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- Jan 2014
I love you so much
with every part
of my heart
I can't wait
for the day
that I become
your bride
© Natali Veronica 2014.

My first poem of the year.
Dedicating it to my fiance.
- Dec 2013
It's been a journey
Of ups and downs
A rollercoaster ride
I never want
To be on
Ever again

Despite that
I'm blessed
For my friends
For my parents
For the love of my life
For my beautiful dog
For all the memories
We have shared
And captured
This year

Have a good 2014
May the year
Be a blessed one
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Happy New Year's Eve!
Have a wonderful 2014.
Love you all.
Thank you for everything.
I adore each and every one of you.
- Dec 2013
His face makes mine blush
Reminds me that
I have a sweet love
Who needs me
As much as I need him
He makes me so happy
My heart is smiling within
© Natali Veronica 2013.

He's wonderful.
- Dec 2013
Have a wonderful time
Keep yourself warm
And drink mulled wine
Hold your family close
Love them the most
Celebrate the last week
Of this year we have
Make it count
Spread love
And cheer

Looking forward to
Writing on here
For all of you
In the new year
And the one after
Forever more
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
Diamond ring from the one I love
Christmas happened early this year
He is my prince, my forever
Happy that we're together
Excited for the future
© Natali Veronica 2013.

In a weird-happy mood and wrote this. Haha :)
- Dec 2013
Out of nowhere, you call
Tell me you wanna talk
Made me smile
You make
My heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
brilliance is in your eyes
© Natali Veronica 2013.

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