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 Sep 2012 NA
Hannah Tackett
 Sep 2012 NA
Hannah Tackett
A stool. That’s all it took.
A simple act of kindness, because that’s who you are.
And then everything changed.

I noticed your stunning eyes
And your beautiful smile.
I thought it was lust.
I wanted to run my fingers through your hair
And peel off your clothing one piece at a time.
But then I wanted to stare into those gorgeous eyes, stroke your cheek
And feel your warm skin on mine.
I wanted to make you smile
And hear the sweet sound of your laughter
Because it’s melody makes my day a little bit brighter.
And when it’s because of something I said
I know that just for that second
I crossed your mind.

If I reached out my arms would you hug me?
If I held your hand would you hold mine?
If I cried on your shoulder
Would you let me be there for you on your darkest day?

What would you have me do?
Who would you have me be?
If myself is not enough I will gladly change.
When will you see it?

When I look at you
I see us
But I know when you look at me
You see a somebody.
But I’d rather be your somebody than your nobody.

I know you don’t see any of this
And if you do
You don’t care.
It kills me a little more each day.
I look around at happy couples
And all I see is you and me
I know we could be so perfect.

So I put on a brave face
And tell myself to move on
Before I become addicted to this pain
But it’s too late.
Because the dreams still come
And my eyes still wander
And when your name leaves someone’s lips
And floats gently around a room
I catch myself looking
Like at the mention you’ll be standing there
Smiling and laughing with me.

I convince everyone that I don’t care;
tell myself I don’t care
But I know it’s a lie.
I care more than anything in this universe
And if you would just give me a chance
I think you might see it.

One night.
Just give me one night.
To be with you
To talk with you
To laugh with you
Just to sit with you.
And if, then, you still feel nothing
Just maybe
I could let you go.

For now, though
My hair stands on end when I’m near you
Chills run through me
And the butterflies still flutter when you smile.
I love you
And I always will.
And maybe someday
You’ll look over at me
And you’ll see more than your friend.
You’ll see a girl who is head over heels for you
Who’d take a bullet
Or fight a mob;
Who would die for you
And your butterflies will flutter too.
 Sep 2012 NA
Heather Mirassou
Almost naked except
A dangling Marlboro cigarette  

Expertly stroking his lover
Fingers caress a slender body

Methodically engulfing aroma
The sweet smell of ***

Swollen lips surround
Waves of rapture quiver

Eyelashes and eyeballs flutter
Sinking into oblivion

Head bobbing like a pendulum
Savoring lingering lust

Inhaling smoke languidly
******* every undying toxin

Heather Mirassou
Copyright, Heather Mirassou 2010
 Sep 2012 NA
Heather Mirassou
“Be Alive In Everything”
I had heard it before and for a moment in time
I had awaken and was alive
But when fear, adversity, uncertainty and sin left me stranded
I raised my protective shield and ran with the wind
My soul stirred, whispered, cried for release
I wanted tranquility, happiness and contentment

I hit my knees unashamed
Prayed for strength, guidance and humility
No longer to let life pass me by
I took a leap of faith
Acceptance and forgiveness paved my path
Unwavering love and perseverance carried me
God’s Beautiful Artistry

With blind and deaf awareness
Be Alive in Everything
Revel in life
Find the detail
Be precise
Touch Everything

Be Inquisitive
Touch it
Taste it
Smell it
Feel it
Record it with Clarity

Be Alive in Everything
Now Go Paint the Rain
Copyright Heather Mirassou      5/11/2010
 Sep 2012 NA
Mary Ann Osgood
You were the only one who held my stares,
your eyes were moons
invisibly courting me, sleeping next to me,
whispering to me gently as soft as you were.
I was not soft,
but angry and calloused and alone.

I cradled you each night as if you were ice cream,
or pills
or anything to take the pain away.
You were warm and solid and alive,
but I wasted it;
went out buying lemons and mouse traps
until I could figure out what I really needed.

All you had to do was sit with me,
watch me,
play with me,
nap with me,
to teach me how to live.

But it wasn't until you were gone
that I knew I was in love.

— The End —