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Natt Jan 2018
Love makes us blind.
Bad qualities disappear
All you see is that person you think is dear.
When the feeling is mutual,
There are no regrets.

But you see,
Being blind at the sight of the person,
Or what you think of that person.
That’s bad.
All you see is that goodness,
All you see is that beauty,
All you see is a future not guaranteed.

Love makes people blind.
Blinded by their own self,
They walk into a path,
Of foolish regret.
This path might seek happiness,
It might seek dread.

Walking on that path,
You might meet the one on the way,
But you were just blinded by that love,
You faded away.

You have arrived to your destination,
You got what you wanted,
Now it’s time to go back,
With that person you wanted.

Times get hard,
Fights get big,
Half the way you lose the prize you wanted it.
Blinded by that sight you were,
Blinded by yourself for sure.

Now you’re all alone on that path again,
Trying to go home,
To your loved ones back again.
Natt Jan 2018
Little girls,
Growing up dreamers.
Dreaming of becoming a princess.
Not because of the ball gowns,
Nor the gigantic castle.

You see,
Little girls dream of,
a happily ever after,
Prince Charming,
And true love.

All these fantasies,
All these stories,
Create that feeling of longing,
That longing to have someone.
To find their Prince Charming.

Little girls,
All grown up now.
Their personality,
Their perspective,
And their dreams,
They all have changed.

But you see,
That fantasy,
That dream,
No matter what they become
Or who they become.

Girls will always have that dream with in them.

Oh little girl,
You’re prince will come.
Bringing you’re happily ever after.

Little girl,
Don’t give up.
He’s out there.
He’s on his way.

On his way to find you.
His true love.
Natt Jan 2018
A Pisces...
Helps without expecting something in return.
Loves silence and being alone but not for too long.
Imagines scenarios 5-7 hours a day.
Loves love.
Wants to share their life with someone.
Deep and emotional.
Great listeners.
******* talented in a form of art.
Knows exactly how to give advice
Puts other people’s problems before their own.
Trustworthy and a great secret keeper.
Clueless at times.
Big heart.
Always wishing the best for everyone.

For you might never know what Love is until you’ve been loved by a Pisces.
Natt Jan 2018
Sometimes we get so caught up,
We get so caught up with chasing someone.
Trying to make that someone like you.
That we change.
We change ourselves.
When in fact,
There’s someone else chasing after you.
Trying to make you like them back.
Did you ever think about that?
Yes there’s this person chasing after you,
Trying to sightly hint that she likes you.
But we get so caught up on trying to impress that someone.
We get so blinded by that someone.
That we don’t realize what’s happening behind us.
And after a while,
When all is said and done,
We stay heart broken,
Thinking about that someone.

Now close your eyes.
And clear your mind.
Think about who that someone who’s trying to give you hints,
Is trying to impress you,
Is trying to tell you something indirectly.
Do you know that person?
Do you like that person back?
If yes, stop chasing that person,
Who doesn’t care about you.
Go after the one,
Who actually likes you back.
Natt Jan 2018
You’re not mine.
Natt Jan 2018
Bob had a boat,
He was here today,
In class,
We laughed,
I laughed too,
Because that’s what I needed to do.
He destroyed Bob.
Bob is gone now.
I felt hurt,
I broke a pencil,
I was mad.
He was gone.
Now I’m at peace,
Realizing Bob was all the mad feelings,
Bob was all my worries,
Bob was just a piece a paper.
And now with Bob gone.
I’m relaxed,
I’m free.
I know what to do.
So goodbye Bob.
I’m free now.
Today for the first time, I felt hurt so I put these feelings in Bob. And I got used to being hurt today, but at the end of the day, Bob was destroyed and with it all these feelings, leaving me at peace, and free.
Natt Jan 2018
we keep telling ourselves:
no, i'm not superficial,
and when i'll like someone,
i'll like them for what's on the inside.
well i disagree,
the truth is we all are superficial.
after all, our eyes are attracted to what we see,
so yes you will first like someone from the outside.
but you know what i love about this,
its that when you actually do fall in love,
and i mean love not like,
you will fall in love with
their personality,
their perspective of life,
their opinions,
their love for life,
and their heart.
that's what you'll fall in love with.
yes you'll like them at first for
their eyes,
their hair,
and their body,
that's what you'll like.
but falling in love is much deeper than that,
so yes i am superficial,
but that's what i love about love,
for love is when you put aside all whats on the outside,
and discover the real person behind those walls.
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