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 Mar 2013 Natalie Wood
I am the king of a kingdom called hell
And you have become my queen
We rule the lands of Heartache and Spite
And everything in-between

Our castle is guarded by misery's knights
Surrounded by a moat full of tears
A dragon called Lust invades your heart
An enemy I've fought for years

Yet I fight with all of my strength
To defend the innocence of Trust
The harder I fight, the weaker I grow
I fear I'm defeated by Lust

Broken Promises break down the walls
With a word I cannot defend
Someone else has stolen your heart
And now you call me your friend

He's captured your heart, our kingdom is lost
For the walls have crumbled and fell
I'm just a king without you as my queen
Trapped in this kingdom of hell
 Feb 2013 Natalie Wood
I wanted to buy a dozen red roses
But they refused to touch your hand
The chocolates said that, "You're much sweeter"
And, "Your lips would make them bland"

So I tried to find just the right card
But the words just ran away
There was nothing that the cards could do
There was nothing the words could say

I wanted to cook a Valentine's feast
But I fear it's just a waste
Your smile has crippled my need for food
My appetite's been erased

Then I tried to buy a diamond ring
But your beauty stole its shine
For it's never seen a love like ours
One like yours and mine

So I just want to say, "I love you"
And forget the other stuff
So Happy Valentines Day sweet darling
And I hope that that's enough
 Feb 2013 Natalie Wood
While most are counting sheep at night
When trying to go to sleep
The poet is searching for words to write
So the little lambs won't weep

The paper becomes the poet's sleeve
As he wipes his pain away
His pen becomes the poet's sword
To keep the wolves at bay

The sheep that cause our eyes to close
Must always be protected
For wolves can sneak into our dreams
Sometimes undetected

The poet writes of the sheep we count
While staring at the clock
Writing words to stop the wolves
From picking off the flock

So when you start to close your eyes
And count the sheep tonight
Remember the poet who slays the wolves
With the words that he will write
 Feb 2013 Natalie Wood
I wanted to believed in fairy tales
I hoped that dreams come true
I thought happy endings were real
Until the day that I met you

I thought I was your Prince Charming
And you, my Snow White bride
But who ever wrote our story of love
Was a little preoccupied

Because the story was never finished
We were loving from day to day
There wasn't a happily ever after
We didn't turn out that way

Like clouds in the sky, we drifted apart
Carried in different directions
Like ripples on a clear mountain stream
No more than broken reflections

I used to believe in fairy tales
But there is no happy ending
We turned out like all of the rest
With both of us pretending
 Feb 2013 Natalie Wood
The paper turns to crimson
As she writes with all her scars
Her quill becomes the poet's key
That unlocks her prison bars

With her prison doors wide open
She's free from all her pain
A prisoner of her past mistakes
That's left a lasting stain

Broken trust gave birth to grief
As she writes of her abuse
But everytime she tried to leave
He'd have another excuse

She tried her best to cover her bruises
After the beatings would start
But nothing could cover the pain she felt
From the break inside her heart

She found the strength to walk away
And leave the past behind
She writes each night to find her freedom
But it's truly hard to find
 Feb 2013 Natalie Wood
Time is a lot like distance
When a memory is concerned
The older we get the further we are
From the things that we once learned

One more day is another mile
From the way that we were taught
The priceless time when we grew up
A memory that can't be bought

The day we finished high school
We thought that we were grown
One more mile and another day
As we set out on our own

Then the day that we got married
We would walk a few more miles
Another day and further away
As we faced our troubles and trials

Time is a lot like distance
Every second that we roam
It slips away a little each day
'Til we're a million miles from home
 Feb 2013 Natalie Wood
Long ago, before words were known
Sound simply didn't exist
A smile was the only thing needed
Or a tear, if someone were missed

Love was then, the language of choice
A silent show of affection
Until that day when sound was invented
The heartbreaking cry of rejection

A teardrop had finally found its voice
The silence was broken in two
A broken heart had finally spoken
And the people knew not what to do

No words of comfort could pass their lips
For words were yet to be known
So the sound of heartbreak spread like cancer
For those, who would suffer alone

Words would one day come to fruition
And comfort would finally be found
But the silence was silenced forever more
Because the invention of sound
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