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Love is not blind, but the heart is.
So be careful whom you fall in love with.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
Loving someone
doesn't always mean
that you have
to keep her in your heart,
you have to let her go.
All Rights Reserved © 2014
is when you find somebody
who is absolutely perfect.
Infatuation says,
"I love you because I need you."

is when you realize
that they aren't
and it doesn’t matter.
Love says,
"I need you because I love you."
You never complain when joy hits you,
a taken-for-granted part of life.
Why do you wail over the misery then?
Arise, awake and strive.
As you whisper my name,
The song that I hear echoes throughout my soul and I realise,
Realise that without you I would be lost.
The darkness would finally take me.
Without even knowing,
You stole every piece of my heart,
Twisted and shaped it around your own.
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