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Mystery Girl Nov 2015
Let it go
Push until you can't anymore
Strive to be the best
To be YOUR best
Don't rely on help
Help yourself
Push through it all
You can do it
I know you can
I believe in you
Mystery Girl Nov 2015
Deep thoughts and cautious words
Sharing secrets and feelings
Talking about anything and everything
It's all gone now
This has to be one of the most awkward
Half hour conversations I've ever had
Seems there's nothing to say
Is the spark gone?
Did the connection disintegrate?
Mystery Girl Nov 2015
Not a mystery anymore
Just a broken soul
Added to your diary
People read about me a lot
You write about me too much
I tell my secrets to strangers
Open my heart to people I don't know
Maybe I shouldn't be so open
What happened to being a shut in
I guess it disappeared
Not a mystery
More an open book
Living for Dummies
Mystery Girl Nov 2015
I've spent time with you
Around your friends
You seemed so great
Like you cared for me too
But it's all just a ******* lie
Isn't it?
You never really liked me
Did you?
Didn't think so.
Mystery Girl Nov 2015
Can we just
Slow down
Going 90 in a 35
Pushing to get there
But what about here
Enjoy where you are
Don't try to be first
Can we just
Slow down
Stop to smell the roses
Sight see a little
Before we move on
Take a few steps back
I'm not going yet
It's all too fast
Can we just
Slow down
I'm moving at my own pace
Turtle pace
Taking my time
Trying to enjoy myself
Before it's too late
Can we just
Slow down
I don't want this
Rushing and speeding
Take a few hundred
Steps the opposite direction
Can we just
Slow down
Leave it where it started
Mystery Girl Nov 2015
Last night I watched my own heart break
I watched as it slipped out of your hands
Fell to the concrete sidewalk right in front of me
Shattered, pieces scattering
Trying to hunt them all down as you walk away
Pretending nothing ever happened
I stoop down to carefully retrieve the tiny shards
Ouch.....I think one got me
Throw it in the box and keep going
My blood smudging a few pieces
Sighing as I double check for missed shrapnel
Doesn't look like there's any left
Head out on my not so merry way
I've been prepared for this
Pull out the super glue
Trying to figure out which piece is which
Where does this one go?
Ouch.....another one got me
Deeper this time
Pretend it never happened and keep working
Piecing together what's left of my heart
Finally placing the last piece
It looks nothing like my heart
Unless you stare for a few minutes
Then the recognition hits
This is it now
There's no going back to change it
I have to be extra careful
Might put it on a shelf
Display it as an example not to trust anyone
Mystery Girl Nov 2015
I won't ever be the beautiful little flower
You had sitting on display
I think I finally broke
After being dropped too many times
Shattered into a hundred pieces
Let's try to pick them up
Put them back together
Almost like a puzzle
Wait, don't forget the super glue
Is this even working?
Where does this piece go?
Ouch...that hurt
Some of these are sharp
Careful now
Be gentle not to hurt yourself
Okay there we go
I think that's the last one
Not quite like before
But you know, I think I like it better
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