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Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I'm so confused by you
You give me signs that you like me
Then it's like I don't exist
I'm so lost in this maze
Of feelings and ****
Get me the hell out of here
What did you do to me
It's just supposed to be a little crush
But you just keep mixing me up
How did I get here
**** I'm really lost now
In the maze of mind
The one you dropped in on me
Out of absolutely nowhere
Thanks *******
I really appreciate this *******
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
What's that dating site again
The one that says
First comes like
They have a point
You've got to like someone
Before you can love them
You've got to like who they are
Deep down inside and all throughout
Right now you can go at it
Like a bunch of rabbits
But when you're older what's left
Is who you are inside
If you don't like the person
You've probably spent half of your life with
You're out of luck
It's too late to go back to the days
When you were young
Too late to change what has happened
Too late to get that time back
So remember
First comes like
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
The other night my aunt told me something
She told me I'm strong
I've let myself be brought down by a man
And she told me I'm stronger than that
So I have something to say to you in return
You are stronger than anything you go through
You will make it out
Just believe in yourself and flourish
Blow the world away with your power
With your strength and courage and love
Make your mark on the world
And be proud while you do
You're amazing and beautiful
Love yourself and love everything you do
Don't be afraid to show who you really are
Don't hide behind lame *** excuses
Just go for it
Let your strength show
Pick yourself up out of bed
Here, take my hand and I'll help you up
We can do it together if it helps
Any time you need me I'm here
Because even though you are strong
You don't always have to be
I've got your back
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I love that feeling
When I'm laying in bed
After sleeping for a while
Where I can feel my body
Radiating heat
Into the space under my blanket
It's warm and gentle
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
I'll love you for as long as I can
Until the end of the world
Until the summer becomes winter
And winter becomes summer
Until the sun stops shining
But maybe a better way to say it
Is that I'll love you my dear
Until February 31st
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Sometimes I am absolutely nothing
It's like I'm invisible
My words don't come out very clear
Or at all
Other times I am everything
You give me every ounce
Of love and attention your body can muster
I'm so confused by you
Sometimes you're great, wonderful
I feel the love pouring out of you
Every drop absorbed into my skin
Soaking through the walls I had built
Other times you are tough
Guarded by a million walls
Surrounded and I can't get through to you
Ignored and pushed away
I can't live like this
Feeling like I'll never break open the walls
Never truly being part of your life
Just an in and out temporary fixture
Mystery Girl Oct 2015
Don't believe me
I'll lie to you
Make you fall in love
Wrap you around my fingers
As if you're just a toy
You'll never be appreciated
Just mistreated and abused
Killed with kindness
Tortured with the sweet words
Deeper and deeper you'll fall
Until the day comes that I end it
Hoping to crush you with the pain
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