin for "two"
Is there anything  more sad than the sun fleeing the day in the horizon?What have we done wrong to cause it to blend in with the night and shed its skin to become the moon? What have we done to make it flee and lay with the stars?" We lived through its rays, and walked through the days." many will say. Is it tired? Or is it simply trying to spark a conversation with something more...celestial? I hope that wherever it goes, the light follows. The shadows alone are enough to make me quiver, even under the light of the moon. I welcome the day as much as i welcome my dreams. I think i'm caught somewhere in between.
*Latin for "one"
Take me from this silence;
This bitter-sweet end.

Break me from this cage
so you can lock me up again.

Love me 'till it's over.
Red as my blood is its stain.

Follow me over,
my love again is sent.

No pardon this man receives;
He has gone and killed his kin.

I'm ready for my judgement;
Now **** me for my sin.
Story: A jealous man kills his lover and comes to wits with his eventual death.
Remember all I said?
Forget it.
Remember from that day?
Forget me.
Remember that stuff about us?
Forget you.
Remember who we used to be?
I'm forgetting.
Remember all I tried to say?
Forgive it.
Remember all that from today?
Forgive me.
Remember all that stuff about you?
Forgive you.
Remember what we are now?
I'm forgiving.
I** want to breath
Like when I was a child
Oh, how I remember
Very much so, how much fun It was
Every day was ignorant bliss as I smiled
Yesterday was they day I forgot how to breathe
Over and over again I age faster as I remember
Under the stars I fade, unable to breathe
So now I regress
Over and over I wonder, where the time went my friend
Maybe I can grab a couple of galaxies and feed them to my infant
Uh, I don’t think she’d like it though, heh
Can you give me some advice, considering you’re over 60?
How do you still vibrate like the new day and the sound of heaven in the morning?
I don’t understand your method
Think about it?
Hey, that’s hard when all I think about is my future…
Under the stars, now
Running to catch the comets flitting forward forever.
Thank you
So much, I’m serious.
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