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Miko Feb 2013
To keep the sound intact
I devised the usage of a paper clip
because I lost the ring
for purposes such
deep in the depths of your homage
though I wear yours now
one of a different breed
spinning joyously
belonging now to my
right hand
which was naked in the lending
of a little personal piece
accurately known
as me
It sounds stupid but it all makes sense to me ~
Miko Mar 2013
I can't remember what I just said
the two sides of my brain are rubbing together
flames until the end
light and purely standing
telling you how I feel
commanding a full attention
crashing into an easier
everything I felt was stopped
crossed your heart
right there
this time was different
for sure
Miko Jun 2013
on a dime
just because distance stems roots
doesn't mean everything
or anything
will change
will be different
will go wrong
trust me
Miko Jan 2014
The secret to
my life
is simply that
I am
Miko Jan 2013
I want the house with the burning
bush in the front
falling asleep in each others arms
waking up at ungodly hours
and looking at your beautiful face.
I don't know if you're thinking
about me
or even in the same way
but I'm here and
I'm ready
but I'm falling apart.
I won't last for long
but I'm trying
and I'm holding on.
I'll never let you go
don't you dare let this go
because you told me you want to
lay your head down every night
in this broken house
and that's enough to fight for.
The feeling that happened
the lift in the chest,
that should be enough.
Worth it all.
Miko Feb 2012
I was walking down the street
and i realized what it had done to me.
Carborators and steel words,
they were inflamed in my throat,
but two times as powerful
as that acident that I had done.

Or was it on purpose?

I cant tell anymore because what it is
and what it's not
is meshed into silence.

I brought it up to the good one
and the other claimed it false.

I fought my way in but
clawing out is a different cycle.

I want this to taste like sanity,
fibers of fear stretch across the bedding of this body.
Without corners folded neatly
and windows washed clearly,
bring me this satelite
thats recording my regression,
this abuse that is embedded
in a  certsin valuable location.

I want it now,
more than anything
but what I need is a checkbox marked blank
stares as it reaches my lungs.
Captivating strides and notes just as powerful.
I need to brand it in
and cut it out.

By force
by nature.

It is sick,
it's psychology,
leave the witness crying.
Tell their subconscious it could have been
them instead.
It's ruthless and confining,
bringng me to fresher level on low.
I think I need it now,
sitting still in the jury
knowing all too well.
It never attacks...
just once.
So, this is a work in progress, but a friend of mine challenged me to somewhat write a poem to something about myself that I don't like, and this is what spewed out of my head just randomly and I just typed away and posted with no fixing of anything. Plus it needs a title any suggestions?
Miko Nov 2011
The facade crumbles when the void
                                 runs a little too deep,
                               We're a never-ending road with our
                                                heart and our
                                           mind       in separate time zones.
                                         I can't help
                                         that I love the "best";
                                 I don't have time for less. Amateur
                  hour is almost over- but you can't leave like all
                                                                                      the rest...
                                                               In a former lifetime I blew all my
                                                                   kisses to the wind
                                                                so they'd come and keep me
                                                                                    company in
                                                                                             this one,
                                                 a cocooned farewell to
                                                         stagnant metamorphosis. These wings
                                                                    greeting me
                                                                                             I've chosen the sky....
Miko Mar 2013
Tear apart conjunction
relapse without formality
undergoing pressure points
assigning counterparts as allies.
Faults in terror arise
as stature is in recess
bring your esteem to the table
flip it for the impression of vanity.
Miko May 2013
I love to sleep
I pretend I forget
I take it in doses
pretending I’m dead
and as I awake
It’s a shun just to know
that I’m ****** into the next day
with nothing to show
except empty lined pockets
turned out just to tell
running from this life
with soles smooth as hell
I neglect all ambition
and travel on foot
a shadow for companion
and at nights I take note
that this is not the last time
that I will fill this void
with ripped up repeats
and pieces that don’t fit
into my life
I’m a traveling band
that plays music so solemn
a soundtrack to my days
spent reused and for joy
written on misuse
and caution signs beware
that one day ill find you
and you won’t believe
the way my eyes scream for help
and you’re the air that I breathe
I’m more than depressed
more than they say
and your time won’t be wasted
on a misfit like me
I’m more than broken
I’m more than just the surface
because I used to lose control
I misplaced the intentions
but now I’m waiting here blind folded
bracing my self
waiting for the gun to go off
hoping ill be blown away
and I’ll wake up
look into that mirror
and know that someday
I’ll hear someone whisper…
“You’re the one”
Miko Mar 2013
I feel
that I'm detached.
situational desire.
thank you
Miko Dec 2012
I could write you one
thousand letters
and read then to you out loud
and still be full of this regret
and pain
Miko May 2012
We're illegal, impervious aliens under
the teepee; we're imposters,
orphans huddled by the fire
and waiting for the blaze.
We're Jesus and Mary, waiting to marry
but not quite yet - no, never
quite yet. You and I, we're
suicide; ticking time bombs with our
shell-shocked mouths still intact; metal hearts
camouflaged by our
overgrown  and tangled minds.
We vow to never say never,
but I know you know those words
lie so heavy on us
Miko Dec 2012
Come after me when
I hurt?
Hold me when
I happen to cry?
Because these walls c r u m b l e
down as I witness my life
follow suit. Be my support?
Because I don't
[won't] show anyone
else. I'm too used to
insensitivity and being
Miko Mar 2013
Habit memory
going out there every day
flashes of roll
the shape and weather
they Register
I'm so pleased I did it
Miko Nov 2012
Perfections reflection
standing next to me.
In the mirror
never could a foggy vision
be so clear. And it's what
you hear
and not what I say.
Day after day
I lay evil to rest.
Miko Jun 2013
I found a whistle
now lets have some fun
weekend wars
yeah its overwhelming
but what with sleepwalking scandals
hookah in every open door
it's shutting on your hand
Here it comes
night on the sun
mad as rabbits
we yearn for a nourishment solute
Jimmy is colorblind
running the counter
bring in the cavalry
give him your thoughts
on a fleeting education
I've got your money.
so what are you going to do?
Pursuits are happiness
and a recluse is a muse.
Here it comes
night on the sun
mad as rabbits
we yearn for sewn on patches
canteens of barter
keys and a whisk
savor stay at home peace
make the money off of the cancer sticks
and I'll present to you medication
because you look so fine
Go on
you look so ravishingly devine
Miko Apr 2012
You're* imaginary, and the only
thing that could ever
live up to the impossible
expectations I have.
for one day
I ask
that you allow me to talk
without such loud thoughts
or silent words.
For one day
I ask
that you don't try to fight
your way out of my mind.
For all my years
I've been learning,
learning to love myself,
and because you are me
and I am you,
I only ask
that you learn to
love me too.
Miko Nov 2012
Lead like lions pride: *forget
                   in your own life.
Miko Jul 2013
Minds over what matters
rules swelling rocks
that erupt this blink term
crumbs littering the corners of my sight
admitted to a passion so bleak
My thumb holds more
than this reception heals
more than it reaps
less than it sows
there's no hands for hire
I want to feel something real
wary at four in the morning
or at night
when the records come on
opening files and folders
ripping deep in sensation
as this shakes my state
Miko May 2012
Beneath the moonlight
And even in the midst of daylight
That hand that you hold
Is not mine

What is a promise?
Is it still in motion?
It seems after you left
I failed to understand

I have always held on
But what can be done?
When you’ve let go
Completely and altogether

I regret
That love came too fast
And went too early
Without an understanding

I thought it was forever
Just as you promised
I was wrong once again
All of it is only an assumption now

I can only cry
I can only hurt
I can only regret

All of this pain
With no way back
The only option left to heal
Is only to move forward
Miko Feb 2013
My throat is ravaged
like the uncharted depths
of forgiveness
Miko Feb 2015
365 days ago
I met you
well sort of anyways
in the strangest way
and 365 days ago
I would never know that impact
that is sorely does now
because a year ago I was a clean slate
and now I feel the reverberations
of strong words being forever scratched into my chest
tattooed into my sternum like the biggest regret
that the cover up story is "for the art"
though behind my teeth I know
false tones come from my throat
Miko Oct 2011
We are the city
   Stumbling in ourselves
Accidents due forth
     Purpose deemed redemption
Concrete skin and metal frames
Alleys unseen and starving symphonies
           at the edge of us.
Our thoughts spread out like blue prints
          scraping against the sky as
        our hearts grow too big
             for our cages. Won't you be a part
    of my stage couch dream?
Miko Nov 2012
Everybody has their own struggle
(so be kind).
We live for Mondays,
beginnings and
In betweens and out of
into scores
and boards. I want
to leave this city, because it's
almost time,
to not get kissed under the mistletoe
and to not get kissed on new years.
To not share the miracles
and warmth of the family~
accompanied by torn off coincidences.
But don't waste your time
on me, it's useless to search the cupboards,
even if you say this is different.
Everybody shares what little they can
they get a hold of.
And like jealous orchards,
it's out of season.
They leave.

                                  You will too....
                                                        ­                      * have to
Miko Apr 2012
The fatal bleakness erupts
from my every pore
as I release you into
the wind
like a balloon.
The string,
once attached to my wrist,
tied so intricate, so carefully
was (is) an anchor.
Away you go
into thin air
like you had never existed before.
I watch you dissipate,
dissolving right before my eyes.
A magic trick.
I toss up my hand
outstretched, vacant in hopes for you
but all I grasp
is nothing.
All I can simply get a hold on
is nothing,
nothing at all.

A false warmth begins to fill the brim
ready to show the world,
I am ready to wear
that mask as
best I can.
This new excitement,
wrapped around me,
burns with flames
of new found passion
and of thrill and anger and disbelief.
I don’t understand
any of it
That feeling,
again ignited,
within my heart—
which tremors a bit in return
with the reminiscence.

I had never thought
happiness was possible,
for me,
here she sits
beside me
as I’m seated here
in an invalid happiness.
Beaming from ear
to ear
like this is normal,
like it’s quite alright to
be this way.
What is defective
is nothing.
What is clear
is nothing,
and there is simply nothing wrong,
nothing at all.
Here in her false happiness,
in her negligent lies to herself.
And me,
in my hidden misery
and my lies to everyone else.
There she sits
And then…
Miko Jan 2013
Closest claim to sanity
at the bottom of the bargain bin
never leaving this asylum
as our entire lives
can be defined by padded rooms.
Walls an industrious mockery
sealing the deal with
an acrued defiance.
So be careful what we deem
as thoughts, they
all float
mind castles and inverted
replenishing the blast as
it recedes
Miko Mar 2013
The strain and sickness
trekked from my head
and into my lungs
where it has rooted
an unrelenting
over my entire body
I tried to qualm it
with little less than a breakdown
a fiend to my tender will
given up on the struggle
Miko Aug 2013
That night
when cults was blasting in your bathroom
and you were singing along
at the tip top of your lungs
that is when I knew.
That's when I fell in love with you
and all your little things.
I originally wrote this February 10th of this year
Miko Dec 2012
Why would I settle to just nap by the willows?
I want take part in unleaded thrills
because I have hand for my holsters gun
steady at the barrel
pinpoint the enemy
prepared for my grandest demise.
Miko Nov 2012
I visit you in dreams
in secret
even though I can have you here
but I can't
even though both of us want that
but it's not to be
(right now).
We need to realize that
so we can move on
and this can all blow away.
So I can say yes once more
and have it feel whole
(a whole entire lie).
You're holding me back,
in turn making this so much worse
when it ruins us both,
you a little bit more than me
in a different kind of sense.
I'm holding you back
from something you can actually have
something so much better
(but that makes me strangely upset).
I wish you would realize that
so this can all blow away
in theory.
Miko May 2013
Little laughs
bring miniscul justice
to the fiends who
deem it so
Miko Dec 2012
Simple puddles
meddled with strange reactors
dazzled curtains flooding with
double stacked tacks
hung high up in the rafters
along with sided refuge,
you're out there lying
and feeling nothing at all.
Tinted blades
to offset this norm
making  irony just a tad bit more distant
distraught with worry
and hand spun skepticism
as each time you make your word
mean just a little bit  less.
Miko Dec 2012
Complete, utter, empty silence.
The kind that makes you aware of your heart
as it thumps in your chest,
or the slight whistle to your breath
as you inhale through your nose
and keep in it selfishly.
I hate it.
So much can be fit into that silence.
It's like a credence in my chest.
Music, conversation, nature.
Thoughts exist and protrude.
Anything can seep through.
The absolute absence
of all noise is ominous.
For the world to be completely devoid of any noise
is the worst of loneliness.
It's filled with all of what is sitting
beside our bedside tables.
our minds left to be excavated.
Imagine being alone with your own thoughts.
Scary and foreboding.
Imagine having to fabricate the voices of people,
with their chain smoker dialogue,
their reactions and poise.
Fabricated noises as they stir in their seats.
Miko Jan 2019
Take me to Geneva in the winter
where our lungs will be crowded with icicles
as our capillaries assemble on edge
each and every one aching just to quiver
like my bottom lip that I simply can't control.

Oblivious to the weather
fueled by a shroud of eager anxiety
that engulfs and embraces my skin
like the quick and even breathes I'm taking
just to stay awake
in something that predicts like a vision.

Follow me close as I perceive this vividly
that the moment wedged between inhale
and exasperated exhale
is flooded with thoughts of you
that I would drown in it willingly
that all I can credit my thoughts to be
is to the speculation if I am lucid dreaming or not
of your lips on mine
of your fingers earnestly entwined in my shaggy hair
as you pull me closer
and I can smell your warmth
and feel your passion through this possibility
that our our hands are locked
like the door of my bedroom
every night
in my empty apartment
because being safe
has taken me 21 years to understand
and even then
the fear shamefully crawls its way into my spine
like the hunter into the carved belly of the bear
for warmth and survival
for protection of incessant guilt.

But it is in this ten seconds
I can finally sink into this fogless reality
of enjoyment and felicity
at long last
the solace refuge.

And in this accelerating sound of assurance
I will teach you the language I studied
in moments so short
that a staccato could fill two lungs tip top
and still be 100 yards behind this message
gawking at the starting line
and as the gun goes off
I am already there
lungs filled
wanting to do justice
with more than just an ***** in my chest
but with the treatment hidden inside skipping beats
and minds running and screaming so loudly
as I'm howling this adamant resonance from the top of the complex
to empty my mind until my throat is sore
until what follows are the neighbors voices escaping angrily open windows
bellowing at me to please turn it down
for the umpteenth time
but I want to remedy this disease
with the softness of your neck
I want to hold you close
with your head nestled in my shoulder
where scars beneath clothes usually sit dishonorably
but not now
because now they know a relentless forgiveness
and amity so authentic
that now I can exhale
Miko Aug 2014
To whence I came?
Who do you think I am?
The fact that I trust my self says
I am a disregarded human being
unto reality
at least tell me that
because I can assure you
no one else actually knows the answers
they just come up with stories
that sound vocally pleasing
and logically teasing
to challenge the brain
so some clues
and general feedback
would be hella nice
Miko May 2012
Repeat it after me
after me there will be more
be more people, buildings, presidents
presidents who'll only bring war
war that will never bring peace
peace that we've seen before
before when we thought that there would be no more
no more worries, suffering, dying
dying faith and dwindling hope
hope that one day we'd initiate change
change that each one of them swore
swore that from now on there will be more
more money, truth, safety, understanding, “Just you wait!”
You wait for these promises, these miracles to wash up ashore
sure, in God we trust everything they say
say it, “That as one our country will be able to sore”
sore past all of their mistakes? Why not?
Why not believe such fallacies?
Fallacies? There will be no more, now repeat it after me.
Miko Oct 2011
A Queen of the night
  And a black widow lover
     with endless alibis.
  She’ll **** eight when
         you see but one,
  Spins her web of deception
            Alongside the lives she’s won
Miko May 2012
I'll forever be
the setting sun
in a west side story
a toppling calamity
bleeding out my color
and breathing it back inside
an art anomaly
smiles from beneath the bed
all too swift now
in the creases of the night
Miko Mar 2012
"Whoever battles monsters should take care not to become a monster too; for if you stare long enough into the Abyss, the Abyss stares back into you."

     I've always wanted to look more in-depth on this quote because I always took a liking to how it was phrased. What I have always read of it's meaning is simply that those who take up a path of battling evil should be careful to not become consumed with evil themselves, however, lately I have wondered if there may be more to this statement than that to this statement
     Staring into the Abyss. I capitalize Abyss because I feel that it may represent more than just endlessness.
     The Abyss is referred to in this quote as though it talks about the monsters, evil, something terrible, though no specification is given to who or what these "monsters" are and what they do or say. Their true intentions are unclear, if they even process them.
     I've always been one who enjoys to look inside of themselves to see and understand more about myself, to analyze and to fix and to discover what there is inside of me. In doing so, I have found that there are emotions, desires and thoughts inside of me that I must recognize and fight and face. With talking to other people, heart to heart conversations, I have gathered that they think the same way, more or less. These emotions, desires, thought, they could all be as simple as laziness and procrastination or as complex and powerful as the desire for power or money or respect or to overcome. Sometimes these desires will drive us to insanity when we aren't even ourselves anymore. We lose ourselves to multiple needs, desires, corruption, emotions. It all overwhelms us and takes a hold of us, grasping our sanity as it slyly snakes its way into your more deepest and most vulnerable spaces, some of which may even be unoccupied or left forgotten.
     These are our monsters.
        We used to think they hid under our beds when actually they live inside us. And wait. And flourish.
     Our overwhelming desires that can bend and shape our will to any shape imaginable in order to achieve it. Why? Why do we allow ourselves to become like this? Allow ourselves to be controlled by desires that will leave us with nothing, not even ourselves?
     We do it to survive. We don't do it to survive in the modern era. The modern era of civilized society has no need for such desires. But we did need these desires before. We needed these desires to be able  to live in a world where stability was just as fathomable as being able to go around the world in hours and have food ready whenever you felt hungry.
     We are not bound by desires because we want to be. We are bound by desires because we were.

     Now that this has taken care of where the monsters we fight have come from, we must understand why it is that fighting them can cause us to become them.
     We try to fight our desires and battle the emotions, and we always think we can prevail these in one on one, hand to hand combat. Perhaps it is not wanting to look old. Perhaps trying to get someone to notice you. Perhaps trying to avoid the temptation of dessert or a guilty pleasure. If we do not at times kick back and reflect on what we have accomplished and what we have learned, we can end up creating a new desire. A desire to fight these desires, to not let them overcome us. This desire then consumes us just like the others would have. We become those monsters that were hidden in us all along.
     Yet we are too busy to notice, or too oblivious. Some of us refuse to see it even when given the chance to be presented with it. Not just by fighting these monsters, but with our lives that are going on around us. There is not enough time in the day or enough says in the week to allow us to relax and think about who we are, to understand and recognize what it is and what is going on. We can change and think nothing of it because we didn't know what we were in the first place. We were immune to the beginning process of human to human with monster characteristics. Or, in some cases, just a monster.
     "...for if you stare to ling into the Abyss, the Abyss stares back into you."
     The Abyss. It's name is mostly associated with nothingness and emptiness. It's desolate and cavernous. It will swallow you whole and make sure you are not discovered again, digested and sunk into a desolate refuge. With the end of what we don't even want to imagine, let alone even comprehend.
     When stated this way, it almost makes me think we are talking about ourselves. We condemn our desires and try to relinquish ourselves from them. But they are what make us us. If we do not want, if we do not care to have something different, we are no longer human.
     Perhaps this is why we are consumed by the Abyss. We try to clean it out of our systmes and remove all of our humanity, and we get consumed because we unconsciously want to remain human, the greatest desire of all.
     The Abyss cannot be considered nothingness, because it holds everything. It is who we are, and when we try to fight it, try to change what makes us human, we are consumed by our humanity. We cannot escape that fact.

"When we fight within ourselves, we must take care not to lose our humanity; because if we do, we will become more human than we may have ever wanted to be in the first place."
A rough draft
Miko Jan 2014
What was once used
is now hung up on walls
once toiled in work
for the eyeing pleasure
of the inconsiderate
Miko Jan 2012
Reams of paper lay still at your feet
words once written, your desolation

Notes torn and shifted litter beneath,
tread softly and expect nothing in return

The coward's heart locks inside
the words you seemingly long to sing

Throats on pause and agony in slow motion,
gaping mouths flood though all is silent

The pictures depict other places
in times so foreign and unfamiliar

Your pen is stilled, young girl,
and your grip explodes into bits and pieces

Tender care and triumphant losses,
your words tumble on to the ground

The evidence on clear display,
reams of paper at your feet

Clutch your weapon to your chest girl,
as swirls of dust encircle your body

In your sights terminals exist,
and hope is scrawled by your literate hand

Eyes strike deviance and choices deem unworthy,
as they cast aside your failing graces

Such is life, young girl,
smoldering in reams of paper at your feet
Miko Dec 2012
Doors enclosed in cases of fiends
monsters delusions infest
the heart where
we are all hiding something,
deep in places replaced.
Cheap thrills with an appetite
present your squires!
For laces tied
snap back and
the rope is
broken. We must accept
these times. Disposable
materials for such systems.
What is grounding
you now?
I think we'd all like to know.
Miko Dec 2012
I walk these nights
with a bone chilled knife
as eyes sparkle
with glitzing frost
Miko May 2012
As an actor on the stage
Of a drama
Of a life
Of a musical
in the daily flux of time,
keep the curtains closed
a fixated audience
on lines withheld secretly backstage.
Continually crossing
frontiers \ feeding them the actions,
the right notes and rhythms
I move from one space to another-
no strings attached.
Today in this dry theatre
(the deserted harbor)
of my mind \the words lie on their sides
incapable of setting
to the sea
endeavoring to fill each one
with some resemblance of
Miko Feb 2013
Fields of light
open your throat
allow the shades to slide in
grey tones speak too much
and the shine is all too ready
so it's time to let go
create color
reveal the conscious print
Miko Jan 2013
Dearest Genevieve
   Come and run away with me
      We can buy the house we occasionally talk about
         And I'll place welcome mats in front of every single door
               Both inside
                        ­            out,
                       in hopes that a house for me
                                                    could ever be a home,
                                   Like you are for me.
                    I'll fear you  like all the rest because
                               because you are fully an individual
                          Who might decide that I'm not of importance
                                     Or worth a part of you.
                                                   And I will fear us as you decide what is right
                                                           ­  Negligence is arguably one of the greatest horrors
                                            So is the art of not knowing  
                                   But let's fix this utterly
                                                   let's think about this with our hearts
                                           We can shoot dice
                                                       and spend the night in each others arm
                                                             ­       it feels right.
                                                          ­                     Home.
Miko Jan 2014
It's coursing
as of right now
trampling feats
and feets alike
cramming counterparts
and awe
into a shed of a shack of wood
on wheels
pulled by once brillig
and bluderbus boys
but the appalling truth of the matter
is it'll downpour
and quench this parade
even if it's pace is merely strolling
in about an hour and a
you better get rolling
you wouldn't want to go
and miss the best part
just like life
now would you?
Miko Apr 2012
Once Upon A Time
with paper strips
Her tongue was tied:
exploring the streets and alleys
of a mouth and a
mind that's closed
-the conflict and sinking-,
picking locks to lost doors with
fingertips sharp and anxious
for purpose,
exchanging shapes and colors for
Laser eyes intent
on drawing out a line
between the free blue skies and
the vibrations of an understanding.
Held loosely and feebly
coaxed back to sanity,
who could blame her?
Rolled away in a dream
towards a goal of never waking,
"If I never wake up, then this
is my reality."
What words are these that stumble
out between lips once secure?
Never before, nevermore, a fool
for clever lines strung clumsily
and unsure.
And now with words,
walking alone ,
observing things with a little bit more dignity
and a little more appreciation,
there she lurks,
slyly in sheltered "safety."
Rough draft
Miko Jan 2013
Time stopped.
I was consumable fuel
for the audience of this world.
Breathe taking eyes
strike my body to be
racked with the feeling.
Parts encase these lungs
that forget what it's like
to function properly.
Breathing? What's that?
As I greedily gulp
mouthfuls of air
followed by my obnoxious tendencies
to forget my basic
****** functions.
But for what?
All you did was look at me.
The effect leaves lasting
impressions to this
What are those?
I left them downtown
as I stumbled along with you
maybe we can go back
and retrieve them.
It's true you know
Miko Dec 2012
This cobblestone led me to
as I skated back a righteous fro
swooning over tin men
with rugged qualities
and wholesome care,
lending me arms
and legs as spares,
to appease to this nomad
trundling for yarn spun lips.
So fine so fine
this great divine
tie back your hair
and cross your arms
this wanderer is aware
with a hoodlum snare
and fully aghast
to these pretentious fiends
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