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Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I've got a lame heart
It's like a lame leg
Only it's not
Kinda where it doesn't work
Useless *****
Does me no good now
I can't use it for anything
Except a paper weight
It doesn't beat to keep me alive
There is no love here anymore
I can't love again
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I'm 19 feeling dead
Like I've been dying
Gone for too long
Like I've been gone
Long enough for everyone
To lose their sadness
And just get over it
You've all long been over it
No more pain for anyone
Except me
I still have to deal with it
Feeling like I'm dying
What's wrong with this picture
I'm so young
Have so much to live for
Should feel alive
But isn't feeling dead better
There may not be any warmth and love
But at least it's not cold, dark and alone
Like the bottomless abyss
That makes up my mind, body and soul
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Nine times out of ten
I'm invisible
Like the forgotten bowl
Of soggy cereal
You left to go watch
Saturday morning cartoons
You know the one
Left until you're yelled at
To clean out in the sink
After it starts to smell a little
Weirder than usual
Old, warm milk
That's been sitting out for too long
A memory you'll never remember
Like the first time you fell asleep
Or your 75th day at school
Small and insignificant memories
Long ago forgotten and replaced
By the amusement park you went to
And your first real kiss
Overwritten by the big memories
The ones you'll always have
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Not really living
Or existing
Just kind of here
More like stuck
No way out of this
Trapped in the mind maze
Can't find my way out
To enter the real world
It gets old sometimes
Wandering these empty halls
Nothing written on the walls
No notices posted
Or warnings to tell you
The misery you'll find
If you look too closely
Into the dark and creepy
Abandoned old rooms
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Sometimes I feel like the only way to name your poems
Is with an eleven word title
Cause it's the only thing that will make any sense
One or two maybe even three words just isn't enough
To express what you want it to
You can't express what you mean and what the poem means
But then at the same time I don't want to be a bother
Making anyone read a title that long
But I guess I'll make an exception just this once
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Some people feel like rhyming is important
But I think they're blind to truth
The most beautiful poems
I have ever read in my life
Contain no planned rhymes
They're the words that pour out of you
Straight from that center in your body
That controls your emotions
When you write from that place
Your words speak to people
So write from there
Don't worry about if this word rhymes
With that one or whichever one
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Things were so easy when we were young
Now everything is so stressful
And I'm afraid you took it the wrong way
When I said I liked you better before
I probably said it wrong but it's too late now
I can't take it back
But I want you to know that my words are real
Just like I know yours are
And I'm sorry
I didn't really mean it the way it came out
Just a little frustrated is all
Partying when I kept checking for a message
Waiting and hoping for hours
Then finally giving up and saying goodbye
Waking up to see that message
It made me mad
I was stupid enough to hope you had changed a bit
To think maybe you had
But I realized I was wrong
It frustrated me
Please don't ignore me again
Or forget me
I want you around
Friends for now and maybe more later on
You were right about one thing
To go back and forth we had to feel something
I know you do and I hope now
You know that I do too
Because all of this is stressing me out
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