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- Nov 2013
memories stick around
but they become
easier to ignore
easier than before

your face does still matter
but it's gotten easier
to not always remember
the days we crashed
into a depressing slumber
your eyes are still precious
but I've learned how to cope
and not fall right under
under your spell
like I used to
I guess I can say
that I'm getting
right over you

memories are cherished
but the present isn't
we changed and so much
I cannot stick around
I'm too good enough
I am so much stronger
but I used to be weaker
but clarity made me wiser
we were never meant to be
as a whole, us together

your everything wasn't pure enough
I can't give to someone who always takes
but never seems to give a lot back
I lost so much, went out of my lengths
just to keep your heart beating
just to keep you near me
but this time, I'll be leaving
I hope you'll be good
right here without me
but of course you will be
I am a stranger
you never loved me
but sometimes
I know you do
even though you
never took the chance
to prove your worthyness
sometimes I believe you
and tell myself I'm not over this
but it's time to be moving on
but you'll always be
the one who
took my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
haven't felt so happy in months
feels like I've dried up my tears
and fought my way out
of this darkness
which used to possess
every part of my being
but now, it feels like
I am finally healing

no more are the mascara stained pillows
no more is the feeling of drowning in sorrow
gone is the emptiness in which I used to feel
seems like real life has re-gained it's appeal

couldn't be where I am without you
or the hope you gave me
I feel like I'm brand new
your love set me free
it helped me discover
my old self again
it helped me uncover
so much of a good thing
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Never used to show emotion
Always kept it within
But the more I grow
The more I found
That my feelings
Were hard to hide
And conceal

I feel your words
Crawl into my mind
Almost every night
I sit awake thinking
If I should embrace you
Or leave this flame behind

My thoughts are of you
You do captivate me
Just never knew what to do
When it came down to
Loving someone
With all of me
And the passion
I keep within

I always day dream
Catch my breath
When it gets too hot
It's just weird to feel
All of these emotions
Which for years
I always held inside
Need to bite my tongue
Before I overstep the mark
And cross the line
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
there comes a time when I miss your voice
there comes a day where I miss your touch
there comes a night where I miss your love
there comes a moment when I miss you
through all the time in the world
like a heart that needs
its other piece to fit
just right into yours
above all
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
its crazy how much
you mean to me
pretty honey
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
coke, cigarettes
and salad
that is all
in my diet

the pressure
on myself
to be thin
is high
the radar

ain't got platinum hair
or stilettos up to here
all I have is an average body
I am no skinny mini

I feel the pressure of
our society
it wants us
to be perfect
and stick thin
but I am none
of those things

glamour seems to be
self destruction
and eating disorders
manic depression
and starvation
none of those
are healthy
but our society
they glamorize
our deadly
and our

I miss the days
when Marilyn Monroe
was seen as a *** symbol
not for a thin appearance
but for her beauty
and captivating curves

your body shape
is something
you shouldn't be ashamed of
you are beautiful
no matter what
it's our society
which really *****
© Natali Veronica 2013.

if you're insecure, you'll understand this poem.
this poem is about how society tells us what to look like,
or what you should be, how you should be etc.
- Nov 2013
soaring high above you
like an angel singing
as she passes by
on top of the clouds
trying to connect
every once in a while
from the heavens
she misses the earth
she want to come back
but she never can
stuck with wings
flying above
© Natali Veronica 2013.

random poem. imagination is good.
this is kinda about my late friend tbh.
I lost her years ago and I wish she was alive.
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