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Natt Feb 2018
The month of love,
The month of romance.

Why is it so special?
Why are we so keen to celebrate?

When all we see are
And chocolate.

We put all our problems away,
And throw on a new face.

For February has come,
The time to celebrate that love.

But when it ends,
Will you be there to pick up the pieces all over again?
Natt Feb 2018
I have nothing.

I have nothing to say.
My mind is blank.
My thoughts are gone.

There’s a void.
There’s part of me missing.
I’m not complete.

I feel neutral.
Not sad,
Nor happy.
Just neutral.

Where are you?
Where have you gone?
Come back to me.

My Inspiration,
  Feb 2018 Natt
I love you
you look like a priceless artwork
Natt Feb 2018
Show me the real you.

Who are you in the dark?
Who are you when you’re sitting in your room all alone?
Who are you when it’s 2AM?
Who are you when you feel like all hope is lost?

Show me the real you.

No more walls,
No more small talk.

Just You
And Me.
Natt Feb 2018
We come into this world,
Full of hopes,
And ambitions.

Seeing nothing but the goodness in the world.

After a while,
We grow up.
And realize what’s really happening.

And disrespect.
That’s what we see.

The man you once saw innocent,
Is actually a criminal.

The woman you once thought of like a second mother,
Is actually a cruel person.

Where has the world come to?
What happened to that goodness.

It’s gone.

Will you bring it back?

Make a change.
Save the world.
Natt Jan 2018
If I changed?
Would you notice me.

If I talked like her?
Would you talk with me endlessly.

If I acted like her?
Would you come after me.

Don’t change for anyone.

Don’t lose yourself.
Reminder: never change yourself to please others because if you didn’t take time to love yourself who will.
Natt Jan 2018
Give it to me.
No fear
No doubt,
All you have.
Show me everything.

Give it to me.
All your flaws,
All your thoughts,
All your love,

One day,
Maybe one day,
I’ll have you.
All of you.

For now,
A piece is what I have,
A piece of a puzzle,
I hold dear in my hand.
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