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Mystery Girl Oct 2014
Maybe I'd have a friend
To comfort me as I cry
Exhausted from life
Maybe they'd stop me
From beating myself numb
Telling me they're there
Maybe they'd love me
Through thick and thin
Because I've opened up to them
But then again
Maybe they'd laugh
Overjoyed by my misery
Enjoying my pain
Maybe they'd taunt
Telling me things I know
That others say they don't see
Maybe I'd end it all
So they could rejoice
I'm finally out of their way
Mystery Girl Sep 2014
How sweet
The relief
Of death
Sounds to me
I'd give anything
To end it all
To feel nothing
No worries
No problems
No fears
Just me
Finally free
Mystery Girl Sep 2014
Because I can't open apple juice
About every flaw I have
On all the things wrong in my life
In the tears of the past
On the air I try to breathe in
Because it's all killing me
Mystery Girl Sep 2014
I hear you
Crying out
I feel your pain
You miss him
Like I miss her
We mourn together
In the night
Weeping our losses
*I feel you
My neighbor passed away a while ago and I hear his dog crying out all the time.
Mystery Girl Aug 2014
I'll give you this piece of me
Though there's not much to give
Do with it what you will
But here it is

I lost my mother
Just this past April
She wasn't there for graduation
She won't be there
If I get married
Or have little babies
And it breaks my heart
I know I've still got my father
But it's not the same
We're too different
He doesn't understand
There's no comfort
When I get bad
Nothing but anger
I need her
And she's not here
I've spent hours just crying
And because of an accident
Her car is gone too
It could have been mine
And now it's gone
I gave up my dream
Of going to school
Majoring in photography
(Something she helped me discover)
Making her proud
To buy a new car
So I could still work
I've got no more dreams
Nothing to look forward to
And I feel hopeless
After my car is paid off
In about two years
I may just end it
There's nothing left for me
Not in this life
Mystery Girl Aug 2014
One hot night
Four kids heading home
After a high school football game
Went off the road
Sliding they went
And hit a tree
Just a baby tree
Right between the doors
At the strongest part of the car
The car pushed it over
And rolled onto its side
One bleeding
Two screaming
Two calm
I'm stuck in the seatbelt
Hanging in the driver's seat
Find a phone
Call 911
Someone is calling to us
Is that the smell of gas?
Get out now!
Get away from the car!
Fire truck
Two taken to the hospital
No major injuries
Just need to be checked
The guilt
I was driving
I was responsible for them
They could have died
Just **** me please
End all my guilt
End all the pain I feel
Put me out of my misery
Mystery Girl Aug 2014
I can see it
In the faces of couples
I can hear it
In the words they say
I can feel it
Around my family
But I'll never have it
With a man of my own
Inspired by: She's Like the Wind-Patrick Swayze ft. Wendy Fraser
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