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Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Some people feel like rhyming is important
But I think they're blind to truth
The most beautiful poems
I have ever read in my life
Contain no planned rhymes
They're the words that pour out of you
Straight from that center in your body
That controls your emotions
When you write from that place
Your words speak to people
So write from there
Don't worry about if this word rhymes
With that one or whichever one
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Things were so easy when we were young
Now everything is so stressful
And I'm afraid you took it the wrong way
When I said I liked you better before
I probably said it wrong but it's too late now
I can't take it back
But I want you to know that my words are real
Just like I know yours are
And I'm sorry
I didn't really mean it the way it came out
Just a little frustrated is all
Partying when I kept checking for a message
Waiting and hoping for hours
Then finally giving up and saying goodbye
Waking up to see that message
It made me mad
I was stupid enough to hope you had changed a bit
To think maybe you had
But I realized I was wrong
It frustrated me
Please don't ignore me again
Or forget me
I want you around
Friends for now and maybe more later on
You were right about one thing
To go back and forth we had to feel something
I know you do and I hope now
You know that I do too
Because all of this is stressing me out
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I never want to see you again
Don't look at me
Don't touch me
Stay away from me
Your words are unwanted
You make me sick
I am repulsed by you
Your attention is unwanted
Leave me alone
Don't call me or text me
Disappear from my life
I wish I could forget you
And what you said to me
But it keeps running through my head
I feel so sick thinking about it
About you
You were creepy before
But this time is different
You took your words too far
Get away from me
I don't want your hug
I don't want to hear from you
No apologies
No I love you
You love me the wrong way
No get out of  my head
I'm gonna be sick
What did I do to deserve those words
Those repulsive disgusting words
I cant take it anymore
It's driving me mad
And making me so sick
Sicker than I've ever been before
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I like you better when you're sober
And can talk to me about anything
For two hours just because
We're awake and there's nothing else to do
When you actually care about me
It's easy to talk to you when you're sober
When your mind is clear
And there isn't any tension or frustration
When everything is simpler
I like you better when you're you
And not some spacey ****
This is what I knew would happen
From the very beginning
I always knew
I liked you better before we met
When it was just me and your poems
Reading and reading and reading
Peacefully reading
No interruptions
Or conversations to distract me
I liked you better
When we first met
And I didn't know your past
Or habits of drinking and smoking
When everything was so simple
Just late night long conversations
I liked you better
When you first told me how you feel
I could believe it even if I said I didn't
There was truth behind your words
At least a little bit
But now it seems almost induced
By all the drinking and smoking
You seem to do
Or all the partying
I liked you better
When it was just us and our feelings
When we had those 2 hour conversations
And we got to know each other
The words were real
The feelings were even more real
I liked you
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I've got some secrets for you
So don't go just yet
There's another coming soon
For just your eyes
Reasons and explanations
You need
Hear me out
With your fragile heart
And open ears
Understand why I've said
All the things I've said
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I don't think you tried hard enough
Celebrating lonely nights
You could have had another
Random 2 hour conversation
If you had just picked up the phone
All you had to do was call
Talk to me
But you didn't
And all this is
Is back and forth
I don't believe your feelings
And I don't know my own
The world can watch all they want
You could shout from the mountains
And I still don't think I'd believe you
You'll probably always be another ****** bag
A little more than a little
And the fall in love part
I don't think happened
Don't know if it ever will
But good luck changing
Trying to be a man
A woman would be proud to love
You're probably going to need it
But so what if I'm stubborn
It makes me less likely to get hurt again
And all this back and forth
Ought to tell you
That you don't be me that well
So you can't tell me
You know what I feel
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I called you because you didn't
Though you said you would
I was waiting
Happy as can be
Excited to talk to you again
Mad because you forgot
You forgot and didn't call
Had a drink instead
That hurt more than
Anything had in a whIle
I realized how ridiculous I was
To be your valentine
To let you in my heart in any way
Not that it matters anymore
Doesn't matter I thought
It could have been good for us
To have someone else
That I didn't care about
How messed up you were
It never mattered to me
All that mattered
Was the potential I saw in you
But it doesn't matter now
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