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Najwa Kareem Feb 12
Mixed race, pretty face,
Patrick Mahomes,
don't go to the bottle
and be drunken, one who forgettably roams

At the big game, you disappointed your fans as you stated on X,
But more importantly, days prior, you let down your GOD on a world's camera,
and made me wonder, what cowardly ways you might show next

US President Trump said when asked if he has a favorite for the Superbowl game...“I don’t want to say, but there’s a certain quarterback that seems to be a pretty good winner."
“Yeah, I mean, it’s always cool to be able to play in front of a sitting president, someone at the top position in our country,” said Mahomes, who shouldn't have been a moral compass spinner.

Mahomes said he “didn’t see that clip” of Trump’s remarks, “but obviously, it’s cool to hear that he’s seen me play football and respects the game that I play,” the quarterback said.
You know just as well as I do, Mahomes, that Trump respects nothing about the "Black job" slaves as he would call you play and to him, you, your team, and what you do on the field are simply entertainment, what you should have answered at the press conference to honor your ancestors dead.

From "The best quarterback in the world"...We didn't start how we wanted to; obviously those turnovers hurt. And I take all the blame for that. I mean those early turnovers swing the momentum of the game, and they kinda capitalized on them, and they scored on the one and then they got an immediate touchdown and so that's 14 points that I kinda gave them, and it's hard to come back from that in a Superbowl, and so I just didn't play to my standard, and I have to do better next time.
Yeh, and if the opportunity returns, tell the truth that you are honored that the President is coming to your big game unless he is Trump, a lying, corrupt, ******, bigot, The US will "take over" and "own" Gaza..., no remorse convicted felon, and don't make lying by omission your crime.

Mixed race, pretty face,
Patrick Mahomes,
with reporters in February 2025,
you played diplomatic,
AND did your teammate, Taylor Swift's not married to Kelce,
thus, no Superbowl win for you and your team going to its' trophy case

By: Najwa Kareem

*Written on 2/10/25
"But I still sit here shell-shocked by what we witnessed. The Chiefs didn't lose. They got their *** kicked. They got stomped. They got it given to them. And to see Patrick Mahomes sitting on the bench just draped in humility, it was like ****...You saw it, right? Travis Kelce was like ****. Ain't nothing we could do. And you know as bad as it was, and as bad as it looked, the offensive line for Kansas City Chiefs got destroyed." -Stephen A. Smith, ESPN FIRST TAKE, 2/10/25
The Kansas City Chiefs Got Exposed on National TV

"Well, Mahomes didn't perform, I don't think," a female spectator laments when interviewed after the Superbowl game.

Superbowl 2025 Losers' Take Away Lesson: When asked as an athlete anything concerning a President, always say in the press room what you say in the locker room.
Jan 18 · 155
She's getting LOUDER
Najwa Kareem Jan 18
She's getting louder
speaking truth to power

Atefeh Rokhvand's getting louder
speaking truth to power

Speaking truth to power
she's getting louder

A KAAS fighter getting louder
speaking truth to power

She took the floor away from ****** Blinken
Extremely ****** of with a lying Secretary of Genocide monster - from her eyes, no winkin

As they pulled Atefeh out to the exit door
she raised her voice of truth even more

She's getting louder
speaking truth to power

Atefeh Rokhvand's getting louder
speaking truth to power

Speaking truth to power
she's getting louder

A KAAS fighter getting louder
speaking truth to power

Showing the world what holding a despot accountable until his final days looks like
She used her honest, accurate words instead of her ******* to tell Antony Blinken, Take a hike

"The prettiest revolutionary" is a role model of social justice activism, an icon for her daughter and many others
I'm sure her and my loved ones who have passed on are smiling and all of Gaza's martyred mothers

She's getting louder
speaking truth to power

Atefeh Rokhvand's getting louder
speaking truth to power

Speaking truth to power
she's getting louder

A KAAS fighter getting louder
speaking truth to power

By: Najwa Kareem

Written on 11/16/25
*I bet you no one else wrote you a poem :) haha
This poem, this gift is for you/Atefeh and anyone else who reads it.
Reading it out loud (which I will do to you, INSHA ALLAH), I cried.

I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]
Reference: Hadith 34, 40 Hadith an-Nawawi

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
― Martin Luther King Jr., I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World
Najwa Kareem Jan 8
Guys, remember Max T?
The Israeli at the Zionist Embassy
in Washington, DC
"Atefah is a terrorist," he loves being a bully

Max T couldn't keep away from KAAS (Keffiyeh As A (head) Scarf) fighting, sister-in-law of Ensi
You know her, never far away on the battleground from her bestie, Asi
and the wife of a husband demonstrating Muslim male heroism, Mehti
We both love Palestine and its persecuted people, right, sweetie

On 1/6/25, God's blessings fell from a sky in serenity
to remind us of how the works of purity
can turn Max T into Mehti

As quickly as the snowflakes in the new year blew jittery,
Standing in the procession line, the look-alike's poster reading, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, let free

From Max T to Mehti,
the power of actions of piety
and self-determination emerging consistently
showing the world what can result when we stand for the downtrodden's dignity

Max T, of the Israhelli Embassy
metamorphose Mehti (Mehdi Nahidian), of Palestinian solidarity

By: Najwa Kareem

*May ALLAH continue to work through us to continue turning Max T's into Mehti's.

*Mehti :), you look exactly like Max T wearing the same kind of winter face gear that he wears to disguise his face or to hide away as not to be identified; even your eyes peeking out reminded me of his as he regularly wears a similar face covering. It was this observation that motivated me to write this poem, and to write it immediately (even though I was to have started working on a few other things). When the inspiration comes, it must be put to work haha

*Thank you very much, Mehti for all of the good works you have done for our lovely, human family!
Najwa Kareem Dec 2024
You're wearing a lapel pin with the Israeli flag on it, I said to him as we were riding the train full of passengers.
He shook his head, Yes.
You're a terrorist supporter.
You're a supporter of a terrorist state.
You condone, you support a terrorist state which makes you a terrorist.
Turning to an acquaintance of mine, I say out loud,
My friend, you see the guy there. He supports Israel, a terrorist state.
He supports a criminal state.
Can you believe that?
He's wearing a Israel lapel pin to accent his clothing, I said as I laughed sarcastically.
The passenger wearing a monsterous devil's lapel pin quietly and uncomfortably gets up from the seat and walks to the doors to prepare to exit.
I hope you reconsider being a terrorist supporter, I say to him from my seat at a distance from the doors he's soon to exit.
I hope you reconsider being a crimes against humanity supporter.
Israel is committing barbaric crimes against premature infants, babies, children (over 50% of the Palestinian population are children), innocent women, innocent men.

"We have a terrorist supporter on board the train."
If YOU'RE ONE, get off.
If YOU'RE NOT ONE, stay on.
Stay on and let us together fight back the terrorists.
The terrorists on trains and off of trains.

This poem was written on a metro train on Monday morning, 12/16/24.


Hey TERRORISTS, BIDEN AND NETANYAHU...How many sedatives did you have to take to actually get your head on the pillow to try to sleep last night? I'm sure GOD'S whippin' your WIMPY, BULLYING, LYIN', PHONY, WAR CRIMINAL, MURDERER ***.

Hey TERRORIST, US SECRETARY OF STATE, ANTONY BLINKEN...How poorly did you perform in bed with your wife last night or was your wife away from you all's bed on a hunt for a new husband, a man with *****?
Najwa Kareem Dec 2024
Did I see you wearing a Prada outfit while your boyfriend held his phone snapping away playing photographer?

Didn't we watch you on your Instagram post waving in front of Taj Mahal?

Don't you often drive slow in your Porsche as you enter the parking lot of car shows?

Is it not so that you often wear sweatshirts with your alma mater's name on the front and on the back read, Graduated in 2021 with an M.D.?

Why haven't I seen you, you who broadcast most things, in a pic making Yemeni desserts and then offering them to children in the community who are hungry reminding them that their family in Yemen are hungry too and are beyond desperately in need of food?

What's the reason you haven't taken purchased copies of THE ASCENDANT QURAN authored by Muhammad al-Asi to a few local communities in America to pass out as gifts to single mothers colored black who know that they are oppressed or are interested in learning that they are, desire help, and are appreciative of it (the most oppressed person in the USA is the Black woman though the corrupt ones in power and many Black men don't want you and I to know this very fact; they don't want it to be disseminated, don't want it to be common knowledge in societies and in the world for some very specific reasons; they keep it under the rug and make you and I believe via a number of ways that it is the Black man) who could certainly benefit from reading it and learning from her GOD to help her better cope with and navigate the harsh reality of and daily sufferings in her life?

How come you music artists and performers who write lyrics and sing or rap for audiences publicly have not released a song about Palestine or Lebanon?

Where's your YouTube on your YouTube channel that regularly showcases many of your personal happenings, personal outings, personal likes with a talk about the persecution of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and what chief contributions we can make to end it?

If you show off for your friends, why aren't you showing off for the oppressed?

If you show off for strangers, why aren't you showing off for the oppressed?

If you show off for your colleagues, why aren't you showing off for the oppressed?

Show off for the oppressed so that the oppressed know and their oppressors know that the oppressed must be freed immediately, before I can say again,

"Show off for the oppressed."

By: Najwa Kareem
This poem was written early this morning after reciting BISMILLAH HIR RAHMAN NIR RAHEEM before starting. My desire and eagerness to begin writing combined with my desire not to do anything requiring rigorous output as I was fatigued from the day prior, combined with not wanting to put forth the effort to communicate from the heart or sincerely (because this is the only way I want to do it) with ALLAH was intercepted by my remembrance of the reminder to his audience from Imam Muhammad al-Asi during one of his brilliant presentations that we are to begin everything by saying BISMILLAH HIR RAHMAN NIR RAHEEM because we want ALLAH to be present, to be there to assist us. I immediately did or with no further delay, I did what I was supposed to do; a concrete example of the power of having accurate information to use or to apply to everyday, real-life situations.

International Human Rights Day was yesterday, December 10th!! A special shout out to Chris! Unlike many, he has/you've shown me and the oppressed he cares/you care about and are fighting for, are a consistent, dedicated advocate for, are praying for as he/you did yesterday evening with others what humanity is and he has/you've shown me and the oppressed what wanting to honor the human rights of others looks like. "We do what we can in different ways," he/you said to me yesterday. Thanks very much to him/Thanks very much Chris for showing off [and showing up ;)] for the oppressed!!

When writing this poem yesterday, I did not know that it was International Human Rights Day. It's interesting that ALLAH helped me to desire writing a poem about something significant yesterday, helped me generate thoughts, and would guide my mind and my hand to write such a fitting for the day poem. ALLAH works with us and through us in amazing ways.
Najwa Kareem Nov 2024
"The View, Shame On You,"
for the lies about IRAN you, Alyssa Farah Griffin spew

"The View, Shame On You,"
for on 11/12/24 indicting a country known for making its welcomed guests its most popular stew

"The View, Shame On You,"
for your crime "...and will be more direct about calling Iran accountable for how it's just sown discord across the world," the one sowing discord is you

"The View, Shame On You,"
for possibly having something personal against THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC that would tell you it's GOD's rule so our country's rule that a lady must cover in public her breast, hair, and legs, too (*You really are someone without showing them)

"The View, Shame On You,"
for grossly offending many, many, many American citizens' birth country, Iranian residents' homeland, martyrs' (from Saddam Hussein's barbarianism) beloved nation, the motherland and fatherland of Persian rug makers and chefs of scrumptious Persian cuisine, a beautiful GOD-made landscape in the Middle East, and me, an American born to American parents, a grateful tourist and short-term resident of THE place called IRAN, The Islamic Republic of Iran, at the very least Alyssa, an apology from you is due

By: Najwa Kareem

Alyssa Farah Griffin: "And I would say, I'm not personally a fan of Elise Stefanik, the election denialism and all that, but what I will say is I think that she might be a needed voice at the UN which has gone deeply anti-Israel, like across the board, and I think she's somebody who will call some of that out and will be more direct about calling Iran accountable for how it's just sown discord across the world." (The View, 11/12/24 10:25-10:45)
Nov 2024 · 188
"Have a jacket on me."
Najwa Kareem Nov 2024
On November 5th, election day in the USA
You were taken by surprise, a testimony of America's fall forward demise

By the gruesome, hate filled attacks both verbal and physical,
the cameras showed civility, morality, and class are what she lacks

Pushed aggressively, swung at, hit, and even knocked to the ground
by Holland's blistering, demonic, uncontrollable winds and sound

Put your hands on my family again
Put your hands on my friends to try to vicariously win
And a jacket will show up
By any means necessary flowing over in a cup

GOD has asked me to remind you lovingly
that HE'S observing you sacrificing willfully
HE is your shelter, and HE is your protector

When the unpredictable, randomly appearing bitter cold front takes a jab,
wrap yourself in the jacket given to you and fear not,
don't hide away in a DMV cab  
No giving up, no surrendering, no exiting allowed
if you're on HIS Potomac River front boat living for the oppressed out loud

I have heard your heart's plea
Oh, dear GOD, Have a jacket on me
Oh, dear Kibbutzim leaders fighting for the human rights violations of the oppressed people of Palestine to end and for their freedom to be granted Hazami and Atefeh,
"Have a jacket on me"
and wear it close to continue your efforts to set Palestine free

By: Najwa Kareem
For Hazami Barmada's Instagram: @hazami
For Atefeh Rokhvand's Instagram: @rokhville

On November 5th, Hazami wrote on her Instagram: "Absolutely terrifying the amount of hate, assault, harassment and bullying one receives from simply saying: honor and respect humanity and the rule of law. On Election Day 2024 we stood in a silent demonstration at voting sites in MD, VA and DC. We were met with physical violence, verbal threats, and rage. Thankfully the police were there to help protect our first amendment rights each time they were called (which was a lot — 12 times total just in DC and VA). Sadly, most of the harassment was from people who wore #democrat pins proudly and from actual volunteers of the Democratic Party.

It is shocking how scary civic engagement is to people who want to coerce people by fear into voting certain ways. #democracy thrives with an active civil society. The democrat volunteers repeatedly told us that we were responsible if Trump wins the elections— literally. 8 of us on the curb. It was us that was responsible— not the policies of the woman running for office. SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️"
Najwa Kareem Oct 2024
Wear those four colors
to shout what my heart speaks,
Free Palestine Right Now

Wear those four colors
because the martyrs' whisper,
We pray for you with them in mind

Wear those four colors
considering its peoples' unfathomable suffering
keeps us wearing them until there is peace

Wear those four colors
so we move forward boldly
in unison with God's message

Wear those four colors
whose beautiful compatibility reaches out and grabs us
reminding you and I that we are one

Wear those four colors
as not to overlook
that the oppressed is counting on us

Wear those four colors
to gorgeously show the world that AL HAMDULILAH,
We Stand With Palestine

By: Najwa Kareem
*I have published this poem I wrote on 9/5/24 on this site in memory and in mourning of the one year anniversary of the genocide in Palestine by terrorist Israel following the 'Hamas' October 7 attack in Israel.'

An invading thought on the evening of 9/3/24 that initiated the first verse of this poem was inspired by Laila Nahidian, a young lady of Gen Z who chooses to be a voice for the oppressed people of Palestine and does so publicly giving me a reason to keep the flame of my belief that hope lies in the young people alive. I believe considerable progress will be made by their significant contributions. AL HAMDULILAH, Laila, you and others like yourself are an inspiration :)

Laila is a role model in this way. Her parents, Mehdi N. and Atefeh R. are also role models whose many significant contributions to the cause will live on much beyond their years on this planet Earth. Often, the impact of positive influence of positive role models on others shows and continues after the positive role models have passed on. Laila and her parents are members of a revolution for fundamental change, for positive change to achieve justice for all, world peace, and a better world.
Oct 2024 · 95
'Wear those four colors.'
Najwa Kareem Oct 2024
Wear those four colors
to shout what my heart speaks,
Free Palestine Right Now

Wear those four colors
because the martyrs' whisper,
We pray for you with them in mind

Wear those four colors
considering its peoples' unfathomable suffering
keeps us wearing them until there is peace

Wear those four colors
so we move forward boldly
in unison with God's message

Wear those four colors
whose beautiful compatibility reaches out and grabs us
reminding you and I that we are one

Wear those four colors
as not to overlook
that the oppressed is counting on us

Wear those four colors
to gorgeously show the world that AL HAMDULILAH,
We Stand With Palestine

By: Najwa Kareem
*I have published this poem I wrote on 9/5/24 on this site in memory and in mourning of the one year anniversary of the genocide in Palestine by terrorist Israel following the 'Hamas' October 7 attack in Israel.'

An invading thought on the evening of 9/3/24 that initiated the first verse of this poem was inspired by Laila Nahidian, a young lady of Gen Z who chooses to be a voice for the oppressed people of Palestine and does so publicly giving me a reason to keep the flame of my belief that hope lies in the young people alive. I believe considerable progress will be made by their significant contributions. AL HAMDULILAH, Laila, you and others like yourself are an inspiration :)

Laila is a role model in this way. Her parents, Mehdi N. and Atefeh R. are also role models whose many significant contributions to the cause will live on much beyond their years on this planet Earth. Often, the impact of positive influence of positive role models on others shows and continues after the positive role models have passed on. Laila and her parents are members of a revolution for fundamental change, for positive change to achieve justice for all, world peace, and a better world.
Najwa Kareem Oct 2024
Fatima Showkat,
with a caring heart
wherever oppressed Palestinians at.

Fatima, a Showkat
raising her Palestinian flag
and if she needed to defend others
would use a cat virtuous herself bat.

Fatima Showkat, a cat of purebred
bred from parents of the same looking, pro human rights activists for those too many unfed
a bred we recognize, a strand we know, Fatima Showkat
nurtured from Muslim communities of the same front stage act.

Mahdi's beautiful cat at a show turned beloved household pet
and one of Kibbutz Blinken's best fighting for justice and equality winning bet
purring No to settlements on a stolen land
hissing No US taxpayers' dollars to Biden's and Blinken's right filthy hand.

Showkat's water bowl filled of fake blood to dump swiftly on US Secretary of State rolling in corruption and lies command,
she with his hated Atefeh 'Rockband'
hardworking, repeated meowing, awarded pedigreed
chasing ***** of red, black, white, and green yarn and running with her fellow active kibbutz cats to successfully proceed.

Pro ALLAH's Adl, pure blooded Showkat is regularly scratching the rug of Zionism and colonialism
Her low-pitched meowing and long stretches to put an end to Israel's terrorism
Jumping at times and when necessary slow moving in the day or in the night
with her eyes glowing to outstare and rebuke America's funded Zionist imperialism.

Fatima, a Showkat worth thousands of ajr
purring, finding her cat's paws' way wholeheartedly with the people of Palestine
to God's heavenly canopy at dawn or fajr.

Fatima Showkatian,
the Showkat for the fight for oppressed peoples' freedom
we applaud you, Kat, for the world knows your bravesome
and it is better for your sacrificial bigsome.

By: Najwa Kareem
*I have published this poem I wrote in March this year and finished writing on May 21, 2024 on this site in memory and in mourning of the one year anniversary of the genocide in Palestine by terrorist Israel following the 'Hamas' October 7 attack in Israel.'

Thank you, Fatima! May the gates of Paradise open for you easily like that of curtains to begin your show, like that of curtains to begin our show.
Oct 2024 · 133
Bombs Blood Peace
Najwa Kareem Oct 2024


Bombs before October 7th 2023
Blood since the 7th flowing to bring the world on one knee
Peace is what's being begged for from ALLAH SUBHANA by Fatimeh Asi



Bombs of US and of Zionist Israel dropping harder and faster than the New Year's ball
Blood of Palestinian martyrs terrifying though looking like Jennah's waterfall
Peace in Gaza is our 911 phone call



Bombs of the IDF used as weapons of terrorism to ****** women and children of Gaza - they say to defend, we say nah
Blood after blood after blood you're after, a genocide, ethnic cleansing, unfathomable murdering of thousands upon thousands of Muslims that's right, ja
Peace is what we want for the martyrs and will no doubt be the lovely result for them in the hereafter bringing them a seat next to blessed Marya



Bombs generating a white phosphorus gas to inhumanely bring a many innocent back to ALLAH unlike the merciful return of disbelievers to their Lord because of Noorah
Blood not only on Biden's and Netanyahu's hands but on many humans' hands because we don't really know and follow the teachings and the meanings of our Creator's Books, like THE HOLY QURAN and THE TORAH
Peace ringing loudly at al-Aqsa and at the Kaaba so that they are what they are intended to be, Centers of Shura



Bombs fleeing our family members to places they haven't anywhere to go and running away some of our childhood and adult-onset friends because they see not that we all share the same body, and they see not the suffering of the people of Palestine as their own
Blood is thicker than water, so we stand with our bleeding Mumin family before we don't stand with those who call themselves our friends who the genocide they obviously condone
Peace in The Holy Land was one of Haroon's New Year's Day wishes made on a step of The ALMIGHTY'S THRONE



Bombs black
Blood red
Peace green

In 2024, let us fight to end the rule of the oppressors and force them to raise the flag white so that Palestinian lives and all of our lives will be light and bright

By: Najwa Kareem
*I have published this poem I wrote in January this year on this site in memory and in mourning of the one year anniversary of the genocide in Palestine by terrorist Israel following the 'Hamas' October 7 attack in Israel.'

The inspiration to write this poem (the idea including that of the three-word title) came forth a few days before New Year's at the conclusion of making a Thank You poster for Fatimeh Asi who has been relentless in her public solidarity of the oppressed peoples in Palestine. She and her family are not newcomers or strangers to the Palestinian struggle. They are decades long veterans and have worked tirelessly in a plethora of ways to make significant contributions to the resistance movement and to end barbaric Israel's colonization and apartheid of Palestine.
Najwa Kareem Jul 2024
Netanyahu to the electric chair
So, people no longer despair
Our voices loud up in the air
Because his actions show he doesn't care

Netanyahu to the electric chair
So, people no longer despair
Our voices loud up in the air
Because his actions show he doesn't care

Netanyahu to the electric chair
So, people no longer despair
Our voices loud up in the air
Because his actions show he doesn't care

Netanyahu to the electric chair
Netanyahu to the electric chair
Netanyahu to the electric chair
So, people no longer despair

By: Najwa Kareem
*After our hard work, our duas/prayers came true: (Fiction as of now) Netanyahu arrested in Washington, DC. He was tried in court and sentenced TO THE ELECTRIC CHAIR!!!!!!!!!! To that end, we sing, 'Netanyahu to the electric chair'...

*This protest song turned poem was released in Washington, DC on Arrest Netanyahu Protest Day, Wednesday, July 24, 2024.
Jul 2024 · 145
Your Despicable Lies
Najwa Kareem Jul 2024
You can't hide your despicable lies.
And Netanyahu,
we know of your phony disguise.
And by now, we realize
that there ain't no way,
you're hiding your despicable lies.

By: Najwa Kareem
Protest song made early this morning (7/28/24) turned poem!
Najwa Kareem Jul 2024
America, The ****
America, The ****
America, The ****
Israel, It's *******
Israel, It's *******
Israel, It's *******

Biden, The ****
Biden, The ****
Biden, The ****
Netanyahu, The *******
Netanyahu, The *******
Netanyahu, The *******

US Government, The ****
US Government, The ****
US Government, The ****
Israeli Government, It's *******
Israeli Government, It's *******
Israeli Government, It's *******
*Protest song 'Biden, The **** & Netanyahu, The *******' I made and sang for the first time on Wednesday, 7/24/24, the day Netanyahu spoke to Congress in Washington, DC. This protest song I've also made a poem.
Najwa Kareem Jul 2024
America, The ****
America, The ****
America, The ****
Israel, It's *******
Israel, It's *******
Israel, It's *******

Biden, The ****
Biden, The ****
Biden, The ****
Netanyahu, The *******
Netanyahu, The *******
Netanyahu, The *******

US Government, The ****
US Government, The ****
US Government, The ****
Israeli Government, It's *******
Israeli Government, It's *******
Israeli Government, It's *******
*Protest song 'America, The **** & Israel, Its' *******' I made and sang for the first time on Wednesday, 7/24/24, the day Netanyahu spoke to Congress in Washington, DC. This protest song I've also made into a poem.
Najwa Kareem Jul 2024
Thank you, Yemeni
Yemen, you understand suffering like as quick as I speak 1, 2, 3
Most likely the reason you're showing The Holy Land sympathy
Your peoples' humanitarian crisis, remains one of the worst in the world's current history
Let us not forget you in a manner that you've not forgotten Palestine's ongoing catastrophe

Thank you, UN's ICJ
Though ridiculously and absurdly late you were getting to the courtroom, you ruled justly and honestly
Keep the pressure on the thugs who oppress many
Doing so will prove that your words are true and that you have integrity

Thank you, Yemeni and UN's ICJ,
A God-Given Victory

By: Najwa Kareem,over%20a%20number%20of%20years

After nine years of war, Yemen remains one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. An estimated 4.5 million people—14 percent of the population—are currently displaced, most of whom have been displaced multiple times over a number of years. Mar 21, 2024

The UN’s international court of justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories “as rapidly as possible” and make full reparations for its “internationally wrongful acts” in a sweeping and damning advisory opinion that says the occupation violates international law.

In a historic, albeit non-binding, opinion, the court found multiple breaches of international law by Israel including activities that amounted to apartheid.

It will make sobering reading for Israel’s allies, with the court advising that other states are under an obligation not to recognise the occupation as lawful nor to aid or assist it.
Jul 2024 · 147
A Light Switch Love
Najwa Kareem Jul 2024
I can't see them in a way that says, I love you deeply.
My love for them turns off and on.
Their bad behavior towards me blocks my heart.
On a few occasions, the switch is easy to push up turning the light on.
On most occasions, it's hard to turn on keeping it dark.
The denial and dismissal of the truth of their wrongful actions and a lack of accountability keeps the switch turned off.
When the light is turned off, however dark, it's easier for me to walk straight, unburdened by a love untrue, unburdened by their self-centeredness, unburdened by their selfishness.
The light will stay off for as long as they hold on to the switch.
Jun 2024 · 195
Gaza, almighty Gaza
Najwa Kareem Jun 2024
Gaza, almighty Gaza
where are you
to the wind
have you returned

Gaza, almighty Gaza
Will you be our next bird
to fly us up again
or down to underneath the ground
where bodies lay flat

Gaza, almighty Gaza
where are the shades of the earth
with you
they sparkle
refusing to stop shining

Gaza, almighty Gaza
your limbs with bones like the worlds
our hands like yours, his, and hers
cockroaches aren't what we see
when we see plain, beautiful human anatomy

Gaza, almighty Gaza
thoughts of you
fill our hearts
with tears
and sweat

Gaza, almighty Gaza
we love you so
we lament
that you have helped us to see
what we couldn't see before

Gaza, almighty Gaza
keep everybody in the town and outside of it
knowing each other
walking together
working in unity
resisting as one

Gaza, almighty Gaza
run, run, run
faster and better than
your palm trees' leaves dancing to the sunlight's tease

Gaza, almighty Gaza
go knock on Baital Al Haram's door
to ask it to knock on your Al-Aqsa door
so its worshippers and occupants and the globe's will be set free

Gaza, almighty Gaza
we let you down
but now are we
on the right track
what did you say

Gaza, almighty Gaza
the guy, the security guard in Target
I think like you said
we need to strategize, be proactive
not just blacks coming together
or some from this group coming together
or some others here and there

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
the guy, the security guard in Target
everyone or many from all over the world
need to come together
and all of us work and strategize

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
Your words remind me of Mecca in what we know as Saudi Arabia
you know it, yeh, talks even about it in the news in the past few days
where people from all over the world congregate
for the pilgrimage
but its colonized

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
You sound like
the Quranic scholar, Imam Asi
he reminded us of what GOD'S last and final Prophet prioritized and did
Liberate Mecca
Mecca is the heart and the soul of the Muslims,
of the oppressed people of the world

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
do what the best human did for all humans
turn to Mecca
turn to Medina
turn towards The Kaaba
turn to Masjid Al-Nabawi

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
Liberate Mecca
from the confiscation of Bani Saud
from the corrupt power centers
internally and externally

Gaza, almighty Gaza
what did you say
Liberate Mecca
when we become the moving parts of Mecca
nation state barriers and boundaries
are going to go
colonialism, imperialism, fascism, racism
and their destruction and poison
will go
will harm us no more

Gaza, almighty Gaza
your horrific pains and startling cries
will lift us up again
and like a mountain's roar
we'll go wild
to end injustice and oppression
to manifest freedom and peace

Gaza, almighty Gaza
we'll go wild
listening to our Highest Priority, GOD
listening to His Final Prophet and Messenger
listening to our world's people
and listening to you

By: Najwa Kareem

1601 11-28-2023 Latest Developments In Palestine

"...I know that all of us, I hope is focused on what has happened in THE HOLY LAND. There's a genocide that has been unfolding, in progress the past several weeks now. And all of us have our own source of information, I'm sure. We've been watching or listening to those who are involved in all of this and as I've remarked before and I will repeat, the best source of information that anyone can have about what is developing in the world today is information that comes to us from ALLAH SUBHANNA HU WA TA 'ALA and we happen to be living in real time the meanings of the AYAT and I know I've visited these AYAT before but sometimes, they need more explanation and sometimes, some of you were not tuned in to these explanations so I will try as much as possible to expand the meanings of these AYAT and the beginning of SURAT BANI ISRAEL otherwise known as SURATUL ISRA, THE 17TH SURA OF THE QURAN. As a background...because these AYAT were not revealed in a vacuum; these AYAT were not meant to be theoretical, cold, conceptual, mental constructs. These AYAT were meant to be integrated into the movement, the activities, the action, and the decisions of men or societies, peoples, and populations...this is what is meant by the revelation of these AYAT. So let us try to revisit THE CONTEXT which is most important to understand how these AYAT are speaking to us about what is happening today. These AYATS begin by ALLAH SUBHANNA HU WA TA 'ALA saying..."

"...So, we should ask ourselves, if he knew that, then why did he not emphasize and prioritize those other powers beyond MECCA who were instigating against the PROPHET?


Today's world, similar things are happening. There are other forces at work outside of our let's say Islamic countries that are supporting those who have power in our Islamic countries to try to finish us off rendering us the Muslims of the world without self-determination. They didn't want the Prophet to have an Islamic determination, and they don't want us to have an Islamic determination.

So, what do we do here? If the PROPHET (PBUH and those who were and are with him)...If he kept his efforts, concentrated on liberating Mecca, on dealing with the threat in Mecca, then if we say we are following the Prophet, why are we not doing the same thing? Today, the powers that be, they want to scatter our attention, and they want to divide our resolution, our willpower. These Ayats were revealed in that context, similar to today. So, the question is do we concentrate, and they were, look, let me be, let me break this down even more. There was a Yahudi power center in al-Medina. There was a Yahudi power center in Khyber. There was a Yahudi power center in Al-Quds, in The Holy Land, in the North. There was a Yahudi presence in Yemen. There was a Byzantine power center in the Levant. There was a Persian power center in what is called today the Persian Gulf area or Iraq. And all of these were not friendly to this Islamic divine spark of willpower in MECCA. ALL OF THEM WERE HOSTILE; ALL OF THEM. So, if that was the case and as we see today - You can correspond today with fourteen centuries ago...look at the powers around. So, the question is why have we departed from the methodology of the PROPHET, and we don't concentrate any longer on liberating MECCA? MECCA IS THE HEART AND THE SOUL OF THE MUSLIMS, OF THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD - ONCE WE DUST OFF ALL OF THE TRADITIONS AND ALL OF THE COBWEBS THAT HAVE BUILT UP THROUGHOUT THE CENTURIES; ONCE WE'RE FINISH WITH THAT TASK, WE WILL DISCOVER MECCA TO BE OUR MOTIVATION. TO BE OUR REFERENCE. TO BE OUR CENTER. TO BE OUR DIRECTION. TO BE OUR STARTING POINT. TO BE OUR ENGINE. THAT'S WHAT MECCA, AL-KAABA, AND AL-BAIT AL-HARAM ARE ALL ABOUT. BUT NO, IN TODAY'S WORLD, THE CONCENTRATION IS ON, BY AND LARGE, LIBERATING PALESTINE. AND I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO MISUNDERSTAND ME HERE AND SAY THAT I'M TRYING TO DEESCALATE THE ATTENTION FROM LIBERATING PALESTINE. THAT WOULD BE LIKE SAYING THAT THE PROPHET (MAY ALLAH'S PEACE AND BLESSINGS BE UPON HIM) WAS CONSIDERING THE POWER PRESENCE OF YAHUD IN MEDINA TO BE MARGINAL OR SHOULDN'T PAY ATTENTION TO THAT. HE KNEW FULL WELL AS WE SHOULD KNOW FULL WELL THAT THOSE WHO ARE IN CONTROL OF MECCA TODAY ARE SUPPORTED BY THE SUPER AND REGIONAL POWERS OF THAT AREA, THE SAME WAY THE SUPER AND REGIONAL POWERS 14 CENTURIES AGO WERE IN SUPPORT OF THE MUSHRIKS AT THAT TIME. IF THIS CANNOT COME CRYSTAL CLEAR IN OUR MIND, WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO MAKE MANY MISTAKES AND LEARN THROUGH TRAIL AND ERROR UNTIL WE REACH THIS CONCLUSION IN THE DEPTHS OF OUR HEARTS AND IN THE RADIATION OF OUR THOUGHTS..."

"Yes, that's an important question and to answer it in a few minutes, the Islamic movements in the world theoretically have their vision focused in the right direction, generally speaking, and the Islamic self-determination that has been in progress, the Islamic country of Iran for the past 40 plus years, these are the places that have more or less, I mean these are not, you know, angels, we are all human beings, and there are slips here and there but more or less, they have a sense of what has to be done. From my humble, as I have explained in the past hour, my humble opinion is...whether it concerns the Islamic movements in the world or The Islamic State in Iran, my humble opinion is they have not concentrated their efforts on the issue of MECCA. Of course, all of us agree, the AYAT in THE QURAN (there are other AYAT in THE QURAN) that speak about the DIVINE RIGHT of any of those who are being oppressed anywhere in the world to fight back that oppression, and injustice, and tyranny. (QURAN read). The Palestinians have a right to fight back and to defeat those type of enemies that they are dealing with. Those who are in Kashmir have the right to fight back and deal with the type of enemies that they have. Such is the case with other Muslims all around the world. No one has any right or any say when it comes to their legitimate action against their basically genocidal enemies, but we don't want this type of immediate, emotional entanglement to refocus our attention away from MECCA. What is happening in Gaza and has been happening for the past almost month and ½...what's been happening there, coming on 2 months...WHAT'S BEEN HAPPENING THERE SHOULD HAVE CONCENTRATED THE MINDS AND THE ATTENTION OF THE MUSLIMS ON MECCA. What are these? Not one of these rulers when they have all of this petroleum...Imagine if they just come to say, Look, if there's 100 more deaths in Gaza (this should have been said the first week) before now 15 to 16,000 who have died in this bombardment. In the first week, after the first 100 deaths in Gaza, they should have said, After every 100 deaths, there's going to be 1 million barrels of oil cut off. And you would have seen the response. BUT THEY CAN'T SAY THAT...THE ROYALS IN ARABIA, ALL OF THEM, AND THE RULERS IN OTHER COUNTRIES THAT HAVE THESE NATURAL RESOURCES, THEY CAN'T SAY THAT BECAUSE THEY DON'T BELONG TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE. THEY BELONG TO THEIR SPONSORS, AND THEY BELONG TO THEIR MANAGERS IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, TO THE ZIONISTS AND IMPERIALISTS. THAT'S WHO THEY BELONG TO. THAT'S WHY THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. IF THEY WERE INDEPENDENT...IF THEY WERE TO SAY...DID THE PROPHET (MAY ALLAH'S PEACE AND BLESSINGS BE UPON HIM) SAY, WAIT A MINUTE, THERE'S TWO SUPERPOWERS IN THE WORLD - TO DEAL WITH ONE SUPERPOWER, WE HAVE TO ALIGN OURSELVES WITH ANOTHER SUPERPOWER. IS THAT WHAT HE DID? CAN WE JUST MANAGE TO BUILD ENOUGH CONFIDENCE IN OURSELVES? ARE WE DUMMIES? ARE WE HALF-HUMANS? ARE WE INCAPABLE? ARE WE HANDICAPPED? ARE WE LESS THAN WHAT ALLAH SUBHANNA WA TA 'ALA EXPECTS US TO BE? I SEE ALL OF THIS UNFOLDING, HAPPENING IN FRONT OF US AND NO ONE'S FOCUSING ON THEIR ATTENTION ON GETTING RID OF THESE PEOPLE WHO HAVE CONFISCATED MECCA AND AL-MADINAH. WE'RE NOT DOING THIS BECAUSE WE HAVE A GRUDGE. I DON'T KNOW ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE PERSONALLY WHO ARE IN CONTROL OF THE AL-HARAMAIN ASHARIFAIN. I DON'T KNOW ANY OF THEM. BUT WE'RE LOOKING AT WHAT THE PROPHET DID AND THAT'S WHAT HE DID. LET'S NOT BE BLINDSIDED BY THEM WEARING ROBES...BY THE WAY THEY WEAR ROBES FOR CAMERAS WHEN THEY'RE IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES AND THEN WHEN THEY GO TO EUROPE AND OTHER PLACES, THEY HAVE 3 PIECE SUIT AND THE NECK TIES AND ALL OF THIS STUFF. ARE WE DECEIVED BY THIS? I MEAN, YOU KNOW, JUST AAH, SURFACE DEEP...WE CAN ONLY SEE PEOPLE BY THEIR APPEARANCES? WE CAN'T PENETRATE AND JUDGE THEM BY THEIR DECISIONS AND BY THEIR POLICIES?..."

"Yes, social media, Al hamdulilah, that's one thing we have to say has made it possible for those who control information to be put in their place. Social media has cornered the mainstream media to a very large extent, and people all around the world, we've seen this in the past couple of months, people all around the world are breaking away from the mainstream media..."

"...So, materialism on the one hand among these groupies in the world and sectarianism on the other hand, that particular area, and MECCA right now is enjoying the confiscation of Bani Saud that has been going on for the past century. Confiscation; they've confiscated one's able to address this issue when there are 2 billion Muslims who are...they're not rationally reaching this conclusion - if they did, I wouldn't be giving this presentation but deep down emotionally, they are yearning for the day when MECCA IS FREE. No, this thing is...Look. Look. If. Let me put it this way. Let's say we liberated Palestine; Insha Allah, it's going to be Iiberated. I don't have any doubt about that. Liberated Palestine. How about all of the other Muslim issues in the world? You take the Muslims, the Rohingya Muslims. You take the Muslims in China. You take the Muslims in Russia. You take the Muslims as minority communities around the world. You take the Muslims in Kashmir. You take the Muslims in India. You take the Muslims in the Philippines. You take the Muslims in Thailand. You take Muslims all over the place. You take all of that...What do you think is going to happen? When we liberate Palestine. So, you think, Oh, everything is done. You say, Ah, now we've accomplished everything and we're on our way to freedom and independence and everything. No. It's not going to work that way. Actually, if that happens to a lot of...if these people stay in control, these illegitimate rulers stay in control in Muslim countries and stay there, they're going to say, You see, we liberated Palestine...We have no more problems. It's done; finished. That's what happens. That's what will happen. And we can't permit that to happen. So, the first step in the right direction is accurate information, proper knowledge, contextualization of the information that has come to us from ALLAH and the teachings of HIS PROPHET..."

"...When MECCA disappeared as a base for Muslims, as a reference for Muslims, as a pacesetter for Muslims...When MECCA disappeared, then all of a sudden, we had all of these nation states imposed on us. The Euro-American centuries intruded into our lands via colonialism, and imperialism, and Zionism, and they imposed on us these nation states. That was done. Remember, that was done. When MECCA was not sidelined, we didn't have...A Muslim could go anywhere in the Muslim realm without, you know, having to show a passport or an identity card or anything. A Muslim wanted to travel from Jakarta...He wanted to go to MECCA, he didn't need any permission. He didn't need any visa. If he had the wherewithal, if he had, you know, whatever it takes...if he was in good health and he had the money to spend, he could go to MECCA, and he could come back. He could live in MECCA if he wanted. That's how MECCA was. MECCA was a melting *** of the Muslims of the world because there were no such things as these nation state barriers. And thus, will be the case, when MECCA is repositioned. MECCA, itself is just, you know, a geography. It's US. When WE become the moving parts of MECCA, then all of these boundaries are going to go. The political boundaries. Economic boundaries. Now, when it comes to languages, and races, and colors, and you know, these things. (QURAN read). From ALLAH's demonstration of HIS prevalent power is the differences that we have in language and in colors...that's, you know, the will of ALLAH in which we were born. Those are going to stay with us, but they're not going to be divisive. No one's going to be discriminated against because they were born into a certain language group or because they were born with a certain skin color. When MECCA becomes MECCA, that's gonna go. It won't exist any longer, but now, that, you know, they've reduced MECCA to, you know, a Muslim has to go through a course of procedures to be the end, if he's lucky, he can make it to MECCA to go to... Where did it come from that any Muslim in the world needs permission to go to MECCA? That itself tells you something is wrong; I, a Muslim - I need permission to go to MECCA? You got to be kidding me! What's going on?! Where did this...How did this happen?”

"So that people cannot express their aspirations by watching what is unfolding in the real world. We have people who are very evil. Evil is a real thing in the world. You know, they said, 7.10 was like 911 which means that what happened in Gaza is similar to what happened in New York. And we knew what happened in New York brought about two major, among other things, two major wars, in Afghanistan and in Iraq. That happened in the aftermath of 911. What are we going to expect to happen in the aftermath of 7.10 in the world?! I think in the past, yesterday and today, some high ranking Yahudi officials are here in Washington, D.C. They’re discussing stuff. They don’t come here just to talk small stuff. But whatever they have, ALLAH IS THE BEST OF PLANNERS, and Insha Allah, you know, there will be a breakthrough, and we will see, eventually, the Muslims of the world will see that the ruling classes of the world belong to each other and the peoples of the world belong to each other. The ruling classes are not united because of their religion or their ideology. They are united because of their tyranny and oppression and so the peoples of the world should be united by their suffering and do away with the oligarchs and the tyrannical ruling classes all around."

May 2024 · 112
The Bull with her Bull Horn
Najwa Kareem May 2024
Don't feed bull to The Bull.
Don't mess with The Bull.
The Bull will fight back.
She will indeed fight back.
For Palestine
For Gaza
For the love of both
For the love of ALL occupied, wait a minute colonized territories
and oppressed peoples
Her peoples
Your peoples
Our peoples
Her babies and children
Your babies and children
Our babies and children
Her men
Your men
Our men
Her peers...those of women
Your peers...those of women
Our peers...those of women
A bull normally calm
but when she's attacked
when those she loves are messed with
when those with whom she belongs to are treated unjustly, wrongfully
She'll speak up
She'll make a scene
The bull will go full strong ahead
Listen up Zionist Israel and Zionist Others
Listen up USA
Listen up Allies of these criminal powers
Listen to the sound of The Bull
Quiet but strong
Calm but loud
Hear the sound
of The Bull
with her bull horn
Zionist Israel
Corrupt USA
If you don't concede
If you don't comply to her call
to her immediate, earnest request
to her DEMAND
You'll keep hearing her bull horn
Know that the bull is patient
The bull will see it through
She will wait until the end
but not just lying down as she would normally do
For Palestine
For Gaza
She'll be moving.
She'll be pushing.
She'll be fighting hard.
The Bull will be using her bull horn
until the moment
she can lie down still again.

By: Your friend, Najwa
Happy Birthday, Atefeh!!!

*This poem was published here in the late evening of your/Atefeh's birthday on May 9th but for whatever reason, it's showing that it was published on May 10th.
Najwa Kareem Jan 2024
She's principled. So is he.
Islam is their way of life
so they understand one another.
Committed to it, dedicated to it
is the only way, she and he are free.

She and he are not afraid
to stick their necks out.
Kaepernick, wouldn't you agree?
Though hers is covered
by her own choice
and his is not covered
Both refuse to get broken
Their moral resolve with a noteworthy shout.

Her hijab
takes her places
to public places
without the need to be center stage.  
His solo self
flies through the air with a basketball in hand
on basketball courts
in his homeland
and in other places
on God's world's page.

Anytime, we wearing hijab
walk outside of our home door,
we stand
Yes, we stand
Yes, we stand proudly
not for our country
not for nationalism
not for a puffed chest
not for a pat on the back
Yes, we stand
with inner beauty
doing a grand job
of minimizing our outer beauty
We stand
We stand even when others choose not to
Even when others feel they cannot
think it's too hard
they'd rather fit in
We stand

We stand for You Most Magnificent Allah
We stand for You Most Lovely Allah
We stand for You Most Beautiful Allah
We stand for You Most Brillant Allah
We stand because of You
And we stand forever for You

We stand because of Your Love
We stand because of Your Light
We stand because of Your Fellowship
We stand because of Your Assistance
We stand because of the strength You've given to us
We stand because of Your Smiling Face Upon Us
We stand because of Your All Blue Skies
Yes, we stand

Thank you, dearest Allah
Thank you so much for ordering us to stand
Thank you enormously for showing us how to stand
"Thank you for everything" said Sr. Marzieh Hashimi, you, who in hijab stand everyday
Ya Allah, Dearest Allah, you're the reason we're able to stand
You're the reason we can confidently stand
You're more important than
You're more significant than
any distasteful look
any disbeliever's ill judgement
any person wanting not to see a hijab as not to be reminded visually of his God, wanting to dodge an in-your-face symbol of God
any human wanting to avoid digesting the message of fulfill your responsibility to God, and need to regularly express gratitude to Him
any individual who knows it isn't the piece of cloth that modestly covers he has issue with, it's God he has issue with, it's God he is distant from, it's God he's uncomfortable with, it's God he fears, it's as my unforgettable Muslim, young brother forced out of his homeland, mine, and yours, that of Syria (Every person has two homelands. His own, and Syria. -Andre Parrot) who carrying my bags to assist me said,
Often, it's not the dark we're afraid of, it's the light

Thank you, Imam Asi for making sure we understand
The One Who manufactured our stand

For all ladies who believe in The One
And with whom make The One, Number One
There will be no sitting in public here
There will be no rest for us here
Because rest belongs to the Heavens
Rest is waiting for us to join it, to stop with it
if we've been given not a red light
but a green light
Oh, we want that green light
You and I
Isn't that right, Br. Mahmoud?
You want that green light
More so, because you've tasted that green light
You've tasted that green light
Who said it's a red light that starts a blaze
No, it a green one
Your STAND over 25 years ago
Got you tasting green
Got you tasting peace
Got you tasting harmony
Yes, we want that green light
Yes, ladies in hijab and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
We want that eternal sit
That sit up close and personal with Allah to see HIS platinum gold, shining face
That sit intimately with Allah's beloved Messenger and his beloved
That sit happily with our deserving kin and deserving friends we met on earth and in the heavens
That sit on canopy beds
That sit on the greenest of pastures
That sit on gold and platinum benches
in front of gardens we can't unsee
You said so, Br. Mahmoud
You said so with your ACT OF SIT
during the playing of the national anthem in 1996
And you said so with your words in 2022
So, as is required
We graciously STAND temporarily
for however long temporary is for us
And we STAND with the man
whose STAND has helped change how we see ourselves
whose STAND asked us to ask ourselves
If we were Br. Mahmoud,
would we have done the same as he did
And whose prayer while standing on the court
Caused an uproar
Forced people to have to look within
and for a quick few seconds ask
Why am I singing but not feeling
Why am I honoring but not respecting
I am a contradiction
This country is a contradiction
This stolen land is a grandiose fake
Why have I abandoned my STAND

But in fear,
But in their desire to be associated with a false deity,
But in their need to feel superior
because of their inner feeling of low self-worth and insignificance,
they stopped reflecting
They stopped thinking
They stopped asking
And instead of facing the music
Instead of facing their inner voice
Instead of facing their God
They again turned to idols
They again turned to false deities
They again turned to their ills  
They turned their very backs on
the super star they had been cheering for
and routing for all along
It was easier for them to cause ruckus
Easier for them to cause pain and grief
More satisfying to scream and yell obscenities
offer death threats
Like the way the unbelievers, the hypocrites
treated our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
More satisfying to speak the unbelievable
You're fired.
Like the Monster, Donald Trump,
if he were the commissioner
would have said
Instead, David Stern said it
to a fellow human
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
a practicing Muslim
a still NBA basketball star
not former as is often written and spoke
like Imam Muhammad al-Asi
still The Imam of The Islamic Center of Washington, DC
you, a married man then
a father with children
You're fired
for your STAND
for GOD
for morals
for principles
against tyranny and oppression
against injustice and hypocrisy
against thievery and slavery
You're fired
for your refusal to STAND
for a country's anthem
for a nation's flag
for disobeying slave (Thank you, Imam Asi for not wanting to even say or speak this word 'slave' as pertaining to a human referring to another human using this word) masters
and obeying The Only Master
You must pay,
they cheered
You must pay,
the NBA said
the then, David Stern said

The ONE better than
the basketball fans
the NBA
the then, David Stern
tells us that we never pay,
when we STAND
As a Muslim
on the court
when we STAND
As a Muslimah wearing hijab
in public
when we STAND
We don't pay
We gain

Gain is what we obtain
A reward is what we earn
For as long as we keep standing
in a jersey
or in a hijab
they'll keep hating
For as long as we
in a jersey
or in a hijab
keep standing
we'll keep shining God's light
we'll keep scoring

By: Najwa Kareem
The writing of this poem was initiated on the evening of 9/13/22 while riding on a Metro train.

It was published here today in honor of the 12th Anniversary of World Hijab Day on 2/1/24 and in honor of the near 1 year anniversary of the release of Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf's documentary "STAND" on SHOWTIME!!
Dec 2023 · 479
Why do you cry?
Najwa Kareem Dec 2023
Sitting down
My face turned towards yours

You looking at me
Me looking at you

Why do you cry?

Looking at you,
in your eyes,
I have reason to cry

By: Najwa Kareem
Empathy...having empathy for others, feeling for others, for those who are suffering, for those in pain, for those hurting, for those weary, for those troubled makes us cry.
Dec 2023 · 283
So that we will ALL be free
Najwa Kareem Dec 2023
Everywhere I look,
I see oppression

Everywhere I walk,
I see inequality

Everywhere I turn,
I see misery

Everywhere I do what I need to do,
I see discrimination

Everywhere I talk and am talked to,
I see evil

There is no pretending
There is no escaping
There is no ignoring

Our lives too heavy
Our lives too burdensome
Our lives too unnatural
Our lives too abnormal
Our lives too harsh

There is a God said solution
There is a God given resolution



Let it be OUR top priority
So that we will ALL be free
So that we will ALL have peace
So that we will ALL live

By: Najwa Kareem
New Year's (2024) Resolution:
Nov 2023 · 227
RAISE (4 Palestine)
Najwa Kareem Nov 2023
Raise our God consciousness
Raise our “Allah is greater than.” “Allah is more important than.” “Allah is more significant.”
Raise our minds
Raise our confidence
Raise our love for the oppressed
Raise our voices
Raise our hands
Raise our prayers
Raise our grassroots efforts…talking to ordinary people
Raise our signs
Raise our slogans
Raise our bravery
Raise our solidarity
Raise our red, black, white, and green
Raise our love and our cries for our human brothers and sisters
Raise our commitment to the martyrs
Raise our commitment to the grieving families
Raise the greed out of them
Raise the racist out of them
Raise the arrogance out of them
Raise the Netanyahu caricature devil looking ears out of them
Raise the butchers out of them
Raise the terrorists out of them
Raise the grotesque torturers out of them
Raise the chumps out of them
Raise the monsters out of them
Raise the two-facedness out of them
Raise the facade out of them
Raise the raids out of them
Raise the bomb strikes out of them
Raise the nuclear weapons out of them
Raise the baby, children, women, and men murderers out of them
Raise the assassinators of grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, wives, husbands, and more out of them

by: Najwa Kareem
The writing of this poem on 11/6/23 was inspired by the passion and unity of the people protesting in London (Trafalgar Square) for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine (GAZA) over the weekend.
Najwa Kareem Oct 2023
Standing and looking up from underneath these Allah made magnificent trees while waiting for the next bus to come
with all of their complexities, dimensions, features
each branch artistically and uniquely designed
many almost hook like in shape
variations of pink colored carnation flowers hanging delicately from them in light, medium, and dark shades
with pin drop size black dot on each flower's stem                                                             ­                      
complemented by green and copper tone leaves
I see All Blue Skies and think they should see All Blue Skies, too

Looking up, I think it isn't fair that I see what I see
All Blue Skies and people of Palestine, people of Gaza don't see the same and don't have the same

Do they even have a moment of pause
a chance to look up at what's above  
an opportunity to marvel at something
to rest a bit

And if they have lived or survived to be able to look above their heads                                                        
isn­­­’t it often
that they see gray or black and not All Blue
Is it not rubble from deadly bombs that they see falling down on them
for many, many not to live life as they were meant to live it

Looking up at the All Blue Skies from underneath these marvelous trees
I shake my head right to left, left to right and with expressions on my face I wish I myself could see, think this isn’t fair

When we look up at the All Blue Skies above our heads and wonder why our blue skies don’t feel as blue
It’s because Palestine’s All Blue Skies aren’t there
It’s because people of Palestine and people of Gaza don’t have them that we don’t relate to them and their long standing, ongoing struggle
Because they don’t have what we have, we don’t see them as one of us
But like Nelson Mandela said, We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.

We have a lot of work to do
with us unified and with proper guidance by moral leadership
We have a lot to do
So that All Blue Skies are had by all and felt by all

We should all work in significant, high priority ways – be the Abds,
be the servants, be the slaves that Allah created us to be for Him
so that All Blue Skies for Palestine’s Human Lives are seen clearly, seen vividly, from everywhere on the globe
And afterwards, when we look up wherever we are at the All Blue Skies sitting above our heads,
we’ll feel not blue  

By: Najwa Kareem
*Originally published on on April 16, 2023. This poem was written on Al-Quds Day - the early morning of Friday, April 14, 2023 in honor of the Palestinians in Palestine and in Gaza and in memory of their near 75 year struggle against racism, oppression, brutality, imperialism, etc. because of Zionist Israel's illegal occupation and colonization of their land and their people.            
Free, Free, Free Palestine!!! Free, Free, Free Gaza!!! Free, Free, Free Masjid al-Asqa!!! All Blue Skies For Palestine's Human Lives!!! We must do what has long needed to be done for this to happen. As Musa said in one of his conscious rap songs, "I want freedom to become a reality."
Najwa Kareem Sep 2023
September 23 is for Harmony
23 plus 5 equals 28
The birthday of Allah's Prophet (PBUH), a most memorable date
2 plus 3 equals 5
days later, God hollers, Eid Milad Saeed, we're live
Your birthday starting last night
with a full moon shining bright
I waved happy birthday with a schoolgirl's sincerity
and you said back, A rainbow lunar halo, for some a symbol of harmony
To the most honest man, the most trustworthy human
Messenger Muhammad's full of Iman and taqwa, alive with stocks boomin
A fighter against injustice, oppression, colonialism, imperialism, racism, sexism, any ill we name
As Musa said, Somebody has to explain that paper money is the key threat in this game
The Final Chosen One went low to get he and others high
Talking God's words, speaking truth respectfully to help call girls get shy
On 23, God said, Enter the world a bright smile Harmony
On 28, Here comes good people to celebrate, a beautiful bumble bee
A most lovely man, we shout for, Yay, she saying, Cheese
His humble reply, Thank you. No, please
Insisting we give thanks and show gratitude to the one who birthed The Prophet, Amina
and to the ONE who created him and his daughter al-Zahra, Fatima
God's dutiful servant urging us, More eggs in the basket for the akhirah and less in the basket for the dunya
She too would say, your Siti Haneefah
We're here today, September 28th already and tomorrow will soon be gone, no more a life
An exuberant cheer, We love you dearest Prophet and your most beloved and favored wife
For Ahmad, Hamid, Mahmud, the focus, the VIP today
From a grateful student and from a thoughtful Auntie, this poem is for The #1 Muhammad and Harmony K

By: Najwa Kareem
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PROPHET MUHAMMAD and HAPPY (BELATED) BIRTHDAY HARMONY (on purpose to acknowledge, honor, and celebrate your/her birthday at the same time as The Holy Prophet's) 🎁🎁
Sep 2023 · 319
Fatima Z, a lady is she
Najwa Kareem Sep 2023
Who'd be good to help make a reason to rise breakfast
because I'm thinking of waffles being cooked
She who stood in our home's kitchen on an early am Sunday
frying MorningStar sausages in a pan
My Mom told her
You cook like how your Mom cooks so perfectly
Any food lover would be a fan

Fatima Z said at the end of an evening program at I.E.C.
I'm going to help a friend now who's deaf
It's an hours drive to get there
As you can see
she's much bigger than a chef

She who on the 1st day of Eid
tricked us saying she wanted to stop at the mall to buy herself clothing
instead came out with Eid gifts for her friends
illustrating Ramadan's lesson of no greed

Fatima Z upon entering the Akhgar crib
cleaned and organized their entire kitchen
No thanks in return did she want
Who does that as a guest
Far from looking like one
she moved around comfortably
working hard with no desire of ditchin

She holding the hand of an elderly lady
speaking Farsi to her as best she could  
as she guided her walk carefully to the end of the path
all her focus on a charity

Fatima Z after giving a short speech
on Fati's wedding day
was described by my Father as wise
Her good spirit and happiness filled the air
like can be felt in the month of May

She organized Fati's second bridal shower
Planned with me on the phone late at night Fati's Bday party
Commuted from one distant city to another
to help Fati through labor and delivery

Extremely hospitable
Fatima Z on an incredibly tragic day
offered us something to drink
in our own house
said T
Not only her way
but what it is her beautiful eyes and smile blink

All these thoughts or memories of her came to mind this morning
She I remember
and blown away that immediately afterwards
I reflect that today's the 9th of September

Fatima Z, a lady is she
It's your birthday
from Najwa
She'll likely humbly chuckle
hee, hee

By: Najwa
*Flashback to September 9, 2023. Flashback to happy thoughts and memories of Fatima Z.

*Beginning with her frying sausages so perfectly popping in my head as an answer to my own question, Allah hu Akbar..."All these thoughts or memories of her came to mind this morning" and inspired me to write this poem about you, Fatima Z and to offer it to you for your special day. Happy Birthday, lady Fatima! You were my morning star today :)

*In reply to the receival and reading of this poem about/for her, Fatima expressed, Thank you. “I did laugh and then cry.”

*I don't normally or typically publish poems that are personal - ones that I write for friends and family. I do publish them, however, if they have a message that others (readers) can benefit from and if the content brings forth important reminders and assistance, information that is religious, moral, ethical, social, political, humanitarian, etc. in nature. I decided to publish this poem about Fatima in honor and in celebration of her; also in recognition of her being a member of a family who sustained and experienced an overwhelmingly tragic loss this year.
Najwa Kareem Aug 2023
Many married women in America
Those with husbands payin ALL the bills
Are they getting more out of their marriage than their husbands are getting?
Are they benefitting more?
Are these wives getting the longer end of the stick?
Are they getting more out of the marriage deal than their husbands?
I ask these questions
My answer to them is
I think yes
Being able to have a roof over one's family's head in America comes with a high dollar, a high cost and for many husbands and fathers payin ALL the bills, a lot of work
Being able to feed oneself and one's love ones comes with high dollars if living in America and for many husbands and fathers, with much sacrifice (that is, if they are indeed working ******* the job; that is, if they are indeed making an honest income)
Many wives turn the other cheek, make excuses when their husbands come to them for love, for nurturing, for acts of respect, for nutritious home cooked meals i.e. breakfast (the most important one of the day), for a beautiful appearance comparable to or better than the one they offer to those in the public space, for lots of things
You can't turn the other cheek, make excuses, not go to work and still get paid
Many wives give more time and that of quality to their careers or paid jobs (Because their husbands make enough money, ones they don't have to have) and own interests than they do to their husbands, children, and family (leaving their homes and households disordered, improperly and inadequately attended to, dysfunctional; they choose my, me over ours, we)
Many wives who are also mothers are neglectful of their children, uncaring and unmotherly to them or less caring and less motherly than they're suppose to be or than what God who gave to them their children has required of them to be
They cheat their families - slack off on being a wife and slack off on being a mother
Many wives certainly in America are getting more out of their marriage than their husbands are getting
It's the wedded truth
Jul 2023 · 236
His Facebook is her name
Najwa Kareem Jul 2023
She who has her own but uses his I postulate to deceive, to manipulate, to conjure up feelings and thoughts, to market and promote what she likes and values in his name, to elevate her status as a y and as a z in his viewers' eyes, to elevate his status so that through association hers is raised, to... is his wife who uses (his) social media as a device, as a ploy, as a stratagem

And it is he, her husband who is to blame for allowing her to be deceptive using a tool of his, a tool by which the public understands to be (his)...why of course, his first and last name is ascribed it
It is he, her husband who is responsible for enabling her deception and her game playing

He went along with it from the start
She asked for my passwords, I have nothing to hide was said of the reason he gave them to her, said about 12 years ago
Why do you want my passwords?, is what should have been the reply. What do you need my Facebook and my email passwords for?

We're not like you and him...You've been married a long time...
We're newly married
said to a relative
Logic would say, if both parties are questioning at the start of their marriage whether each can be trusted or not, the two needed not to have gotten married
But was the issue of trust (as illegitimate of a reason as it is given marriage and distrust of one's partner are incongruent) the reason (what her husband concluded/assumed) or the primary reason or the only reason she asked for his passwords?

12 years later, she still has his passwords

He's still going along with it
I postulate because what she's doing has resulted in no serious harm to him (so he thinks), it does not threaten him in any serious way(s), there is no/there are no immediate or negative consequences to him that he deems meaningful, it's very, very likely that by now, 12 years later, he's been conditioned to think that such abuse is normal, yes a kind of domestic abuse that he gives his consent for, not by a husband toward his wife as many, could be said most conceive domestic abuse to be but by a wife towards her husband

And they have her in the classroom teaching and grooming very young kids with no other adult in the classroom regularly to observe her and what she's doing
Just like how she puts much on camera should have had a surveillance camera in her classroom
And the primary reason she's in there, the reason it was allowed to hypothesis is because they have been long time friends of her husband and like him

His Facebook is her name
His social media is her fame

Viewers don't be misled
Viewers don't be fooled
12 years later, she still has his passwords
12 years later, she's still posting on his Facebook (when she has her own) and doing so whenever she chooses or when she decides to
12 years later, she's opening and reading personal emails of his (emails others have sent to him/his email account at the same time violating their privacy and confidentiality), and when she chooses, replying to them

Just as many, many, many husbands are guilty of domestic abuse so are many, many, many wives. Yes, yes...many, many, many wives are guilty of domestic abuse. It's just not as talked about or publicized largely in part because it's presentation is not typically of a physical nature and because typically speaking, husbands don't speak about it or make it known publicly for the number of reasons that they don't.

Often, very often, one who is a chronic victim of long standing or long-term domestic abuse is equally as dangerous (their danger is illustrated in a number of ways) as the domestic abuser. Often, he/she too becomes a domestic abuser because he/she has willfully been subjected to abuse from his/her spouse for so long, he/she has gone along with the program (for whatever reasons) for so long that the abusive behaviors of his/her partner has in essence rubbed off on him/her; he/she learns the behaviors of his/her domestic abuser and in turn behaves in a like manner or similarly with others - what is called learned behavior.

Domestic abuse is a danger to those who are being targeted and to the viewers of it. To say the least, it is a menace to society. Everyone gets negatively impacted or hurt by it.

I don't like being around domestic abuse. I don't like to be a witness of it. I refuse to be around it and around those who enact it or perpetuate it.
Najwa Kareem May 2023
Shall I repeat?
Shall I repeat?
Shall I repeat?
Would you please not be consistent?
Would you please not be so loud?
Would you please not be so disturbing?
You're irritating us
Don't bring Godly attention our way
Don't remind us of our responsibility
Stand up
Sit down again if you're going to put your hands up and pray
while OUR GOD is playing
OUR GOD is playing, Mahmoud, don't you hear HER?
Aren't you a slave like us?
You're more of a slave than us
You're paid better than us
You're paid big money
like the rest of your proball player colleagues
You're making us feel uneasy
We feel jittering
We're uncomfortable right now
Now, we're upset
STOP right now
or Get out. Go.
We want you to leave
We don't like you anymore
Hang up your jersey
and toss away your basketball
Do whatever you want with them
Sale them, Give them to charity, Put them on display in a museum or at an exhibit somewhere
We don't want to see them anymore
We don't want to see you anymore
We don't like that you make us feel like cowards
We don't like that you remind us that we haven't any reason to have pride
in our nation
in a stolen land
You're making us think
We didn't come to watch a NBA basketball game to think
We didn't come to leave a NBA basketball game thinking

Don't you know anything about America separating church and state?
You're American, right?
Though your name is different
If you were an immigrant
you might have had to learn this
to take a test to get your citizenship

Yes, yes, I know
that a basketball court is not a state
and that you don't believe in the church
And you've said
that the making of a prayer's never confined to any particular institution or place of worship
You said
At the doctor's office,
I pray
In the car before I pull off,
I pray
In the restaurant before I eat and after I eat,
I pray
At the start of a game,
I pray

All this unnecessary buzz
All this unnecessary hype
around me refusing to pledge allegiance to the American flag
and instead pledge allegiance to God
and pray during the anthem
Even more than 25 years later, a 1/2 of a century later,
we're talking about it
But this time
I get to speak my story
to whoever is interested
I get to speak to the world
through a number of ways
so that the truth can be heard

As for the NBA
compensate me in a way that can never repay me for what you did
for what I've gone through and others
for all of the suffering
compensate me as justly as possible
compensate me appropriately
Do what you would want to be done to you
in a fellow human's shoes
if you were in my Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf basketball player's shoes

It's your choice
Either way
My light has shined
GOD has told us that
Joslyn Rose Lyons
said this, too
and with her production
a documentary film
about me and my truth,
it will continue to shine

Anything done for GOD will always be zoomed in on
Will always be talked about
Will always STAND out
Because with as many Hitlers as there are
As many Netanyahus as there are
As many corrupt Saudi Kings as there are
No matter how few,
there'll always be
There'll always be
El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazzs or Malcolm Xs
Imam Khomeinis
There'll always be
Imam Asis

You see
Mahmoud's See
"Once you see something,
you can't unsee it"
Mahmoud's See
Mahmoud's See
is like that of the SEA
with a beautiful, eye-catching tide
that keeps coming back
and keeps making waves
and keeps giving us reason to notice

You said what you did and what Kaepernick did
By the way  
I bought 10 copies of your autobiography (audio CD)
"In The Blink Of An Eye"
produced by Kaepernick Publishing
allowed you both to speak your conscience
to do what is right
to speak against injustice
but it doesn't translate into POWER
because as you said
in so many words,
there are still many injustices
happening in America and around the world
and crimes against humanity still taking place

What you, Kaepernick,  
and the other professional athletes to whom this applies did
doesn't translate into power
because there aren't enough like you  
taking a STAND
asserting their human rights
speaking truth to power
More are emergently needed
Insha Allah, as those who take a STAND
become the norm and
they become a sizeable number,
POWER will be the result

your STAND beckons more to STAND
It's a rare match to start a flame
Injustice will always have its See
And justice will always be seen
even if and when it's seems to be at a distance
even when it appears out of reach

Like Mahmoud,
myself, and others,
we are forever changed by
an NBA star's See,
a human who chose to STAND's See
With it,
there is no turning back

By: Najwa Kareem
*The idea to write this poem came after viewing SHOWTIME's official trailer/teaser in August 2022 for the documentary "STAND" about Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf. This poem was written in February and in March of this year (2023).

"Once you see something, you can't unsee it." Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (in SHOWTIME's Trailer/Teaser for documentary "STAND")

Trailer to My Poem (August 2022): The Power of Mahmoud's See

Once you've seen basketball, you can't unsee basketball
Once you've seen God, you can't unsee God
Once you've seen Islam, you can't unsee Islam
Once you've tasted Islam and its teaching, you can't spit Islam out and its' teachings out
You can't force a person to be something he is not
You can't force a person to stand for something he does not endorse or believe in
whether the NBA wants him/her to, or some other entity or influence wants him/her to

September 2022: The goal of Mahmoud's autobiography and documentary should not be for us to watch and be entertained. The goal should not be for us to learn and know more about Mahmoud and his life. The goal should not be for us to be familiarized with his story. The goal should be for these two forms of media about Mahmoud to act as a catalyst, to serve as motivators for us to each do whatever we can, to carry out whatever actions, to put forth whatever efforts we can to ensure that Mahmoud is fairly compensated for his career having been taken away from him, having been destroyed by the NBA. Mahmoud's autobiography and documentary are to serve as an impetus for a no BS, no nonsense, no playing around here DEMAND FOR JUSTICE FOR MAHMOUD from those who acted criminally against him in a most profound way, who bullied him, who punched him in the face and knocked him to the ground, who robbed him of his worth, etc. We need to PROTEST (there are a spectrum of forms of protest) for him in ways that many of us did not at the time of the inflammatory onset.

Again, as pertaining to the release of a basketball legend's autobiography and documentary, let us not see our role as being consumers but rather contributors to a cause and case involving a violation of human rights, freedom of speech, social justice, the terms of a business contract, etc. We mustn't forget that we (those who are included) have benefitted from Mahmoud in one way, shape, or form, in minute ways and/or in big ways. At the very least, we owe him something in return.


Mahmoud believes the flag symbolizes oppression. "Am I saying, everything in America's bad? No! Wherever the bad is, as a Muslim, we don't stand for it."

*This poem was written in honor of Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, what he doesn't stand for, and what he stands for while praying for. Thank you for what you have done of good and continue to do that is good! Happy birthday to you, today! (March 9, 2023; my plan was to publish this poem on your birthday, however, after learning of the tragic death of a from childhood family friend on the same day, I did not publish it.)

*Poem published today (5/19/23) in honor and respectful memory of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) whose only choice was to STAND and who dutifully encouraged all of us to STAND, to fight against injustice and oppression at all levels and in all forms - to fight for our human rights; he, a most courageous, committed Muslim...a most peace loving, justice loving, human loving, injustice hating, corruption hating, greed hating person - one most generous with his time and efforts for the good of all mankind, etc. Happy birthday to him/you, today!
Najwa Kareem Apr 2023
Would you have guessed you’d be next?
Perhaps you said so to someone close once in a text. Your suspicions concerning the police kept you running.
Did you ever consider that maybe you were too stunning?
That maybe your continuous smile was too bright.
That maybe your face was filled with too much light.
That maybe your comings and goings, your daily visits to Mom were too much.
That perhaps your happy, cheerful, respectful demeanor could reach out and touch.
That maybe a look into your eyes, they were blinded by the sun.
That surely at the ripe age of 25, your life would be done.
An act of racism I ask?
An act of brutality I ask?
An act of inhumanity I ask?
An act of injustice I ask?
Where in police school does one learn that a young black man standing on the street makes him a suspect?
Where in police school does one learn wearing Prada makes you a
prospective criminal?
Where in police school does one learn that having a nickname Pepper
makes one a target?
Where in police school does one learn that a citizen’s lead
poisoning makes him a magnet for a 6 police officer raid?
Where in police school does one learn that having no knowledge of a
man carrying a knife makes him the next chase?
Where in police school does one learn that being a human officer
entitles one to act unjustly against a human person?
Who are you or I to say because he couldn’t read as well as you or I his life didn’t matter?
Who are you or I to say because Freddie lived like many in low-income housing he didn’t deserve a chance at a better life?
Who are you or I to say because he had been arrested for drug
possession in the past he didn’t deserve to live out his dream?
Who are you or I to say because he liked to sing and make others laugh he didn’t deserve a life of dignity?
Who are you or I to say he didn’t have the right to continue
visiting his dear Mother, Mrs. Gloria Darden?
Who are you or I to say he shouldn’t have had the privilege to
continue walking Baltimore’s streets?
Now Freddie our hearts grieve your loss.
Now Freddie my heart grieves your uncalled-for death.
Now Freddie your prideful city has simmered down but it still feels
the pain.
Now Freddie my warmest sympathy to you, your family, your friends,
your supporters, and the city of Baltimore.
This poem of mine was originally published on 4/20/16 on after submitting it for publishing on 4/19/16, one year following the death of Freddie Gray.
On 3/20/21, my poem was published on this site (without my having submitted it here for publishing) -
Najwa Kareem Apr 2023
Standing and looking up from underneath these Allah made magnificent trees while waiting for the next bus to come
with all of their complexities, dimensions, features
each branch artistically and uniquely designed
many almost hook like in shape
variations of pink colored carnation flowers hanging delicately from them in light, medium, and dark shades
with pin drop size black dot on each flower's stem                                                             ­                      
complemented by green and copper tone leaves
I see All Blue Skies and think they should see All Blue Skies, too

Looking up, I think it isn't fair that I see what I see
All Blue Skies and people of Palestine, people of Gaza don't see the same and don't have the same

Do they even have a moment of pause
a chance to look up at what's above  
an opportunity to marvel at something
to rest a bit

And if they have lived or survived to be able to look above their heads                                                        
isn­­’t it often
that they see gray or black and not All Blue
Is it not rubble from deadly bombs that they see falling down on them
for many, many not to live life as they were meant to live it

Looking up at the All Blue Skies from underneath these marvelous trees
I shake my head right to left, left to right and with expressions on my face I wish I myself could see, think this isn’t fair

When we look up at the All Blue Skies above our heads and wonder why our blue skies don’t feel as blue
It’s because Palestine’s All Blue Skies aren’t there
It’s because people of Palestine and people of Gaza don’t have them that we don’t relate to them and their long standing, ongoing struggle
Because they don’t have what we have, we don’t see them as one of us
But like Nelson Mandela said, We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.

We have a lot of work to do
with us unified and with proper guidance by moral leadership
We have a lot to do
So that All Blue Skies are had by all and felt by all

We should all work in significant, high priority ways – be the Abds,
be the servants, be the slaves that Allah created us to be for Him
so that All Blue Skies for Palestine’s Human Lives are seen clearly, seen vividly, from everywhere on the globe
And afterwards, when we look up wherever we are at the All Blue Skies sitting above our heads,
we’ll feel not blue  

By: Najwa Kareem
*Written on Al-Quds Day - the early morning of Friday, April 14, 2023 in honor of the Palestinians in Palestine and in Gaza and in memory of their near 60 year struggle against racism, oppression, brutality, imperialism, etc. because of Zionist Israel's illegal occupation and colonization of their land and their people.            
Free, Free, Free Palestine!!! Free, Free, Free Gaza!!! Free, Free, Free Masjid al-Asqa!!! All Blue Skies For Palestine's Human Lives!!! We must do what has long needed to be done for this to happen. As Musa said in one of his conscious rap songs, "I want freedom to become a reality."
Najwa Kareem Apr 2023
Standing and looking up from underneath these Allah made magnificent trees while waiting for the next bus to come                                      
with all of their complexities, dimensions, features
each branch artistically and uniquely designed
many almost hook like in shape
variations of pink colored carnation flowers hanging delicately from them in light, medium, and dark shades
with pin drop size black dot on each flower's stem                                                             ­                      
complemented by green and copper tone leaves
I see All Blue Skies and think they should see All Blue Skies, too

Looking up, I think it isn't fair that I see what I see
All Blue Skies and people of Palestine, people of Gaza don't see the same and don't have the same

Do they even have a moment of pause
a chance to look up at what's above  
an opportunity to marvel at something 
to rest a bit

And if they have lived or survived to be able to look above their heads                                                        
isn­’t it often
that they see gray or black and not All Blue
Is it not rubble from deadly bombs that they see falling down on them
for many, many not to live life as they were meant to live it

Looking up at the All Blue Skies from underneath these marvelous trees
I shake my head right to left, left to right and with expressions on my face I wish I myself could see,
think this isn’t fair

When we look up at the All Blue Skies above our heads and wonder why our blue skies don’t feel as blue
It’s because Palestine’s All Blue Skies aren’t there
It’s because people of Palestine and people of Gaza don’t have them that we don’t relate to them and their long standing, ongoing struggle
Because they don’t have what we have, we don’t see them as one of us
But like Nelson Mandela said, We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.

We have a lot of work to do
with us unified and with proper guidance by moral leadership
We have a lot to do
So that All Blue Skies are had by all and felt by all

We should all work in significant, high priority ways – be the Abds,
be the servants, be the slaves that Allah created us to be for Him
so that All Blue Skies for Palestine’s Human Lives are seen clearly, seen vividly, from everywhere on the globe
And afterwards, when we look up wherever we are at the All Blue Skies sitting above our heads,
we’ll feel not blue  

By: Najwa Kareem
*Written on Al-Quds Day - the early morning of Friday, April 14, 2023 in honor of the Palestinians in Palestine and in Gaza and in memory of their near 75 year struggle against racism, oppression, brutality, imperialism, etc. because of Zionist Israel's illegal occupation and colonization of their land and their people.            
Free, Free, Free Palestine!!! Free, Free, Free Gaza!!! All Blue Skies For Palestine's Human Lives!!! We must do what has long needed to be done for this to happen. As Musa said in one of his conscious rap songs, "I want freedom to become a reality."
Mar 2023 · 243
We got pink early
Najwa Kareem Mar 2023
They stand out among the empty
Blossoms trees of pink
In the coldest season of the year
we've been graced with
their delicate, soft ambiance
As amazing as they look
As beautiful as they are
They're here now
And they'll be gone tomorrow
Let us let pink know now, they are appreciated
Let us let pink know now, their lure shines
Let us let pink know now, our sight of them gratifies us
Let us let pink know now, we love them
Najwa Kareem Nov 2022
Imam MUSA, M for man, USA, for America, the great dister
he, a Muslim American leader in a country, Zionist, her sister 
known to be a disgusting, agonizing, maximus blister  

No coincidence, your death and mourning your loss is happening at Thanksgiving  
Sucker punched by America’s lies and propaganda was not your way of living  
Nor when you were exposing the barbaric, perpetual crimes of your native land were you kidding  

A consistent, reliable voice of the Mustadhafeen
You were among them, Islamically preaching, Islamically teaching and influencing many to the deen
You're one of the Mumineen

Isn't that, right? He speaking confidently, speaking truth, he’d ask us during a speech or presentation
A bright smile and a joke here and there to lighten the misery of his peoples' condition, certainly no vacation
far from what humans are rightfully due, far from elation

He focused on what it is that I can do
and encouraged us to join him, walk the talk, for those many with only one shoe
Please lend a hand - Please come together and help out the needy, the oppressed, the suffering, too

Beautifully created, more beautiful on the inside
he brought clarity and unique features to our understanding of America's fake pride
and Zionist Israel's, Saudi Arabia's, and other corrupt nations' injustices, so grossly wide

Not pro American, but pro Islam, pro truth, pro equality, pro peace, pro brotherhood, pro Palestine, pro The Islamic Republic of Iran
Salam, dearest Imam, we should've done more and at least regularly said to you, Shukran
By not letting your legacy die, through actions, more than words, Insha Allah, we'll meet you and make it up in the heaven's dawn

By: Najwa Kareem
In honor and memory of Imam Abdul Alim Musa who passed on/returned back to Allah (God) on 11/22/22 and whose funeral service is today, 11/25/22.
Najwa Kareem Aug 2022
Generally speaking, KEIN RESPEKT

In the grand scheme of things,

Tell me, what have they done for Yemen?
Tell me, what have they done for Palestine?
Tell me, what have they done for Syria?
Tell me, what have they done for Nigeria?
Tell me, what have they done for Myanmar?
Tell me, what have they done for oppressed Blacks in America
besides feeding some black persons who are homeless
food of lesser quality than they fed themselves at their Galas/parties and at their Eid celebrations
and offering a few BLM programs during BLM's buzz moment, trending time, media coverage frenzy?

Unlike many other Islamic, non-profit organizations run by Muslims,
they have all this money to do a lot with
And comparatively speaking,
they continuously have all this money to do a lot with

Though NWMI, you've learned from with unyielding thanks to them a few Imams and leaders
branded as freedom fighters
voices of the oppressed
who have taught you accurate information
and as far as I know, have not been guest speakers at any of your "signature" programs

So you encourage social responsibility through service
Serving who?
Serving "your own"?
Serving those who in comparison to the world's oppressed and needy
and to those oppressed and needy, both Muslims and non-Muslims in your own backyard
don't need to be served
Ha ha, what a joke

"Hold on to the rope of Allah all together and be not divided." Qur'an 3:103
in bold it reads, a welcome to their website
Well, they've divided themselves
They've separated themselves alright
from the Mustadhafin
The most oppressed of the believers,
they've separated themselves from    

I'm sure the ones you look to as role models
the Ahlul Bayt (AS)
would highly approve of your complicit, apathetic ways
Their feet followed the Mustadhafin everywhere they were
everywhere they went
You're NOT following in the Ahlul Bayt's footsteps
You're NOT

We smell hypocrisy and we hate that smell
We hate that smell called hypocrisy


Tell me, what have you done for Iraq?
Tell me, what have you done for Afghanistan?
Tell me, what have you done for Somalia?
Tell me, what have you done for Pakistan?
Tell me, what have you done for Palästina, for again, Palestine   
Surely, you know, they're dying right now
They're mourning right now. RIGHT NOW
Tell me, what have you done for them?

Tell me, what have you done for me and my people...yeh the ones who are suffering in unfathomable ways all over the place?
Tell me, what have you done for my bleeding mercilessly, oppressed family?
Tell me, what have you done for my yelling loudly, screaming their hearts out for help brethren...our brothers and our sisters?
Tell me, what have you done for my regularly targeted, innocent, dear human friends?

In the grand scheme of things,


By: Najwa Kareem
*From this day of Jumaa Mubarak, this day of consciousness and reflection forward, BOYCOTT NWMI (New Wave Muslim Initiative) and organizations/entities that function similarly! We don't need them. We don't need them wasting our time. We don't need them harming us. We don't need them using their organization's culture to shape, develop, and cultivate a generation of our Muslim children into punks, scaredy cats, humans oriented in spirituality and not action, etc. At a time when we, caring Muslims and other human beings are thinking about and acting in ways to support, assist, advocate, and stand up for our brothers and our sisters including children in Palestine (Gaza) who were murdered last weekend and their grieving love ones, Muslim/Islamic organizations like NWMI should be stepping up to the plate with a bat in hand ready to swing. BOYCOTT NWMI and organizations/entities that function similar to NWMI!
Jun 2022 · 304
Nothing bad to say, Dad.
Najwa Kareem Jun 2022
All baby blue sky wide and vast overhead
looking upward
in front of me, behind me, right, and left
all clear and no red

Not one imperfection do I see
like that of any Father
if he chooses
if he tries hard
not impossible for that of a Father of one, two, or three

God's final Prophet and Messenger (PBUH), Best Ab Ever
rose when his daughter, Lady Fatimah (AS) entered the room
his willingness to take chirping birds, his blood and others to the heavens
a role model for men with kids, a captivating, best-selling book, so clever

The sun's bright and radiant shine
a freedom-for-the-oppressed fighting Pop
whose love and care were shown consistently
reminding me of The Black Prince of yours and mine

From miles away, a Baba inconveniently rises from a table of food and folks, a comfortable place to be
on the phone, he speaks with each of his children
at the end of a thought-provoking speech, three daughters circling around him
an inspiring, beautiful, unforgettable sight for me

Similar to the gentle, merciful, ocean-shore-sounding, trees-blowing breeze outside
a Father's "Nothing bad to say, Dad" influence
uplifts, encourages bravery, soothes, guides, offers peace, stability and flexibility when needed
motivation, joy, and a little wiggle and giggle by-his/her-side

The sky big, open, and inviting
a crow in a special air ***** its wings a bit and then glides
Abu's son or daughter once a child
all clear skies, the pilot's plane rides

He smiles She smiles
I'm glad
He listens
Nothing bad to say, Dad.

By: Najwa Kareem

*Written on 6/19/22
Happy Father's Day to all family members of yours and mine who are Fathers!! Today, I offer to you one important wish: After seeking Allah's/God's help/assistance, commit yourself to being the kind of Father whose child/children will have nothing bad or negative to say about you. If you haven't until now, please commit and start today (on a special day for Fathers). If you have before and are falling short, renew your commitment and start today. Your/Our God, your family/our human family, your/our society, and your/our world will thank you and this thanks/gratitude will show up in a variety of ways. When you've earned this distinction, you'll be able to wear the badge of Father more happily and more proudly.

P.S. To add one other thing 😉, please, please be careful of pointing the finger at your child/children if you're not pointing the finger at your own self, too. I think many parents in focusing on their child's/children's actions, neglect looking at their own as if being an adult/parent gives one the rite of passage, a license to do whatever he/she wants without the need for self-reflection, self-critique, being called out, consequences, retribution, correction, asking for forgiveness, etc. Please remember that as much as you're watching and observing your child/children, he/she is/they are watching and observing you, also.
Feb 2022 · 269
Najwa Kareem Feb 2022
Most everything begins with it. Most everything ends with it.

Most everything is based on it. Where you go depends on it.

How well you stand is grounded on it. Your move forward is guided by it.

Fun in your life is not without it. Courage is you living daringly with it.

Saying no to harm is embracing it. Liking yourself is contingent on it.


Loving fully is marked by it. Walking unknown paths accompanies it.

Living morally is founded on it. Evil abandoning you is because of it.

Knowing who you are comes from it. An accommodating way projects it.

Speaking truth is based upon it. Behaving justly distinguishes it.

Risking being rejected proclaims it. Learning from mistakes adds to it.


An obedient worshipper demands it. A skilled worker fosters it.

Embracing differences boast it. Weathering hardships manifest it.

A variety of experiences build it. Trusting in predestination solidifies it.

Taking care of oneself conveys it. Cherishing one's power honors it.

Befriending a new person necessitates it. Intolerance for disregard embodies it.  


Pursuing the best demonstrates it. Using your talents communicates it.

Respecting those in your life exhibits it. Showing gratitude is an example of it.

Accepting acts of love displays it. Valuing others requires it.

Admitting one's faults obliges it. Asking pertinent questions confirms it.

Embracing criticism reveals it. Humbleness and kindness illustrate it.


Dressing uniquely unveils it. A parent's expression of approval shapes it.

Viewing it in another encourages it. Communion with a Higher Power gives one it.

Spending time in God's embrace and honoring Him shines it. Standing up against injustice and being a voice for the oppressed exudes it.

by Najwa Kareem
This poem is dedicated to MALCOLM X (may he rest in eternal peace) and its publication is in honor of the anniversary of his martyrdom tomorrow (2/21). On February 21, 1965, MALCOLM X was assassinated while delivering a speech at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City and at that moment was crowned a martyr/Shaheed by ALLAH/GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, THE HIGHEST POWER. SHAHEED/MARTYR MALCOLM X exuded CONFIDENCE in so many ways and most prominently in his ability to SPEAK TRUTH (COURAGEOUSLY) TO POWER ON BEHALF OF OPPRESSED PEOPLES. I have utmost respect for him. He is one of my heroes and a role model for me for life, Allah/God willing. May his beautiful, righteous, and powerful legacy never die!
Dec 2021 · 323
He Backs Out Strong
Najwa Kareem Dec 2021
One of the best at it
moving efficiently
he cleans up his mess
using all the tools in his kit
Go on my brother
I knew you'd do it

Even when others don't understand
he cleans up his mess
working hard
doing what is needed
until all damaged parts
are buried in the sand

I say looking up
Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem
Please bring him again to the deen

He backs out strong
Brother's muscles moving
brother's gone

Do you need help?
randomly appearing another asked
Allah's voice speaking unmasked

I say looking up
my hands open to the sky
Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem
Please bring him again to the deen

He backs out strong
no need to look behind
the bright sight ahead
moving him right along

By: Najwa Kareem

Written on 12/22/21
*You'll always be remembered by me and even when you're unaware, I'll be doing something that says so because I care about you and want you to do right by you and right by others by doing what is right and not doing what is wrong. Allah has given you everything it takes to move well on track, to move powerfully on the track.
Jul 2021 · 1.0k
Marjan Asi With A Ph.D.
Najwa Kareem Jul 2021
Marjan Asi worked super hard to get her Ph.D.
And now she can celebrate with her really happy and proud family

A graduation party with a piece of cake and a cup of Persian or Arab tea
Allah hu Akbar, Rah-rah, Woo-hoo, Way To Go
for the one and only

Independent and determined,
Marjan by herself moved to a new land
leaving behind her beloved parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Asi
What a fantastic job they did grooming she

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies is what she precisely chose to study
With a goal in mind and Allah in her heart,
she pursued it to the end
for the betterment of we

Marjan Asi with a Ph.D.
Oh my God, Unbelievable, I knooow, I'll say it to many

Asking at Eid prayer,
wondering how she's doing it with a toddler son and a new baby
My husband,
He's over there,
He helps a lot, she said to me

Like with everything,
it took cooperation
walking and working together,
she and her family tree

Marjan Asi with a Ph.D.
From a top world ranked university
In a subject area regarded supreme
by The Highest Deity

You did it, my friend,
Marjan, Dr. Asi
Shukran Lillah, Shukran Jazilan,
Al hamdulilah,
I've said it to THE/thee

By: Najwa Kareem
Najwa Kareem May 2021
Raids, rockets, guns, slaughter          
any way to **** my friends’ daughters, my friends’ brothers, my friends’ mothers, my friends’ fathers.

I see your ash covered faces, I see your blood streaming, I see your tears dropping. I see your still bodies unprotected, I see your bullet covered corpses lying flat, I see your open wounds throbbing      
Calling on you to keep fighting. Urging you to continue shouting. Begging you to carry on uniting.            

I’m here for you in a hidden place until we meet. You’ve been there for me in Gaza’s streets.    
Like our beloved Prophet, you’re suffering so          
Yet you keep giving us a martyrdom show.  
I remember you. I’m obliged not to eat. It’s Ramadan you know and it’ll end with a feast. But my dear friends will be missing at the table. I’ll be missing too but not because I’m gone. Because I’ll be standing up holding my Palestinian friends’ hands until the morning’s dawn.  

Devils with legs, Satans with money...                    
How dare you try to smother our faith, ruin my friends’ homes, steal their three-shaded bands.                                        
Who do you think you are? King of Iran? You’d do better to follow the Quran.

At least be a real Jew, at least be a real Christian, at least be a real Muslim. Netanyahu, Obama, Al Saud.
You heard me! Does your God approve of your devil worship? Does your God approve of your insanity? Does your God approve of your missing heart?

Just because you hate the truth - The Power it has – Its power to positively change the world. To stop you in your tracks. Don’t take that out on me. I AM THEM in a different part of the world. Like them, I AM HUMAN.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
No way would you bulldoze yourself. No way would you set fire on yourself. No way would you drop bombs on yourself. So why do this to my friends? Why do this to me?

Listen! My oppressed friends are dying and much of the world is crying. The planet Earth is quickly frying.
Do you not see…"Palestine is the Issue."  Thank you Imam Asi.

My dear friends facing great oppression - I will not turn my head away. My soul will not act as though you don’t matter. As though you don’t exist. As though I don’t care. I do! I’m bleeding too and I feel for you. I extend my hand and give you Salam. I embrace you - in your time of urgent need, in your time of struggle.


By: Najwa Kareem
July 9, 2015
I wrote this poem 6 years ago in honor of International Day of Al-Quds, Palestine and sadly, unbelievably, it still applies today.

Don't hide your voices regarding this atrocious crimes against humanity issue. This human justice issue; this human rights issue. Don't be complacent by keeping quiet. Don't be complicit in these illegal criminal acts and inhumane warfare by keeping quiet and not acting in appropriate and legitimate ways.

Many of you in the world were vocal for George Floyd. Be vocal for Palestinians, women, children, and babies. Act for them too. Just like George Floyd's life was important, so are the lives of humans in Palestine and in Gaza.

Humans stand up for Palestine!!! Humans stand up for Gaza!!! that our brother and sister Palestinians and all of us will finally be free - the way GOD created us to be and to live and in the manner that HE intended for ALL OF US.
Najwa Kareem May 2021
Raids, rockets, guns, slaughter           
any way to **** my friends’ daughters, my friends’ brothers, my friends’ mothers, my friends’ fathers.

I see your ash covered faces, I see your blood streaming, I see your tears dropping. I see your still bodies unprotected, I see your bullet covered corpses lying flat, I see your open wounds throbbing      
Calling on you to keep fighting. Urging you to continue shouting. Begging you to carry on uniting.             

I’m here for you in a hidden place until we meet. You’ve been there for me in Gaza’s streets.    
Like our beloved Prophet, you’re suffering so          
Yet you keep giving us a martyrdom show.   
I remember you. I’m obliged not to eat. It’s Ramadan you know and it’ll end with a feast. But my dear friends will be missing at the table. I’ll be missing too but not because I’m gone. Because I’ll be standing up holding my Palestinian friends’ hands until the morning’s dawn.  

Devils with legs, Satans with money...                     
How dare you try to smother our faith, ruin my friends’ homes, steal their three-shaded bands.                                        
Who do you think you are? King of Iran? You’d do better to follow the Quran.

At least be a real Jew, at least be a real Christian, at least be a real Muslim. Netanyahu, Obama, Al Saud.
You heard me! Does your God approve of your devil worship? Does your God approve of your insanity? Does your God approve of your missing heart?

Just because you hate the truth - The Power it has – Its power to positively change the world. To stop you in your tracks. Don’t take that out on me. I AM THEM in a different part of the world. Like them, I AM HUMAN.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 
No way would you bulldoze yourself. No way would you set fire on yourself. No way would you drop bombs on yourself. So why do this to my friends? Why do this to me?

Listen! My oppressed friends are dying and much of the world is crying. The planet Earth is quickly frying.
Do you not see…"Palestine is the Issue."  Thank you Imam Asi.

My dear friends facing great oppression - I will not turn my head away. My soul will not act as though you don’t matter. As though you don’t exist. As though I don’t care. I do! I’m bleeding too and I feel for you. I extend my hand and give you Salam. I embrace you - in your time of urgent need, in your time of struggle.


By: Najwa Kareem
July 9, 2015
I wrote this poem 6 years ago in honor of International Day of Al-Quds, Palestine and sadly, unbelievably, it still applies today.

Don't hide your voices regarding this atrocious crimes against humanity issue. This human justice issue; this human rights issue. Don't be complacent by keeping quiet. Don't be complicit in these illegal criminal acts and inhumane warfare by keeping quiet and not acting in appropriate and legitimate ways.

Many of you in the world were vocal for George Floyd. Be vocal for Palestinians, women, children, and babies. Act for them too. Just like George Floyd's life was important, so are the lives of humans in Palestine and in Gaza.

Humans stand up for Palestine!!! Humans stand up for Gaza!!! that our brother and sister Palestinians and all of us will finally be free - the way GOD created us to be and to live and in the manner that HE intended for ALL OF US.
Jan 2021 · 10.6k
Hijab Is My Crown
Najwa Kareem Jan 2021
Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like that of a full moon
bringing light
from the One
who has commanded me
to wear it
to my face

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a merry-go-round
rotating with a joyful force
in places near and far
illuminating its power
a reflection of my soul
and inner beauty

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
the way whirling dervishes move
we're so high
aspiring nearness to Allah Masha'Allah
our act of wearing hijab daily
deserving of much respect
and Insha Allah
The Seventh Heaven

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a spinning wheel
many made
in different colors
and in different textures
each brightening the world
and when wearing it
like Khadijah (AS), Fatimah (AS), and Aisha (RA)
attracts attention of the best kind

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like Big Ben
I'm so high
a visible ambassador
of Islam
saying no to immodesty
and saying yes to our Majesty

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a halo
starting my day with Bismillah
and looking into the mirror
to carefully donn it
I remember
I'm doing this to help men
married and unmarried
from sinning
and to protect myself
from impurity and immoral acts
Hijab is my crown
for me a Queen

By: Najwa Kareem
World Hijab Day is tomorrow, February 1st! Join the celebration! 🎆
Najwa Kareem Dec 2020
In the Nahi house, they wed in nineteen ninety seven
Chilly and brisk on an Autumn day,
it was hard to know it on the inside,
their faces glowing like that of heaven

Rokh & Nahi, looking of young Hollywood,
a beauty in a photo
resembling one of Nahi's mom and pop's,  
my sister T figuring it would
No thought in their guests' minds,
this is not going good

Intimate, lively, and buzzing the atmosphere,
People happily conversing, many one on one
I overheard big brother joking with Nahi about you're gonna get some

I wonder now what were the parents, one of Rokh's high in the skies
as they witnessed the coming together of their daughter and their son
Echoing Grand Nahi,
Bryan would say,
You're not two people
Now, you are one

In these modern times,
many married couples don't last
because of their self centeredness and superficiality
Hopefully in each other,
RokhNahi have found peace and tranquility,
not to mention, namaste

This twosome's souls,
sweet as Nokesville's Pumpkin Pie
and that I can assure you, is the truth and no lie
A wedded pair I can understand
because their love is still saying, Yes, we'll make it land

Like the communion between lovely, white doves,
I'm guessing in their rural nest, there's little push and shove
Mr. & Mrs. a many years,
one tarot card's telling
a contentful matrimony with few tears

Surely in their twenty three year span,
they've been tempted to eat from the forbidden tree
with all of its lustful allure and ornaments calling Rokh or Nahi
Their commitment to God stronger than their commitment to each other
has kept them from dropping to a level of single me,
and Wow, from falling, two apples quickly from the tree

Twenty three years, I'll always be right there
Two kids later,
we think they'll make it to their rocking chairs

Happy Anniversary, onward to planet Mercury
These going strong astronauts are traveling fast,
Allah willing, they'll continue moving on full blast

RokhNahi twenty three,
a long standing he & she
The road to their future
is complementary, free
and for happily ever after now,
each toast to we

By: Najwa Kareem
RokhNahi's twenty three year marriage and fond memories of their wedding inspired me to write this poem!
Nov 2020 · 236
Zain, The Multihuetiful
Najwa Kareem Nov 2020
Zain, a rain on a plane colored beautiful.

Zain, a big window pane with a shade mutable.

Zain painted beautiful.

Caring, he's multihuetiful.

A half a dash of cocoa.

A quarter dash of vanilla.

A quarter dash of pumpkin spice.

Zain, his Mom has said is nice.

He's moving on a fast train traveling down a bright, shining lane.

Maybe, once baby Zain will be the next Zain Bhikha or the next Maher Zain.

Helter Skelter, God sees these three as all playing together at the same Aqiqah.

Zain grown of sugar cane, black, white, and beige.

A trio equally plentiful.

Zain is The Multihuetiful.

By: Najwa Kareem
*written on 11/19/20, Zain's 5th Birthday!
Jun 2020 · 238
A Father 4 All of Us
Najwa Kareem Jun 2020
You show us the way.
You guide us.
You teach us.
You think about us
and care for us.
You unselfishly, courageously, and consistently strive for us.
You love God
and so you love us.
You provide to us
the most important things
we need to know.
In doing so,
you help protect us.
Thanks to the moon and back
for being a father 4 all of us.
A Father's Day gift for Imam Asi!
Mar 2020 · 233
Like night and day
Najwa Kareem Mar 2020
We're polar opposites.

They flirt with those they're not married to and we strive hard to be modest.

They eat pig and we don't because we know it's filth and because we eat halal.

They talk trash cursing out of their mouths like it's a language of it's own and we talk in ways to avoid having to have soap be put in our mouths.

Girls dress half naked with skin tight clothes on walking around in public as though they're in their own homes, disgusting and evil as it is and we wear clothing to cover ourselves appropriately in public with the intention that our outer appearance is a reflection of our inner presentation.

They drink alcohol like it's water even to a point that they steal it as I've been a witness to and because of their consumption, they do many unlawful things and we don't even know what alcoholic beverages taste like because it's garbage and the sight of it makes us want to throw up.

They're obsessed with material things and are stingy, in fact, that's what they live for, that's what they exist for, that's why they breath and we try to live a selfless life and preoccupy ourselves with things of a higher purpose like living for God and serving Him and humanity so that we're not lost and so that we earn the ultimate reward.

Sadly, they're a wreck. I hope our example can help them.
Feb 2020 · 201
Love gone somewhere
Najwa Kareem Feb 2020
Everybody is talking about it now

I'm not certain about this

Roses are red

On the surface, it appears sweet

into a bit, it possibly taste pretty wonderful

My conjecture is it is something more

when we make it that
Written on 2/13/20 for Valentine's Day
Jan 2020 · 181
Break free.
Najwa Kareem Jan 2020
Break free from this mess of a life you've created.

This mess of a life you've created.

Break free from it.

Do things differently and break free.
Jul 2019 · 1.3k
Love acts.
Najwa Kareem Jul 2019
Ibrahim looking at Dalila declares Kitab Allah wa sunnati Rasullah

Dalila looking at Ibrahim declares Kitab Allah wa sunnati Rasullah

Ibrahim says to Dalila You are my heaven tonight

Dalila smiles

Ibrahim thanks Allah before dawn for being given the best provision

Dalila sits behind him humbling herself before Allah and giving reverance to Allah for an uncalculated blessing

Ibrahim leads them in their daily prayers

Dalila carefully and gratefully follows

Ibrahim is just or fair with Dalila and the family

Dalila is just or fair with Ibrahim and the family

Ibrahim often cooks delicious dinners for the two of them

Dalila plays with Ibrahim's hair afterwards

Ibrahim reads Quran and lives it for Allah, Allah's beloved Prophet, himself, Dalila, and their kids

Dalila learns from Ibrahim every day and admires his efforts to do what is required of him as a man of faith, as a husband, and as a father

Ibrahim is honest with Dalila

Dalila is honest with Ibrahim

Ibrahim gives Dalila attention and listens to her when she needs to talk

Dalila undresses for Ibrahim like she doesn't undress for other men

Ibrahim loves the way she looks for him

Dalila lets Ibrahim know what he can do for her to please her

Ibrahim enjoys the challenge and likes being her hero

Dalila often has nights out on the town with Ibrahim she plans

Ibrahim surprises Dalila several times a year by taking her to unique places and sometimes to scenic, thrilling vacation spots

Dalila says to Ibrahim You've made me yours forever

Ibrahim replies I'm happy I did
Jul 2019 · 1.5k
Love is a verb.
Najwa Kareem Jul 2019
Ibrahim looking at Dalila declares Kitab Allah wa sunnati Rasullah

Dalila looking at Ibrahim declares Kitab Allah wa sunnati Rasullah

Ibrahim says to Dalila You are my heaven tonight

Dalila smiles

Ibrahim thanks Allah before dawn for being given the best provision

Dalila sits behind him humbling herself before Allah and giving reverance to Allah for an uncalculated blessing

Ibrahim leads them in their daily prayers

Dalila carefully and gratefully follows

Ibrahim is just or fair with Dalila and the family

Dalila is just or fair with Ibrahim and the family

Ibrahim often cooks delicious dinners for the two of them

Dalila plays with Ibrahim's hair afterwards

Ibrahim reads Quran and lives it for Allah, Allah's beloved Prophet, himself, Dalila, and their kids

Dalila learns from Ibrahim every day and admires his efforts to do what is required of him as a man of faith, as a husband, and as a father

Ibrahim is honest with Dalila

Dalila is honest with Ibrahim

Ibrahim gives Dalila attention and listens to her when she needs to talk

Dalila dresses for Ibrahim like she doesn't dress for other men

Ibrahim loves the way she looks for him

Dalila lets Ibrahim know what he can do for her to please her

Ibrahim enjoys the challenge and likes being her hero

Dalila often has nights out on the town with Ibrahim she plans

Ibrahim surprises Dalila several times a year by taking her to unique places and sometimes to scenic, thrilling vacation spots

Dalila says to Ibrahim You've made me yours forever

Ibrahim replies I'm a fortunate man
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