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Gerudo Apr 2014
The grass is green and lush and soft,
It always rains bur never pours,
The sun comes out just once in a while,
The sky is that perfect shade of blue-grey.
We sit beneath a willow tree,
And listen as the world goes by,
The cool wind tiptoes through the air,
For an eternity we can stay.
We dip our toes into the pond,
Lily pads drift over our feet,
I rest my head upon your chest,
And you let me know it will be okay.
Gerudo Jan 2014
i see youre on now or so i believe
i try to say hi but you dont reply
i wait a long while hoping youll receive
half an hour later again i try

again i fail to get your attention
i cant help but wonder whats going on
this incident i will later mention
but i wonder if you are for now gone

its like trying to strike conversation
only to find out that you were asleep
i stay on til ive the revelation
then i hear the power buttons soft beep

we are both on when i check the next day
and you tell me "sorry was afk"
Gerudo Jan 2014
My heart cries out
My mind screams no
But you go on to

You shout yes and
I whimper no
As the blood trickles

The tears well up
And we think no
But no one can stop

I see red there
But you see white
Because still all we
Gerudo Jul 2013
I've heard this song a thousand times before
But let me hear you play it once more.
I've heard others play it, too,
And even then I savor it,
But your version is by far my favorite.

I love the way you show me things,
Only drawing them in one color at a time,
But the shades are perfect to me,
Like cherry, lemon, and lime.
And more than they once were, too,
Not just green,
But now red, yellow, and blue.

I'm alone with you again,
And I remember all the times we shared.
But you never talk about them.
I wonder, is that my fault?
Have I made your memory impaired?

I have taken you with me everywhere
Since that day the other let you go.
I wonder if you'll ever know
How much I have cared about you since then,
Even before that,

We start over again,
And choose to play a new game,
You give me some options,
And from them I choose a name.

I didn't think things would go this way,
But we keep fighting battles and winning.
And that much keeps me going.
Not for that feeling of success,
But for you, who will never sway...
Or at least not today.

I've seen it happen before,
And it will happen to you,
You'll grow old, and you'll corrupt.
Or you'll forget everything, even me.
Or you'll die.
I can't watch that happen to you, too.

But here we are, not at all far apart,
And I'm letting this all tear at my heart?
Nonsense! I'll stay here with you,
And together, we'll see this through.
We'll meet many along the way,
Some will go and some will stay,
But I, Red, will defeat Blue,
Once again, because
I love you.
(To my copy of Pokemon Red, given to me by my older cousin, its previous owner, the first game I ever owned <3 )
Gerudo Jun 2013
Blue is the color of the dragon-winged girl,
The color of the girl whose life was lost.
Blue is the color of the deity girl,
The color of the one who wouldn't pay the cost.

Teal is the color of the water-loving girl,
The girl who lead into a new world.
Teal is the color of the frightened-eyed girl,
The girl who into a new life was hurled.

Grey is the color of the logical girl,
The color of the girl who teaches demons how to love.
Grey is the color of the snake-tongued girl,
The color of the boy who thought he was above.

Green is the color of the story-telling girl,
The color of her brother who would fight and **** to own.
Green is the color of the blind and mute child,
The color of those who may have yet to be known.

Orange is the color of the reckless girl,
The color of the girl filled by desire,
Orange is the color of the samurai man,
The color of the man filled with fire.

Red is the color of the five-fold girl,
The color of the demon at the core.
Red is the color of the half-vampire,
The color of the one who wanted more.

Purple is the color of the plaid-skirted girl,
The color of the feral demon child.
Purple is the color of the girl who lived in the sky,
The color of the eyes that watch the wild.

White is the color of the once-afraid man,
The color of the child who never got to have a say.
White is the color of the defender in the skies,
The color of the one who took her own life away.

Black is the color of the white-pawed cat,
The color of the girl who shows one their mind.
Black is the color of the silhouetted man,
The color of the world they left behind.
Gerudo Jun 2013
They came through our Forest
And spread through it their stone,
Through this haven
They thought they could take.
And the Little ones ran,
Afraid and confused -
The play-place was changed,
But it was their mistake.

And the Little ones thought,
Burn the corruption,
Burn the corruption,
Light it on fire,
Light it on fire!

The blind mute child came,
And he tried to tell,
So the Watcher came
To see what they'd done.
He brought the rest,
The ones who could help,
But all were needed
So to this scene they would run.

And everyone thought,
Burn the corruption,
Burn the corruption,
Light it, light it,

So they all gathered round
And trapped the intruders;
They stood in the way
Of the corruption's path.
The New Ones were stopped,
Surrounded, even,
And they could do nothing
To escape their wrath.

And they stood and chanted,
Burn the corruption, and
**** those who bring it!
Light them on fire,

And the sword of the Angels
Was just over their heads.
They cowered and looked up
So hopelessly.
But the loneliest one,
Who saw so much loss before,
Stood in its way,
And helped them to see.

And they learned they knew not what they had done, and realized,
*End the corruption, but
Forgive those who brought it.
Light it on fire,
Cleanse the forests, and
Cleanse those who hurt them,
The flames will renew,
Gerudo Jun 2013
Dont tell me how you're opposed
to the things that you do.
Each night We stay up
thanks to Our fear of you.

Then you sing me to sleep
with your lullaby of lies:
that it's because you care,
that it's because I don't try.

And just one will stay up
to satisfy you,
to feed your desire,
because you taught her to.

But do not worry,
We'll have Our revenge!
We will come back for you,
We will bring forth your end.
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