s stands for the way you stood
looking at my face as if it were the most disgusting thing you'd ever
cuts marring my face and
blood dripping down my cheek
despite how much i tried to make myself beautiful for you
u stands for the way you spat useless
followed by a vicious smack resounding around the room that was ours
im sorry i didnt know you were coming home so early please give me
10 minutes ill make dinner for you then how about you watch the game
for now? please stop hurting me i dont know what happened to you
i stands for the way you innocently
claimed that i was the reason for all our hardships
and the reason for why our son had committed suicide
acting as if you hadnt abused him until the day he died
while i lay on the floor, passed out
d stands for the way you delighted
in watching the basketball game while i had a panic attack in the corner
shivering and whimpering for you to please help me my medicines in
the medicine cabinet, please, please, please i think im dying, please,
wouldn't someone save me?
a stands for the way you accidentally
hit me the first night
and then the second
and then the third
and then every day until
you didnt even bother to call it an accident anymore
l stands for the way you left
without a single regret
leaving me, your once-beautiful wife
destroyed by you
suicidal stands for the way you
shattered me into a million pieces
and forever fractured my identity
speak up against abuse.